#hurricane relief


Joe is playing some games and for everyone that comments about their favorite game in the stream chat we will put in a dollar towards hurricane relief! Come check it out!


Update your calendars and we’ll see you tonight.

Update your calendars and we’ll see you tonight.

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Everything’s on sale at TeePublic today – now with totebags, pillows, and tapestries, too! EveEverything’s on sale at TeePublic today – now with totebags, pillows, and tapestries, too! EveEverything’s on sale at TeePublic today – now with totebags, pillows, and tapestries, too! Eve

Everything’s on sale at TeePublic today – now with totebags, pillows, and tapestries, too! 

Every month I donate at least 10% of my artist profits to charity. For October, 20% will be going to the Hispanic Federation for Hurricane Maria relief. 

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Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, and the island is facing an unimaginable humanitarian crisis: All of the island could be without power for months, and critical supplies like fresh water and gas for generators are running out. 

Puerto Rico is home to 3.5 million American citizens. This crisis is as if the entire state of Connecticut were without electricity and water for the indefinite future. But instead of sending more relief, Trump is tweeting about football. If the administration won’t act, we must pressure our members of representatives and senators to do more.

Here’s your script: “Hi, my name is [your name] and I’m a constituent from [your town]. I’m calling because I’m extremely concerned about the humanitarian crisis facing Puerto Rico. I want [Representative/Senator So-and-so] to immediately call for a new bill authorizing a second round of federal disaster relief funding to help with hurricane recovery. The crisis is just too big to wait until October for more funding. Thank you.”

Want to do more?

Call again and urge Congress to suspend or repeal the Jones Act, a World War I-era shipping law that drives up prices in Puerto Rico and is hindering recovery. (I recommend making this as a second call rather than adding it to your first. It’s always more effective to have a single ask of your representative at a time.)

Donate to relief organizations like Conprmetidos

If I have to see one more post on here about how the US needs to focus on the Carribean islands, Puerto Rico and Cuba instead of Florida because it won’t be bad here I’m going to scream. We know they’ve been devastated by this storm, and we’re already prepared to help. But Jesus Christ the same storm that devastated you guys is heading towards us now and we’re fucking terrified. My whole county has been in and out of tornado warnings all morning and Irma is still hundreds of miles away. I’ve spent most of my morning in a bath tub because there were two tornado touchdowns near our house. Let us get through this before you start fucking attacking us and calling us “filthy westerners.” Just because the news is focusing on Florida right now does not mean we’ve forgotten about any of you, so give us a damn break until Irma passes.
