#hwang hyunjin fic



Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x Reader

Genre: fluff, neighbors au, enemies to lovers (kind of)

Summary: Your mom doesn’t know how to stop playing matchmaker, but all you really want is to find something that feels like home.

Word Count: 7.5k

Warnings: Reader has anxiety, mentions of past abuse, mention of drinking (reader is of age), reader’s mom is too involved in reader’s love life

A/N: A little birthday gift for Hyunjin. It’s not my best work, but I really enjoy it and hopefully you all will too

This fanfiction and header are property of @/hobi-is-golden. reposting on any platform without explicit permission is prohibited

Summer break; A solace like none other. As much as you loved your major, and all of the friends you’d made while away at college, you always yearned to return home. You were close with your family, and you always loved seeing your friends again. You were a sentimental person, finding things that touched you deeply and holding onto them like they were treasures to be collected and admired.

There was something about being in your own city, the safety within those four walls of your childhood home. Nothing compared. That feeling in the pit of your stomach and the deepest depths of your chest when you were home was something that you sought out everywhere you went, in every person you met. And no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t find it. So at the end of the day, it felt good returning home.

You were giddy when you pulled up to your house, turning off your car and deciding to gather as many of your bags as possible in one trip. Not fumbling and dropping your keys was going to be difficult, managing to unlock the door would probably be even more difficult. Your parents knew you were coming home, but your mom had a habit of forgetting to unlock the door, and of losing track of time, so you’d be more surprised if the door had already been unlocked for you.

You cursed under your breath as one of your bags slipped from your fingers, followed by your keys clattering to the pavement. You heaved a sigh, crouching down to pick them up again. After a moment of digging through the bag, you found that you were less frustrated with your clumsiness and more grateful that nothing fragile had been in the bag you’d dropped.

This was, you reluctantly admitted out loud and to nobody in particular, your own fault. You’d packed all your things to bring in one go instead of shipping some of it ahead. Not to mention your stubborn personality that was insisting you only make one trip.

“Hey, need a hand?” A voice asked from behind you. It sounded far enough away to reassure you that you weren’t about to be kidnapped before you could look your captor in the eye. You spun around to confront the owner of the voice, miraculously managing to keep a hold of everything that you’d precariously balanced in your arms.

“I’m fine. Um, thanks though.” You let out a nervous laugh. The guy that stood at the end of your drive was disarmingly handsome; dark hair framing his face – a very pretty face at that – and his lips were curled into a wide smile. His lips looked soft, and smooth, and plump enough that you almost considered being jealous.

“Are you sure? I can unlock the door or something.” He moved closer, and as he walked you noticed his lithe figure. He carried himself with grace and power, a strange mix that simply screamed ‘look at me’. So you did.

Yeah, definitely handsome.

“No, it’s okay. I got it all into the car. Getting it out is just…” You put the bags you were holding on the ground, pulling out another from the trunk. “Not as easy as expected.”

He laughed, a musical giggle that coaxed a smile onto your face. He picked up the bags off the ground and took your keys from your hand. You protested, but he was already walking away from you towards the front door.

“I’m Hyunjin, by the way.” He told you as you hurried to grab the rest of your things and slammed the trunk shut. You caught up with a bit of effort as he was unlocking the door and opening it for you. “Your parents said you were coming home this week.”

“You know my parents?” You asked, stepping inside and putting your bags down. You flexed your wrists afterwards. Damn, what did you even pack that was that heavy?

“Yeah,” He put the last couple of bags down with the others, then closed the door behind the two of you. For a moment you were struck by the fact that you had just allowed a strange man into your house. But he’d been nothing but kind, if a little overzealous. “I moved in next door with my friend. Your parents sort of took us in. They’re really great.”

Keep reading

this was an absolutely delightful read, it’s so well-written and the story is so unique I love it ❤️
