#stray kids fic



his hand softly pushed the hair strand behind her ear as she sat in front of him, enthusiastically babbling about her day. a blissful smile adorned his lips as he watcher her widened eyes and wide smile.

her eyes followed his hand movement as he caressed her hair, she looked back at his eyes and smiled brightly as he cupped the side of her neck, thumb running along her cheek. she leaned into his touch and a giggle left his lips.

“what?” she snickered, neck feeling ticklish as he rubbed the back of her neck, he chuckled.

“you’re so pretty,” he mumbled, and she snorted.

“you’re one to talk, gorgeous,” she scrunched her nose as she gushed about his other worldly looks. chan’s ears lit up in a bright red flame as soon as he heard her words. he mocked after her before taking a hold of her hand and tugging softly.

y/n chuckled in delight as she got up on her knees and got closer to chan. he grasped her waist as she sat straddling his thighs.

“stop saying that,” he muttered, lips pressed to suppress the shy smile trying to break free. y/n smile before grasping his face in her hands and softly rubbing her nose with his.

“never,” she muttered, eyes staring at his as she uttered, “you deserve to know, and i need to tell you.”

chan’s own hands grasped her face as he couldn’t help but smile at her words, neck and ears aflame. he hummed as he deeply stared in her eyes. a slow but obvious blush creeped up y/n’s neck, his intense gaze making her feel timid.

as he noticed, one of his eyebrows pulled up in mock and y/n rolled her eyes before pressing her lips to his cheek adoringly.

“shut up,” she muttered against his cheek, chan giggling.

“i didn’t say anything,” he smarted.

“i know you thought about saying it,” she countered as he pulled his head back to look up at her, and he nodded, a bashful smile on his lips.

“guilty,” he smiled.

she took a hold of his hands as she brought them in the middle, chan leaned back on the pillows, eyes never leaving her. this time focused on their hands as she intertwined their fingers together. her eyes followed his hands as he moved them side to smile, before she looked up at him and smiled.

“i love your hands,” she squeezed his hands in hers, and chan couldn’t help the soft look in his eyes as he looked at her.

“you say that about everything,” he muttered, slowly moving their hands side to side. y/n looked up from their hands to his face. her eyes running along his eyes, lips, nose, the soft curve of his cheeks.

“about everything about you, yes,” she smiled when he looked up at her and chan almost lost his breath at how sincere she looked. so he couldn’t stop himself from sitting up and wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her snug against his chest.

she giggled as she cupped his neck, nose brushing against his in affection. his eyes sparkled as his dimples sat deep in his cheeks.

“you’re going to make my heart burst if you keep looking at me like that,” he muttered, and y/n scrunched her nose.

“now you know how i feel when you look at me like that,” she stuck her tongue out at him at the end.

chan snorted before slowly closing the space between them. his lips pressed to hers in a lazy soft kiss, their lips just resting against each other’s.

y/n pulled away for a second only to peck chan’s lips repeatedly with small kisses that had his lips pull up in a smile as he returned every one of them.

chan parted his lips and pushed them up against hers in a deeper kiss as his hands grasped her waist firmly, y/n’s hands cupped his cheeks as she welcomed his plush lips against hers.

they parted as they rested their foreheads against each other, eyes closed.

“you make me content,” chan breathed, and y/n’s eyes opened as she looked at him confused.

“content?” she asked, encircling one arm around his shoulders while her fingers ran along his hair. chan took a deep breath in as he relaxed in her arms, head resting against her chest.

“hmm,” he mumbled, “content. i feel peaceful with you, like i can let go of everything and relax,” he explained and y/n smiled softly as she rested her chin on his head.

“well, then you make me content as well,” she whispered.


everything felt like a fuzzy dream. the joking banters, the funny texts, the innocent teasing, the jokes thrown here and there, the gradual comfort they were building around each other, it was small but noticeable to her.

maybe she noticed the way she started relaxing around him because she spent so much time keeping her guard up that letting loose in so long felt almost easing, like a cold shower on a warm sunny day.

she was so lost in the way he messed around with her, that she forgot about the bigger, impending, truth that may lay behind his action. that or she simply didn’t know until someone opened her eyes for her.

since they met five months prior, they always had a cat and mouse kind of relationship, much like the one she had with everyone else in the friend group. she had always kept her guard up around people, new and old alike, always careful to not let them in too much, to not say too much about her life. the fear of not being able to trust anyone fully way too big. and after the only person she could ever trust wholly, broke up with her, that thought only reinforced itself. because she knew she would never be able to trust anyone as much as she trusted her last lover. so when they broke up a few months before she started being comfortable around minho, she decided she didn’t want to let anyone know. for she didn’t want anyone to think she was what people called “fresh on the market”.

she didn’t know when she started loosening up around him. maybe it started when after all the play fighting on the field, that one day they had a group picnic, she started her period right before they left for home and her cramps hit her. and as she tried helping everyone carry the remnants of what was left of their belongings, he had fallen in step with her and with already a bag in each hand he had softly taken the heavy water case from her hand muttering a “here, give it to me,” and she had protested that she could carry it only for him to scold her, “good for you, now give that here. you’re already in pain.”

or maybe it was when she went to that birthday party and he insisted her drink a few sips from his glass because, “i didn’t mix too much vodka, it’s almost all sprite,” he had muttered just so their friends would stop bothering her and she would be able to have fun.

or again, maybe it was when he invited her, felix and moonbin to his house for dinner with his mother. they had stayed at his place until almost 2am and they had fun writing funny things on the white board in his room and taking polaroids, and when the picture developed he had cackled loudly and, “i cannot believe this! your dress looks like we’re wearing matching pajamas,” he had pointed out.

or maybe it was when the same night he had jokingly given her a Yu Gi Oh card and told her to put it in her clear phone case, saying something about “the monster’s lips look like it’s blowing someone off, and you’re good at that, right?” and she had promptly thrown a few punches and kicks while he laughed loudly and taken her phone to put the card on top of her photocard, saying a “do not change it.”

or once more, maybe when he would promptly check every time they met after if she had changed the card and once he saw that she indeed did he would wrestle her to jokingly tell her he would throw away the photocard once he gets his hands on it.

and the fact he made her download a texting app when he deactivated on all social media because of his studies just to text non stop didn’t exactly help her.

or how when he asked advice on skincare, she had suggested about a cleanser she couldn’t find anywhere but was insanely good for her, he had come over the next day with the cleanser in hand. when she told him “ayy you got it!” thinking he had bought it on his way to her place, he had said, “that’s for you, i bought two.” and when she said he didn’t need to he said, “it’s okay, you said you couldn’t find it anywhere, so,” and he had shrugged his shoulders like nothing.

it was always the small things.

and maybe it was the day he was sharing with her and felix about his rocky again off again relationship that she thought that maybe she could tell him that she had broken up with her lover. and so she had signed subtly to felix if she should say something about her private life when they made a deal of all three saying something about their love life because minho didn’t want to be the only one to share stuff. but felix shook his head and trusting her childhood friend blindly she had said nothing.

nothing until a week after he texted her asking if she woke up early in the morning to talk to her long distance boyfriend, and she had thought she had avoided the question when she said something about her waking up late everyday. later, when she had told that to felix laughing, he had chuckled and told her, “don’t tell him, he’ll tell moonbin right away.”

moonbin. moonbin was the truth she had forgotten.

moonbin, a close friend, who happened to have a crush on her. her, when everyone knew she was taken. her, when all she wanted was to be friends with everyone. moonbin, who had just gone through a messy break up from a relationship he still wasn’t over, claimed he liked her.

and the day she found out she couldn’t lie and say she was surprised nor was that she thrilled. and moonbin’s every nice action made her feel like he did it because he had ulterior reasons and as much as felix told her he was just that nice to everyone, she didn’t like the unsettling feeling in her bones. because she didn’t want people spending money on her just to hold it over them. she hated the feeling of being indebted to people.

and somehow the fact that moonbin had told everyone around the friend circle about his crush on her didn’t sit well with her. she hated the feeling of everyone knowing what goes on behind all of his teasing and possibly teasing her about it or the nightmare that was shipping. she absolutely hated all that, finding the act of shipping and teasing to be childish. she liked her life to be private, her romantic life more than every other aspect, and sadly moonbin wasn’t like that.

and the other big thing was that she had no feelings for moonbin, and to a certain extent she didn’t have any feeling for minho either. the only thing she knew was that minho, unlike moonbin, made her feel like she could talk to him without fearing him discussing her problems with anyone else. or maybe she just didn’t know him that well, but she couldn’t deny the comforting feeling he carried around, like he would listen to anyone sharing their problems with him. which she knew she wasn’t the only one feeling that way.

and as she sat on the floor of her room that morning with felix, she felt her walls slowly going up again between her and minho. and her mind started getting clouded again by questions she didn’t, nor she would ever have answers to.

did he try to warm up to me to wingman moonbin?
did he just want to find out about my relationship status to tell moonbin?

did he not want to be my friend just because, maybe, he liked my personality?

was this all it was about?

and the ever persistent reason why she never could open up to anyone came back. the constant feeling of not being worth of friends with came back. nobody would want to be friends without any other motive. and the thought brought back all the other bad feelings she had slowly learned to overcome slowly.

so she told herself that she needed to close off again. she needed to be like before. unknown, but someone that was important to keep around because she was childhood friends with felix.

so that day, when minho texted her, she didn’t reply as fast as she usually would, and she decided she wouldn’t get any closer anymore.

chan drabble…

You couldn’t stop staring at them. No matter how hard you tried to avert your attention, you were just too mesmerized by the way his lips moved as he sung softly to himself. You felt your cheeks heat at the embarrassment of being caught staring at him but you couldn’t find yourself caring. 

His lips were just so damnperfect. 

Without thinking, you leaned forward, capturing them in a kiss that pulled Chan’s attention from his laptop, quickly sliding the headphones off of his head. 

“W-What was that for,” he sputtered as when you pulled back, blushing furiously at the sudden affection.

You didn’t say anything as you leaned back in. You pressed soft kisses so his cupids bow, giggling softly as he pulled you closer to him. You continued to trail your lips across his as he happily welcomed your little kisses. When you pulled back to look at him you you couldn’t help but to let out a sigh at how pretty he was, bare faced, cheeks a light shade of pink and those beautiful lips even more plush than before from your consistent attack on his lips.

You gently ran your thumb against the skin of his cheek, taking in every inch of his beauty. 

“You’re so pretty,” you whispered, leaning in to press a kiss against his nose. 

Chan knew better than to argue with you, instead opting to pull you closer to him as he uttered those three words you never got tired of hearing against your lips. Let’s just say that the two of you didn’t do anything productive the rest of the night, favoring instead to stay in each others embrace as got lost in the feeling of one another’s lips. 



hyunjin drabble pt.2

part 1 here//suggestive themes

You don’t remember how you ended up here but you weren’t going to complain. The breeze caressed your bare legs, eyes falling closed as you listened to the rustling of the leaves and the distant chirps of the birds that had occupied the small park in search for food.

The tears had stopped awhile ago, however the sharp sting of them was still ever so present. You pulled your knees to your chest, hugging them close to you in search of some form of comfort as your wrapped your arms around your shoulders. 

The events from today hadn’t stopped plaguing your mind. You were hurt, lost and confused to say the least. Hyunjin’s actions in the pool had contrasted with the concerned look your were met with before running away.

Maybe you had looked into it a little too much.

Your insecurities always did seem to get the better of you. But right now, all you could picture was the way his smile had dropped when he looked at you. You shook your head, willing the tears away as you didn’t want to cry anymore, head still thumping from your previous outburst. 


The sudden shout of your name had you startling out of your thoughts, eyes widening as you turned to the source. 

Hyunjin practically collapsed next to you on the bench, heaving as he hunched over to catch his breath. You stared wide eyed at his form, confused as to why he was even looking for you in the first place. 

“Do—Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been,” he forced out in-between breaths.

You just looked at him. The words had caught in your throat, unknowing of what to say to him. You watched as he closed his eyes, taking a deep final breath before turning to you. 

“You were looking for me?”

He looked taken back as he scooted his body towards you, “Of course I was looking for you! You’ve had me worried sick. Why wouldn’t I look for you?”

“You seemed like you didn’t want me around before—” you trailed off, cursing as you felt the tears cloud your vision once more. 

“Why would you think that? Of course I wanted you around. I always want you to be with me.”

“Hyun you couldn’t even l-look at me.”

His eyes widened as your voice broke, watching silently as the tears began to fall from your eyes. 

“I-I know I embarrassed you and I’m sorry—.”

“Embarrassed? What—Y/n you’ve never embarrassed me.”

“Please don’t lie to me.”

Hyunjin looked just as heartbroken as he met your gaze, his own eyes filling with tears as he released a shaky breath. 

“I know I-I’m not attractive but Hyunjin the minute I got in the pool—I don’t know I just felt like your were disgusted seeing me like that.”

His eyes widened as he watched you wipe your tears before trying to move yourself away from him. However, he caught your arm before you could. 

“God no that’s not it at all! I’m sorry I just— this is going to be embarrassing for me to admit,” he blinked the tears out of his eyes before turning his gaze back towards you. 

“I’m sorry that I made you feel less about yourself. That was never my intention and I want you to know that I’ve never been, nor will I ever be embarrassed of you.”

You noticed that he hesitated, eyes flickering around the two of you before turning his attention back on you. 

“This is going to sound like such a perve thing to say but Y/n you have no idea the power you hold over me with your clothes on and seeing you in that swimsuit it took everything in me not to take you right then and there in front of everyone.”

Your eyes widened at the sudden confession. 

“W-What,” you sputtered, earning a small groan from Hyunjin. 

“I know and I’m sorry but you have no idea how good you looked and it took everything in me not to touch you. That’s why I couldn’t look at you because I knew if I did I would embarrass myself,” he whined as his face fell into his hands. 

You let out a soft laugh at his muffled ‘but admitting that is embarrassing too idiot,’ before reaching up to run your fingers gently through his hair. 

Hyunjin dropped his hands from his face at your touch, gently grasping your wrist as he pulled you closer to him, smiling at you before leaning forward to rest his forehead against yours. 

“I’m sorry I was such an ass. I never wanted to hurt you or make you feel insecure. God you have no idea what you do to me angel. I love every part of you.”

You hummed, eyes fluttering open as you pulled back to fix him with a playful glare. 

“But you haven’t seen all of me yet though,” you teased.

Hyunjin smirked, biting his lip as he pulled you closer to him by your waist, “We can fix that.”

omg so jinie wasn’t actually embarrassed ^-^ im happy that he cleared up the issue and the mc felt better at the end

nope it was all just a misunderstanding!! ☺️ thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts with me! <3

hyunjin drabble pt.2

part 1 here//suggestive themes

You don’t remember how you ended up here but you weren’t going to complain. The breeze caressed your bare legs, eyes falling closed as you listened to the rustling of the leaves and the distant chirps of the birds that had occupied the small park in search for food.

The tears had stopped awhile ago, however the sharp sting of them was still ever so present. You pulled your knees to your chest, hugging them close to you in search of some form of comfort as your wrapped your arms around your shoulders. 

The events from today hadn’t stopped plaguing your mind. You were hurt, lost and confused to say the least. Hyunjin’s actions in the pool had contrasted with the concerned look your were met with before running away.

Maybe you had looked into it a little too much.

Your insecurities always did seem to get the better of you. But right now, all you could picture was the way his smile had dropped when he looked at you. You shook your head, willing the tears away as you didn’t want to cry anymore, head still thumping from your previous outburst. 


The sudden shout of your name had you startling out of your thoughts, eyes widening as you turned to the source. 

Hyunjin practically collapsed next to you on the bench, heaving as he hunched over to catch his breath. You stared wide eyed at his form, confused as to why he was even looking for you in the first place. 

“Do—Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been,” he forced out in-between breaths.

You just looked at him. The words had caught in your throat, unknowing of what to say to him. You watched as he closed his eyes, taking a deep final breath before turning to you. 

“You were looking for me?”

He looked taken back as he scooted his body towards you, “Of course I was looking for you! You’ve had me worried sick. Why wouldn’t I look for you?”

“You seemed like you didn’t want me around before—” you trailed off, cursing as you felt the tears cloud your vision once more. 

“Why would you think that? Of course I wanted you around. I always want you to be with me.”

“Hyun you couldn’t even l-look at me.”

His eyes widened as your voice broke, watching silently as the tears began to fall from your eyes. 

“I-I know I embarrassed you and I’m sorry—.”

“Embarrassed? What—Y/n you’ve never embarrassed me.”

“Please don’t lie to me.”

Hyunjin looked just as heartbroken as he met your gaze, his own eyes filling with tears as he released a shaky breath. 

“I know I-I’m not attractive but Hyunjin the minute I got in the pool—I don’t know I just felt like your were disgusted seeing me like that.”

His eyes widened as he watched you wipe your tears before trying to move yourself away from him. However, he caught your arm before you could. 

“God no that’s not it at all! I’m sorry I just— this is going to be embarrassing for me to admit,” he blinked the tears out of his eyes before turning his gaze back towards you. 

“I’m sorry that I made you feel less about yourself. That was never my intention and I want you to know that I’ve never been, nor will I ever be embarrassed of you.”

You noticed that he hesitated, eyes flickering around the two of you before turning his attention back on you. 

“This is going to sound like such a perve thing to say but Y/n you have no idea the power you hold over me with your clothes on and seeing you in that swimsuit it took everything in me not to take you right then and there in front of everyone.”

Your eyes widened at the sudden confession. 

“W-What,” you sputtered, earning a small groan from Hyunjin. 

“I know and I’m sorry but you have no idea how good you looked and it took everything in me not to touch you. That’s why I couldn’t look at you because I knew if I did I would embarrass myself,” he whined as his face fell into his hands. 

You let out a soft laugh at his muffled ‘but admitting that is embarrassing too idiot,’ before reaching up to run your fingers gently through his hair. 

Hyunjin dropped his hands from his face at your touch, gently grasping your wrist as he pulled you closer to him, smiling at you before leaning forward to rest his forehead against yours. 

“I’m sorry I was such an ass. I never wanted to hurt you or make you feel insecure. God you have no idea what you do to me angel. I love every part of you.”

You hummed, eyes fluttering open as you pulled back to fix him with a playful glare. 

“But you haven’t seen all of me yet though,” you teased.

Hyunjin smirked, biting his lip as he pulled you closer to him by your waist, “We can fix that.”


we are not soulmates! | yang jeongin fic

pairing: reader x yang jeongin | idiots to enemies to lovers (mostly just idiots; not so much enemies but just minor dislike)

genre: fluff, crack

word count: 7.5k

warnings: suggestiveness? vulgar language

synopsis: out of mere coincidence, or perhaps the pull of fate, his friends are convinced that you and jeongin are 100% meant-to-be after a random encounter. the boy, however, is not.

Keep reading


⇨ ongoing | ✔ completed | ✖ hiatus

Cafe Q{6} ⇨


Number Neighbor (sns AU) {30} ✔

Jisung has been a fan of y/n since he can remember, what will happen when y/n posts her new youtube video texting her number neighbor who turned out to be Jisung?@softyn

Set Up (sns AU) {70}✖

That blind date most definitely was a bad idea… at first. @jinniesmeow

Sunshine(sns AU) {18} ✔

Y/n’s only secret is that she’s in love with her childhood best friend, Jisung. The only problem? Y/n’s other best friend, Aerin , has a not-so-secret crush on Jisung. @svngbins


[main masterlist] [stray kids masterlist] updated 8-2-21


⇨ ongoing | ✔ completed

Definitely Twice (sns AU) {23} ✔

Seungmin has had a crush on you ever since the sorting hat took forever to place you.@lvanter

Truth Untold (sns AU) {20} ✔

Y/n was continuously bullied and ran a blog dedicated to her thoughts. Little did she know a boy in her class was a daily reader. @serenhyunjinity

1-800-CUPID(sns AU) {15} ⇨

What are you supposed to do when your friend is secretly in love with someone, but too shy to act on it by themself? Play cupid, of course! Y/n is sure that getting involved in her best friend’s one sided love is the best route of action, even though she’s painfully clueless about love. But with a little help from her friends and some love of her own, maybe playing cupid won’t turn out such a huge disaster after all. @nakyngs


[main masterlist] [stray kids masterlist] updated 7-31-21


12:32am - scalp massage

12:56am - stretch marks

00:33 - skygazing

1:34am - shivering

5:14am - sleeping

10:38am - “that’s you”

2:11pm - library boy

2:38pm - ready to attack

15:20 - “mine”

3:30pm - Dracula

3:47pm - new kitten

3:53pm - Christmas shopping

18:09 - he doesn’t want to fight

6:22pm - dance partner ✿

6:34pm - apologies

6:48pm - leftovers

7:37pm - clingy

8:14pm - “stop doing this!”

8:17pm - “take care of yourself”

8:57pm - cuter than his cats

10:13pm - “hi Lee Know”

10:24pm - scared

11:24pm - singing you to sleep

11:25pm - checklist


[main masterlist] [stray kids masterlist] updated 7-31-21


⇨ ongoing | ✔ completed

Clumsy (sns AU) {8} ⇨

You were a klutz, that wasn’t news. But maybe your clumsiness finally did you some good when you accidentally poured your banana smoothie all over Hwang Hyunjin. Hey, at least it got him to acknowledge you, right?@hyuwujin

Coffee Time(sns AU) {19} ✔

Hyunjin falls in love very easily, and he falls hard. Shame there’s a new barista at his favorite coffee shop. @lvanter

Crush Culture(sns AU) {43} ✔

There are a few rules to follow when you’re drunk, sleep deficit, or dangerously bored: never create fake social media accounts, never use those accounts to incite general chaos and mischief, and never ever lie about your identity, especially if it’s to the prettiest girl you’ve ever seen. Unfortunately for him, Hyunjin’s broken all three. @nakyngs

Haven(sns AU) {76} ✔

You expected this semester at jyp academy to be like any other but when you cross paths with the resident “bad boy”, Hwang Hyunjin, your life gets a bit more complicated. @starrytxt

I Choose You (sns AU) {21} ✔

Y/N has to deal with Hyunjin’s annoying girlfriend because she doesn’t want to ruin their relationship. @3rachasaucy

Jackpot M {3} ⇨

College is a matter of working hard and playing hard. It’s an opportunity to start fresh, to grow as an individual and to blossom with those you befriend. People come and people go, leaving their mark on your life and showing you all the parts of becoming an adult. Some, however, do more than leave their mark. Some take just as much as they give. Things become complicated once they take the entirety of your love because you outright offered it to them. @wonderlustlucas

Just a Fan(sns AU) {8} ⇨

Y/n’s a huge fan of Hyunjin, a famous model. What happens when she gets herself tangled up in his life after an incident at the airport and now the media thinks she’s his girlfriend? @hyunjizns

Knockout(sns AU) {20} ✔

The weirdest thing about switching bodies with an athlete isn’t when you wake up sore and bruised. Or when you go to sleep after a day of being in Hyunjin’s body after practice feeling like shit, but waking up in your own, all traces of pain dissipating. That isn’t even the worst part of it, though. The worst part is that you’re slowly falling in love with the second life you’re living. That you’re slowly falling in love with a boy you haven’t even met. @bangprint

Past Mistakes (sns AU) {18} ✔

The summer of 2012, I fell for you. We were only young, but my love for you did not last long. But now you’re back, and I am confused to say the least. @serenhyunjinity

You’re my Best Friend (sns AU) {17} ⇨

College is supposed to be the best few years of your life, but it hardly feels like that for Hyunjin. He should be thrilled to be on the school’s elite dance team, and yet he’s more concerned about his best friend falling in love with another member. He only cares so much because he wants the best for her though, right? @panickedmarklee


[main masterlist] [stray kids masterlist] updated 7-31-21


1:39am - going to bed

1:42am - crisis

2:39am - “say it again”

4:58am - the moment he fell in love

7:15am - finally did it

08:00 - call

10:23am - “please for me?”

12:40pm - trouble

1:23pm - “kinda cute”

2:54pm - venting

3:11pm - bittersweet

3:30pm - bouquet of lilies

3:37pm - just a movie

5:06pm - dread and excitement

6:44pm - eating

7:35pm - anime

9:17pm - painkillers

9:45pm - turned tables

9:57pm - “get better faster”

10:47pm - broken heart

10:57pm - promise

11:37pm - typical bad boy

11:45pm - kissing in the car, suggestive

11:47pm - playing with your hair


[main masterlist] [stray kids masterlist] updated 8-6-21


Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x Reader

Genre: fluff, neighbors au, enemies to lovers (kind of)

Summary: Your mom doesn’t know how to stop playing matchmaker, but all you really want is to find something that feels like home.

Word Count: 7.5k

Warnings: Reader has anxiety, mentions of past abuse, mention of drinking (reader is of age), reader’s mom is too involved in reader’s love life

A/N: A little birthday gift for Hyunjin. It’s not my best work, but I really enjoy it and hopefully you all will too

This fanfiction and header are property of @/hobi-is-golden. reposting on any platform without explicit permission is prohibited

Summer break; A solace like none other. As much as you loved your major, and all of the friends you’d made while away at college, you always yearned to return home. You were close with your family, and you always loved seeing your friends again. You were a sentimental person, finding things that touched you deeply and holding onto them like they were treasures to be collected and admired.

There was something about being in your own city, the safety within those four walls of your childhood home. Nothing compared. That feeling in the pit of your stomach and the deepest depths of your chest when you were home was something that you sought out everywhere you went, in every person you met. And no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t find it. So at the end of the day, it felt good returning home.

You were giddy when you pulled up to your house, turning off your car and deciding to gather as many of your bags as possible in one trip. Not fumbling and dropping your keys was going to be difficult, managing to unlock the door would probably be even more difficult. Your parents knew you were coming home, but your mom had a habit of forgetting to unlock the door, and of losing track of time, so you’d be more surprised if the door had already been unlocked for you.

You cursed under your breath as one of your bags slipped from your fingers, followed by your keys clattering to the pavement. You heaved a sigh, crouching down to pick them up again. After a moment of digging through the bag, you found that you were less frustrated with your clumsiness and more grateful that nothing fragile had been in the bag you’d dropped.

This was, you reluctantly admitted out loud and to nobody in particular, your own fault. You’d packed all your things to bring in one go instead of shipping some of it ahead. Not to mention your stubborn personality that was insisting you only make one trip.

“Hey, need a hand?” A voice asked from behind you. It sounded far enough away to reassure you that you weren’t about to be kidnapped before you could look your captor in the eye. You spun around to confront the owner of the voice, miraculously managing to keep a hold of everything that you’d precariously balanced in your arms.

“I’m fine. Um, thanks though.” You let out a nervous laugh. The guy that stood at the end of your drive was disarmingly handsome; dark hair framing his face – a very pretty face at that – and his lips were curled into a wide smile. His lips looked soft, and smooth, and plump enough that you almost considered being jealous.

“Are you sure? I can unlock the door or something.” He moved closer, and as he walked you noticed his lithe figure. He carried himself with grace and power, a strange mix that simply screamed ‘look at me’. So you did.

Yeah, definitely handsome.

“No, it’s okay. I got it all into the car. Getting it out is just…” You put the bags you were holding on the ground, pulling out another from the trunk. “Not as easy as expected.”

He laughed, a musical giggle that coaxed a smile onto your face. He picked up the bags off the ground and took your keys from your hand. You protested, but he was already walking away from you towards the front door.

“I’m Hyunjin, by the way.” He told you as you hurried to grab the rest of your things and slammed the trunk shut. You caught up with a bit of effort as he was unlocking the door and opening it for you. “Your parents said you were coming home this week.”

“You know my parents?” You asked, stepping inside and putting your bags down. You flexed your wrists afterwards. Damn, what did you even pack that was that heavy?

“Yeah,” He put the last couple of bags down with the others, then closed the door behind the two of you. For a moment you were struck by the fact that you had just allowed a strange man into your house. But he’d been nothing but kind, if a little overzealous. “I moved in next door with my friend. Your parents sort of took us in. They’re really great.”

Keep reading

this was an absolutely delightful read, it’s so well-written and the story is so unique I love it ❤️

Description: Y/N is given two months to live. The one thing left on her bucket list? To get married.

Warning: cancer, death

Word Count: 2.1k

Pairing:fem!reader x Kim Seungmin


“We’re looking at two months.”

“Two months?” Seungmin repeats, squeezing your arm just a little tighter. “But it was just a cough!”

“I’m sorry,” the doctor consoles. He looks between the two of you and says, “I’ll give you some privacy” before walking out of the room.

You stare straight ahead, unsure what to do. Cancer. The word sounds so surreal. You never smoked or over-drank. You exercised and lived a healthy lifestyle, so how did this happen?

“Y/N…” Seungmin calls gently.

You turn your head towards him and smile. “Seungmin, I’ll be ok—”

“No, you won’t,” he cuts you off. “I’ve been your best friend for years. You can’t lie to me.”

You look down at your hands, twiddling your fingers. “Well, this certainly does suck, doesn’t it? I’m sorry I’ll be leaving you alone.”

“This isn’t about me,” he reminds you.

You return your gaze onto him. “It’s just easier when it’s not about me. Thinking about all the things I haven’t done and will never do— what’s the good in that?” You hear your voice breaking. “I’ll never own a home or collect my retirement funds. Heck, I’ll never even get married.” You laugh dryly. “You know how I’ve always wanted a family of my own.”

He nods. He knows this well. He remembers how you grew up jumping from foster home to foster home. He remembers how you’d come over to his house on Fridays whenever you ended back in his neighborhood and how you’d smile just a little bit more when his father came home and gave his mother a peck on the cheek. He remembers all the boys he had to scare off for you in college because you were so desperate, you couldn’t tell that they were toxic. You are so willing to love, yet life has been nothing but cold to you. And now it has decided to end it all in two months.

“Tomorrow…” he begins slowly, “after your discharge, let’s go to the mall and pick out some rings and a dress. There’s a little chapel on the boulevard. I think it’ll work.”

You blink at him. “But whom would I marry?”

He blinks back at you. “Me, of course.”

“Seungmin, I can’t ask for something as serious as this.”

“Let me do this for you. Please.” He takes your hands and looks you in the eyes. “Y/N, will you marry me?”


It was simple; there’s not much to be expected of a wedding planned in one afternoon after all. Still, it was sweet and more than you could have asked for. Seungmin bought you an elegant bouquet and picked you up in a Cadillac, all which you thought was a bit much to be spending on memories that will be buried in the ground in a few weeks. Nonetheless, it was beautiful and filled your chest with a warmth not unfamiliar to you whenever you are with Seungmin.

“I pronounce you man and wife,” announces the priest.

The few friends who managed to come on such short notice cheer and applaud as Seungmin leans over to kiss your cheek. When he straightens up again, there’s a smile on his face as he pulls something out of his pocket.

“Here,” he says, taking your hand and putting the object into it.

“What’s this?” You open your palm and see a set of silver keys on it.

“Access to your own home,” he answers. “We’re married now, so my house is yours too. Not sure what I can do about your retirement funds though.”

You don’t even catch the last part of what he says as you smile widely and engulf him in your arms.

“Thank you. Thank you so much,” you begin to cry.

After overcoming his initial shock, he too brings his arms around your waist. He knows you aren’t thanking him for the keys or even for marrying you; you are thanking him for loving you, for placing your interests before his and for being by your side up to the last moments.

“Thankyou,” he whispers back. “For letting me love you.”


For a month, you and Seungmin tried to keep normalcy as much as you could. You two went to work as usual and came home to watch a movie or bake cookies together. Sure, Seungmin would make flirtatious comments or randomly hug you from behind every once in a while, but otherwise, the only thing that changed is your living arrangement. As such, the two of you were almost surprised to receive a call from the hospital asking you to come back four weeks later. There’s a new treatment, the doctor informs you, and you might have a chance to survive.

“It has an 80% success rate in trials, and the surgeon who developed the technique will be flying in to perform the surgery personally.”

“And if it works?” you ask.

“Then you’ll live. Cancer free.”

Seungmin’s hand tightens around yours as he beams, leaning closer over the phone.

“But,” the doctor continues, “because of the positioning of your mass and the nature of this procedure, we will have to perform a laryngectomy.”

“So I won’t be able to talk again.”

“But you’ll live.”

You look at Seungmin, and he nods at you, his lips now pursed into a line.

“It’s your best option,” the doctor urges again.

You squeeze your eyes closed. “Okay. I’ll do it.”

You feel a thumb stroking the back of your hand and hear the doctor shuffling some paper around, assumably your consent form.

“You’re making the right decision,” the doctor assures you. “The specialist will be in on Friday, so we will need to check you in Thursday afternoon.”

Cancer didn’t change your life, but this certainly did. Suddenly, you and Seungmin both take an extended leave from your jobs and are thrown into a plethora of sign language curriculums. Between that and calling everyone you know one last time, you barely have time to eat, and if you weren’t living with Seungmin, you very well might have died of starvation before your cancer could kill you.

‘Dinner,’ he signs to you. Your last meal before having to fast for the surgery.

‘Thank you,’ you sign back.

He shakes his head and retracts the plate of bibimbap as you reach for it. “You should speak. At least for today. I want to hear your voice for as long as I can.”

“Alright,” you chuckle. “Thank you very much for the fine dinner, Kim Seungmin.”

He laughs along at your exaggerated sentence before replacing your KSL textbook with the plate and taking a seat beside you. ‘How are you feeling?’

“Okay. A little nervous, but at least now there’s hope, right?”


You bite your lip. “Or it could go horribly wrong and I’ll lose the one month I have left.”

“Y/N,” he warns vocally.

“Sorry, sorry. I’ll stop.” 

A silence falls over the room as you chew on your food.



“Do you want a divorce?”

You can hear his jaw hit the ground. “What the—”

“I mean, you agreed to a two-month marriage, but if I survive this—”

When you survive this.”

“When I come out of the surgery, you’ll be stuck with me for the rest of your life.”

“I’d want nothing more,” he says firmly. “So don’t ever—unless you want to split?”

“I don’t. You’re my best friend.”

He nods. “Then don’t ever mention it again.”


You remember the moment you woke up. The first thought you had was that you’ve got to tell Seungmin. The second thought that crossed your mind came after your vision returned was ‘there he is.’ Asleep on his arms beside your bed, hand around yours, he almost looks like a real husband.

You remember the doctor walking in at that moment. He stumbled a little, surprised to see you awake. You raised a finger to your lips, bonking your nose with the oximeter in the process, and indicated towards the sleeping figure.

The doctor smiled and nodded. “Are you feeling alright?” he whispered.

You nodded, and he began your general checkup.

“The tumor’s all gone,” he informed you. “We’re going to keep you here for two more days, but otherwise, you’re going to live a nice, long life with your husband.”

That was a month ago. The month following the surgery has been rough to say the least. You and Seungmin are often frustrated, and although you both know deep down it isn’t with each other, you often take it out on each other. Communication is just so hard. Sure, the surgeon gave you prosthetic vocal cords, but even with them, it is so hard and takes so long to talk. Between that and your broken sign language, patience slowly became a scarce commodity. You aren’t feeling like you’re being heard, and Seungmin’s finding his efforts to understand you fruitless.

But communication isn’t the only problem, though it certainly exacerbates another one. You are in a weird position where you are his wife but also just a friend. You aren’t sure where you stand in his eyes nor what you can expect from him. Unmet expectations and chiding yourself for even having any is driving you to your wit’s end. It also doesn’t help that day by day, you grow less and less sure where he stands in your eyes either. You’re confused by the twinge in your stomach every time he brings you coffee in the morning and the pang in your heart when he lays down on his side of the bed at night, never crossing over to yours.

Today is one of those days. You want to return to work, but Seungmin is adamant that you have yet to fully recover. You feel guilty imposing on him financially so much, and he can’t understand why you won’t just rely on him.

“I’m your husband!” he argues.

‘Don’t you think I feel bad binding you to that responsibility?’ you sign back, in tears.

He stares at you after that, bewildered. A moment later, he drops his head so you can’t see his eyes and turns for the bedroom without another word.

You slump onto the kitchen chair furiously rubbing tears from your vision. You feel bad of course, but you are scared. Is he sick of you by now? He has to be. After all, you’ve been nothing but a frustration this past month. At least if you put food on the table, he would have one less reason to want to divorce you. Of course, you know Seungmin would never leave you, but he might silently wish he could, and that makes you feel even worse.

You sniffle, drawing your hand roughly across your eyes. In your split second of visual acuity, you see something glimmer under the light where Seungmin had stood. It catches your attention and upon closer inspection, you realize what it is: a tear. A tear? But why would it be there? Seungmin may feel responsible to support you, but you refusing his help shouldn’t undermine him to the point of tears. Unless, you realize, it isn’t the subject of the argument that made him cry. 

You recall the last thing you expressed before he ran to the bedroom. You recall how he looked at you, hurt and confused. You’ve seen that look once a month ago when you suggested he divorce you. You thought he was offended by your questioning his loyalty as your best friend. In fact, you thought the same thing when he gave you that look again tonight, but Seungmin wouldn’t cry because of that. So then, what would explain the tear on the ground?

And then it hits you.

Suddenly, the things that confuse you become clear. Your frustration melts into understanding and you realize his intentions. At once, your tears dry and your heart feels light.

You immediately stand up. You practically run to the bedroom and find Seungmin already sitting among the sheets.

He looks up when he hears you enter. ‘Come to bed,’ he signs wearily. ‘We can discuss this again tomorrow.’ He goes back to arranging the blankets but looks up once more when he realizes you haven’t climbed in. “Y/N?”

You pull out your phone and walk over to his side of the mattress. He had you record yourself saying random things before you lost your voice, but there is one file he doesn’t know you recorded on your own.

“Y/N? What’s wrong?” he asks, perplexed by the sudden determination in your stride.

‘Kim Seungmin,’ you sign. You max the volume on your phone and press play. “I love you.”

~ ad.gold

Description: Y/N and Jisung finally grew to love each other after their arranged marriage. However, not every marriage gets a happily ever after. Sequel to Even If Things Were Different.


Word Count: 1.9k

Pairing:fem!reader x Han Jisung



Jisung thrashes and thrashes, but the police firmly hold him back. People are talking over radios and cars are honking in traffic on the other lanes, but he can still hear every rock your gurney rolls over and every puff of air they squeeze into your lungs. He can barely see you through the swarms of first responders and reporters though. All he can see is your limp arm hanging off the stretcher, your wedding ring staining with blood.

“Please. Please! That’s my wife,” he wails. “That’s my wife. Y/N! Please. Y/N!”


Jisung walks down the hall, looking at the cup of tea in his hands. Out of the corner of his eye, he spots some flashing lights that make him jump and all the hairs on his back stand up.


His heart is still pounding in his ears from the scare, but he soon realizes the lights are just from a Christmas tree twinkling in the corner. He sighs and shakes his head before continuing on his way, his shoes clicking against the white tiles with every step.

He slides the door to your room open. The humidifier hums softly. The sheets are spread smoothly over your body. A select stack of books sit neatly on the coffee table. 

It’s quiet. 

He walks over and places the cup on your nightstand. You are turned away from him, and he can’t tell if you are actually sleeping.

“It’s chamomile.”

No response.

He sighs and crawls under the sheets. He wraps his arm around your waist and gently rubs circles on your belly. The skin still resembles an orange peel with all its bumps and crevices. 

“I love you,” he whispers.

He feels you curl up ever so slightly at his words. So you are awake.

“This doesn’t change anything.” He uncurls you so you lay a bit more flush against his chest. You haven’t washed your hair in days, but he still closes his eyes and snuggles his nose into it. He hopes you can feel a second heartbeat in your body again if he holds himself close enough to you.

How did this happen? It’s Christmas Eve. It’s supposed to be merry and bright, so how. How did this happen? 

It was supposed to be a short errand. You were just going to pick up some extra ribbons to wrap up the pacifiers you were going to give your and his parents. Now, there is no more use for those gifts.

He would wish for a Christmas miracle, but there is no point. It’s not as if what has been taken out can go back in. Now, he just wishes you’d talk to him and eat something. He’s never seen you stop for anything—not when you had to get married or even when you threw up every morning—but now you’ve come to a complete halt. It’s so hard to see you like this, and it scares Jisung so much, he hasn’t even had time to cry yet.

“It’s not your fault.” He knows his words are futile, but he has to say them anyway. 

You, of course, remain motionless. He sighs again and lets his mind wander. If anything, it’s his fault. He should have been there. Who would let a woman in your condition drive at night? Sure, it was just a five minute commute, but anything could happen in five minutes, and something did. It’s his fault the hope you’ve been holding onto for five months is now gone. It’s his fault you are now like this. He’s killed your and his dreams. He’s killed the what-if’s. All that’s left now are memories.

He remembers the day you told him the news. You were a little nervous; you weren’t sure how he’d react. He remembers you were happy though. No, that’s an understatement. You were overflowing with so much joy, you could barely contain yourself. Usually, you were calm and composed. That day though, he could tell something was special the moment he stepped through the door.

You greeted him with a smile that made his stomach flutter away. 

“I made lemonade,” you told him. You said it like you made Forbes’ front cover. “Would you like some?”

“Sure,” he replied. 

“Great. Meet me in the kitchen.”

He did as told, sliding into one of the chairs by the counter as you pulled out two tall glasses from the cupboard. You set them down on the marble and turned back around to bring out a smaller glass which you set between the first two.

Jisung looked at you curiously. You began filling the two taller glasses with lemonade, eyes flicking up every other second to read his expression. Finally, when you were done, you took his hand and guided it to pour some of the juice from his glass into the smaller one. You then took your glass and poured some of that into the smaller cup. After that, you sat down with your fingers laced in front of you, watching as his brows knit together as he tried to figure out what just happened.

You giggled the second you saw the realization hitting him. First, his eyes grew impossibly big and his jaw dropped to the ground. Then he looked at you to confirm his suspicions. 

“Is it— Are you— Is there a—!” He couldn’t finish a sentence, and you couldn’t control your giggles.

“Yes, I am.”

He leapt across the table and screamed of joy as he swung you around. He put you down quickly though and took a step back. “No wait. I can’t do that anymore. You’re carrying precious cargo now.”

You laughed and pulled him into a hug. “Are you happy?”

“So much so. So incredibly much so,” he hummed. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

You turned your head to rest your ear against his racing heart. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” His emotions rolled into a tear that trickled down his face.

He wonders if it was all a dream. He wonders if happiness only exists inside dreams. He didn’t even realize he had fallen asleep until the lights from the window made him grimmance.

“—ung! Jisung!” 

His eyelids fly open at the sound of your panicked voice. He looks and sees you sitting up, your hand reaching out for him and your face etched with worry.

“Y-Y/N, you’re sitting—”

“Are you okay?” you ask.

He nods, too stunned to make a noise.

You sigh in relief and collapse back down, facing him this time. “You were shaking and crying. I thought something was wrong. I thought I was going to lose you too. I thought… I thought…” 

“Shh, shh, shh.” He draws you close again. 

“You’re alright, right?” Your voice is muffled against him. “You promise? You aren’t going to leave me behind too, right?”

“I’ll always be by your side. I promise,” he assures you. “I just had a dream.”

You nod against his chest and sniffle. 

“How are you feeling?” 

“Dizzy.” Of course, you went on full flight-or-fight mode after being on an IV drip for almost a week. Still, you replied, and Jisung feels a huge wave of relief wash through him.

“You really love me, don’t you?” he chuckles.

“Of course,” you mumble.

“And I really love you.”

You pause for a minute, and he panics, thinking he’s pushed you too far. Finally though, in a small voice, you say, “But I lost her.”

He shakes his head. “It’s not—”

“No, but it is!” He can hear the panic rising again in your voice. “I was driving! I should have seen the headlights. I should have swerved lanes. On impact, I should have protected her more. I should have done something. Don’t you see? I lost her. Me.”

He grabs your hands and forces you to look into his eyes to slow you down. He has on a scowl, and he speaks firmly and pointedly. “Welost her. There’s things you could have done differently. There’s things I could have done differently. There’s things that no one could have possibly done differently. But the fact of the matter is, this is our reality, and we’re going to face it together. I won’t let you go through this alone, so Y/N, don’t make me go through it alone either, okay?”

You pause for another minute. This time, he knows you are thinking about his words. When you seem to have come to a conclusion, you drop your head back onto him. He then feels you drawing something on his back. Your signature, he realizes, to this agreement. Perhaps there is still room for a little Christmas miracle after all.


Christmas eve. It’s been just over a year now since the accident. Jisung raises a brow when you walk into the living room in a red sweater. Red. It’s a sign of life and a sign of celebration. The last time you were seen with that color was when you were in the back of an ambulance. In fact, that was the last time you were seen wearing any color.

You sit up straight with your knees pressed together and your hands folded in your lap. In other words, you are sitting much too properly for a couch in your own home. 

“Y/N?” Jisung calls carefully. “What’s the matter, love?”

“I’m… I’m scared.”

He uncrosses his legs and sits up too. “Why? What’s wrong?”

You look down at your lap then at him. “I’m scared to hope. I’m scared something will go wrong again. I’m scared to hurt you.”

He scoots next to you and wraps his arm around your shaking torso. You look so small under his arm. He wraps his other hand around the front and shields you with his body. Gently, he rubs his thumbs over your skin, letting his actions speak the words his lips cannot.

You take a long moment to absorb his strength before you’re able to hand him a rectangular gift box about the length of his hand. 

“Merry Christmas,” you barely squeak.

He takes it while still keeping an arm around you. He looks at the box, then at you, then at the box. Finally, he lifts off the top cover.

He doesn’t react as he stares at what’s inside. After an eternity, he sets the present aside and turns so that he is completely facing you. He takes your hands and looks you square in the eyes.

“The doctor said there’s an increased risk after what happened,” you ramble, nervous under his sudden gaze. “What if—”

He cuts you off. “Hope. Please, hope. Hope, and be happy. Be happy knowing you can hope, and hope because you know there is love supporting that hope. No matter what—”

“—I love you,” you finish for him.

He smiles and nods. You smile too and wrap your arms behind his waist. 

“Do you like your present?” you ask.

The fireplace crackles. “I love it. Thank you.”

You hum and close your eyes, falling asleep. Jisung brushes the hair from your face and plants a kiss on your temple. Outside, a bright star twinkles over the house. 

“Merry Christmas, my love.”

Description: Running into your high school classmate sure wasn’t in your plans for your business trip, and neither was sleeping on the terminal floor. Maybe his warm smile is enough to make you forgo more than just travel plans.

Warning: none

Word Count: 3.4k

Pairing:fem!reader x Bang Chan


“Good afternoon. May I interest you in one of our reds to— Y/N?”

You look up from your cold laptop to the flight attendant who had just gasped your name and see a dashing young man with blond hair, smiling warmly at you. “Yes, that’s me. How did you know?”

He chuckles and shifts the drink menu to his other arm. Below you, the jet engines rumble. “My name’s Chan. We took calculus together in high school.”

“Ah, I’m sorry. I don’t—”

“Don’t worry. I didn’t expect you to remember me. About the drinks, would you prefer a glass of apple juice instead? You always had a box in class.”

“I would, please. You have a good memory, Chan.”

He smiles knowingly, and you wonder what is going through his mind. He tells you, “You were the only junior in a senior class. It made you pretty memorable,” but you feel like that isn’t it.

While you try to read him, a loud “ding” echoes through the cabin, and the seatbelt sign illuminates. Before anyone can react, however, the plane lurches to the side, sending everyone flying the opposite way. With quick reflexes, Chan reaches over and grabs your shoulder before you can hit your head on the side panel.

“T-thank you,” you stutter with shock.

He draws back his arm. “You’re welcome. I’ll be back with that juice as soon as I can.”

You nod and he turns to leave, checking on the other passengers as he does so.

“Wow, he’s hot,” you hear the seat in front of you whisper as he passes by.

You watch Chan’s back until he disappears behind the curtains. Unarguably, he’s attractive. You wonder how he was in high school, but you know going through your memory is futile. All you did in high school was try to stay awake through all the coursework, tutoring, and etiquette lessons your parents put you through. You were ‘new money,’ but your parents were adamant you did not present yourself that way. You look at the signature on the bottom of the email you are working on. “L/N Y/N, Director.” It was worth it, you decide.

Chan delivers your juice as promised and moves on to the passenger in front of you. Despite a few hiccups in the plane’s flight, he maintains a steady stance.

“Good afternoon. May I interest you in one of our reds today? Or perhaps a chardonnay?”

“Hmm,” she ponders, “I’ll take a Domaine Leroy served with a plate of your number.”

Chan laughs politely, unflinched. “The cheese here is much better; trust me.”

You sniffle a laugh too and look up just in time to see Chan sliding his eyes to steal a glance at you. He quickly shoots you a smile before he goes to fulfill the request.

The plane keeps bumping along, but the turbulence is manageable enough for the staff to keep moving around. After a few more emails and approving some documents, you decide to take a quick nap. After all, you never know when clients from another time zone are going to wake you up in the middle of the night. You fasten your seatbelt, zip up your laptop, and…

… your eyelids close before you even know it. Just before you completely drift off to slumberland, you feel something tickling your chin. You don’t even bother with it and let your head roll off to the side.


Your eyes fly open as you suddenly feel weightless before being slammed back down onto your seat. Someone screams, and luggage crash together.

“This is your captain speaking. This is your captain speaking,” the overhead announcer broadcasts. “We are facing some dangerous weather right now that has compromised the aircraft, and will be forced to land as soon as possible at the nearest airport. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please fasten your seatbelts and remain calm. Press the attendant button only in case of an emergency.”

Confused and frightened murmurs come from all around. You look down to check on your belongings and find a blanket tucked under your chin. That’s odd. You don’t recall pulling out your blanket, but there isn’t much time to think about that right now. You pack everything back into your carry-on and swallow a knot as another lurch of the plane sends your heart racing. Are you going to die here? If you died, what would become of your parents? It’s not like they have another heir, and all these years they spent cultivating you would go down the drain. And your clients. The business will definitely take a hit if its director passes so unexpectedly. Fear grips your stomach as you grip your armrest.

Suddenly, there’s a hand on yours.

“You alright?” It’s Chan. You had seen him earlier calming down a passenger who was furious about the delay.

“Yes, just a bit startled,” you reply, controlling your breathing.

He nods. “Push the attendant button if you need anything. I’ll keep an eye out for your call light.”

You thank him, and he returns to his jump seat just as the plane lurches violently again.

The landing takes over an hour, but at last, you finally feel the security of the ground. Still then, your heart races as the boarding bridge echoes demonically with every clap of thunder and every pelt of rain.

It doesn’t seem like the weather will let up anytime soon, so with a sigh, you find the nearest seat and pull out your computer. Turns out, the nearest seat is at a bar, and almost too cinematically, a man approaches you as soon as you sit down.

“All alone, pretty thing?” he asks.

At least he is no son of anyone important, you note. There is no need for you to entertain him.

“I prefer to stay that way,” you respond curtly.

He snorts. “Cheeky. A business woman, aren’t you?” he observes, looking you up and down. “You know how to hold your own in a man’s world.”

You sigh. “Please just leave. I would prefer it if things did not get complicated.”

“Oh?” He reaches a hand towards you. “Complicated how?”

You grab your belongings and duck under his arm and begin walking away, but he has the audacity to grab you by your collar. You whip around, fire in your eyes, and are about to give you what he has coming until someone beats you to it.

The tug on your shirt suddenly disappears, and a figure appears between you and the man. The newcomer has the predator’s arms raised above his head.

Chan turns his head back to you. “You alright?”

You nod, too dumbfounded to say anything.

“Who are you?” the stranger bellows. 

“A staff of this airport, and I will not have you causing a disturbance to our patrons.”

“You!” he grunts as he tries to bring down his arms, but Chan holds them still with just one hand. After several attempts, Chan finally lowers them for him slowly with a dangerous smile on his face. 

“Now, off you go,” Chan says, giving him a slight shove out of the bar.

The man curses at the two of you but ultimately leaves.

“Thank you,” you say to your former classmate.

“It was nothing,” he insists.

“Still, let me buy you a drink,” you offer. “Oh! Are you allowed to drink on the clock?”

“We don’t know when we can be in the air again, so I better not,” he agrees. “But, there are a few secret drinks at this bar that won’t hurt.”


He winks at you then turns to the bartender. “Hey, Sana!” 

The server looks his way, and he tugs on his tie twice before holding up two fingers.

“I have a lot of layovers here,” he explains. “This bar has some of the best mocktails.”

“Good thing I ran into you then.”

“Same here. Really.” The same unreadable look from earlier passes his face. “Say, how’s life been since high school? Looks like you’ve been doing well for yourself.”

“Just trying to keep my father’s company alive,” you reply. “I’m actually on my way to meet a client right now.”

“Oh! Look at you, being successful. How about a boyfriend? Kids?” he says jokingly, lightly nudging you with his shoulder.

The bartender places a cup of something light brown in front of you which you stir distractedly. “Probably a fiancé soon.”

“Oh.” You barely catch the difference in his tone between this “oh” and the last. “Who’s the lucky guy?”

“I don’t know. Someone Mother will find, I guess.”

His face contorts into a pained frown. “I’m sorry,” he says.

“What about you?” you divert the topic. “How is traveling around the world?”

“It’s the dream,” he answers, relaxing his posture. “I didn’t do so well in high school unlike you, so I’m super grateful I found my calling among the birds.”

You can’t help but laugh. “What do you mean, ‘unlike me?’”

“Didn’t you rank first in your class? Even against Chohun who had like four tutors?”

“You really have good memory, Chan. How do you remember even the junior class rankings?”

“Well, you just stood out because of calc and your apple juice,” he lies. “Besides, Chohun would not stop talking about his tutors and his academic achievements. It was a great day when test results came out and you came out on top.”

“I was just lucky,” you wave your hand. “I think he had a cold or something during midterms.”

“You’ve always been so humble,” he murmurs quietly.

You aren’t sure you heard him correctly. “Sorry?”

He smiles. “Try the drink! It’s good; I promise.”

You do as told, bringing the straw between your lips, and light up as soon as the flavors hit your tongue. “It’s good!” you exclaim.

He looks pleased by your reaction. “It’s honey hibiscus iced tea. I thought it would suit your sweet tooth.”

“It does,” you assure him. “A bit of sweetness is just what I needed in the middle of this storm.” Turning to the gloomy window, you ask. “Do you think we will be able to fly tonight?” 

“I’m not sure,” he admits. “I’ve heard of only one forced landing before, and it wasn’t nearly as bad as this. Thinking about what you might do if we stay the night is probably smart.”

“My assistant already booked me a suite. I’d rather not have to use it though.”

“You rich people,” he chuckles. The ice in his cup clinks against the glass.

“Everyone’s doing it. She said she barely got me a room.”

“I think a lot of planes stopped here. I don’t think there’s nearly enough rooms for every family.”

“What about you? Do they have something planned for the staff?” you inquire.

He shrugs. “My seniors said last time they—”

He pauses as his phone chimes with a notification. “It looks like they’re not planning to take off any time soon,” he announces. “They’re asking us to help hand out blankets.”

“Ah, alright. I’ll see you hopefully tomorrow then?”

“Yeah. Stay safe, Y/N.”

You nod, and he grabs his coat and stands. Before he goes far though, he turns back around and scribbles something on a napkin and hands it to you. “Call me if you need anything, okay?”

“I’ll be fine, but thanks.” You take the napkin and offer him a smile which he returns. 

You pull out your computer once more after he leaves and turn it on. Stoney documents load up on the screen for you to look over, and a part of you begins to miss the presence of a certain someone who was just beside you moments before. You shake your head to clear it of that thought. Now isn’t the time for things like that; not when the company is still not yet where your father wants it to be. You refocus your eyes on those still Times New Roman letters and begin to read.

You stay a little longer at the bar, finishing your drink and a proposal before deciding to head up to your room. As you walk through the terminal, a series of coughs draw you attention. In a corner, you see a group of elderly women huddled together with their measly blankets wrapped around themselves, trying to sleep while rubbing their aching bones. 

You turn your eyes back on your path to continue walking, but your feet won’t budge. With a sigh, you relent and make your way over to the group of seniors.


It’s cold. It’s undeniably cold. You suspect the power went out too, and the airport is keeping their backup generator just for lights just in case this storm lasts longer than expected. 

You shiver uselessly, watching the snow pile and pile outside and trying not to jump as the occasional traffic cone gets slammed against the window. At least, you hope, those grandmothers are warm and comfortable under their duvets. 


You sit up from the floor and turn towards the whisper and are not surprised to see Chan standing there. He looks tired. A folded blanket hangs from his arm.

Once he’s confirmed it’s you, he makes his way over. “What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in the hotel?”

“Some elderly needed it more,” you reply.

He gives you another one of his unreadable expressions. “Care if I join you then?” he asks and begins laying down his sheet.

“Don’t you have a place for staff to stay?”

“We do,” he confirms, “but I’m not letting you suffer here alone.”

“I’m not suffering,” you chuckle at his choice of words. “Besides, it doesn’t make sense for two people to suffer if one of them doesn’t have to.”

He flops down and pulls his blanket over his shoulder. “It’s warmer with two people anyway.”

You digress and lay back down next to him.

“I’m not making you uncomfortable though, am I?” he whispers.

You shake your head. “You’re right. It is much warmer with you here. Thank you.”

The two of you close your eyes as the weather outside rumbles. Despite the addition of Chan, it still is dreadfully cold. Your eyelids droop and droop, but your body shakes and shakes.


You hear your name, but you can barely react. You make a small noise, and you feel Chan grabbing your hand.

“You’re so cold still,” he sighs. 

He lays his blanket on top of yours, and by then, you’re finally able to wake up just enough to reach out and tug his sleeve.

“You’ll be cold too,” you mumble.

“It’s okay,” he insists, adjusting the covers on you.

You shake your head and open up your arms, inviting him in.

“A-are you sure?” he stutters.

You nod, half asleep. Tenderly, he slips under the blankets and brings his arms around you. Almost immediately, you feel much better. Not only are you warmer, you feel something fuzzy filling your chest. It’s an unfamiliar sensation, one so different from the icy coldness that creeps up your spine when you’re with your father. The fuzz is so alien, so baffling, to you, that you can’t even put a name on it. Still, you can’t stop the smile that spreads over your lips.


A soft chime of your phone wakes you up, and you already know who it is from. You’ve been expecting this client to contact you right about now. 

You sit up and pull out your laptop, the cold of the metal burning your skin. You prop your back up against the wall and turn on the device. 5:47, your screen reads.

You type away at your keyboard for nearly fifteen minutes before some shuffling draws your attention to the sleeping form in front of you. Chan slowly opens his eyes and looks around until they land on you.

“Sorry. Did I wake you up?” 

“What are you doing awake?”

You don’t think he processed what you said. “Just some work. I’ll go somewhere else if my keyboard’s too loud.”

He shakes his head and scoots his butt towards the wall. He grabs a corner of the two blankets with each hand and wraps it around the two of your shoulders, filling you with warmth once again. 

“You’ll be cold like that,” he murmurs and drops his head back, sound asleep.

Again, you’re filled with that indescribable feeling. This time, it is even more intense now that you’re awake and fully aware of it. You don’t know what to make of it, or why you’re taking his head and resting it on your shoulder, but you wish you could feel like this forever.





It was all but a feverish dream. At least, that’s what it feels like as you stand at your door steps, six months after that flight. It’s drizzling slightly, and you are cold in your burgundy cocktail dress. So cold.

“It was a pleasure seeing you again tonight, Y/N.”

You smile politely at the man in front of you. Seo Changbin, heir of SEO Entertainment. He is nice enough. Among all your suitors, you dreaded going to dinner with him the least.

“The pleasure is always mine, Changbin,” you reply. “Have a good night.”

“Wait,” he calls as you turn towards the door. “Before we part, I have something for you.”

You watch as he pulls out a box from his coat. It’s a necklace, you realize. 

You lift up your hair for him as he puts it on for you. The pendant is hard and icy against your skin. You look down at it. From the way it shimmers under your porch light, you can tell he’s gotten you only the finest on the market.

“It’s beautiful, Changbin. Thank you.”

He smiles bashfully and scratches the back of his head. He is nice enough, you decide. If you had to marry someone, you’d prefer it be him. 

“May I ask for one more thing?” 

“Of course,” he says eagerly.

You hold your hands out. “A hug.”

“A-a hug?” he blushes.

You begin to draw your arms back. “I’m sorry. That’s imprudent, isn’t it?”

“Not at all!” he disagrees quickly and takes you up in his arms.

You let your head fall on his chest and your eyes to close, waiting for that fuzzy feeling from six months ago to come back, but it never does. You squeeze your arms, holding him closer, but still, nothing.

Finally, you pull back, hiding the disappointment on your face. Changbin’s a grinning mess. 

“Good night,” you bid him and turn for the door.

“Good night,” he echos.

The doors close behind you, and you rest your back against it, staring into your vast, dark house. The feeling of emptiness bites at your soul, and something foreign and wet slides down your cheek. You want to run. You want to escape from whatever this emotion is. But how? And where would you run to?

No, not where. Who.

Unconsciously, you reach a hand into your purse for a napkin. You pull one out and feel your throat getting tighter as you realize it isn’t the particular napkin you are looking for. You pull out another and another and another, littering your stone marble floor with tissues until you find exactly what you are looking for. What was once written on that napkin has been reduced to nothing but a smear by now, but no matter. You have memorized the number on it a long time ago.

Hastily, you punch the digits into your phone, but your thumb freezes over the green call button. You wonder how many times you’ve done this already. Changbin would be so hurt if you pressed it. Your father would be so disappointed. The business would crumble to the ground. How can you be so selfish as to do something like that? How dare you be something short of the perfect heir? No. You can’t. You can’t, you won’t, you can’t, you won’t.

Suddenly, a clap of thunder makes you jump. It startles you, but not as much as the dialing tone you hear after your surprise. Your heart races uncontrollably as you stare at your device, not knowing what to do. It rings once. Twice. And then— 


~ ad.gold


Stray Kids Masterlist

Results for Stray Kids on danihow:


None yet

Bang Chan


Two Part Effort
Angst, open ending
1.8k words

Chan wanted to be selfish for once, is it so wrong from him?

Lee Minho [Lee Know]

Lost on you
Angst, excouple.
0.7k words

Breaking up with you was the better decision to make, right?

Seo Changbin


Hwang Hyunjin


Right here
Fluff, best friends to ??.
3.5k words

A double date with your best friend as a bet to try an prove how dates weren’t easy didn’t seem like a bad idea, and it wasn’t, right?

Han Jisung


Lee Felix


Strangely in love
More like a drabble, fluff.
0.7k words

Felix was always told he was strange, but with you, he would be strange happily.

Kim Seungmin

None yet

Yang Jeongin [I.N]


Real life beauty
Open ending, really random.
1.4k words

When a stranger in London ask to take your pictures for you, what happens next?

Stupid presentation
College AU, crack, fluff, enemies to ?
4.9k words

You did a great job ignoring those who disliked you, you thought you were great at it, specially woth Jeongin, that until college work forces you to work together.


KPOP Masterlist

Main masterlist

Notes: Hi! Just as with the ATEEZ masterlist, this one is pretty empty too but I hope to fill it as time goes by. Hope you enjoy my bit of work!

©danihow. 2022. All rights reserved. Re-uploading, translating or any sort of modifying any work piece is not allowed.

This is a work of fiction, people mentioned or involved are actual human beings and none of this work is based on actual facts over the celebrities mentioned nor is intented to portray them in a realistic way.

Some themes are not factually acurate, any problem detected on the information given may be comunicated to me via DM.
