#hypnos god


Theoi Summary - Hypnos

Ὑπνος (eep-nohs) - Hypnos AKA Hypnus
God of sleep
Chthonic Daimon

Symbols: Inverted torch, horn of opium, Lethe, wings, dripping branch
Animals: Songbird
Colors: Black, blue
Plants/Herbs: Poppy, poplar
Stones/Crystals: Black stones

Retinue: Oneiroi
Relations: Pasithea (wife), Nyx (mother), Erebos (sometimes father), Thanatos (twin brother), Oneiroi (sons), Morpheus (son), Ikelos (son), Phantasos (son)
Identified with: Somnus (Roman), Sopor (Roman)

Festivals: N/A

Epithets: Epidotes (Bountiful), Melamkhrotos (Black Skinned), Pannikitis (Vanquisher)
