#i adore this

introspectres:“When you’ve told someone that you’ve left them a legacy the only decent thing to dointrospectres:“When you’ve told someone that you’ve left them a legacy the only decent thing to do


“When you’ve told someone that you’ve left them a legacy the only decent thing to do is to die at once.” - Samuel Butler -   [tictail link]

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Grumpy uncle Macuil


redrew and painted this today based off a drawing I recently found that i made when i was little. I’ve always loved bugs!

characterdesignreferences: Art by  Aleksandra KorbolewskaJanuary’s Theme: #MiddleEarth Presented by 


Art by  Aleksandra Korbolewska

Discover the artists of the Character Design Challenge community and the current Theme of the Month in our Facebook Group! And when you repost your design on our Patreon page, you can also win awesome prizes every month and choose the future themes!


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On May 31st California court ruled that bees should be classified as a type of fish in order to protect them under the state’s endangered species act




The Sibuna Club Official Bylaws

A list by Amber Millington

Signed by: Nina Martin, Fabian Rutter, Patricia Williamson, and Alfie Lewis

1. The first rule about Sibuna, is that you don’t talk about Sibuna. (Yes Fabian, we are all looking at you).

2. Elections will be held annually for the various officer positions. The current election results include: President/Leader - Nina Martin, Chief Strategist - Fabian Rutter, Snack Supplier – Alfie Lewis, Note Taker and Sibuna Historian – Amber Millington, and finally Queen of Sarcasm and Excuses, Patricia Williamson.

3. Sibuna vows are sacred, if you break one (telling someone about the club without asking, endangering the lives of club members by holding back intel, siding with Victor etc.) you have to run a mile around campus in the shame shirt. (note: the shame shirt is a florescent orange that doesn’t look good on anybody, with “shame shirt” written in huge font across the back.

4. A vote can be called at any point to determine the actions for the club. In the event of a tie the leader of Sibuna would be the deciding vote.

5. Any contact by ghostly figures is to be reported to the group ASAP. As well as any strange men Patricia meets in the woods.

6. Sibunas are to have their phones charged and on their persons at all times, in case they are kidnapped (cough cough Patricia cough cough) or fall down a hole (looking at you Nina).

7. Thursday nights are mandatory Sibuna study hours, with Sibuna Snacks provided by Alfred Lewis. The group misses far too much school and three out of the five of them are here on scholarship.

8. The only valid reasons to miss a Sibuna meeting include being kidnapped, given detention by Victor or hospitalized. Dates are NOT a valid reason to skip Sibuna events (Fabian).

9. All adults are guilty until proven innocent. You never know who could be in the murder cult. (Except Trudy. Trudy is an angel sent by the gods to deliver them wonderful food).

10. On any Sibuna outing Patricia and Fabian are NOT allowed to choose the music, unless one wants to be subjected to hours of Sick Puppies and Cradle of Filth.

The Sibuna Club Official Bylaws: 

A list by Amber Millington 

Signed by: Nina Martin, Fabian Rutter, Patricia Williamson, Alfie Lewis, Eddie Miller, K.T. Rush, Joy Mercer and Jerome Clarke 

11. Approved Sibuna excuses for suspicious behavior include being an expert in the following (taxidermy, locksmithing, plumbing, woodworking, etc.), being an amateur fashion designer, historians, preservationists, etc.), and if all else fails just call it a lover’s quarrel. 

12. Sensible shoes are a must since one never knows when they might have to deadly hopscotch, run from kidnappers or climb a chimney 

13. The New Member Initiation ceremony is a must in order to be a true Sibuna. (note: remember that any item sacrificed to the house gods must hold a great deal of meaning to the participant). 

14. If anyone else has a secret sibling now is the time to speak up! (Seriously family members keep crawling out of the woodwork). 

15. Dating outside of Sibuna never ends well. Seriously. If you are serious about them, they will have to know about the club and curses. If not, your relationship will end in tears. 

16. If you receive visions, mysterious objects from creepy old ladies, or hear voices from the house – Congratulations! You are now in the running for cursed teenager and leader of Sibuna. 

17. Trudy’s Ooey Gooey Chocolate Cake is better than Vera’s Chocolate Nightmare Cake and you can fight Amber on this. 

18. Appropriate Sibuna meeting places include Nina & Amber’s room, the Attic (as long as you have a lock pick), the cellar with Nina’s locket and of course the clearing in the woods.

19. Alfie Lewis is the team’s official Cheerleader. While K.T. is the adorable mascot. 

20. All members swear to never speak about the winter holiday of 2011 and the situation with the goat, bath tub, chocolate fountain and Amber’s high heels.


“I would have liked to show you Florence, Will.”


Morning Debrief

ForWeek 8@writer-wednesday

Summary: Benjamin Miller is a better gossip than cook.

Pairing: Frankie Morales x F Reader

Rating: Explicit, 18+ Only folks

Warnings: Some swears and brief mentions of sexy times

A/N: Gave myself half an hour to vomit this idea out of my sleep deprived brain at 1am and for that, I apologise.

“I’m sorry about the eggs.”

Benjamin Miller apologised sheepishly from where he sat opposite you.

You smiled down at your plate. As much as he tried, he really was a terrible cook.

“Don’t worry about it,” you managed to get out through a half chewed mouthful. “They’re a bit like my brain at the minute,” You speared a chunk of the white rubber that was once an egg. “A bit rough around the edges.”

Keep reading

yinyoru: tddk stardew valley au!! fuck joja corp in this household we go community center all the wa


tddk stardew valley au!! fuck joja corp in this household we go community center all the way >:O

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Paint me into the shadows that flank your bed at night

I will fight your nightmares for you.



some cryptid banners i made for my room! they’re just felt and hot glue. rbs are appreciated, so please don’t re-post! terfs dni, i’m a young trans artist

✨live, laugh, lurk!✨


I love everyone who’s into Steddy Hands but ALSO so many people are saying Stede/Izzys dynamic should be tolerating each other for Eds sake and doing threesomes but having no real love for each other and NO. NO my fics can’t end like that. You don’t understand.

They have one of the most interesting dynamics in the show. I’d put it right up there with Ed/Izzys, Ed/Stedes dynamic (hence this ship appealing to me so much) because like. Okay so first you’ve got their canon interactions:

  • “This isn’t over Mr Bonnet.” “Good. Because I kind of enjoyed it”
  • “He has terrible taste in lackies”
  • “His names Blackbeard DOG”
  • “Trouble in paradise”
  • “I stood up for you you little shit”
  • *homoerotically touches curtains* “plum the depths”

Okay and yes obvs it’s funny imagining them having to put up with each other for Ed BUT this dynamic??? It’s ripe for some enemies to lovers. I mean. They’re like. Weirdly obsessed with one another and HATE one another IMMEDIATELY - Blackbeards not in the picture yet and Izzy is CUTTING UP STEDES TOP TO MAKE HIS BOOBIES LOOK ALL SLUTTY. Hes lying to Ed about him for…what reason? Ed doesn’t care about stede at this point. It’s literally just bizzare random immediate grudge.

And it’s so much funner and compelling to me to watch them go from THIS to bickering but dealing with one another for Eds sake to OH MY fucking god I think I’m in love with that TWAT. Like. I just want them to get to that point. That’s what I want.

I want someone to insult Stede and Izzy to punch them out and he’s like…fuck. FUCK. shit. I actually cared that he was being shat on. Fuck.

I want Stede to be making tea and he realises he knows exactly how Izzy takes it and he has a lil breakdown because oh my god I know what that bastard likes to drink holy shit that’s basically a love language.

I want Stede to be like ‘this is Edward the love of my life and… *sigh* this is Izzy…also the love of my life ’

I want Izzy to be like 'yes Captain’ to Stede and then realise shit does he RESPECT this guy now what the fuck?

I want Stede to kiss eds cheek one evening in front of the crew and then kiss Izzys and Izzy decides not to stab him because…fine. maybe that was…Nice.

I want Izzy to be like…fuck this guy STILL can’t hold a sword properly. Get the FUCK over here Bonnet I’m teaching you how to sword fight.

I want Edward to walk in one day from being on deck to find Stede and Izzy cuddling and they just look up and GLARE and dare him to say anything and ACTUALLY I’m only laid here because it’s COMFORTABLE and I’m hoping Izzys arm goes to sleep and he SUFFERS– wait shit darling did your arm actually go to sleep here let me move over for you–

I want someone to be like 'hey Izzy - you still looking for someone to kill Bonnet?’ And izzy has to go 'unfortunately…no. I am in love with him. if u hurt him I will have to kill you I’m afraid. He’s a fucking idiot tho’

I want Izzy to realise that Stede actually IS good at fuckery and oh shit he loves TWO dramatic theatre kids he has a TYPE

I just. I don’t want the end game of steddy hands to be 'stede and Izzy put up with one another for Eds sake’ I want it to be 'they love one another actually and it fucking sucks but also its the best thing that ever happened to either of them’


this is a Laura Neal hate blog btw

Villanelle/Eve WIP!


Sk8r Boys! (They’re not very good at it yet)

Commissioned by @mazikthelifor@amorsindolor ! I was so excited to learn they are Venezuelan as well, and had a lot of fun with the Easter eggs :-)


Now with eyebrows!



hey btw if you wanna read dracula in real time as it happens you can have the chapters delivered to you via e-mail by signing up here:

it’s fun


Latest addition


Beast, and the Beauty’s Beats

note: Not an actual Beauty and the Beast story, just a character reference from some inspiration.

Long brownish-blonde hair drapes over the the face of the beauty, covering her pristine blue eyes. A powerful hand extends towards her face, gently brushing the strands away behind her ears. The Beast lowers his face to match hers, his brown eyes showing a piercing, animalistic look yet somehow belies a tender and caring passion for the woman he’s looking at. “I’ll take good care of you, princess” proclaims the Beast in his gruff voice. The princess smiles slightly as the eyes glisten like the ocean as the rays of sun hit it. The Beast lays her down on her back on the hard table. The princess knowing full well what the Beast could do to her if he wished causes her heart to surge slightly. The Beast takes notice and gives a slight smile as he eyes the bounding carotid pumping lively. He climbs over her, his massive frame weighing on top of her. He leans forward and gives her a kiss on the forehead. He leans his head over slightly and whispers in her ear “that’s a good girl”, as his beard grazes the side of her ear and check as he pulls back, the soft prickles sending a slight chill down her body as her pulse quickens.

The Beast traces a finger against the princess’ soft cheek, she feels the knuckle gliding down as it reaches the soft, vulnerable flesh of her neck. The Beast places two fingers against her carotid, he feels the excited pulsing meeting his touch, almost like tiny kisses grazing his fingertips. The Beast still straddling the beauty, his other free hand reaches down to her chest. He pulls down her top slightly, revealing more of her sternum. The free hand gropes around at the warm flesh of her chest, pausing for brief moments to find the strongest beat. “There she is” he growls with a slight smile, part of passion, part of lust. The powerful hand of the beast focuses for a moment, feeling the connecting rhythm of her very heart beating beneath his palm with the carotid artery beneath his fingers from the other. The lustful heart starts beating faster, further anxiously but excitedly waiting for what is to come. The shining blues of the beauty meet the contrasting, fiery brown eyes of the Beast.

The once gentle touch of the Beast begins to change. The Beast opens his hand and slowly begins to wrap the soft, vulnerable neck. The hand upon her chest feeling her very heart is clutched, fingertips feeling like steel vises digging into her warm flesh of her. Now the Beast begins to execute, he leans in as his full weight takes over. Strong arm flexes as he jolts his body down over her very heart, compressing her chest. The other hand clutching at her throat clamps harder, restricting her air. The Beast slams his body, growing harder and harder. The princess falls blissfully into his power. Her ribs bow, her sternum bends, her chest shakes. Sharp, powerful jolts thunder her body. Her heart now overwhelmed with ecstasy as the Beast continues his work. Hands clamp even tighter around her throat and grasping at her chest, her air becoming almost non-existent, but as the Beast continues to pump her life giving organ, she starts letting out small wheezes. The Beast rains down compressions with just one massive arm, he himself becoming enthralled by the moment. He feels her raging beats under his palm as he thrusts down so hard he almost flattens her organ. “She’s going to beat how I want her to. She’s going to beat when I let her beat” the Beast mutters through his breath as his efforts continue. With almost nothing left in her lungs, the Beast stops his compressions. He bends down, his mouth meeting hers, soft lips being tickled by the beard as he blows. Fresh life giving air enters her lungs, her chest inflating as the Beast exhales, filling her body. Her oxygen starved heart shifts into overdrive as the lust and passion, the excitement at her being dominated yet being focused on down to her very heart overwhelms her.

Her chest heaving, rising as beads of sweat begin to form. The Beast lays his head over her breast, he hears the muscle thundering rapidly, taking in a moment to enjoy the effect he has on her body. He takes a hand of hers and puts it his massive chest while he keeps one upon hers to feel her small heart still throbbing hard. The Beauty feels his powerful heart beating rapidly as his efforts are felt. The Beast descends his other hand once again upon her chest, the very hands that can bend metal find her heart. “I hope you feel what yours does to mine” he says to her, as his heart continues to thunder behind his ribs, filling her senses with his booming organ.

The Beast grunts slightly as he compresses once more. Muscles like steel fibers flex, the sudden surge to her chest flattens her. He pounds over her heart, her beating organ once again flattening over his might as he thrusts down. The organ struggling between her own beats and his will, as it compresses, fills, struggles and repeats, being overcome by his might. The Beauty lays there, loving every minute of it. Feeling her heart be overcome by this force upon her, being made to beat to another rhythm, her bones rending up and down. Air wheezes from her lungs again and is met by quick deep inhales of her own body trying to gulp and keep down as much oxygen between each rapid pump from the Beast causes her to blow some out. She feels his heart booming inside of him as he catches between movements of him forcing her own heart down with each thunderous compression. The Beast drops his hand to give the Beauty his full attention. Both hands now cover her sternum, her body pinned down even further. The Beast slams hand over hand down upon her chest, now using almost all of his strength. The princess can all but lay there as he dominates her very existence. She hears the grunts and groans from the Beast as he savagely rams against her chest, thudding the table beneath her body. Fingers dig and claw over heart as she beats even harder and more excited, the Beast feels her almost rising to the surface, yearning and lusting for more. He smiles as he grunts and almost growls in a savage passion, loving the moment. THUD THUD THUD THUD, he slams harder and deeper into her body. The Beauty can practically feel her heart being flattened and rising back, almost as if she has no rhythm herself but is completely overtaken by the beast. Sweat drips from his forehead as he thrusts even harder, deeper.

The Beauty’s heart feels as if he’s wrapped around her very heart slamming down, or at least to break through her ribs and grab her precious pump thundering so hard her own chest throbs, her breasts almost pulsing from the force down upon her and how excited her own heart is beating back, trying to meet the Beast himself.

The Beast stops his compressions and lays his head upon her chest once more, the red, compressed chest. He listens to her heart thundering. He raises back up and meets his chest to hers, both hearts pounding against each other. The Beast’s eyes meeting the Beauty’s once more, having switched from almost feral back to the kind glance only she gets from him. A hand stretches out and like how it started, brushes the hair from her face. “You did so good, baby girl. Next time? I’m gonna make her skip, stumble, and bring you right back just to do it all over again” he states as the two lay there, hearts once raging in ecstasy now slowing down, as they beat together. Her soft organ meeting his, thump..thump..thump.



Finally I did another Duck comic, just for you!

Here’s a little comic I’ve been working on and off the past few months! This is just the first half, I’m still working on the second half, that’ll be done in a couple weeks I think.

As for why I made this, I guess I just thought it’d be interesting to see Daphne and Magica interact. I wanted to have Daphne encourage a young Magica, who’s struggling with her magic, and give her some sort of pep talk.

It was kind of a struggle to write their dialogue together tho, since I had to be sure that an older Magica wouldn’t connect her meeting with Daphne to Gladstone later on. Their conversation had to vague enough that no mention of Daphne’s name, her luckiness, or even the name of the city Duckberg happens.

It’s the same reason why I had Gladstone as still an egg instead of a baby, which I was originally gonna do. But Magica might’ve connected that to an older Gladstone, plus an egg is easier to draw lol.

Well, I hope you like it!

oh my gosh this is so cute!!! I love your style and the understanding you have of the characters, your content is always so funny and charming :’D
