#i also needed this so much right now



Title: Hold You Tight

Pairing: Dean x Reader x Sam (Friendship)

Word Count: 2, 231

Warnings: Anxiety, Suicidal Thoughts (Minor) Implications of Insomnia, Depression, Intrusive Thoughts, Fluff

Summary: When life gets to be too hard and you can’t seem to get out a dark place, who is there to pick you up and hold you?

Prompt: “Hey beautiful, you okay?”

A/N: I’ve been in a bit of a dark place for a little while now and I have felt a little alone and this was the result of it. It’s always nice to know the Winchester’s are there for you when you need them most. Feedback would be greatly appreciated! :)



Your name: What is this?

 It was the middle of the night when you had woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. The fifth night in a row and you were growing increasingly tired and frustrated by it. It was slowly becoming your nightly routine. You’d wake up and instead of trying to get back to sleep, you’d slip on your slippers and throw on one of the flannels you stole a while back from one of the boys. Tonight was another one of those nights.

 The bunker was completely silent, not even the sounds of snores coming from one of the boys rooms. Tonight, you were feeling like a late night snack. You patted your feet down to the bunker’s kitchen, flicking on the lights. Dean had cleaned it up a couple of days ago while you and Sam went out on a supply run.

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i really needed this. thank you
