#i am a sucker for happy endings



The Aftermath (Mammon Therapist’s Tapes)

As requested by many; a Aftermath.

After that incident, Mammon found his brothers watching his tapes. Mammon was barely home, but when he was he would lock himself in his room. Mammon wouldn’t approach them, but they would try to approach him. Sometimes they were successful, sometimes they chickened out because of his icy glare. The brother who never tried to approach Mammon was Asmodeus.

If their relationship was bad back then, it’s non-existent now. The others noticed this, but didn’t say a word about it. Satan tried to talk with Asmodeus about it, but the fifth-born wanted to hear nothing and sent him away. Things were tense in the HOL, and it wouldn’t change for a while.


  • It took about a week before Lucifer went to talk with Mammon, that was only because he didn’t know how to talk to his favorite brother.
  • When he finally went to talk with him, it was a tense conversation. Lucifer had apologized for looking at his tapes.
  • Mammon didn’t forgive him right away, but Lucifer wasn’t expecting him to, nor did he want him to.
  • They were still a bit tense for a while, Lucifer was going to allow Mammon to warm back up to him, he wasn’t going to force him.
  • During this time, Mammon rarely got in trouble, but when he did Lucifer would only scold him a bit, not any of his other punishments.
  • Would read ‘Devil Style’ just to see if Mammon got on the front page, and would reward him if he did.
  • When they finally became close again, which was different than before, but wasn’t the same as back when they were in the Celestial Realm.
  • Mammon would sometimes get punished, but Lucifer was a bit more lenient with them.
  • Takes about 6 months to change their relationship for the better.
  • “Hey! Luce! Wanna go out ta see that movie airing tonight!”
  • “You mean ‘Jujutsu Kaisen 0’?”
  • “Nope, the other one!”
  • ‘Fast 9’?”
  • “Yep!”
  • “I’ll clear my schedule.”


  • Levi took a lot of time to even try and talk with Mammon. After he gained himself enough courage to do it. The first thing he did was ask Mammon if he wanted to play his favorite game together with him: Smash Demons. 
  • When they played it was tense at first, Levi didn’t know how to talk with him beyond inviting him to play. But, once they started the tenseness disappeared over time.
  • They laughed when they beat each other in a match, some normal gamers rage here and there.
  • After the tenseness was gone, Levi apologized about everything. Everything he had done to his older brother until now. Levi didn’t think Mammon would forgive him so easily, or at all really.
  • But, his older brother did. What surprised him the most was when Mammon pulled him into a tight hug.
  • Even though he forgave him, it was still tense between them for some time. They bickered at each other sometimes over silly things.
  • Whenever one of Levi’s figures disappeared, instead of immediately blaming Mammon, he would ask Mammon to help him look for it instead. When Mammon needed money, Levi never nagged him about giving it back right away, just make some progress paying him back when he could.
  • Took about 8 months to change their relationship for the better
  • “Mammon! I just got a new game for 2 players! Wanna play?”
  • “Are you talking aboutDevil Zone?”
  • “Yeah! I just got it early.”
  • “Levi… Don’t play it yet, you remember what happened last time..
  • “Oh, yeah…Okay fine. Wanna play that RPG we were playing last night until Lucifer scolded us to go to bed?”
  • “Sure, I’m almost at level 90.”


  • Satan tried to mend their relationship as soon as possible, but tried not to make it so noticeable.
  • It would be small things, like they would be in the kitchen with him helping him cook dinner or do the dishes.
  • After a few months, Satan would ask things that he hadn’t done since he was a young demon. Like asking Mammon to read to him or with him. Or bringing an injured kitten to him. He even let Mammon call him by his old nickname, ‘Tantan’.
  • It took 2 months before Satan apologized about the tapes, their relationship falling out. About following after Asmodeus.
  • Mammon shook it off, saying that Satan was just ‘growing up’.
  • Satan didn’t think of it that way, but he could tell that was a way of saying Mammon forgave him, just without saying it.
  • Mammon joined Satan on his little pranks with Lucifer.
  • Took about 4 months to change their relationship for the better
  • “Tantan, I found a spellbook you might like.”
  • “203 spells to fuck with stuck up older brothers?”
  • “How did ya know-”
  • “I saw you buy it with Goldie and it lit up on Lucifer’s D.D.D. I made sure to erase it before he saw it.“
  • “Hey, ya called her Goldie!”
  • “I think I hear her speak sometimes” *small chuckle*
  • “K, take that too seriously Tan…”


  • There wasn’t anything that really had to change, Beel apologized again and again about the tapes, seeing Mammon was bothered by them looking at them.
  • Beel had tried to stick up for Mammon better, maybe too much at times because one day he heard at RAD someone had called Mammon a moron and he broke 2 walls with a single punch to the demon’s face.
  • Mammon just scolded Beel for it with a gentle whack on the head if he does too much. They got a bit closer during that time.
  • Beel invited Mammon out to some restaurants like Hell’s Kitchen or Madame Screams, and he would pay for whatever he and Beel would eat.
  • Beel would sometimes bring lunch or something to eat to one of Mammon’s shoots.
  • Took 1 month for their relationship to get better.
  • *loud crashing sounds*
  • “Beel…”
  • “They said you were ugly.”
  • “Just, have a little restraint Beel. This is the 4th wall this week…”
  • “Sorry.”


  • Like Beel, Belphie didn’t really have anything to change, not like he was planning on it. He did apologize about the tapes a week after, he wanted to give Mammon some time to himself before trying to talk to him.
  • He knew Mammon deserved it. After that, their relationship went back to the same. Some things changed, but it didn’t make a drastic change.
  • Sometimes when a large test is coming up, Belphie would sometimes give Mammon his notebook to use as a study guide, or sometimes he would give Mammon a little cheat sheet to use.
  • Definitely helped with his grades a bit, whenever Mammon would get a B or higher Belphie would buy him some of his spicy ramen cups (tossing them at him when he got home)
  • Mammon tried to do something for Belphie, but he couldn’t figure something out until one time when Belphie was absent from class and he went to find him, just to find him in the attic trying to fix his favorite cow pillow.
  • Mammon grabbed his old sewing kit in his room, which he kept around for a certain reason, and went back up into the attic.
  • Belphie saw Mammon when he sat down on the bed up in the attic, that’s when he saw Mammon’s sewing kit.
  • “You still have that thing?”
  • “Hand me the pillow, I’ll fix it.”
  • *hands pillow to Mammon* “I still remember when you made me that old pillow. Didn’t it take you like 6 years?”
  • “5 and a half.”
  • “Close enough.”
  • “I didn’t even know if you remembered how to sew, or that you even kept your kit around.”
  • “Who do you think fixes all your pillows or blankets? Who do you think fixes Lucifer’s jacket before he finds out you and Satan cut it?”
  • “Is that why he never got angry-??”


  • They both avoided each other, when one was in the room the other would leave or won’t enter until the other was gone.
  • Asmodeus took his dinner to his room just to not sit in the same room as Mammon.
  • The only brother that tried to do something was Satan, which wasn’t surprising.
  • Mammon raised Satan first, but Asmodeus came later. They both were like parents to him, so it was like a huge divorce fight even though Satan was older and understood what was going on.
  • It took 1 year of Satan trying before his efforts worked, he actually got Mammon and Asmodeus to sit in the same room, he knew if he didn’t do anything, this would probably last for centuries.
  • The two sat across from each other, coral eyes and ocean eyes glared at each other which made the room tense, almost suffocating.
  • Neither talked to each other, Asmodeus sat with his legs folded over one another and his arms crossed over his chest. Mammon sat there leaning back on the couch, his tan finger tapping on his leg while bouncing it up and down.
  • They sat there quietly for about an hour before Mammon stood up. “I have a shoot to get to.” was all he muttered before leaving the room.
  • Asmodeus only clicked his tongue and left for his room, not wanting to be bothered.
  • They would sit in the same room, but wouldn’t utter a word towards each other.
  • After 3 years of this, Satan ended up letting his unspoken words let out at both of them. After about an hour of yelling at both of them Satan stormed out of the room.
  • It took that for them to realize how immature they were being, and maybe they could try to change their relationship for the better.
  • It took a bit of effort, but they talked about simple things at first. It took about a month before they talked about something they could bond with together… modeling.
  • They only talked about it at first, that’s when Asmodeus admitted he was jealous that fashion companies looked to Mammon for modeling, the only thing Mammon had to respond with that,
  • “They turn to you for fashion, remember all those companies like Majolish that wanted you to style some clothes for them.”
  • Asmodeus was surprised, he didn’t expect Mammon to actually notice something like that.
  • “Ya know I wear them sometimes for shoots, they’re comfortable and stylish.”
  • “Good, you know how much of a good fashion sense I have. Only if Satan can appreciate that.”
  • Mammon only nodded, the conversation dropped there.
  • It took them awhile to make even a bit of progress, but they did. It took them a long time and a bit of screaming from Satan, but it turned out his wrath helped instead of harmed.
  • Took them 4 years to build a better relationship, a bit of a rocky road.