#i am living for this



context: i now have my orchestra director on discord and he sent this


Also can we talk about this dog wearing a dan and phil tshirt

Also can we talk about this dog wearing a dan and phil tshirt

Post link


I’m still working on Living Arrangements, my Lukanette And They Were Roommates! AU. Here’s a bit of it as proof:

               “Luke Stone, right?” Adrien stuck out his hand, and Luka took it in a brief handshake, and then stepped back to gesture him inside.

               “It’s Luka, when I’m not on stage,” he said coolly.

               “Right, I heard you were taking a break from things. And you’re in Paris at the Conservatoire? How’s that going?”

               Luka returned a noncommital answer, but Adrien’s attention seemed to be more on the room around him than on Luka.

               “So, is Marinette here? I’m picking her up for the showcase today,” Adrien said, his eyes settling on the photos that Marinette had clustered along the sideboard. He reached out to pick up one of a very young Marinette and Alya mugging at the camera, with some of their school friends, and for a moment that sunshine smile became something a little less camera-ready and a little more real.

               “Marinette’s just getting ready.” Luka leaned casually against the doorframe. “She’s a little behind schedule today.”

               “Same old Marinette,” Adrien said fondly. At Luka’s raised eyebrow, he explained, “Marinette was kind of famous for always running late, back in collège. But I guess you’d know all about that, sharing an apartment with her.”

               “Marinette’s a great housemate,” was all Luka said. He had no desire to gossip about her with anyone.

               “Oh, Marinette’s amazing. Now that I can see past all that stuttering, I can see just how amazing she really is.”

               Luka glanced down, the fall of his hair shadowing his reaction to that, but Adrien didn’t seem to have noticed.

               “We were friends back in collège, well, sort of friends. We hung around together a bit with Nino and Alya, and there were a few school projects that we ended up on together, but she was a bit of a scatterbrain back then.” He gave a little laugh. “There was one time we went to the museum with Nino and Alya, and she got lost and ended up giving a whole speech to one of the statues, and even kissing it. She was such a funny girl.”

               Luka pressed his lips together as Adrien recounted story after hilarious story that Luka just knew probably hadn’t felt so funny to Marinette at the time.
