#im still not over this




Imagine if the climactic confrontation between Luke and Vader were cut from Empire Strikes Back. No hand getting chopped off, no offer from Vader to join forces, no “no, I am your father.”

Now imagine the title crawl for Return of the Jedi just casually started “Luke Skywalker, having learned that his father Anakin did not die, but took up the mantle of Darth Vader…” And just fucking expected everyone to go along with that without asking questions.

But actually, it was established in ONE place before Episode VI came out - on an episode of Taxi which Darth Vader guest-starred in, where he casually talked about his estranged kids and there was a joke where he pulled out some wallet photos of Luke and Leia.

This is the world we live in after the Palpatine thing. I’m losing my mind. Who greenlit this shit

Fucking Fortnite man…


A/N:For@digitalscratch-arting because I don’t think I can finish the Zen smut It’s so harrrddd and I think fluff is what I do better so HERE IS A FIC TO MAKE UP FOR MY DISAPPOINTING EXISTENCE. 

It’s a little different from how I do my normal fics/drabbles, but :3 I hope you like it, Digi!!  

Love. It’s a funny word. Especially in theatre.

In acting, love is flamboyant, showy, over-the-top. It’s declaring your undying love beneath the dimming golden lights of the setting sun; it’s surprising her by snatching her by the waist, tipping her over and crashing your lips to hers in front of a wide-eyed audience. It’s vowing to protect her with a swish of the cape and flash of a silver sword. It’s crying uncontrollably and screaming her name when she departs prematurely from the world, by a cruel twist of fate.

A few years into actual acting and he realises that love isn’t exactly like that.

Love is sweet. Fluffy. Like cotton candy melting in your mouth. Eat too much and you’ll get a sugar rush, but in the best way possible. It gets your heart pounding, your blood rushing to your head, and energy from an unknown source flowing into your veins. It’s feeling giddy and insanely nervous whenever she’s around. It’s flirting with her and feeling like you own the world when she flirts back. It’s surprising her with flowers and chocolate at every chance you get, it’s showing off your motorcycle to hear her gushing, it’s making the best jokes to hear her tinkling laugh.

But… after a while, it gets tiring. Because after every rush, there comes a time when you come crashing down. 

And so he didn’t think it was worth it. Love just wasn’t worth all that time and energy. He was better off using that time to practice and rehearse his lines.

Love, after all, feels more like a fling. A sugar rush that dies down after a while. Hmph. If even familial love can’t last, he highly doubts a romantic relationship can go that far. 

So flirting it is. Because come on, who can resist flirting with a cute girl? Let the interest last while it can, and when it goes, move on. Simple enough. Love is just there to add a little spice to your life.

It’s a few more years before someone else barges into his life. Like a star that suddenly falls from the sky, right onto his head, and turning his notions and fantasies of love into stardust. 

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‘What Palpatine doesn’t know is that we are a dyad in the force, Rey. Two that are one.’

Ben Solo, the Rise of Skywalker

‘He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.’

Catherine Earnshaw, Wuthering Heights

Gabriel and Marinette Relationship

My Head-Canon:





(If you don’t know abt it- basically America has not recognized the Armenian genocide- which was committed by the turkish government in the early 20th century- until today, they did not classify as a genocide and failed to acknowledge the pain of so many armenians who were hurt so badly by it)

This is so long overdue, all of my childhood I was immersed in the armenian community- when i got older and found out that there are a huge number of people who dont believe that my ancestors were murdered and tortured i was so baffled and heartbroken (the reason im in america is BECAUSE of the genocide that forced my great grandparents to flee after their villages were declared part of turkey and their families were killed) . This is just one stepping stone and im so grateful that it’s finally happened❤️❤️❤️

obiwanskenobiss:South Africa’s Wayde van Niekerk crosses the finish line to break the world recordobiwanskenobiss:South Africa’s Wayde van Niekerk crosses the finish line to break the world recordobiwanskenobiss:South Africa’s Wayde van Niekerk crosses the finish line to break the world recordobiwanskenobiss:South Africa’s Wayde van Niekerk crosses the finish line to break the world recordobiwanskenobiss:South Africa’s Wayde van Niekerk crosses the finish line to break the world recordobiwanskenobiss:South Africa’s Wayde van Niekerk crosses the finish line to break the world record


South Africa’s Wayde van Niekerk crosses the finish line to break the world record in the Men’s 400m Final during the athletics event at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games at the Olympic Stadium in Rio de Janeiro on August 14, 2016. / AFP / OLIVIER MORIN (x)

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