#i c r u n c h e d again


Happy third anniversary to Deltarune, the successor to Undertale! About a month or so ago, I decided to both give Deltarune a big shot as well as replaying through Undertale since it had been a good few years since I’d played the latter, and it was a decision I absolutely do not regret!

Deltarune is every bit as amazing as you may have heard; it takes all the good qualities of Undertale and takes them up to eleven— the writing is hilarious, the spritework is WILDLY inspirational and the soundtrack, as per usual, is without flaw!

I wasn’t aware that the anniversary of Deltarune was so soon, and again found myself in the position of working SUPER fast to have something for the occasion… and of course, if you know anything about my anniversary posts, this means that I’ve got a few wallpapers I’ve designed!

My initial plan was to make a set of five wallpapers, the remaining two being wallpapers for Noelle and Berdly, but the three wallpapers I ended up making took a bit longer than I had expected them to, and for what it’s worth, I find that a pack of wallpapers of just the Deltarune trio is more than enough!

May the coming years bring us the highly anticipated next installments of this iconic tale of light and darkness!
