#i cant believe this



the bar was ruin even b’fore it was ruin and you know it

well whose fault is that


is it the owner’s job to clean things up???

no, but it IS the owner’s job to replace busted furniture, make sure shit works properly and–

Well Sugar Honey Ice Tea. I bet most of y'all are porn blogs, but hey all the same.

Well Sugar Honey Ice Tea. I bet most of y'all are porn blogs, but hey all the same.

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((You know you’re trash for the thing when you accidentally start draw fanart for it))

thesewickedhands: #braidsRICHARD CABRAL as COCO CRUZ MAYANS MC | 4.02 Hymn Among the Ruins thesewickedhands: #braidsRICHARD CABRAL as COCO CRUZ MAYANS MC | 4.02 Hymn Among the Ruins thesewickedhands: #braidsRICHARD CABRAL as COCO CRUZ MAYANS MC | 4.02 Hymn Among the Ruins




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MTZ 519 dropped today and I made this in such a frenzy

“Off- Off with your head, dance-dance till you’re dead! Heads will roll, heads will roll, heads will roll, on the floor.”

Um so- did I watch the movie?? Yes- did I enjoy it? Yes ✨ will I be doodling ash for fun? YES because she’s so fun to draw omfg

Yes I have this cover stuck in my head now

holy shit i was just facetiming with my dad and sister who are interstate and mid call they found a container with some old drawings and they were like ‘hey look at this!’

and they were going through them and lo-and-fucking-behold they came across my hogan’s heroes newgan fanart from like 6 years ago you guys I AM FUCKING MORTIFIED

someone please dig me a hole and bury me i can’t face them for at least 23 years


All I can think about is Ruki in a Velcro suit being all…Ruki, and Aoi hanging him up on the Velcro wall and telling him he can come down when he’s ready to be an adult again.

ID: A google maps location, which is named “Wammy’s House (Colégio Watari)”. It has 5 stars and is listed as an “orfanato” (orphanage). It’s in São Paulo, State of São Paulo. End ID

Which one of you motherfuckers did this

MCR legit released a new single today and I’m about to have a break down

Hhhhhhhhhhh freaking…. 12 pm, I wake up and notice that the professor that ghosted me finally answered. At 8 am. Finally answering my freaking questions.

…….Mmmmmgggghhhhhhhhhhhhh I might scream…


That’s all you need to know ✨



Charlotte’s story has ended. Charlotte’s story has began.
A prologue. An epilogue.
An end. A beginning.

All ended well.
There was nothing to be sad about.

Hello Charlotte: Childhood’s End is the third installment of Hello Charlotte series.
It’s a visual novel-esque psychological thriller with sci-fi and puzzle elements.
Available for purchase in English and Russian.

Get it on Steamanditch.io.


Compared to the previous episodes, it’s a pretty long game…so if you happen to encounter game-breaking bugs, feel free to contact me @aetherei. I’ll do my best to fix the issues as soon as possible!

ahhhhh, I’m so excited >♡

I… I can’t believe it…

One single person with an insanely generous heart has helped me get the rest of what I need. I am cryingggg


I watched them grow from 15-year-olds in puppy love to 31-year-old parents…. I literally grew up with them and my heart can barely handle it….

Me: “ok then, let’s do this oshimen challenge thing… I’ll take this starter

Me: “ok then, let’s do this oshimen challenge thing… I’ll take this starter and see what I get”
Also me: “WHAT THE HELL”

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