#i googled shit for this


Loki is just misunderstood please

Okay hc for misunderstood!loki which is canon anyway Tom says so and this isn’t really a hc more like proof.

So in actual mythology Loki gives gifts to people to apologise to them or thank them and they’re always hella huge gifts like whole worlds or incredible materials stuff like that. And in the myths as well every time he gifts something to someone they turn on him and punish him for it they beat him and kill everyone he loves and exile him and shun him.

And he’s still trying to apologise now but he just can’t seem to get it right he’s apologising for his previous gifts by doing things that people see as a threat because from all of the past misunderstandings he’s been labelled as evil and always up to no good and everything he does now when he gets ‘defeated’ if him being punished again for trying.

Yeah he’s not a ‘good person’ even in the original myths he kills steals etc to get his gifts to give but that’s just him. To him the “it’s the thought that counts” sentiment is more like “it’s the amount of effort you put into getting the thing that counts” so of course he’s gonna try his damnedest to do very complicated things that usually end in people getting hurt or killed cuz like damn that’s a LOT of effort that’s a big apology or a big thank you.

And at this point he’s still kind of hoping that someone eventually accepts his gift but after being shut down so many times and called evil he’s just become what everyone told him he was even though the thought driving everything he does is ‘what can I do to make up for last time?’

Other than that though he simply cannot back down from a challenge. If something seems impossible he will go for it like come on. Just to prove himself because everything he’s ever done has been looked down upon and he’s been called worthless or argr so many times he just has to show people that he can do it. He does what he’s not supposed to do only because he sees it as a challenge. And when people *coughAVENGERScough* make whatever it is he’s trying to do (like give an apology gift) harder we’ll damn he can’t not do whatever it takes.

My poor baby someone just be nice to him I fucking dareyoube his friend
