#i guess lmao


Her name is Athena and I’m thinking she should not be from the states. She should totally absolutely have Latino roots. A Latin American mom married to some guy from the Netherlands. They make a big company and establish themselves at the states when Athena is young. She was a lonely kid with an accent and is a lonely adult, albeit full of knowledge, when she realizes she’s spending every single day sleeping after work at 28 because there’s nothing more interesting she could do.

Athena can’t find the motivation to turn around her perfectly planned life— she doesn’t know how to.

Why did that get more attention than my actual art i–

My supermarket post also applies to j.mart. Martin would see Jon in a store and not say hi because he’s too shy, Jon would see Martin and not say hi because he’s just completely disinterested in Martin as a person and has no interest in interacting with him outside of work.
