#i hate rich people



“Customers need to know that just ‘cause you hit one-click buy, it’s not magic. These are real people being affected. We want you all to stand in solidarity with these workers. They come from y'all community, they’re your neighbors.

The first thing we’re fighting for is job security. They hire and fire people all the time. There’s people that are homeless and people in shelters working there that we help.

We’re fighting to make everybody a shareholder again, which they stopped in 2018, and bringing back the monthly bonuses for productivity and attendance. They stopped that in 2018, as well. Bring back hazard pay.

They think the pandemic is over. People are still working, catching covid, still being sick. And, also, providing a better quality of life: a pension, free college…everything a union can provide, we want to provide.”

-Chris Smalls, Amazon Labor Union

If a corporation tells you unions are bad and will make your work harder don’t believe them. Corporations exist to make money. People are expendable to them. They are just numbers in an Excel sheet.

Unionize. Don’t let corporations tell you otherwise. These people didn’t get filthy rich by being fair and just and by sharing the wealth. They got wealthy through greed, corruption, exploitation and treating its workers like shit.

Workers at the bottom of the payment chain are the ones bringing money to the company. Only them. They make the labor that makes the corporation bigger, wealthier and more powerful. Not anyone higher. Especially not the CEO, board of directors and such, who convince people unions aren’t needed and things can’t get better.





It’s that or “Just rely on your wealthy relatives! Everyone has those, right?”

One of the richest people in Poland said he built his fortune by giving out leaflets on the street and saving the money. He forgot to mention his dad gave him 2 million pln (around $800.000) to “start” his business that was already owned by his father.

So yeah, choke on those avocados you rich, entitled assholes.

cant wait for the eternal wars between disney, google and amazon over who gets to own the earth  And then the sequel where the winner who took earth fights elon musk in the mars war, with specifically gustav holst’s mars in the background.
