#i have lost control of my life


Hunter only cries in the show two times (so far). But even then they aren’t really crying, it’s just very small tears in the corners of his eyes.

(When Belos ignored his questions, and just dismissed him like he was nothing.)

(And when The Collector splattered Belos against the wall.)

Unlike the other characters like Luz, or Eda, or Amity, etc. He doesn’t cry a lot, hell he barely even tears up, even though he’s been through some horrible awful things. He just never really cries. He represses so much, and he probably have gotten used to the pain. He doesn’t express his sadness often times, most likely because he never was allowed to. He grew in a very abusive environment, and a very dangerous environment where if you may let your emotions get the best of you, you may die.

Throughout the show when Hunter is in a dangerous situation/ fight he doesn’t show many emotions. He just keeps a constant focus on the target/ objective. He’s very swift and efficient with getting the job done with no emotions getting in the way. And the only times he has teared up was when things have gotten too much even for him.

He’s tough as hell. But through so much repression over the years, and so much pain bottling up I feel like he may eventually full on cry sometime in the finale. He deserves to honestly, he’s always in a constant state of survival, he deserves to finally feel like he’s safe and just let it out.
