#tw abuse mention


reminder to the people who need reminding: joking about abuse is not funny. i had a friend recently tell me a long story about how his girlfriend abused him only for me to find out it was an elaborate joke to him that did not happen. that really upset me, because it takes away from valid experiences and domestic abuse is extremely serious.

they always make me feel like shit for taking a break like i took a weekend with no exercise for the first time in over six months and my mom yells at me because she says im going against doctors recommendations even though she knows how much pain im constantly in. ive told her time and again that im only getting worse and she wont let me change what im doing, i blacked out in class the other day because i havent taken a break in so long. i dont know what to do. no one ever tells me theyre proud

The Men Around Me

All the men around me
have taught me to hate,
taught me to be afraid.

All I’ve learnt is to obey,
I learnt that the hard way -
Don’t fight back, keep quiet
be a good girl now.

All the men around me
have taught me to hate,
taught me to be afraid.

All I’ve learnt is to hide;
Underneath so many layers
I wasn’t sure I’d ever be seen,
But you did.

You saw me & I thought 
I’d found a ‘Good one’.
But I’m starting to see 
I’m just living life to repeat.

All the men around me
have taught me to hate,
taught me to be afraid.

It just pisses me off that my parents purposely screwed me over, never teaching me any valuable life skills & abusing & neglecting me until I was scared of everything, all because they wanted a perfectly obedient live-in servant. And when I finally started to advocate for myself, they realized they’d failed and tried to kill me.

Things have been ok for the last few months in respect to mental health. My mother had been on pretty good behavior, at least for her anyway. 

Though around the holidays she had a meltdown while driving and purposely tried to crash the car b/c we’d disagreed on something. Clearly that was terrifying but it’s not like it was the 1st time she’d done that. And thankfully she did not succeed.

 It scares me that I can write that out with a straight face. 

The last week she’s been acting like a complete gremlin. I know it’s because my birthday is coming up b/c she does this every year. She’s wicked for weeks and then enters all-out torture mode on my bday.

But I won’t give her the satisfaction. I have simply elected to no longer have a birthday. Or–at least not one I will tell anyone about.  

And i don’t mean a party. I mean the actual date. It’s become a trigger for me. I have so many trauma anniversaries on or around it, that the whole month of February is something of a psychological mine field. 

 I get stressed out by seeing the days count down on the calendar. So I have decided that it’s just any other day and I will move my birthday, a day for celebrating being alive, elsewhere.  

Ok someone threw shade at me in a FB post about something that happened 4 years ago. And I’m kinda mad…

I’m sorry I complained about having an abusive family in college but I was literally having a mental break down from it. If you didn’t want to hear about it you could have just not talked to me.

It’s clear to me now that you thought I was over reacting, while I was faced with being harassed, stalked, the possibility of homelessness, and even death. But

Don’t trivialize abuse victim’s problems to make yourself look more appreciative of your dad on father’s day. wtf  is wrong with you.

I wasn’t just some spoiled brat mad at her parents for “being wronged in one way or another,” I literally thought they were going to kill me. Because they told me they would.

That post should have been about you and your dad only. You had no reason to bring me into this. Father’s day is bad enough for a lot of abuse victims. That was like an extra slap in the face.

Hunter only cries in the show two times (so far). But even then they aren’t really crying, it’s just very small tears in the corners of his eyes.

(When Belos ignored his questions, and just dismissed him like he was nothing.)

(And when The Collector splattered Belos against the wall.)

Unlike the other characters like Luz, or Eda, or Amity, etc. He doesn’t cry a lot, hell he barely even tears up, even though he’s been through some horrible awful things. He just never really cries. He represses so much, and he probably have gotten used to the pain. He doesn’t express his sadness often times, most likely because he never was allowed to. He grew in a very abusive environment, and a very dangerous environment where if you may let your emotions get the best of you, you may die.

Throughout the show when Hunter is in a dangerous situation/ fight he doesn’t show many emotions. He just keeps a constant focus on the target/ objective. He’s very swift and efficient with getting the job done with no emotions getting in the way. And the only times he has teared up was when things have gotten too much even for him.

He’s tough as hell. But through so much repression over the years, and so much pain bottling up I feel like he may eventually full on cry sometime in the finale. He deserves to honestly, he’s always in a constant state of survival, he deserves to finally feel like he’s safe and just let it out.


Ya know, at this point, DC should just make Harley a lesbian superhero…cuz I haven’t seen her be bisexual or a freaking VILLAIN in YEARS!!

I’m sorry, what? Pardon??

What the hell do you mean you haven’t “seen her be bisexual” in years. It’s almost as if, when bi people fall in love with one person, they stick with that person. And that person for her is Ivy at the moment.

Doesn’t change that she’s had plenty of relationships with men in the past that were healthy and loving,regardless of the one with her abuser.

And she’s always been on this trajectory, Harley’s never been a Super Villain, y'all are asking for her character to be something that’s only contrived and created by fans who’re too stuck on the idea of never allowing her to develop.

ThisForever Bad, Forever Evil Harley Quinn is something purely fanon and has never had concrete evidence in the comics.

She has always shown to lead onto this development path once getting away from Joker, going back to BTAS.

She literally left the life of crime behind and had fucking grand kids in BTAS.




@aquaquadrant and I were talking about the angsty potential of “Hunter got thrown off the bridge by Belos and made a deal with the Collector to stay alive and help his friends” and she wrote an absolutely STELLAR fic that this scene comes from!!!


Hey ik I mentioned it a while ago when I first got the book, but I wanna give a warning to anyone that may be considering purchasing this coloring book for personal use or to give to their older kids

this book includes several seperate pages of abuse. Including when he pushed her into the chemicals, like 3 pages of that scene, and the aftermath from when he hung her by the neck with a chain in the Suicide Squad comics.

I have no idea why they thought any of these were good inclusions for this. It’s incredibly distasteful and downright disgusting. Not to mention, most of them aren’t particularly easy or intriguing to color anyway as the majority of it is shadowed in already.

So I wanted to give y'all an Official Warning Post so you didn’t purchase this expecting a well put together coloring book that wouldn’t have any triggering content and end up in a bad situation because the creators are despicable, insensitive fuckheads. ❤️


What I’d give for one of the Cinderella remakes to go into how when you’re in an isolated and abusive situation, sometimes you need to be saved and you’re not weak if you can’t escape by yourself

I’ve never been a fan of bad faith reinterpretations of fairy tales, especially ones which flatten the originals into “princesses is saved by a prince and nothing else”, to then go #girlboss. The princess can save herself because she’s a strong female character! (Implying if you’re in a bad situation, it’s because you’re not strong enough to get out)



Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart,

Fuck Amber Heard.

Fuck her supporters.

Fuck anyone who still perpetuating a hoaxagainst Johnny Depp.

Also, side note:

Fuck ANYONE who thinks this case was a loss for any FEMALE DV SURVIVORS.

No one can be blamed for the fact that Heard is a woman. No one can be blamed for the fact that she lied and spread lies about herself and other people to gain sympathy amongst the already hurting and hurt—that she hijacked a movement for the sake of her own monetary gain.

No one can be blamed for the fact that she LIED.

She is NOT All Women.

Do not use her as a gauge to judge all women.

Do not use her to deflect and put down the plights of other women—female abuse victims.

She did this to herself.

She is the one to blame for her own mess.

So everyone is making these quizzes, so,, what kpop boy should you beat up 

*Also, for those who may have difficulty telling: This is satire, and not at all serious. 


“Ralph was scared, so he ran away and hid.”

Imagine there was an abandoned playground or something where Ralph fled to after he was attacked.


Guess who also got a Ralph model for Daz 3D Studio!!!

(click for better quality)

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The minotaur was a prince.

Do you ever think about how we’ll never know if the minotaur could’ve learned to speak? To communicate in any way? What kind of a life could he have lived if he wasn’t torn away from his mother and tossed into a prison for the crime of being born? Do you think of the stories that describe the infant as “ferocious” as if that excuses what was done to him?

Do you think about how the only names we know him by are ones taken from his jailer, the man who locked up a child and sent countless others to their doom? At the very worst he was a pawn caught up in the crossfire of an angry god and a foolish king. But truly he was just hurt. Abused. Neglected.

The prince of a kingdom that feared and reviled him.

“but he eats people!” yeah. good.


yall ever think of the Minotaur as being an icon for how disabled kids are villanized, abused, or even k!lled by their guardians (Disability Day of Mourning), much like how Medusa is an icon of sexual violence, particulary for marginalized genders?

Because I do. I think about that a lot.



poem transcript under the cut

[poem transcript] “i. He doesn’t know what it means to be gentle. It’s not his fault, he grew up watching his father’s hands tightening around his mother’s neck, every touch bruised and hurt. But the flowers look so pretty in their vase on the dining room table, don’t you think so, son?

ii. So the blood trickles from your nose but his touch on your cheek is soft and warm and safe. The blood will dry and the bruises will heal, so there’s really no use in crying over spilled milk, is there, darling?

iii. He’ll mumble an apology in your ear soon enough, low and ashamed, voice cracking from the tears threatening to flood the room. He’ll touch you again, slow and soft and kind.There’s an extra apology in that touch, one that says “I’m sorry I’m not this kind to you always. Please don’t leave me.” You’ll forgive him, won’t you, honey?

iv. One of these days, you’ll find the answer is no, no I don’t forgive you. And you’ll ice your own bruises and clean up your own blood and you’ll walk away while you still can, before your tattered body is thrown in a ditch in the middle of nowhere. You’ll find your strength tucked in the back of your closet and put it in your suitcase, you’ll find the value you hold and keep it in your bones as you walk out the door. Because you know you deserve better than that, don’t you, angel?” [/end transcript]


Seriously if you need fanfiction to teach you what healthy and normal relationships are like, you don’t need fanfiction you need resources geared towards teaching you what healthy and non-abusive relationships are like.

Please go to scarleteen. Please watch MamaDoctorJones’ episode about consent. Please go to people who are actively, explicitly, and specifically trying to teach you about healthy relationships and consent, and crucially, people who have the qualifications to teach you these topics. A fanfic writer might be: secretly a thirteen year old, someone who’s just gotten out of or is still in an abusive relationship and has internalized hurtful messages about relationships because of their abuse, someone who’s bad at writing, someone from an abstinence-only sex education background, someone who has no relationship experience, someone who has different boundaries around sex than their reader, or someone who assumes their readers are all adults who understand what abuse is and the fact that it’s bad and you shouldn’t do it in real life. None of these hypothetical writers deserve to be banned from writing. None of these hypothetical writers deserve to receive abuse for what they’ve written. None of these hypothetical writers should be taken as educational resources about important topics like consent, sexuality, sexual health, or sex education.

There ARE resources out there that are created with the express aim of teaching people, especially young people, what a healthy relationship is supposed to look like. For the most part, though, random fanfiction writers aren’t those people, and that’s okay! They shouldn’t have to be. Fanfiction is entertainment, and it doesn’t have to beat the reader over the head with a moralistic message. Fanfiction writers assume, and should be able to assume, that their readers understand the purpose of fiction and aren’t using fiction as a replacement for actual educational material about sexual health and domestic violence.

In fact, it’s actually fucked up and mega super dangerous to actual real people, particularly children, to act like fanfiction is a replacement for education about domestic violence and sexual abuse. Real sexual health and domestic violence support groups and organizations spend lots of time and money trying to get the public educated about consent and healthy relationships, and we should listen to those people instead of acting like consent is a topic that should or can be learned from osmosis through reading fanfiction or watching media.

Especially considering, you know, how much our culture plays fast and loose with the concept of consent, blames victims of abuse, and generally portrays myths around sex, abuse, and relationships.

Normalize regularly reading and rereading nonfiction guides to healthy relationships. Normalize regularly practicing nonsexual consent, checking in with people if they seem uncomfortable or before starting a conversation about heavy topics, taking “no” for an answer, respecting boundaries (yours and other peoples’) without demanding in-depth explanations of why they exist, making others feel safe setting boundaries around you, etc. Normalize reading multiple sources, examining sources, and asking yourself “Who wrote this? Why did they write it? What credibility do they have? Should I listen to them?” instead of just taking absolutely everything you read at face value.

Here’s some starting links:







Fanfiction can’t and shouldn’t be used as an exclusive resource to teach you the things the above sites can teach you.

It would be cool if people realized that and stopped expecting random fanfic writers to start every fictional work they write with the express purpose of teaching their audience how sex and relationships are supposed to work. Instead of abusing fanfic writers who explore taboo topics, read and share resources that can actually help people learn about consent and healthy relationships. Because as someone who used to exclusively read fluff, a lot of fluffy fic writers don’t know SHIT about consent and teaching kids and teens that they should look to random strangers as examples of healthy relationships is fucked up.

Omg somebody f***ing put it into words!!

Thank you!! Fanfiction is not a substitute for relationship, abuse, sex and consent education!!

There are actual professional people who are trained to teach this sh*t. Don’t rely on fiction!!

Sorry not sorry but if I ever saw my abuser again I would fucking suckerpunch her, kick her, let them physically feel what she did to me mentally. Let them feel the physical pain I inflicted on myself because of her.

Let her feel my rage


ENA!GO’s secondary emotions/sides.  If you can’t read my handwriting, I’ll tell you below. 

 (TW: Abusive behavior and dialogue.)


- Is aggressive and violent. 

- Becomes this way when bothered, or angry. 

- Would blame ENA for her actions. 

“Stop crying, or I’ll give you a reason to cry!” 

“See!? You think I wanted to do that!?”

“You idiot! This is your fault!” 


-Only happens when her jealousy gets worse. 

-Is the only time where she shows “affection” 

- Keeps ENA on a short leash. 

“You are my daughter! You belong to me!” 

“Nobody loves you, like I do!” 

“I’m the only one who loves you!” 

Note: As I mention before in an earlier post that GO is a human in my story/au, I just wanted to draw her as an ENA for fun. But, now I have an idea, that this is how ENA sees her. 

  “I watch too much to think that ' ℎ
     but the thought of you sɪx ғᴇᴇᴛ ᴜɴᴅᴇʀ keeps me from
      A ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ɪɴ ɪᴛ is the only one that '
         until then ' ℎ
            I’ʟʟ ᴅᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴏɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ɢʀᴀᴠᴇ.”
