#i have survived worse so come at me

thechekhov: More and more recently, I’ve begun to get some people coming to me asking for some clarithechekhov: More and more recently, I’ve begun to get some people coming to me asking for some clarithechekhov: More and more recently, I’ve begun to get some people coming to me asking for some clarithechekhov: More and more recently, I’ve begun to get some people coming to me asking for some clari


More and more recently, I’ve begun to get some people coming to me asking for some clarification on LGBTQ stuff. When I was younger, I had to discover many basic identities and labels by myself, through research of various sources, or pieced together from disconnected blog posts. 

In the year 2019 you’d think we’d have a kid-friendly website that describes all of this in simple terms but… I’ve yet to find one that isn’t primed for guardians/parents of LGBTQ parnets and prioratizes them instead of the LGBTQ kids themselves…. 

So I tried to make a quick graphic to organize everything!

Keep in mind - this is based on MY experience and the terminology I have grown up using. Everyone’s experiences may differ - and I tried to simplify in some places to make it easier to read. (For example… I didn’t really go into detail on non-binary identities… but I may make a seperate graphic for that someday because that’s its own box of pears.) 

If you have feelings about this, feel free to go more in depth in the comments! 

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