#i have too many hcs for these two fandoms


Today’s Haikyuu!! x AftG brainrot:

Fanon has it that Sakusa is mysophobic/has OCD, but either way, it’s canon that he is reluctant to get too close to people. So it follows that he probably wouldn’t want people touching him unless he gives them permission. (looking at that panel of him “wiff”-ing Hinata and Bokuto’s high fives.)

Many sakuatsu shippers hc that despite being a typical asshole personality usually, Atsumu’s conscientious attitude towards his hitters extends outside the court, and while he will provoke, annoy, tease, insult, aggravate, etc. people to no end, he likely respects their boundaries. Hence he would heckle and bother the hell out of Omi-Omi verbally but would never actually touch him or make him purposefully uncomfortable or panicked.

Fast forward a bit, Omi and Atsumu start getting closer, getting to know each other better, and so on and so forth. And one day, Atsumu really wants to kiss him, or at least touch him, so he holds his hands out, makes eye contact, and says, “Yes or no?”

(I think you know where I’m going with this.)

(Eventually, some time later, Omi tells Atsumu, “It’s always yes with you.”)

(And they live happily ever after, playing pro sports, making their national team and playing the Olympics, talking with their successful twin brother (in law) on weekends, etc.)

(And maybe, they’ll even get two cats. Or rather, two dogs, since sakuatsu canonly like dogs.)

I would really want to write an AftG x Haikyuu AU except for a few things:

1. Hesitant to put any of the volleyboys through as much pain and suffering as the Foxes went through.

2. Absolutely no one in HQ is despicable enough to be Riko or Tetsuji Moriyama, who are both mildly essential to the plot of AftG. (No one is even near despicable enough to be Drake either, but he can be worked around, see #1.)

3. Oh yeah, and I can’t write.
