#i hope your happy




Cause and Effect Across Time

Adding onto the swk part cus yes

monkie king had been calling for macaque for the past hour with no response.

Past lbd:he abandoned you

Past Swk;W-who goes there

Past lbd:just a friend

A girl with long black hair and a long blue dress steps out of the bushes.

Past swk;and what do you mean he abandoned me? He would never do that, he’ll come for me.

Past lbd:alright..lets wait two days for him.

Past swk:yeah and I’ll prove to you that he’d never leave me behind, besides he said he was coming for me. He’s probably getting stuff to free me.

Past lbd:yes…..perhaps.

[two days later late at night]

Past lbd:waking it’s been two hole days. I hate to say but I told you so.

Past swk:he…he abandoned me…(he says with a quiver in his voice)

Past lbd: yes sadly he did.

Swk puts his face on the ground and hide it with his hands , he starts sobbing and thinking “why,WHY WOULD HE DO THIS?!?”

Lbd lifts his head up with her hands

Past Lbd:I’m so sorry that happened to you, I truly am.

She sits next to him

past lbd:so you’ll be here for 5000 years huh

Swk nods in response

Past lbd: what will you say to him when you meet again

Past swk:i-i don’t know

Past lbd: maybe give him a taste of his own medicine, show him what happens when you abandon sun wukong, the monkie king, great sage equal to heaven.

Past swk:yeah…YEAH thats exactly what in gonna do

Past swk: he’ll pay for what he did

Merry Christmas


(I’m sorry I was late.)

