#i just-

typicaltk: 911 LONE STAR | 3.18 “A Bright and Cloudless Morning”typicaltk: 911 LONE STAR | 3.18 “A Bright and Cloudless Morning”


911 LONE STAR | 3.18 “A Bright and Cloudless Morning”

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main jab universe ke bare mein baat karta hoon to aankhon mein automatic aansu aate hain

- my brother

Howard: honestly this is very specific, what do you do with the load? Once it’s on you..”

Slash: you get the girl to lick it up.

Howard: you did? Did she really? *cuts off*

Full interview


sorry jessica i can’t come to your baby shower. no everything is okay i’m just crying too hard about how a man who could’ve been a knight is teaching a girl who could’ve been a princess and how they both realized in their own times that being misfits once doesn’t mean being misfits forever because there is a community out there that welcomes them both and now the man is leading her into a life no less noble than that of a knight and no less important than that of a princess and. and i feel like that’d ruin the vibe a little


Canine /// Sesshomaru x f!Reader (18+)

Summary: Upon learning of his father’s affair, Sesshomaru lays waste to a human bordello as revenge…that is, until he discovers a better outlet for his frustrations.

Request: hi!!!!! i just finished your koga fic and i adored it omfggg i was just wondering if i could request any 18+ content for sesshomaru with a fem!human reader? if not though no worries at all

A/N: This request is almost 2 years old but I hope you’re still around <3 Takes place right after Sesshomaru finds out that the Inu no Taisho left his mother for a human woman, which Sesshomaru is not happy about lmao

imo this is the only good filth I’ve written in a while, hope you guys like it!! If you don’t I will cry lol

Tags/Warnings: dubcon/noncon, predator/prey dynamic, borderline yandere, geisha (sex worker) reader, degradation (anti-human), threats!!, fearplay!!, marking (bites, scratches, bruises) ft. a little bit of blood, dog demon/animalistic/feral stuff, possessiveness, breeding kink (mentioned but no follow-through), implied violence (not toward reader), historical inaccuracies, “girl”, in my brain all of the demons are at least 6’3 so jot that down


There’s a smell like burning, but only half of it is smoke. You can imagine it when you close your eyes. Candles, incense, hearth fire consuming everything it touches. But the other half—the other half is sharp and bitter and acidic. It stings down your throat when you inhale.


You can’t move. The dressing assistant added pins to your complex updo: long golden ornaments hung with strings of shining bells. It was beautiful. You’ve always admired the older girls who wear these, the way the angelic ringing announces their footsteps when they walk. It’s an honor to be wearing the same bells. But now you can’t move.


You hold your breath until you can’t anymore, and then let it out slowly. Shallowly. So carefully that it barely stirs the air. You can’t even hear yourself breathing, but maybe…maybe he can hear it anyway.

Or maybe it doesn’t matter.

Maybe he can smell you.

Keep reading

I feel like from what we’ve seen, the clones never call each other by their numbers. Like it’s just an unspoken rule.

But I’m wondering just how far does this courtesy go? Like if a shiny calls himself something like “Sex Haver” or “The Hot One” does everyone just have to go with it???
