#i just folded that


When customers would take a bedding article (pillowcases, king fitted sheet, etc…) out of its package so they can see what the pattern looks like overall, then balls up said bedding items and shoves the wad back into the package… or doesn’t shove it into the package but just shoves it between some items on a nearby shelf… or just tosses the item onto the floor. Found an entire silk sheet set strewn across some clearance boxes on several occasions… solid color sheet set. Not like the person needed to see what the pattern looked like. Oh, no. They probably just wanted to roll in the fabric for a moment.

…and the courteous customers who actually bring up the unpackaged items saying, “Hey, I took this out of the package and can’t refold it nicely. Do you mind doing it?” are shocked when we smile and thank them for bringing the items and packages to us. It’s just so much nicer than stumbling upon the messes while wandering the store.
