#i just got a new job

transcript below [wind blowing, birds chirping][second panel]Marc: I hope you weren’t too shocked totranscript below [wind blowing, birds chirping][second panel]Marc: I hope you weren’t too shocked totranscript below [wind blowing, birds chirping][second panel]Marc: I hope you weren’t too shocked totranscript below [wind blowing, birds chirping][second panel]Marc: I hope you weren’t too shocked totranscript below [wind blowing, birds chirping][second panel]Marc: I hope you weren’t too shocked totranscript below [wind blowing, birds chirping][second panel]Marc: I hope you weren’t too shocked to

transcript below 

[wind blowing, birds chirping]

[second panel]

Marc: I hope you weren’t too shocked to see me here… It was kind of a last minute decision.

Rose: Oh really?

Marc: Yeah. We’ll have time to talk about it further during this evening, don’t worry.

Rose:[smiles] I’m looking forward to it then.

[third panel]

Nancy: Thank you again for accepting to meet us, I might sound like a broken record but it means a lot.

Matthew: You’re welcome.

Nancy:[chuckles]A Grayson and a Landgrabb at the same table, who would’ve thought? 

Matthew: Surprising, indeed.

Nancy: Yeah. But I believe it’s for the better. Let’s try to put our differences aside and have a nice conversation, today , hm?

Matt: Hm-hm. Let’s do that.

[firth panel]

Noah: So, what’s up, L? You completely disappeared after the whole hairstyle, huh… Problem?

Liana: H-hm. I’m good. I’m usually at the library.

Noah: All alone? 

Liana: Yes..? 

Noah: Eeeh, not cool. Lei, Yohan and I- We have been searching for you. To hang out!

Liana: H-hang out?

Noah: Yup. If it’s okay with you though.

Liana: Yes! Huh, I mean I’d love to… hang out.


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