#i know im stuck on it but seriously it makes me sick


if you wanna write a comedy show that doesn’t marginalize lgbt+ people, why not look to the work of other shows this season? perhaps head over heels, in which a lesbian couple, a non-binary character, and a genderfluid character exist in a chaotic world filled with shakespearean language and hijinks that aren’t offensive to the people they are representing. perhaps the prom where the majority of the cast is actually part of the lgbt+ community and care about the genuine story and message they are putting onstage. or even motherfucking beetlejuice! the character was written as pansexual throughout the entire process. even though he’s portrayed as a bit perverted like he is in the movie for comedic effect, it’s still better than spitting on drag, trans women, women in general, and, hell, the entire lgbt+ community!

so instead of rewarding shows like t**tsie for their writing, maybe acknowledge other shows that actually have good representation in a multitude of ways that don’t shit on minorities! give them awards!fucking nominate them!! this shit isn’t gonna get better on its own!
