#im so fucking tired


Wow i am sick!


God i wish i had facial hair


Only the first one is drawn while sick tho. The other two are slightly older. Self portraits! Funky ones! Im really getting into using any color that isnt my actual skin and hair color. Anyways, who else is cripplingly obsessed with the magnus archives? Anyways pls hmu to talk abt it, i am Desperate


I’m so so… so very tired. What’s the point?

I honestly fucking hate this fucking useless life. Every day is a little bit worse. Just… enough already. Enough.

Honestly real shit if you defend those types of jokes that relegate people to objects, block me. Leave. I don’t want you here.

I don’t care if you specifically are okay with it, a majority of us are not. I used to see posts all the time explaining why those jokes are shit. You shouldn’t do it to the LGBT community and you shouldn’t do it to other races because in both cases you’re basically saying “you could be the weirdest thing possible” which implies what we are is weird and not the norm. Just fucking stop it. Seriously, those jokes fucking suck no matter the context.

It’s almost 2021. It’s far past time we at least be treated with some semblance of fucking basic respect as human beings. Both for LGBTQIA+ people and POC.


Quando mi dissero questa parola il mio cuore si fermó. Poi, preso da una scarica di adrenalina, battè più forte come a voler uscire fuori dal petto.. Come a voler andare a risanare il suo male che sentivo forte come fosse di mia proprietà.


someone tell me why i am still awake when i am emotionally and mentally drained after today.

how to stop pretending to be all good and nice and shit like help it’s become autopilot to just lie lie lie I can’t stop it, I’m not even that awful naturally like I’d be liked just fine being myself why can’t I stop

Some years ago I was a straight A student, I was motivated and successful in everything I was doing, now I’m accumulating B’s, I barely get out of my house and I stress over everything so much I end up failing or not doing it at all lmao wft went wrong

the juxtaposition of this girl threatening to end our friendship bc i wont go to her 25+ people party vs me not being able to visit my aunt tomorrow bc her son wants to spend his birthday visiting his dad at the graveyard

I’m seeing some places on the internet celebrating the removal of the mask mandate and it’s just shocking and really disheartening to me. 

My first reaction was to think about how I’d finally started to feel really normal again, going out regularly on the train or with the option of a ride share if I walked somewhere too far out of the way. I’m currently spending a lot of time in a city not my own, and a lot of my time here was originally at the omicron spike when I really felt stuck in the apartment and apart from this new place. Now that I’m feeling so comfortable here, this shift is really really scary and sort of isolating. 

I’m scared but other people are cheering because they’ve decided those of us with health issues that make us extra concerned are mentally ill paranoid weaklings who don’t have a place in society anymore.

It’s really really exhausting to find such disgusting lack of empathy even in places that champion themselves as being progressive and thoughtful.

if you wanna write a comedy show that doesn’t marginalize lgbt+ people, why not look to the work of other shows this season? perhaps head over heels, in which a lesbian couple, a non-binary character, and a genderfluid character exist in a chaotic world filled with shakespearean language and hijinks that aren’t offensive to the people they are representing. perhaps the prom where the majority of the cast is actually part of the lgbt+ community and care about the genuine story and message they are putting onstage. or even motherfucking beetlejuice! the character was written as pansexual throughout the entire process. even though he’s portrayed as a bit perverted like he is in the movie for comedic effect, it’s still better than spitting on drag, trans women, women in general, and, hell, the entire lgbt+ community!

so instead of rewarding shows like t**tsie for their writing, maybe acknowledge other shows that actually have good representation in a multitude of ways that don’t shit on minorities! give them awards!fucking nominate them!! this shit isn’t gonna get better on its own!

2 different guys, one goal.
