#i know this doesnt match the blog but idc




fyi for those in Phoenix Arizona: stay away from Target because the Phoenix Police still won’t arrest this dude despite it being illegal to declare intention of violence like this

HEY GUYS/GALS/THEY’S I literally hate being the person asking people to reblog something and I scroll past posts that do, but I have been crying tonight about this, because I remember the Pulse shooting where LGBTQIA people lost their lives and the idea of another attack like that terrifies me, so please, because Phoenix has over 1 million people, just reblog? sorry.

Adding a link to an article from azcentral from yesterday (May 26th, 2022). Police are aware, but haven’t arrested him yet. https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix/2022/05/26/law-enforcement-agencies-say-they-aware-video-threat-lgbtq-supporters/9911571002/
