
benfoldsone:atane:alternativenerd:In other words: no speaking of any sort because it’s probabl




In other words: no speaking of any sort because it’s probably offensive to someone somewhere one way or another

I love how this is your takeaway. 

Without sexism, racism, ableism, homophobia, fatphobia, transphobia and hatefulness, people can’t speak! Yes, there will be no speaking of any sort. How can we expect people to speak without them being racist, ageist, sexist, fatphobic, homophobic, transphobic and hateful? Words cannot come out from their mouths without any of those things.

People on this site are something else.

#how do I interact with other people without hatred in my heart

Post link

Fuck this website. You’re CREATING bigots.

The more people post innocuously and you call them bigots, the more they think “gee, these people already hate me anyway” and “fuck these guys” which slowly morphs into “all (insert minority) are fucking scum!”

Act like scum, you get called scum. Stop being fucking bullies to people who did nothing to hurt you. You pulling meaning out of your ass and inserting it into their innocuous post because you’re insecure doesn’t mean they’re ACTUALLY a bigot. Please stop giving people reasons to hate you. I’m trying my fucking darndest here. I’ve never hurt a person of any minority OR majority in my lifetime, nor had the desire to, was bullied my whole childhood actually bc I wouldn’t defend myself against false accusations, but every FUCKING time I get a response on a post saying I’m a bigot, I want to punch that person, because they deserve it. Nothing to do with their race/gender/sexuality/etc. I just REALLY fucking hate SJW woke culture and ACTUAL bigots projecting their subconscious beliefs onto my posts.

Maybe instead of getting angry, we think “why am I making this assumption? Do I have implicit bias against this type of person? Am I just insecure about what they’re criticizing? Should I give them the benefit of the doubt that they meant no harm and just worded this poorly?” Because it seems everyone on this platform thinks everyone is an English major, a sociology major, a psychology major, an history major, AND neurotypical. Don’t assume you know what someone else means, maybe they’re fucking awful at expressing what they want to say, maybe they’re being 100% literal and you’re drawing too many conclusions, maybe YOU’RE the one who doesn’t have enough education and should ask for clarification instead of getting on your high horse of moral superiority and knowledge.

Just… Fucking leave people alone. Unless they’re fucking harrassing you or people you know, stay out of their business. Or if you’re really inclined to talk to them, do it respectfully by asking for clarification instead of making assumptions and chomping at the bit to cut their head off.

That’s enough of a ramble for today. For any of my mutuals, I’m probably gonna hop out for a while bc I just can’t anymore. If I return, tell me to just leave again, it’s not worth the few decent people to deal with the assholes. My mental health is in shambles as it is, I can’t deal with the constant RSD and doubting my own thoughts caused by the assumptive gaslighting on this hellhole.


The Daily Caller is a trash publication that conservatives should be ashamed of. I wish that I had something more positive to say about young conservatives, but judging from the young conservatives that work in the media, the young conservative activists I read about, and the young conservatives on Tumblr, I’m feeling pretty cynical about the future of conservatism. 





Prime example of racists co-opting progressive language to pass their bigotry off as something else

liberalism and white feminism have always led down this path.

We don’t have riots in Houston, but the moment someone comes for our Slabs…

The feminist language is pretense. What these people really care about is property values.

The same type of people move into African American neighborhoods and try to use noise ordinances against the loud church services on Sunday mornings. They move into white working class suburbs and try to get laws passed to stop the shade tree mechanics from having more than two vehicles parked in their front yards. They move to the country and bring nuisance lawsuits against farmers over the noises and smells and dust that are an inescapable part of farming.

All with the goal of making the area more attractive to the upper middle class who will pay more so that they, the new arrivals, will get more for their place when they go to sell.

This is the kind of behavior you get when market forces trump community.


“There was something awesome about being at a truck stop at like two a.m. putting eyeliner on with big burly truckers everywhere. It was just really dangerous.”

Little complaint about the implicit social class bigotry here. “Truckers are dangerous / homophobic / prone to violence” is the leftist equivalent of saying the same thing about black men. It’s classist instead of racist but the underlying attitude is the same.

Top 5 Passive Aggressive Ways to Deal with Bigotry and Racism

Rant. I really could have used this last night. I was at a party and a grown-ass woman without children was talking about how much she loved the Disney Channel. (I mean, I love the Disney Channel but I’m not a bigot so it’s ok.) She was saying that she liked to put it on and fall asleep to it (so she doesn’t even watch it) because that way if she wakes up in the middle of the night something raunchy isn’t on. Which, ok valid. (But then she said she put the timer on so the tv automatically shuts off so I’m like, that makes it seem like you are not doing what you said and actually just like to watch the Disney Channel.) 

Anyway, the point of all of this was to tell us all what she had just heard about Good Luck Charlie. Now, before I say what she said I want to describe the conversation and the trigger that made her think she should tell this story. Her husband was talking about how he hates children so much that he wants to make a cartoon show that looks normal so that the kids get attached to the characters and then kill them all off so that the children cry. So in talking about essentially ruining shows, she chimes in with this gem of a story. Basically, she brings up Good Luck Charlie and I think “oh, no! Are they going to have someone die?” No, something FAR worse. She told us that they were thinking of having one of the characters, are you sitting down?, they were thinking of having one of the characters be GAY. Well, at that point, little homosexual me is sitting there (of course I am sitting right next to her) like “oh, fuck.” As she continues to talk about how this show is just a simple “family friendly” show that has to get all progressive I’m just like “I’m going to pet you little puppy because I don’t think you’re a homophobe.” Then, the person on the other side of me (why I decided to make a homophobic sandwich I’ll never know) goes on to say how TV is ruining families because they have shows with all of these gay people and single parents. Yes, single parents apparently are just as bad as the fags.

I would just like to point out that I am 23, not 87, and I am writing this from the year 2013, not 1952. At this point, though, I’m telling myself “this is what happens when you are friends with Mormons so you really can’t blame anyone but yourself.” But they are not all Mormons, and even if they were, that kind of talk is not acceptable (as I’m sure all of you Tumblr people already know). But, I sat there and said nothing. The thing with comments like these is that the person is just a fucking idiot and thinks that they are saying shit that will crack up the party and then everyone will move on. But, it’s like 18 hours later and I’m ashamed to say that I am not only still thinking about it, but it actually still hurts me. I’m sitting here unable to do my homework (well, I’m not really complaining about that part) mad at myself for not saying anything. Since I would like to move on with my life, I would like to tell you, dear Tumblr, some of the things I would like to have said (because, you know, nothing is better than preaching to the choir.)

1) OH MY GOD! GAY people on Good Luck Charlie??!?!?!1! What is next? [insert minority of choice]? (After blank stares or confusion) Oh, I thought we were begin bigots and complaining about TV reflecting the actual diversity that exists in American instead of focusing on the privileged white, straight, middle class family.  

2) *Gasp* I am so sorry. As a homosexual myself I feel personally responsible for ruining the show that you fall asleep to. The next time we have a meeting of the gays I will make a motion to cancel all of the gay characters because instead of interrupting your nap, I think gay people should step out of the limelight and go back to quietly existing so that people like you can pretend we don’t exist.

3) Throw my drink in her face and walk out of the party.   


Kentucky Shooter complained about Racebending Superheroes

Remember all those times people kept saying “Stop talking about racism in Fandom” or “Why’re you bringing this up when REAL racism is happening right now?” 


“They’re JUST comic books, they don’t mean anything. Focus your anger on REAL issues.”

Ya’ll remember that shit? Because I fucking remember that shit. All those “Comic book purists” people like to coddle and make excuses for, well, they could just be the next person to shoot up a Black church.  

Funny how fandom acts as a microcosm for larger issues, ain’t it?


Now that it’s 2017 can we finally stop using mental illness as an excuse to be bad people
Like no it’s not okay to deflect claims of racism, homophobia, or transphobia because it makes you feel bad. Guess what makes me feel bad? When people hate me for being lgbt or not being white. Guess who also has mental illnesses? Lgbt and non white people. Guess what you can be? Mentally ill and also not bigoted.
Like its perplexing to me, as somebody who has an abuser who constantly hides behind their illness, and as somebody who is very much ill themselves, that this shit is still even a topic of discussion. It’s everybody’s personal responsibility to not be bigoted people because it hurts other people when we are. Even if it can be hard to challenge your pre conceived notions and inherent bigotry when you are mentally ill you should do so anyway because when you don’t you are HURTING people. And no, it’s not acceptable to cover your ears to criticism like that because it makes you feel bad. Being a bad person should make you feel bad and being part of a GOOD person is learning how to handle that and learn from it rather than lash out or force your own ignorance.
Idk I’m just real tired of how people recently love to, when confronted with racism/homophobia/etc. say “seeing this #discourse makes me feel unsafe i have anxiety and depression i have to take care of myself” bitch me too and it felt awful and made me hate myself to be called out on dumb shit i said in the past but I realize that not confronting that will only hurt everybody involved
If you really cant take whatever discourse you blog about stop blogging about it, at the very least




When men kill random women who are walking alone at night it is a hate crime. It is meant to make all women afraid. And a woman’s life was taken because she was a woman. That’s literally why it’s personal. Violence against women is rarely random, these are calculated hate crimes

Nobody wants to admit how many instances of women being murdered, raped, and abused should be counted as hate crimes because these women were targeted for murder, rape, and/or abuse because of being a woman, because if we admitted how many cases of femicide / rape / abuse really arehate crimes the numbers would be fucking staggering, and nobody wants to admit how disgustingly normal and common and out of control hate crimes against women are. Everyone wants to pretend it’s all just personal isolated conflicts, but these things are happening to women because they’re women, because the men who commit these crimes despise women, they see women as subhuman, and want to hurt women, and that’s why these are hate crimes.

And not only is male violence against women overwhelmingly normalized to the point people refuse to call it a hate crime, but communities literally depend on the marginalization of women to function, down to the family unit. And these acts of abuse against women, they serve to make all women afraid not just generally speaking, but specifically,afraid to leave their shitty husband/family, who may or may not commit abusive acts to that extent, because they remain aware lethal abuse is always possible. Afraid to own their lives, reject men and their abuse, because they’ve seen what the backlash for that is like.

All men benefit from women being hate crimed because the women in their lives see it and behave so as to try and avoid experiencing those same crimes.

the sheer amount of hate in this world is truly overwhelming

It is a great petpeeve of mine that many progressive-minded people tend to lump in “white” in the general criticism of homophobic and transphobic behavior.

Being homophobic or transphobic is not inherent or exclusive to white people, and to hang onto this mindset tacitly permits the continuation of these dangerous attitudes in poc communities. Let’s not overlook that in many cases of trans women of color being murdered, the perpetrators are often also poc. This is not only a huge disservice to those victims of hate crimes, but it also erases their struggles as LGBT+ individuals within their respective communities. 

I know America is majority white (roughly 61.3% or 76.9% when including white Hispanic and Latinos), so it is easy to connect general homophobia to the white majority, but to ignore the fact that virulent homophobia and transphobia exists in Latino, black, Asian, etc. communities just within the US (and completely excluding the attitudes in other countries) simply allows these toxic attitudes to fester, hidden in the shadow of “white bigotry.”

White House Chief Strategist:

Steve Bannon (CEO of Breitbart News)

National Security Advisor:

Michael Flynn (Disgraced former General)

Attorney General:

Jeff Sessions (Alabama Senator)

Secretary of Education:

Michelle Rhee (Owner of a multi-billion dollar Charter school lobbying group)  (Refused the job)

Betsy DeVos (Billionaire private education advocate )

Secretary of Agriculture:

Forrest Lucas (Billionaire owner of the company Lucas Oil)

I have done extensive research to try and find out why anyone would support these things. And why someone would go as far as to spend millions of dollars so people don’t go jail for beating their pet dogs, and the closest answers I have gotten from interviews is that Forrest Lucas seems obsessed with the idea, "That a man has a god given right to do with, what he pleases to his property.”

Secretary of Energy:

Harold Hamm (Billionaire Oil Tycoon)

Secretary of Homeland Security:

Michael McCaul (Texas Congressman and the 2nd Richest U.S Politician before Trump with $300 million dollars)

Secretary of the Treasury:

Steven Mnuchin (Worked for Goldman Sachs and produced American Sniper)

Secretary of Commerce:

Peter Thiel (Billionaire Trump donor)

Director of the Office of Management and Budget:

Tom Coburn (Former Oklahoma Senator)

Director of the Environmental Protection Agency:

Myron Ebell (Lobbyist for Climate Change Deniers)

CIA Director:

Mike Pompeo (Congressman who was elected thanks to The Tea Party)

Domestic Policy Advisor

Ken Blackwell (Former Ohio Secretary of State)

So I was on Facebook recently and saw a post claiming that, “Islam has carried out more than 100,000 terrorist attacks against Americans since 9/11” with no citations what so ever.

Looking at the Facebook group that posted this, I assumed from the fact their profile picture is a stock image of an interracial couple inside of a snipers cross-hairs with the caption “Race mixing and Liberalism is a mental illness but we have the cure that most people would be able to see this group isn’t the most trustworthy source but despite that, the post had hundreds of upvotes and comments. Not from Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists but from average people.

I saw dozens of comments from people like Susan (A retired school teacher and grandmother from Indiana) who responded by talking about how the liberal media refuses to even acknowledge Muslims are a problem despite them killing thousands of Americans every day and how when Obama finally dies the lord Jesus will send him to hell for him helping cover up the evil deeds of Muslims.

Or people like Gary (A small business owner and NRA member from South Carolina) Who responded to the graph by making a long incoherent rant where he talked about how when he was a kid during Vietnam the liberals tried so hard to go after our soldiers calling them rapists and baby killers and just because they didn’t like the methods didn’t mean someone had to them and because they did what they did we won the war and the Vietnamese realized they could never take over America so they didn’t try and bring the fight to the US.

His post then goes on to argue that we need to put someone with balls in the white house who will let soldiers do what they did in Vietnam and when that happens the terrorism will stop.

Now its very frighting that people like Gary who not only for some reason believe that the U.S won the Vietnam war (which they didn’t) and who thinks that the Vietnamese wanted to take over the United States (which they didn’t) but also ontop of that thinks the reason the US won the war is because U.S soldiers raped women and murdered children and that if the U.S started committing war crimes again the terrorism would stop.

Ignoring the fact of how scary it is that a person like Gary is allowed to own firearms. And the fact that U.S soldiers have raped and murdered children while deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. The main thing I learned from this post is how people just making up numbers can incite hatred and violence.

I looked more into Facebook and found other lists that actually do go through all the Islamic terrorist attacks. Yet these lists will cite things like:

Nation of Islam member robbing a convenient store in 1975

as a terrorist attack. Or

Turkish man who was in prison for bank robbery in New York stabbing a prison guard in 1981

as an “Islamic terrorist attack on law enforcement.”

Going through these lists more many of the examples they give just didn’t happen. They will give a name or a description of an event or a location or a date and when I google the info I don’t find any results for it being real or in many cases it did happen but the perpetrator wasn’t even a Muslim.

Some of these lists all of which are poorly put together and without any real citations circulating on Facebook and other known Islamophobic websites have even been republished by actual news sources such as WorldNetDaily to the response in the comment sections of paranoid delusional rants by people who use obscure biblical passages and sources of Islamic text to falsely claim Muslims truly worship Satan and Islam translate directly into “the religion of the devil”

So I decided to go through the list starting with the World Trade Center bombings in 1993 and create a coherent list of all the successful Islamic terrorist attacks which resulted in at least 1 death that occurred on US soil.

I found soon after that it didn’t take long to make this list. Due to the fact that since 9/11 there have only been 9 successful Islamic terrorist attacks.

  1. 2016 Orlando Night Club Shooting
  2. 2015 San Bernardino Shooting
  3. 2015 Chattanooga, TN Military Shooting
  4. 2014 Oklahoma Beheading
  5. 2013 Boston Marathon Bombing
  6. 2009 Little Rock Shooting
  7. 2009 Fort Hood Shooting
  8. 2006 Seattle Jewish Federation Shooting
  9. 2002 Los Angeles Airport Shooting

Before 9/11

  1. 1993 World Trade Center bombing

Looking more into this I decided to do the same research but on terrorist attacks committed by Right Wing Extremists in the same time frame to see how many terrorist attacks they committed which resulted in one or more casualties.

I found they committed 43 successful terrorist attacks

  1. 2015 Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting
  2. 2015 Lafayette Shooting
  3. 2015 Charleston Church Shooting
  4. 2014 Las Vegas Police Ambush
  5. 2014 Kansas Jewish Center Shooting
  6. 2014 Blooming Grove Police Shooting
  7. 2012 Tri-State Killing Spree
  8. 2012 St. John’s Parish Police Ambush
  9. 2012 Sikh Temple Shooting
  10. 2011 Pacific Northwest Killing Rampage
  11. 2011 FEAR Militia
  12. 2010 West Memphis Police Shootings
  13. 2010 Carlisle, PA Murder
  14. 2010 Austin, TX Plane Attack
  15. 2010 Florida Sovereign Citizen Police Ambush
  16. 2009 Minutemen American Defense Hispanic Slayings
  17. 2009 Okaloosa County, FL Police Gun Range Attacks
  18. 2009 Brockton, MA Black Targeted Shooting Rampage
  19. 2009 Pittsburgh Police Shootings
  20. 2009 Holocaust Museum Shooting
  21. 2009 George Tiller Assassination
  22. 2009 Flores Murders, Pima County, AZ
  23. 2009 Brockton, MA Murders
  24. 2008 Knoxville, TN Church Shooting
  25. 2004 Tulsa OK, Bank Robbery
  26. 2003 Abbeville, SC right-of-way shootout
  27. 2001 Anthrax Attacks

Before 9/11 but after the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

  1. 2000 Pittsburgh, PA Racially Motivated Spree Killing
  2. 1999 Los Angeles Jewish Community Center shooting
  3. 1999 Midwest Murder Spree
  4. 1999 Redding, CA Arson Attacks & Anti-Gay Murders
  5. 1998 Barnett Slepian Assassination
  6. 1998 Cortez, CO Watertruck Shootout
  7. 1998 Birmingham, Alabama Planned Parenthood Bombing
  8. 1997 Army of God Attacks
  9. 1997 Aryan People’s Republic Six State Terror Wave
  10. 1996 Spokane Phineas Priests Bombing Campaign
  11. 1996 Atlanta Centennial Olympic Park bombing
  12. 1996 Jackson, MS Larry Shoemake murder spree
  13. 1996 Aryan Republican Army FBI Shootout
  14. 1995 Palo Verde Amtrak Derailment
  15. 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing
  16. 1994 John Britton Assassination

At this point I thought even though you are 7 times more likely to be killed by a right wing extremist then a Muslim terrorist in the United States and even though Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks in America. This is just one country.

So I decided to look at another country with a significantly higher Muslim Population.

Canada which has well over a million Muslims who make up 3% of its population and instead of doing a small 20 year timeline I decided to look into the entire history of the country to get the most accurate results.

Number of Terrorist Attacks in Canada by motive.


  • Number of terror attacks: 300+
  • Number of injuries: 6
  • Number of deaths: 3

Quebec Nationalists:

  • Number of terror attacks: 64
  • Number of injuries: 29
  • Number of deaths: 12


  • Number of terror attacks: 10+
  • Number of injuries: 37
  • Number of deaths: 32


  • Number of terror attacks: 10
  • Number of injuries: 100+
  • Number of deaths: 0


  • Number of terror attacks: 7
  • Number of injuries: 6
  • Number of deaths: 324


  • Number of terror attacks: 7
  • Number of injuries: 3
  • Number of deaths: 1


  • Number of terror attacks: 6
  • Number of injuries: 0
  • Number of deaths: 0

Armenian Nationalists:

  • Number of terror attacks: 3
  • Number of injuries: 1
  • Number of deaths: 2


  • Number of terror attacks: 3
  • Number of injuries: 10
  • Number of deaths: 0


  • Number of terror attacks: 3
  • Number of injuries: 0
  • Number of deaths: 0


  • Number of terror attacks: 2
  • Number of injuries: 2
  • Number of deaths: 2


  • Number of terror attacks: 1
  • Number of injuries: 0
  • Number of deaths: 52


  • Number of terror attacks: 1
  • Number of injuries: 47
  • Number of deaths: 3


  • Number of terror attacks: 1
  • Number of injuries: 4
  • Number of deaths: 0


  • Number of terror attacks: 1
  • Number of injuries: 1
  • Number of deaths: 0

So to put this into comparison there are half the number of followers of Sikhism in Canada than Islam.

Yet Sikhs have killed 162 times more people in the name of their religion than Islam has in Canada alone.

Despite this, no one is calling for Sikhs to be deported by the millions.

Now to the people out there saying,

You only look at terrorism, what about all the other crimes muslims commit!

Well lets look at a few places around the world:

The first place I’m going to look at is the city with the highest Muslim population in the United States, Dearborn Michigan.

Dearborn has a population of around 100,000 people half of which are of Arab Decent.

Last year Dearborn had 3 murders and 35 rapes.

Lets look at other cities in the United States with the same population but instead of being populated by Muslims lets look at cities populated by White Christians.

Billings, Montana is a city with a population of around 100,000 people same as Dearborn. 90% of these people are white.

And the city has such a small Muslim population that there isn’t even a mosque in it.

Last year Billings had 10 murders and 72 rapes

Just in case that one example was an outliar I looked up a few cities with the same population as Dearborn to compare the crime rate

Dearborn MI 

  • 3 Murders
  • 35 Rapes

Sandy Springs GA

  • 6 Murder
  • 40 Rapes

Billings MT

  • 10 Murders
  • 72 Rapes

Pueblo CO

  • 10 Murders
  • 152 Rapes

West Palm Beach FL

  • 15 Murders
  • 45 Rapes

I could keep going but I think you get the point.

These examples aren’t cherry picked either. I got them by searching a list of cities by population on Wikipedia just picking the cities next to Dearborn that had around the same population all of them had higher crime rates as anyone can check. 

Yet Dearborn Michigan despite having more Muslims living there than anywhere else in the US is below the average national crime rate.

Dearborn is 16% safer than the average city.

And statistically speaking 64% of the people reading this right now are more at risk where they are live currently than if they moved to Dearborn and surround themselves with Muslims.

Chances of being a victim of crime:

  • In Dearborn 1 in 275
  • In Michigan 1 in 234

But forget about the U.S lets look at cities outside of America. Last time we looked at Canada lets look at the U.K this time.

Birmingham has one of the largest Muslim populations in England.

One out of every 5 people in the city of Birmingham is a Muslim.

It is one of the highest Muslim Populations in the country.

Let’s look at the crime rate there:

  • Birmingham Crime Rate Per 100 Residents:  5.15
  • UK Average Crime Rate Per 100 Residents:  6.57
  • London Crime Rate Per 100 Residents:  42.53

But maybe that isn’t good enough for you lets look at the rest of Europe:

Amsterdam has been cited as having one of the largest Muslim populations in Europe. Pretty soon 20% of the city will be Muslims.

You would think this influx of immigrants would cause the crime rate to sky rocket right?

I myself assumed it would when I was researching this and honestly was shocked to see news articles titled:


But the fact of the matter is its true that they did.

  • In 2015 there was 15 murders in Amsterdam
  • In 2013 there was 22 murders in Amsterdam
  • In 1998 there was 65 murders Amsterdam

The higher the Muslim population has been getting in Amstredam the lower the murder rate gets.

But how can that be?!?! Multiculturalism is a failure just look at the rape rate in Sweden! What about all those Muslims raping children? I read about on Brietbart and infowars!

Well even if it wasn’t for the fact that many news headlines about Muslim Refugees raping and killing people are fake.

And when I mean fake I mean literally Infowars and breitbart just outright reported lies.

Such as the time them (along with many other right wing news outlets) reported the story about Syrian Muslim refugees gang raping a little girl in Idaho.

Local officials and police even had to have a press conference afterwards to explain not only did the story never happen but there aren’t even any refugees who live in the entire county.

And no, none of the right wing news sites ever apologized for spreading false info or even redacted the stories. They still have them up on their site without even acknowledging it was proven to be false.

Reasons like this are probably why so many media watchdog groups and committees into the ethics of journalism have time and time again ranked Brietbart as one of the most dishonest journalist outlets ever created. And when I say ever created they get a lower ranking than North Korean State Run Propaganda Media.

But for the stories that are true where it turns out a Muslim did kill someone or molest a child, even though these cases are rare they still do happen. The only thing the media never talks about is how they happen at a lower rate than the native born population.

If you were to randomly pick 100,000 American Citizens born in the US and then pick 100,000 Americans originally born in other countries. You would discover that that the number of immigrants who had committed crimes is lower than the number of native born Americans who committed crimes.

The only difference when a Muslim refugee molests a child and when a Catholic Priest does the same thing. Is that when the Muslim does it you don’t see the Catholic Church covering it up.

And Muslim groups aren’t spending millions of Dollars to lobby against sex crime laws like Catholics groups are.

But in response to common claims that multiculturalism is a failure because Sweden has the second highest rape rate on earth and allows refugees in I just want to remind everyone that the rape rate didn’t sky rocket in Sweden after they started allowing refugees into the country. The rape rate skyrocketed in 2005 when Sweden reformed its sex crime legislation to make the definition of rape much much wider. Ontop of that the Swedish police trained to improve the handling of rape cases which led to more victims coming forward to report assaults. This is why the rape rate appears to be so much higher than it is. Even though Criminologists say that the number of rapes that occur in the country aren’t above average and surveys from The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights discovered that instead of being the rape capital of the world Sweden is actually below neighboring countries of Denmark and Finland in terms of the number of rapes.

But the Qur'an is violent!

Here are a few quotes:

“If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.”

“If within the city a man comes upon a maiden who is betrothed, and has relations with her, you shall bring them both out of the gate of the city and there stone them to death: the girl because she did not cry out for help though she was in the city, and the man because he violated his neighbors wife.”

“You may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance.”

“When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave girl’s owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter. If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife.”

“If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”

“A man or a woman who is a medium or a necromancer shall surely be put to death. They shall be stoned with stones; their blood shall be upon them.”

“If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” do not yield to them or listen to them. Show them no pity. Do not spare them or shield them. You must certainly put them to death. Your hand must be the first in putting them to death, and then the hands of all the people. Stone them to death, because they tried to turn you away.”

  • Punishing Women for Being Raped
  • Promoting Sexual Slavery
  • Stoning Gays
  • Stoning Witches
  • Murdering Infidels

These seem like quotes from a barbaric stone age death cult right?

Well you would be correct because these quotes are from the Bible. The same book the Republicans want to use to govern the country.

But the difference between Christians and Muslims is Christians don’t follow those quotes and would never do that! They don’t have child brides or commit honor killing or any of those evil Muslim things!

Except they do.

In Christian Majority Mozambique women can be punished for being raped by being forced to marry their rapists and this is in accordance to the law.

Christians in The Central African Republic execute more people every year for witchcraft in the name of Jesus than all the Muslims in the middle east do according to the UN.

40% of the marriages in Tanzinia involve child brides according to Human Rights Watch.

And honor killings aren’t even an Islamic specific concept.

You can find many examples of cases where a Christian father beat his daughter to death with a metal bar because she wanted to marry her Muslim boyfriend.

Look at India. Where Hindu and Sikhs are some of the highest perpetrators of honor killings on earth today.

Even in places like Brazil it was a big problem until recently. Men could be acquitted for murdering their wives up until 1991 on the basis of them digracing their honor, and because of that you would see 800 recorded murder honor killings in a year. Even after the laws were changed, lower courts still ignored the ruling of the Supreme Court and acquitted people like Joao Lopes for a double homicide.

But women in Somalia aren’t allowed to drive

The idea of showing the treatment of women in Somalia as proof that Islam is evil makes as much sense as showing the treatment of women in the Congo as proof that Christianity is evil.

Lets look at a Muslim nation that isn’t torn by war as see how they treat women:

Kyrgyzsta is a landlocked country located in Central Asia with a population of 5 million people. In this country close to 9 out of every 10 people are Muslims.

In 2010 after large opposition protests caused the President to resign the Muslim majority population voted and elected Roza Otunbayeva as the country’s new leader. Roza Otunbayeva is not only a woman but an atheist.

Why is it that in Kyrgyzsta and Somalia they both read the same holy book The Qur'an but in one country an Atheist woman would be stoned and in the other elected president.

It’s probably the same reason why in both Italy and the Congo they read the same holy book The Bible but in one an Atheist woman would be stoned and in the other elected president.

But still why is the middle east so war torn to begin with? Why can’t you get your stuff together and stop oppressing women?

Here is a picture of a Muslim woman named Benazir Bhutto she is the former Prime Minister of Pakistan.

Here is a picture from the 1970s of some women in Iran wearing Bikinis on a beach.

Here is a picture of women in Afghanistan studying at Kabul University to become doctors in the 1980s. (40% of doctors in Afghanistan were female at the time. That’s higher than the current presentage of female doctors in the United States today.)

Here are women in the Afgan Military posing with their weapons. (This is 30 years before women were allowed to have active combat roles in the United States Military.)

And that’s not even getting into things like gay rights. Like how Gay relationships were decriminalized in Jordan in 1951. (Two decades before the Gay Rights Movement in the U.S) 

Or how in countries like Bahrain with a 99% Muslim population, when the people there are asked if they would be okay with having a gay neighbor or friend, a higher percentage of them said yes. Than in the United States when pollsters asked the same question. 

So what changed? To make it the way it is today?

  • The same thing that changed Latin America to make it a violent cesspool of Drug Cartels.
  • The same thing that changed Southeast Asia that allows the rise of anti-government rebels.

The United States government came into the region, overthrew their democratically elected leaders and replaced them with Islamic extremist dictators who would sell oil for a cheap price, and denounce the Soviets.

The Middle East didn’t even have Muslim countries before. They were secular nations where people elected leaders.

In Saudi Arabia the monarchy the country has is literally only 60 years old. They didn’t have a King before that they had a President.

All of these countries were democracies none of which were run under Shihara Law before the CIA came in and put an Islamic Extremist Dictator in charge.

And this isn’t like a conspiracy on the level of “The US was responsible for 9/11.” It is just a common fact. You can read about it on Wikipedia even. The CIA openly backed and put the groups in power. They would fund drug lords. Remember that picture up there of those women fighting in the Afgan Army?

At that point in the countries history the leader of it was a man who liked the Russians a lot more than he liked the Americans.

So you know the the CIA replaced him with?

The Taliban.

Before these coups there wasn’t widespread terrorism. Look at Syria in 1948 and look at America. One of those countries had groups of religious extremists going around dragging people from their homes and lynching them solely because of their race.

  • Those religious extremists were the K.K.K and that country was America.

Look at Afghanistan in 1985 and look at Ireland. One of these countries had groups of paramilitary religious extremists kidnapping and murdering innocent people. Bombing hospitals and public places, killing dozens at a time.

  • Those religious extremists were the IRA and that country was Ireland.

There isn’t even a counterpart to compare the groups to because none existed in these countries. No one was doing these things before the CIA got involved.

But like you said the CIA did the same thing in Latin America and Africa and South East Asia. So why is it only Muslim countries who become terrorists? Why don’t those countries have terorrism?

Christian terrorists in a single country kill 16 times more people than ISIS has world wide.

  • Muslims make up 1% of the U.S population and commit 1 terrorist attack every 1.6 years. 

It’s that simple.

But, why isn’t the media talking about this?

The short reasons is that there isn’t any oil in the Congo and no one cares about India.

According to the Global Terrorism Index: If you look at the top 50 countries with the most terrorism you would find. 

  • 21 are Muslim majority countries.
  • 20 are Christian majority countries.
  • 3 are Buddhist majority countries. 
  • 3 are Hindu majority countries. 
  • 2 are Atheist majority countries.
  • 1 are Jewish majority countries.

That would mean 60% of the Muslim majority nations on earth do not rank in the top 50 countries for terrorism.   

Yet 100% of the top Hindu majority nations do.  

But back to the main point of this post:

Islam isn’t causing terrorism.

  • If it did, you would expect to see Muslims in Canada reading the Qur'an and bombing buildings
  • You would expect that back in the 60s Syria would of had terrorists doing the exact same thing they are doing now.
  • You would expect Muslims in Kyrgyzsta not voting for a woman as President.
  • And most of all you would expect that if it did cause terrorism there would be more terrorism and violence in Muslim countries as opposed to the opposite which is the case if you compare Muslim communities in the west with non-Muslim communites and compare the Middle East with 99% population Christian nations in Central Africa.

So what is the reason for terrorism then?

The reason for terrorism is there being nothing to stop it.

If anyone has watched Walking Dead or Mad Max or any post apocalyptic movie then you understand the idea of those raving bands of killers and rapists going around doing whatever they want because there isn’t anyone to stop them.

Now if we put that into a real life scenario what happens is you get ISIS, you get the The Lord’s Resistance Army and the Catholic Drug Lords in Honduras with their own Patron Saints and the Atheistic Rebels murdering missionaries in Thailand for being Christians and so on…

If you are upset about terrorism here is a way you can stop it that way isn’t harassing Muslims on the street and uploading the video to Instagram. The way is actually helping to stop the destabilization of these countries by telling the U.N to do its job.

But I heard that X% of Muslims want to murder infidels and kill innocent people? And force Islam on everyone.

 Anyone who is reading a poll that claims things like:

80% of Muslim Americans told us they want to take over the country.

I urge you to actually find out who did this poll and look into their sample size and methodology because the weird thing is the people who are putting out these polls are always the same people. They are groups like the Gatestone Institute which has been discredited time and time again as an Anti-Islamic propaganda mongerer. They are people like Frank Gaffney who was literally banned from all of the other conservative think tanks for being to racist and crazy even for them.

And always these polls are never Primary Sourced or Peer Reviewed. How about we look at some actually well established and cited polls.

Here is one such example below:

Some people think that for the military to target and kill civilians is sometimes justified, while others think that kind of violence is never justified. Which is your opinion?


  • Depends: 0%
  • Sometimes justified: 21%
  • Never justified: 78%  


  • Depends:  0%
  • Sometimes justified: 58%
  • Never justified: 38%


  • Depends: 2%
  • Sometimes justified: 58%
  • Never justified: 39%


  • Depends: 3%
  • Sometimes justified: 52%
  • Never justified: 43%


  • Depends: 3%
  • Sometimes justified: 64%
  • Never justified: 33%

No religion/Atheist/Agnostic

  • Depends: 0%
  • Sometimes justified: 43%
  • Never justified: 56

Keep in mind that the question was not asking about “collateral damage” but rather targeting civilians.

Gallup analysis suggests that one’s religious identity and level of devotion have little to do with one’s views about targeting civilians. According to the largest global study of its kind, covering 131 countries, it is human development and governance - not piety or culture - that are the strongest factors in explaining differences in how the public perceives this type of violence.

While the majority of world citizens agree that military attacks targeting civilians are never justified, a decade after 9/11, there is a wide range in the level of support for this view. A clear majority in Asia and MENA find military attacks against civilians unacceptable. This is not surprising considering the acute conflicts raging in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and other parts of the Middle East.

In contrast, regionally, residents of the U.S. and Canada are most likely to say that military attacks against civilians are sometimes justified. Americans are the most likely population in the world (49%) to believe military attacks targeting civilians is sometimes justified, followed by residents of Haiti and Israel (43%).

One of the most cited anti-Muslim statics I see was performed was done by Pew Forums in 2013. 


Now this poll and many like it have been picked apart by numerous people for the lazy methodology and lack of diversity in the countries they poll.

And I could show those detailed arguments or compare the surveying they did to basically if a group of researchers went to a single small town in Texas and polled 10 people on social issues. Then used that to claim, “9 out of 10 Americans are against gay marriage.” but I’m just going to explain this in the exact terms of what happen.

In 2013 Pew Forums put out ads in the local newspapers in either a single city or either the top two or three largest cities in the country, for 39 different countries. These ads basically said, “Are you a Muslim and you wanna make 10$? Then come out to the offices of this survey polling company we subcontracted to get data for us and fill out forums for 6 hours then you can get your 10$.”

And in each one of these countries between 500 and 1,500 people showed up for that 10$ and 4 hours into filing out the surveys when they got to the question on page 243 where it said, “Do you think all non Muslims should be killed? Yes or no?” around 1/3 of them just checked the yes box. 

That does not mean that 1/3 of Muslims think the 6 billion non-Muslims alive should be killed. 

I find it especially ironic though that same people who are touting methodology like this to justify bigotry are the same people who try and debunk the surveys that claim ¼ women have been victims of sexual assault as “feminist propaganda.”

Now if you do find polls that are well cited saying:

X% of Muslims in this country want Sharia Law

Then I would encourage you to find out what percent of Christians in that country want Biblical Law.

Because if its the United States the number would have to be over 57% to beat the Republicans.

Since 57% of Republicans want Christianity to be the national religion of The United States


Looking more into disproportionate representation of Muslims I found that despite Muslims making up 23% of the worlds population they account for 5 out of the past 12 Nobel Peace Prize winners. (Which is 42 percent.)

Just a curious note on how Muslims are earning Nobel Prizes at twice the rate they proportionally should.

liesthepatriarchytoldme:Tumblr user “panda-cat” didn’t get the satisfaction of me answering her me


Tumblr user “panda-cat” didn’t get the satisfaction of me answering her messages about “white racism,” so she needed to get her fix elsewhere. Drop it. Nobody wants to talk about this thing you call “white racism” for the simple fact that it doesn’t exist. The fact that you can’t get your head around such a thing proves you don’t deserve to be given the time of day. Not on this subject, at least.

I see this all the time. Women can’t be sexist towards men and black people can’t be racist towards white people. And why? Because the concepts of sexism and racism were invented to tell white men that instead of being superior, they are decidedly inferior. That they shouldn’t be proud of their race or gender because it’s not worth anything. They should wish they were black or a woman.

Feminism preaches equality, but this is what it is in practice.

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9/11 is coming up - and with it, a sharp spike of anxiety that always accompanies the anniversary. each year our community deals with attacks, threats, even deaths. each anniversary i don’t leave my house. i don’t go to the masjid.

i remember the time someone shot up the side of our mosque when we were inside

i remember the time someone chased two young hijabis with a taser

i remember the time someone intentionally swerved towards me when i was crossing the street and i stood frozen in fear

i remember the time someone slipped a knife threat into my mailbox

or the times my friends and i have been verbally assaulted in crowded public spaces and nobody said a word

call out racism and islamophobia when you see it. check in on your muslim neighbors and friends. refuse to tolerate the bigotry and hate that takes lives and spreads fear - both in public and online. stand united with us against hate.

this graphic by artist @maeril(instagram,twitter), translated by The Middle Eastern Feminist, is a really helpful guide, especially for those whom confrontation is a trigger. it’s helped me a lot.

[image description, from The Middle Eastern Feminist’s post:

An illustrated guide to help a person being targeted by Islamophobic harassment in the public space (in the subway, in the street, etc). The illustrations describe the steps to help the person to safety. There are three characters: the person being attacked is represented as a veiled woman with olive skin, wearing a violet hijab and a lavender dress, the bystander/helper is a white woman with short burgundy hair, a striped tee and boyfriend jeans, and the attacker is a white, bearded man with hazel hair, a teal polo shirt and regular denim jeans.

The four steps are as follows:

1) Engage conversation. Go to them, sit beside them and say hello. Try to appear calm, collected and welcoming. Ignore the attacker (this is, again, very important). (the bystander goes to the veiled lady and says: “hi, how are you?”)

2) Pick a random subject and start discussing it. It can be anything: a movie you liked, the weather, saying you like something they wear and asking where they got it… ( in the illustration attached to this step, the attacker has a big “IGNORED” marked on his body - the bystander talks about the weather, and a movie her sister told her about)

3) Keep building the safe space. Keep eye contact with them and don’t acknowledge the attacker’s presence: the absence of response from you two will push them to leave the area shortly. (in the illustration attached to this step, the attacker has a big “IRRELEVANT” marked on his body and leaves the area angrily - while the two protagonists chat.)

4) Continue the conversation until the attacker leaves, & escort them to a safe place if necessary. Bring them to a neutral area where they can recollect themselves; respect their wishes if they tell you they’re ok and just want to go. (here the bystander lighty holds the veiled woman by the shoulders as a way to show support)

/end i.d.]

i know i told people not to comment on this if they weren’t muslim but i will absolutely accept this addition because it’s generally really useful info to know. this happened to me once and someone used a tactic like this and it worked wonderfully!

in my situation, it was a woman who pretended like she knew me when a man was verbally assaulting my friend and i - she approached us like we were old friends or relatives and asked “what took you so long? i’ve been waiting!”

and just like that, i had an out! the guy didn’t follow when she guided us away, and she stayed by my side the entire time until i had gotten to where i needed to go. the situation was de-escalated quickly and peacefully

i know a gut instinct to seeing bigotry or injustice is often confrontation, but it’s not always the safest response and tactics like this are extremely useful!!!

(however - just to note: if the situation looks potentially dangerous or on the verge of escalating to that level, call the police. there is a difference between uncomfortable comments on public transit vs the threat of verbal or physical assault - tactics like these work well in the first situation, but the second should be treated differently and with extreme caution. never hesitate to notify the proper authorities in situations where it looks like things are getting out of hand.)

I think this is important to share. It’s a very clever and nonviolent way to neutralize a bigot, can apply to many situations, and could save someone from a potentially dangerous situation. Information this important deserves to be shared, not scrolled past




You people realize the body positivity movement is literally a political movement right. Like it’s a movement that was started to improve the rights of fat people and stop discrimination against fat people. You realize that. It’s not a tea party where everyone just compliments everyone else on their looks.

One time I was teaching undergrads and we were talking about how you can even define what is “fair” in employment. And I was explaining how there have been court cases about employers forcing their employees to wear makeup or do their hair/nails, etc, so of course we end up talking about flight attendants. And my students, predictably, are like, “Well ok but in the case of flight attendants, being good looking is literally just part of the job description.” So I point out how applying this principle universally would basically make it so that any employer could refuse to hire someone who was fat or ugly. And That One Kid was like, “Well if it affects the business’s ability to make money, I mean, that’s just smart.” And so I say, “Yes, that is certainly what a capitalist would say. But don’t you think that allowing that capitalist interest to take precedence would lead to a world in which it’s legally permissible to refuse to hire someone just because they’re fat or ugly? Basically legalizing discrimination and blocking access to work and livelihood?” And this motherfucker is like, “Well, yeah. ”

When I tell you I almost had to leave…I was full-body shaking and afterward, my queer students came up and were like, “omg are you okay?”

So yeah, it’s fucking political. What you think is about personal aesthetic preference is actually oppressing huge groups of people, so.

This is a fascinating example because I actually am a flight attendant, and no the fuck it isn’t a part of my job description to “be good looking.” It hasn’t been since the 60s. We’re literally first responders. Should your ER nurse have to wear makeup in order to save your life?

incusexual:Since pride month is literally right around the corner, DO NOT be fooled by companies tha


Since pride month is literally right around the corner, DO NOT be fooled by companies that change their logos to rainbow when their money speaks for themselves. Image  ID below “keep reading” line. Source of said financial information is “florida campaign finance”

Keep reading

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The GOP establishment hasn’t been so much pro-Trump as anti-anti-Trump since his nomination. They drooled at the stolen Supreme Court pick and decided to go all-in, hoping Trump wasn’t everything that they said he was during the primaries and what everyone else said he was since he started campaigning. The man holds positions that, until last year, were anathema to many of the party’s traditional platforms.

(Note: this is not an endorsement of their traditional platforms, nor is is saying Trump isn’t right-wing.)

Part of the reason for their hitching their horses so firmly to a wagon that should otherwise have ended up on the Island of Misfit Toys is the stark polarization of politics that happened when some black dude slaughtered them on the way to two terms in the White House. The Tea Party took over the GOP with the position that the best defense was a good offense and that truth was irrelevant in politics. Ever since, any defense of conservative issues as being the better answer was all but abandoned in favor of the demonization the left by any means necessary. When some of those means were morally repugnant, rather than the honest defense that it was a minority of bigots who were being repugnant, they decided to attack the accusation and thus normalized bigotry.

(One can argue over the warp and weft of GOP bigotry but that’s a collateral issue.)

Bigotry is ugly, as we see with the ass-clown on that Texas beach and his crying mugshot, and it is powerful. When people in fiction warn against meddling with powerful forces you don’t understand, this is the kind of thing they are talking about. Bigotry has a way of wresting control away from those who would seek to harness it. The GOP decided bigotry was a useful tool against the Obama administration and it led DIRECTLY to Trump and the preposterous distortion of conservatism we’re seeing in power now.

(This isn’t to say they weren’t bigoted before, but that their bigotry was less overt.)

The GOP is engaged in political bull-riding and it’s praying to God it manages 8 seconds because THIS bull is known to gore those it throws.

When marginalized people exist unapologetically in public, some bigoted people say things like “But it will confuse the children!”

This is about as ridiculous as saying “Don’t pour water there! It will get the fish wet!”

Most of the world is confusing to children, because they haven’t had time to learn very much about it yet. Kids have to learn even really basic things. Some examples of stuff kids aren’t born knowing and often find confusing:

  • Door open *and* close.
  • Light switches can turn lights on and off.
  • Some things belong to you and some things do not.
  • Not everything that looks appealing is edible.
  • When you’re in public places, you have to wear clothes.
  • Some people are relatives and some people aren’t.
  • Everyone has a name.
  • People like different things.
  • Holidays exist.
  • Not everyone celebrates the same holidays.
  • It is possible to read books.
  • If you let go of a ballon outdoors, it will almost always float away.
  • Even when you are very upset, it is possible to communicate without screaming or hitting anyone.

You’re not going to break children by existing in public as a marginalized person. Even if they are confused, nothing terrible will happen. Children are good at thinking about things they don’t understand and learning new things. Kids are confused a lot; that’s part of being a kid. They are learning, and it’s ok.

I had always thought that one day I would write a book. Didn’t know if it would be fact or fiction, memoir or fantasy, but I was sure I had ‘a story in me’.

The past year has given me a new perspective on writing and how people can be so cruel with words. Getting published was once the only way to share written word, be it book, newspaper, magazine, private printing, but the internet and social media have made keyboard warriors out of even the most illiterate, narcissistic deviant. It frightens me to see the destruction of the world through what I once thought was an honourable quest.

If I thought that my writing would help or mend some of the pain caused by these terrorists and bullies then I would begin today.

Words can be more harmful than “sticks and stones”

We won’t prey on people’s natural hopes and dreams. We won’t think about how much people fear the unknown, and decide to create an otherworld where they can be tortured without comprehension and without end- an otherworld that is by definition unprovable. We won’t look at the loneliness of people and promise them the greatest companionship of all, if only they will subscribe to our archaic doctrines and help spread our message throughout the world.

We won’t force our fellow atheists to override their consciences. We won’t create a network of support for prominent atheists to be protected when they are accused of child abuse and rape. We won’t command torture and murder when minor sect differences exist. We won’t hold up as a hero an atheist who unabashedly raped a 9-year-old girl, and then justify centuries of rape of women and girls based on this. 

We won’t seek to destroy the possibility of knowledge. We won’t force laws that impose superstitions on children in the place of science. We won’t impede medical progress when it violates some archaic beliefs. We won’t harm women for seeking an education, or prevent them from accessing any knowledge. We won’t create a world-wide system where blind obedience is rewarded and questioning is punished. 

We won’t imprison women in a relentless cycle of suppression and misery. We won’t create a belief system that threatens eternal torture for speaking up. We won’t commend sexual immorality and crime of men because a 3,000 year old god was fine with it. We won’t help along domestic violence and abuse by promising “prayer” as the solution to all problems. We won’t restrict women’s rights by promoting pregnancy and child-raising as the ultimate holy goal of their lives. 

We are atheists, and we live in the present; we won’t allow the injustice and the misery of the centuries past to limit our futures. 

  • Be willing to sacrifice morality for the sake of prejudiced and bigoted ancient commandments


The difference between making blanket statements about male or white or cis or straight or rich people and making ones about women or LGBTQ people or people of color or the poor is that marginalized groups use generalizations to identify their oppressors as a form of self protection. And this is different from privileged groups who use generalizations to further oppress the marginalized, to making statements that allow for their further dehumanization and vilification.  Cultural context is ESSENTIAL. People with any of these privileges who want to be allies need to understand this basic theory because otherwise we are held back by our own egos and inability to see what role we play in that oppression.







kind of wondering if the Steve from Blues Clues thing was more or less a temperature check to see how well the early childhood media brainwashing worked, and how easily people can be triggered and manipulated by emotional messages from fictional personas with whom now-adults formed parasocial bonds as children due to the faux-interactive, if not uncanny question-response format of the tv shows from which these personas are derived

Fellas, is it brainwashing to experience emotions based on childhood experiences

And…what, exactly, is the alternative to a show like Blue’s Clues, if you think that making an educational program that sincerely tries to make children feel empowered and loved is brainwashing? No programming at all, leaving underprivileged kids without an extra educational boost or sense of companionship? A robotic voice with no personality shouting the alphabet over and over? Seriously curious here. 

yeah op you seem like someone who has normal and well-adjusted opinions on what qualifies as “brainwashing”. the fact that you apparently have kids is bone-chilling

The Jews of Yemen have lived in that region for twenty-five hundred years. Just decades ago, their population was around sixty thousand, and today, only about ninety Jews remain in Yemen.

But apparently, ninety Jews in a country of 25 million people is ninety too many for Yemen, and now these last remaining Jews of a lineage stretching back millennia are faced with the ultimatum of either throwing off their Jewishness or fleeing to a country they have never known.

And much like in the time of the Spanish Inquisition, a third option lingers: death.

#fozzy bear    #the muppets    #triggered    #dank memes    #funny memes    #stereotypes    #bigotry    


There’s a certain type of comedian who thinks they’re the main character of life, and that the most important angle on any issue is what THEY think of it. Whether that’s their take on the latest MCU film, or their observations on politics.

You can’t understand these people until you realise they think they’re modern-day philosophers. And they’re not. Philosophersare modern-day philosophers.

I do believe comedians are primarily for entertainment. The fact that we can say something meaningful is great but bonus.

For thousands of years, there have been people who don’t fit their culture’s dominant model of gender. Bigots will try and convince you that this is NEW, and that it’s a problem in some way. Don’t believe them. Don’t be gullible.

Comedians who see themselves as the protagonist? They’re gullible. They swallow the dominant narrative wholesale, because they won’t do the work to try and understand anyone else’s perspective. Why would they? They’re the main character. These comedians often seemed ground-breaking when they were young, because this single-minded self-obsession helped them reject old-fashioned values.

But as they get older, the same condition causes them to reject emerging progressive values.

They think they’re cool. Arguing with Mary Whitehouse was cool in their 20s. They think it looks the same when they’re in their 50s and arguing with 19-year-olds. They like it when you’re offended, because they think it’s cool to offend people.

So here’s a secret. Comedians don’t CARE if they’ve hurt your feelings. That makes them feel powerful. Instead, talk about how old-fashioned they are. Oh, what a shame, they’ve failed to keep up with the times. Gutted. They seemed so exciting 20 years ago.

“You’re not funny” doesn’t hurt a comedian. They believe they’re funny because every night, rooms full of strangers laugh at them. Comedians don’t crave validation for how funny they are. They crave validation for how INTERESTING they are.

How do you kill a comedian?

Aim for their relevance.

Donald Trump, many other Republican politicans and pundits, and even some Democratic Party politicians are literally playing games with Representative Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) life.

The bad faith arguments, lies of omission, blatant mischaracterization of Omar’s statements, fear mongering, and disingenuous appeals to patriotism that contribute to this need to end.

“The attacks on Omar have been steady and insidious, and it’s more obvious now than ever what they’re based on. When Crenshaw and Trump connect her to 9/11, and when commentators on Fox News question whether she’s ‘American first' and suggest that her hijab indicates she doesn’t follow the U.S. Constitution, the religious bigotry is clear. It’s no longer possible to deny.”

I just was notified that a post of me wearing this costume (from two years ago) was just removed for

I just was notified that a post of me wearing this costume (from two years ago) was just removed for violating community standards of pornography… I ask you, are covered, fake tits now considered pornography by instagram?… I think we can all see this for what it is… censorship of a person, not content.

Instagram, if you are going to out source your censorship monitoring to India, you better have guidelines that make them aware that being fat and queer does not warrant eradication of content and threats of deplatforming in America.

Shame on you Instagram!!!

And to my audience, it’s worth noting that I have had censorship issues across multiple platforms since having done press about my involvement in a documentary critical of the founder of Fox News, Roger Ailes.

#babettebombshell #instagramcensorship #intolerence #bigotry

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