#i live for crossovers sue me


Warning: This fic contains blood, slight gore, guns and near death experiences. If this stuff makes you uncomfortable I highly encourage y'all to check out my other works.

Yatagarasu Goro had been in the business for a good while now. From catching criminals to helping civilians to doing paperwork. He’d seen and done quite a bit and once he’d started working under the infamous Inspector Zenigata he’d experienced even more than he had before.

However he’d never had to deal with something like this.

The young policeman remained crouched by the door, his gun held firmly in his hands as he sat there silently. The room he was in was dark, furniture thrown and papers scattered every which way. Dark splatters of blood and other gruesome things littered the once clean floors of the room. Yet none of this was his main concern, no his main concern was what was in the hallway, just behind the door that he was crouched by. Chancing a small peek Yata glanced around the corner and caught sight of the thing that had been following him. It was hunched over, shuffling around as it looked for him. He could barely make out the appearance of it in the low lighting that shined through the windows and into the hallway. He only caught glimpses every so often.

Glimpses of torn flesh and bloody wounds, of grayish skin and white eyes. Of teeth dyed red from biting unsuspecting people, turning them into what it was. He quickly ducked back behind the door as the thing turned its head, seemingly trying to listen for him. The young policeman could hear its gurgling groans and raspy snarls as it looked, and coming up empty handed. Yata looked at his gun and mentally calculated how many bullets he’d used. He silently cursed when he realized that he only had a few left, giving him only a couple of chances to take this thing out or be taken out like so many others that had tried. He couldn’t let the latter option happen, not when he had to find his superior and make sure that he was alright, not when the knowledge of failure could lead to him shuffling down abandoned bloodied hallways.

He refused to become one of them.

Yata gripped his gun, his gaze hardening as he focused on taking aim. As silent as the dead Yata aimed his gun, pointing the muzzle of it towards the head. He took a quiet breath through his nose to steady himself, knowing that if he went in half cocked it’d come back to bite him and quite literally. Once steady he gripped the trigger and took his shot. The sound of a loud bang filled the room, causing the thing’s head to snap around towards him. The bullet shot through its skull causing it to explode in a confetti of brain matter, blood, ooze and skull fragments. The thing let out a wet gurgling noise before collapsing onto its knees and then falling to the floor dead.

Yata let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding and cautiously lowered his still smoking gun as he stood up. The hum of adrenaline pounded through his bloodstream, making him alert to the body and any other possible threats. He was quick to start moving knowing that if he stayed around in the same place for too long it could end disastrously. Especially since he only had so many bullets until he could get to the armory. Leaving the room Yata dashed down the hallway keeping his steps light and silent as he hopped over the corpse he’d taken down. He raced towards the staircase, keeping his eyes peeled for any dangers.

He passed by many things on his way to them, bodies of policemen and other workers, blood spatters and organs and body parts of once alive people. Of tousled cabinets and other things, banners that once displayed proudly now ruined in the massacre. Yata tried not to dwell on it knowing that he couldn’t do anything to change what had happened before he and Zenigata had arrived in pursuit of Lupin and his gang as usual. After managing to find the staircase that was thankfully empty Yata descended down them, trying not to slip on puddles of blood and body matter that laid upon them.

Yata managed to get down them safely and made his way towards the armory, having memorized a map of the layout of the place. He finally caught sight of the sign that read RCP Armory and let out a sigh of relief. Finally he had what he needed….

The sudden slamming of a body hitting him full force threw him off his path. Yata didn’t think but only reacted as he aimed his gun and shot at the body on him. It released him with a pained animalistic screech stumbling back as its newest wound bleed. Yata swore as he tried to get another shot in before it could recover, as it lunged at him again. Teeth gnashing and eyes blank, ready to feast upon his flesh. The young man threw his hands up as he was tackled again and landed on the ground, the monster now pinning him, his gun now no longer in his hands having it be knocked out of them. He desperately held it away from him, being mindful to keep his hands away from its mouth as it tried to push against him and bite. He nearly gagged at the scent that came off of it, blood and rotting flesh and sickness, the scent of death. Yata tried to desperately think of a way to get it off of him, to buy himself enough time to get ahold of his gun.

He felt it start to over power him, his arms shaking slightly in strain at trying to keep it away from him. He could feel its hot breath on his face and throat, its snarls and hisses closer to his ear. He was going to get bit, he was going to lose. Just as it seemed to all for naught the sound of an explosive bang filled the air and the thing was thrown off by the sheer force of the bullet that shot it. As soon as it was off Yata lunged for his gun and took aim shooting it right between its eyes, exploding the head. The young man took staggering breaths as he tried to calm down from the near death experience.

“Hey are you alright?”

A voice spoke up from the direction of where the bullet came from. Yata looked up to see a young man around his age with blonde hair and blue eyes staring at him in concern. The man was in a police uniform, his badge displayed as he reached down to help him up.

“Were you bit?”

He asked making Yata snap out of his observation and reach up to take his hand.

“No, no I wasn’t. Thanks to you, if you hadn’t shown up I probably wouldn’t have lasted. I’m Yatagarasu Goro by the way.”

Yata said gratefully as he introduced himself. The other man gave him a small look and pulled him up and gave his hand a firm shake.

“It’s no trouble at all, I’m glad I could help. The name’s Leon. Leon Kennedy.”

*Omg I finally did it somewhat holy shit. Okay so I know this is short and I apologize for this, this fic is mainly a practice thing so I can get somewhat of a feel for the Resident Evil universe because it’s been awhile since I’ve watched any playthroughs of the games. I’d decided that for this one I’d use the setting of RE2 (Remake) seeing as how I’m not quite familiar with RE4 and RE3, RE7 and RE8 don’t include Leon from what I remember. I’m hoping that the more I can think and refresh on the storyline for the games as well as plotting story wise that this crossover will come more together. I’d also decided to go with Yata seeing as how he’s a somewhat rookie like Leon and I’d personally like to see rookies interact lol. Anyways I have no idea if I’ll continue this current plotline given that it’s only practice but who knows these days lol. Anyways if any y'all read this I hope you enjoyed it!!!*
