#i love their dialogues


“I think the world will go right back to the way it was before Kira. Crimes will be committed, people will continue to kill and steal and suffer, as if none of this had happened. As if Kira had never existed at all.”

Light rises from his chair so violently it clatters to the ground behind him. His hands ram into the table. “Then shouldn’t you try to stop that from happening?!” His eyes burn into the side of L’s face. “Aren’t you supposed to fight back against crime, Kira or no Kira?”

It’s L’s turn to pause. The fork is inches from his mouth, balancing a piece of cake between its ridges. L looks up at Light from where he’s sitting, and blinks.

“Light-kun, I am a detective,” he says calmly, as if he were breaking this information to Light for the first time. “Without crime, just who am I supposed to be then?”

Light stares at him.

L finishes eating his cake.

all bitter by crimesofhallowed [M, 2k]
