#i love them so much help



when jaskier gets a cold geralt just…casually does the forehead touch thing to check his fever, because his hands are cold so using hand wouldn’t be accurate, right? but every time jaskier’s face flushes so hot, geralt keeps thinking his fever hasn’t ended. he’s so confused by the weak human body that he continues to baby jaskier excessively.

meanwhile jaskier is enjoying it and dying inside at the same time because he. just. can’t. stop. flustering!!! geralt’s face is so so close and he’s so gentle and he does a little hum when pressing their foreheads together. “you’re still too warm and…wait are you having trouble breathing? you’re breathing so hard i hope its not a lung infection. here drink this…” and jaskier on the inside is constantly going AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
