#shadow and bone cast


sorry I can’t talk right now I’m too busy vividly imagining this scene being played by a bloodied-lip, feral-looking Jack Wolfe.


Jack Wolfe looks like he could rob a bank, kill 20 men, proceed to blow up a bridge, and then get away with it because no one would ever suspect him

That’s exactly how I pictured Wylan how did they even

the showrunners figured out dark magic and used it to pull wylan straight out from the books and thought we wouldn’t notice BUT I KNOW EVERYTHING.

tylorswift: FREDDY CARTER photographed for Boys By Girls by Phoebe Fox tylorswift: FREDDY CARTER photographed for Boys By Girls by Phoebe Fox tylorswift: FREDDY CARTER photographed for Boys By Girls by Phoebe Fox tylorswift: FREDDY CARTER photographed for Boys By Girls by Phoebe Fox tylorswift: FREDDY CARTER photographed for Boys By Girls by Phoebe Fox tylorswift: FREDDY CARTER photographed for Boys By Girls by Phoebe Fox 


photographed for Boys By Girls by Phoebe Fox 

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shadowandbonecentral:Jessie Mei Li  Dana Scruggs for Netflix Queueshadowandbonecentral:Jessie Mei Li  Dana Scruggs for Netflix Queue


Jessie Mei Li  Dana Scruggs for Netflix Queue

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shadowandbonecentral:JESSIE MEI LI AND AMITA SUMAN Cover Wonderland Magazine, Summer 2021 Issue.


Cover Wonderland Magazine, Summer 2021 Issue.

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When you are planning an heist with your found family and suddenly it’s selfie time ✨



Josh Barry filming Wylan and Nina scenes?


Danielle Galligan | Shane O'Connor | January 2022


Just a quick update for you all!

I am currently just taking a small break from writing to focus on myself but my requests are still open! So if you have any requests just message me and I will get back to you and will start them when I am writing again.

I hope you all can understand

Thank you,

Megan ✨

Requests are open!

Feedback is always welcome ✨

“I’ll see you around?”

Freddy Carter x Reader

Requested - For @aliiiyyaaah

okay so i actually got a new idea, maybe the reader is amita’s friend/or cousin and she was around set a lot because they really close and the reader loves to sing but is shy and idk maybe freddy is lowkey crushing on the reader and something super cute happens?”

Prompt - The melody of the music box soothed me”

Warnings - Small angst? Fluff


The melody of the music box soothed me.

I would play it over and over when I felt stress or anxiety gripping me.

Sometimes I would sing along with the tune and other times I would hum it.

I remember recreating the beats in my head when I met him.

The human version of sunshine.

We locked eyes for a single moment but my heart started to race.

He broke contact first and when he did I spun around to my best friend.

“Amita, who was that?”

“Who was who?”

I move my head slightly in the direction of the mystery man, doing my best to be subtle.

Amita chuckles and links my arm as we walk to her trailer.

“That was Freddy. He’s a shy one but he’s really sweet. You should talk to him!”

I shake my head.

“No no ‘Mita I can’t do that! Besides I’m only here for a couple of days.”

Amita just winks at me as she places on a film and gets comfortable.

“I will introduce you to the rest of the cast later, most of them are filming today.”

“Ahmmm” I mumble, sliding into the blanket on the back of the sofa and slowly feel my eyes slide close. Travelling always leaves me exhausted.


I wasn’t sure when I fell asleep but I was awoken to a loud knocking on the trailer door.

I jump up and take in my surroundings. Amita wasn’t here but I see a note on the coffee table.

The knocking continues so I rise from my seat and open the door.

I come face to face with Freddy.

I silently cursed at me dishevelled appearance as he began to speak.

“Oh erm, I’m sorry. I thought you would be Amita? Is she in there?”

His voice was soft and gentle. Kinda like the sound that could soothe you to sleep.

I take a deep breath and pray that my words don’t fail me.

“No sorry, she left me a note saying she had to nip out. Do you want to come in and wait? I won’t mind”

He flashes me a small smile and comes closer.

“Sure, thank you”

He steps inside and takes a seat beside me.

“I’m Y/N ‘Mita’s best friend. She let me come and see production for a couple of days, I love the books and I study media so it helps with my degree”

It took Freddy awhile to warm up but soon we were chatting away, he would listen so intently and absorb everything around him. It was amazing to see.

Suddenly the door flung open and Amita rushes inside looking every wind swept.

“Oh! I see you guys have met!” She exclaims seeing Freddy and I together.

“I was just sorting out last minute arrangements for your stay, your in the same hotel as us” she explains to me. This prompted me to look at my watch which in turn caused me to gasp.

“It’s getting late and I still need to check in!”

Amita helps me with my luggage and I turn to leave the trailer.

“I’ll see you around?” I ask Freddy.

He responds by giving me a quick nod and a bright smile.

Amita giggles under her breath.

“He likes you”


Days on set turned into weeks on set and soon I felt like part of the family. I got to meet the others and had many laughs, especially with Kit and Archie and Ben. The girls became my sisters, I loved spending my nights with Amita, Jessie and Danielle.

I didn’t see Freddy often but when I did I would always greet him with a wave and a smile.

I never really got much out of him, not since the day we actually met.

It was currently night and I was sat in Amita’s hotel room with her and and Jessie.

Amita was laughing with Jessie, telling her how we met and grew up together. I watched with a smile on my face reliving the memories in my head.

I lost myself in my thoughts and was startled when Jessie squeals and grabs me by the the shoulders.

“You didn’t tell me you could sing!”

A blush creeps over me and I lower my head.

“Erm, no no. I don’t, not really”

Jessie still spends the next hour trying to convince me to sing her something but to no avail.

I wish them both goodnight and head down the hallway to the elevator to my room.

ADing! rings out and I step forward into the small metal box.

I small scream jumps from my throat as I see Freddy stood in front of me.

“Oh my god I’m so sorry! I should of watched where I was going” I gasp, trying to regain my breath.

“Oh no, it’s my fault, my apologies” Freddy replies before pressing the number 4 on the control panel.

Number 4, for the floor of my room.

Silence envelopes us but this time it nagged at my mind.

I couldn’t stop the words that fell from my mouth after that.

“Freddy do you not like me?”

I watched as his face fell, it was like seeing a wounded puppy and it tore at my heart.

“Why, why would you think that?” He asked, his voice cracking slightly.

“Have I done something wrong?”

I shook my head rapidly.

“Oh my gosh! No no, not at all”

I take a moment before continuing, or at least I tried to before a loud thump! caused me to lose my balance just as the lights went out.

“Freddy? Freddy what’s happening?” I panic.

“Hey hey it’s okay, it’s just the lift. Everything will be back up and running soon”

I do my best to listen to his words but I couldn’t focus.

I grab for the closest thing to me and I end up taking Freddy’s hand.

He brings me to his chest and strokes my head , whispering sweet nothings in my ear. When my panic finally subsided, I slide down the elevator wall and quietly sing that one melody to myself.

I didn’t realise that Freddy had sat next to me until the song reached its last note.

“You have a wonderful voice” Freddy mumbles and I smile at him.

“Thank you”

“And in answer to your question, I do like you. I like you so much I feel that when I’m around you I’m going to burst. You make me feel things I haven’t felt in a long time. I feel like I’m 15 again, always wondering what to say and stumbling over my words. You’re extraordinary and well … well this …”

Freddy leans into my face and slowly places his hand on my cheek, caressing my face just before our lips finally joined. It was a short kiss but one I that will be encased in my memory forever.

I lean in to go again but I stopped when brightness lit up behind my eyes.

The elevator was run and running. I jump up before it’s noticed that we were on the floor and help Freddy up along the way.

The doors open and I step out of them.

I turn to wink at Freddy with a smirk on my face.

“I suppose I’ll see you around?”


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So today I got to go to the online shadow and bone panel and I got to ask my questions! They were for Freddy and Amita, I was so nervous and couldn’t get my words out and was basically a big mess but they were so patient and kind

It was such a surreal experience it all happened so quickly! It’s a shame I couldn’t record it and keep it as a memory but I will never forget that moment! I’m so excited to meet them at the Paris convention in 2022! ❤️

A reminder that my requests are open! Please see the information by following the link on my main masterlist before requesting.

Feedback is always welcome ✨

“3 A.M.”

Freddy Carter x Reader

Warnings- None? Fluff


It’s 3 A.M.

The house is still and everyone is asleep.

Everyone, apart from me; which to be honest isn’t unusual.

I’ve been tossing and turning in by bed for the last hour trying to get comfortable enough to at least dose off.

I groan in frustration, or at least try to before I string of cough make their way up my throat.

Man. My mouth was drier then the Sahara desert!

Flinging back the covers I swing out of my bed and cringe as my feet touch the cold wooden floor panels. This is exactly why people wear socks.

I dance down the hallway and the stair case, carefully missing out any that may make a single sound and do a quick run the kitchen.

I didn’t hear him come up behind me but I almost jumped out of my skin when he spoke.

I slam my hand over my mouth to suppress a scream but in doing so drop my glass.

I grimace waiting for the shatter but after a moment or so I open my eyes to see Freddy catching the glass before it hit its destination.

I would of said thank you if I hadn’t been so panicked.

“What the hell are you doing up?! Don’t you go to sleep at like 10.30pm or something?” I hiss.

He smirks and hands me back the glass which I proceed to fill with water.

“I think what you mean to say is thank you; and in answer to your other question, yes I normally sleep early but tonight? Well I guess I just … couldn’t. Why are you up”

His own voice was barely a whisper but I somehow managed to hear him perfectly.

I sigh and face him again.

“Same reason as you I suppose”

I take a sip of the water, keeping my eyes locked with his.

It was then I realised what I stood in front of Freddy in a single oversized t shirt and my underwear.

I do my best to cover up with my arms but it doesn’t do much.

Freddy hands me the throw we keep on the back of the sofa and I wrap it around me.

Freddy holds his hands up in retreat, a glint of mischief playing in his eyes.

“Don’t worry. I wasn’t looking”

Heat rises to my cheeks and I clear my throat to hide my shyness.

“Erm, listen I don’t think I’m going sleep anytime soon. Do you want to watch a movie?” I ask.

Freddy nods, “sure, what do you wanna watch?”

I give him a grin and skip over to the sofa, the blanket trailing behind me.

“We, my friend are watching Lilo and Stitch. The greatest Disney film ever made.”

Freddy raises his eyebrows but doesn’t protest

The both of settled on the sofa and played the film. A comfortable silence set over the room as the images danced across the screen.

We were about half way though the film when Freddy’s voice startles me.

“Are you crying?”

I wipe my wet eyes and mumble a response.

“No, why would you think that?”

Freddy shakes his head and wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer to him.

I cuddle into him.

“It’s just so sad, Stitch just wanted a family!”

“Oh god darlin’ it’s just a film”

Now I raise my eyebrows at him.

“You can’t tell me you’ve never cried at a Disney film”

He doesn’t argue with me on that.

I lay in his lap, he tenses before settling down again.

“Is this okay?” I ask.

He nods and focuses back on the TV, his fingers absentmindedly played with my hair.


I wasn’t actually sure when I nodded off but I awoke to some harsh whispers and a lot of giggling.

I slowly open my eyes, squinting as Archie and Kit come into my eye-line.

I Yelp and jump from my position as I see our other cast members around the sofa wiggling their eyebrows.

A loud thump!causes me to look to right.


I see Freddy on the floor rubbing is head.

My eyes widen as I offer him a hand up.

“I’m so sorry Freddy!”

“What is going on here then?” Archie questions, smirking.

I groan at the insinuation and wrap myself back in the blanket I used only hours before.

I wasn’t dealing with this right now.

“Nothing, I’m going to bed” I grumble, Freddy following me up the stairs.

I reach my door but Freddy’s voice stops me from entering the room.

“You know sleeping during the day is probably why you can’t sleep at night.”

I just smile.

“Well if you can’t sleep you know where to find me”


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My requests are Open! Please see the link on my main masterlist for more information ☺️

Feedback is always welcome ✨

“On One Knee”

Requested by - @elennox03

Warnings - None. fluff

Freddy Carter x reader


“Today, in that scene. What if it was true? Me getting down on knee, with a ring. Would you like that?”

My head shoots up from the book I had in my lap.

“Wh-what? You want marry me?” I gasp.

Freddy gives me a small chuckle and takes my hand, running small circles on my palm.

“One day, if you’d want that”

I fling my arms around him and let a squeal.

Of course I wanted to marry the love of my life.

I’d be Mrs Carter.


I remember the day he proposed. We’d just finished on set. A project Freddy was working on.

It was late when we wrapped and it was a clear night. The stars were out shining brightly.

I loved nights like this.

My hand intertwined with Freddy’s and I walked closely beside him looking up as we made our way to his car; that’s when I saw it.

A Shooting Star.

“Freddy look!”

He looks up with me and I could hear him whisper under his breath.

“That’s beautiful”

We stand and stop for a moment, taking in this one moment.

“Are you going to make a wish?” Freddy asks.

I hug him from the side.

“I have everything I want right here”

Freddy placed a gentle kiss on the top of my head and leads me to the car.

The drive was quiet like normal but I when I noticed we weren’t taking the regular route home I asked him where we were going.

He gives me square of my hand and a wide smile. The smile he normally has when he’s up to mischief.

He wouldn’t tell me where he was taking me and when I got out the car he covered my eyes.

“Don’t open them until I tell you too”

He leads me down a uneven path before we come to a standstill.

When I open my eyes a little gasp escapes me and tears well up. I do my best to stop them. Don’t want mascara running down my face.

The site in front of me was wonderful.

Lamps and lanterns sat on the grass in a square, in each corner of a beautifully made picnic blanket.

Love heart confetti had be spread about along with some cushions and smaller blankets.

He always knew I got cold.

“It’s beautiful”

I turn to face him only to see that he wasn’t there.

I look down and see him …. on one knee.

“Oh Freddy” the tears don’t stop this time.

He didn’t even finishing asking before I tackled him into a bear hug.

“Yes, Yes, Yes. Of course I will marry you!” I cried out. Tears falling like they would never stop.

Who cared about a mascara stained face now.

I was engaged!

I didn’t know how long we’d stayed in our embrace but when we pulled apart Freddy handed me a handkerchief for my face and slipped the ring onto my finger.

It fit perfectly.


Now it’s 12am and a year on. I’m still in the honeymoon phase and if I’m honest I feel like I always will be with Freddy.

I couldn’t sleep so I found myself flicking though our wedding album on the sofa.

I was a mess the day of the wedding. It took months of planning and I couldn’t sleep the night before.

I insisted that that Freddy couldn’t see me the night before the big day, like tradition, but the bed felt cold without him.

I kept thinking ‘what if he gets cold feet?’ which obviously didn’t help me.

Yet all that vanished when I walked down the aisle.

I took a deep breath and smoothed out my dress and took my first step.

I could still remember the way he looked at me that day. It was like I was the only one in the room. He looked at me like that every day since.

Tears welled in his eyes as he took my hands. I wiped them away as we exchanged vows.

Every moment of that day was caught on camera.

I ran my fingers over each photograph, savouring the memory.

I was so encapsulated in the moment I didn’t even hear Freddy walk up behind me.

“What are you doing up?” He asks; his voice gravely. He must of just woken up and found my side of the bed empty. It unsettled him too.

I motion him to sit.

He lays his head in my lap. He’s still tired.

“I’m looking at the wedding album” I say softly, plating with his hair.

“Hmm that’s nice” he hums.

I oppress a chuckle as his eyes slowly flutter shut.

“Happy one year baby” I whisper as he slips off to the land of dreams.


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