#i love this





title from bones by ms mr

pairing:yandere nanami kento x f!reader

word count: 2.6k

excerpt: You wish you’d studied the stars more, ingrained them so deeply into your psyche that you’d carry the night sky with you, always. 

You wish they’d never been stolen from you in the first place.

a/n:nanami if ur reading this i’m free thursday night. 

tags:yandere, angst, reader is once again full of rage, nanami love what have you done, overuse of the word hate

warnings: yandere tendencies, obsessive and possessive behavior, slight infantilization, noncon/dubcon, gaslighting (?), kidnapping, slight stockholm syndrome, mention of past suicide attempt 



You can’t exactly pinpoint where it all went south. There’s not a specific date that stands out to you when you actively noticed things taking a turn for the worst. It’s like that fable. About the frog slowly being boiled alive. Except, in this case, the frog is you and the boiling water is Nanami. And in this case, this is not some story your mom used to read to you about the dangers of gradual escalation, it’s your life. If you can even call this monotonous hell you’re living a life. 

You’ve got to hand it to him, you really didn’t see it coming. Nanami’s always been smart like that. Even now, after everything, or maybe even especially now, after everything, you can’t deny that. 

Keep reading


Sergio always calls the turtles by their full names and with a Spanish pronunciation (they stay pretty much the same safe for Mikey, who is referred to as Miguel Ángelplus the reminder that in Spain not going to speak in stead of other places because I am in no position to do so duh the ‘u’ after a 'g’ and before another vowel is not pronounced unless it was written as ’ü’, like 'pingüino’ )

BUT Leo is the only one he also calls 'chaval’, which stands for 'kid’ but is quite often used in a friendly and rather affectionate way.

He once asked Alba what it really meant and knowing why her papá did so, she blushed like mad as she explained it to him, who in turn needed a moment to reboot






So like… is she tokyo cyberpunk or seattle cyberpunk?

Tokyo Cyberpunk: Emphasizes human relationship to technology, identity, psychological transhumanism, and the human-as-resource. In Tokyo Cyberpunk - Capitalism wants to own you.

Seattle Cyberpunk: Emphasizes class analysis through technology disparity, physical transhumanism, and the disposability of humans. In Seattle Cyberpunk - Capitalism wants you gone.

Aesthetically speaking…

Tokyo Cyberpunk showcases nightlife where clean streets are illuminated by neon signs tempting you into consumerism as a therapy for your alienation. It’s percieved cleanliness acts as a symbol where corporations justify their rulership through the illusion of social progress. The robot is friendly, companionable. Societal problems and capitalist contradiction are silenced and swept away without the common person knowing.

Seattle Cyberpunk showcases a nightlife of homelessness and decay with corporate monoliths on the horizon. The streetlights no longer work, but the darkness is kept partially at bay by the neon tubes of bars where people watch wishes of their youth vanish at the bottom of the bottle. The lucky ones working for the corporations do so with the fear they will be kicked to the street. The robot is an expression of force intended to keep the common person afraid. Corporations do not try to justify their rulership, social problems and contradiction are solved with force.

luinquesse:those little heeled booties live rent free in my head


those little heeled booties live rent free in my head

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nour386:eagleeyethree: THE MAGATAMAGlowing green stone. Definitely NOT candy.They allow the holder tnour386:eagleeyethree: THE MAGATAMAGlowing green stone. Definitely NOT candy.They allow the holder tnour386:eagleeyethree: THE MAGATAMAGlowing green stone. Definitely NOT candy.They allow the holder tnour386:eagleeyethree: THE MAGATAMAGlowing green stone. Definitely NOT candy.They allow the holder t




Glowing green stone. Definitely NOT candy.

They allow the holder to visualize psyche-locks whenever someone is hiding secrets! The more psyche-locks, the deeper the secret.

These stones are mostly found and imbued with “spiritual energy” in Kurain Village in California. I have tried before to get one from the Fey clan there with no success. How did one get here??

The green gem gave a faint florescent glow. Dipper ran his fingers over it while reading the journal entry in his other hand. ‘The Magatama. A mystical green stone that allows you to see the lies others tell you.’ Read the Page.

‘Note: NOT CANDY. F tried to bite it in the few minutes I had left it on my kitchen table. He had tried to cover his lie, but several magical locks appeared in front of him revealing that he was lying, or at least keeping a secret. I was able to quickly break the lock and reveal his lie, much to his disappointment. However, considering that he had broken his tooth on it, i think it may have been for the better. we’re currently on our way to get him a crown and fix his tooth. We double pinky promised to not use it against one another, however I’m sure this will greatly help my research in the future.’

Dipper turned back to the gem in his hand. It was shaped like a curved tear drop with a hole through the drop head. Stan had been using it as a door stop so whenever Dipper flicked through the journal he had a feeling of deja-vu when he passed this page. But he had finally connected the dots in his mind and saved this magical artifact from it’s undignified fate.

“And now to test it.” Dipper’s lips curved in a mischievous grin.

He walked into the museum, as he expected Soos was busy sweeping away popcorn and snack food wrappers from the last tour in preparation for the next. keeping the gem in his pocket and out of sight, Dipper tried his best to nonchalantly walk over to Soos.

“hey dood!” Soos said, a warm grin spread across his face.

“Uh…hey Soos.” Dipper was caught off guard and almost tripped over. But quickly steadied himself and tried his best to speak calmly. “So hey…I was wondering, do you know what happened to those extra Mr. Mystery shirts that Stan hadn’t gotten around to selling last week?”

Dipper could see a bead of sweat begin to form on Soos’ brow as his eyes began to dart around the room. “I-I-uh…I don’t know what you’re talking about dude. Stan put those away in storage when he couldn’t sell them.”

Before Dipper could point out that Soos was being overly suspicious, a read lock appeared in front of him. Several chains from the ceiling and ground, connecting to the lock. “woah.”

“I know right? It’s so rare for Mr. Pines to make a bad product right?” Soos said quickly. “Anyway I have a lot of stuff to clean up, busy handyman and all that. totally not planning to make a collage of the Shirts to make a new hot air balloon for Stan.”

Dipper watched as Soos whistled awkwardly while walking into the next room. He didn’t need the magic jewel to know that Soos was lying, the man was an open book even in his most secretive moments. However the appearance of the lock meant that the journal entry was true.

He ran through the shack, his heart was racing with possibilities, so many questions to ask, so many truths to uncover, so many people to interrogate. He could finally get Mabel to confess what she did with his favourite chewing pen. Just as Dipper turned a corner, he found himself in the gift shop. A disgruntled Stan sitting bored at his cash register counting his profits. With the weight of the journal against his breast and the jewel in his pocket. Dipper felt a swell of confidence as he approached his Great Uncle.

“Hey Stan, why don’t you talk to Mabel and me about the magic in this town?” Dipper asked, he ran his thumb over the smooth texture of the Magatama as he spoke.

Stan turned his gaze to Dipper with an annoyed look. “Magic isn’t real kid.” He said flatly.

Dipper stayed quiet. Sta turned back to his money, thinking that Dipper had been upset with his refusal to speak about magic once again. Instead Dipper was stunned silent at the sight of 5 locks appearing in front of his uncle. All magically chained in place.

However what made Dipper the most concerned was the way the locks flickered between the usual red, and a dark unsettling black.

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instagram: starg0s


don’t have much time to draw rn, here are little doodles of The Entity with different legs


The three genders

bcdrawsandwrites:Fandom: The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Rating: T Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort Ch


Fandom:The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance


Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort

Characters: urTih, urZah, urIm, urNol

Warnings: Torture, eye gore

Description: As the ritual began in the Castle of the Crystal, the Scientist at least knew what was coming. But miles away, in the calm of the Valley, the Alchemist had little warning.

Beta Readers:@jaywings,@kiwi-strawberry-banana

Notes: Basically what happened with urTih during skekTek’s punishment. Was originally going to do it as an illustration, but then I realized that would require drawing four creatures with six limbs each and I nope’d the heck out of that idea. Soooo… here it is as a fic!


His tools lay out before him in a meticulous array. Whenever one had completed its purpose, he would set it in the exact spot it had been before, and thus not one tool could be lost.

Yet urTih found himself staring over them as though unfamiliar with his own layout. He wasfamiliar with it, of course—he’d only been using the same tools for the past three hundred trine or so—and yet something felt off. He had gathered together a handful of feathers from the nest of a rare bird (it would not miss them, surely), fully intent on studying them to determine their properties, and yet his mind had gone blank upon entering his cave. He should be able to do this easily, and yet… he could not concentrate.

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Fitzsimmons Appreciation Week: Day 3 - humour or angst

“- you are being, without a doubt, the supreme, absolute worst!

- you are a butt face!

- oh, that’s charming.”

atlasapphics:tonftyhw:i think we need to talk about how ty lee was an acrobat, and therefore is prob



i think we need to talk about how ty lee was an acrobat, and therefore is probably scary strong

[ID: A digital drawing of Mai and Ty Lee from Avatar. Ty Lee is drawn from her mid-thigh up, holding Mai bridal-style. She looks at Mai with a closed-mouth smile and blushing cheeks. Mai is drawn with a slightly stunned expression on her face and her right arm out slightly. There are a couple of white lines above Mai’s arm and her legs which indicate movement as though Ty Lee just picked her up off the ground. The background is a solid yellow. END ID] 

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