#i still do



In terms of like, Please For The Love Of God Get Hobbies That Aren’t Scrolling Through An App For Six Hours A Day, I understand and experience completely the argument of like. with the stressors of modern work, you don’t have the energy at the end of the day to do anything but mindlessly watch Netflix and scroll through your phone. but like I would like to gently encourage you to simply force yourself for a time to do something instead of pick up your phone, bc the phone is literally designed to light up your brain with no effort from you whatsoever and it does in fact rot your brain. It makes literally anything but scrolling on your phone seem difficult and joyless. But if you stop scrolling on your phone all the time, and start like, reading or embroidering or gardening or going for walks, you will eventually find the joy in them once more

I understand and it is true that it is hard to have a life outside work and scrolling but there is not a near future where that won’t be the case and you should still live a life. And you won’t create a future where that isn’t the case if you don’t have the confidence and experience and drive to fight for it


i love exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just continue to adore Ram. He’s the sweetest boy who’s just trying to do right by the boy he loves now that he’s realized who was trying to hurt him. And I love that Lukchup is just as eager to defend people as Ram is. They were truly made for each other these two sweet as sugar boys.

I’m rewatching Doctor Who for a class of mine and oh boy did I have a crush on Rose
