#i think im hilarious


If you eat oysters and Kellogg’s corn flakes at the same time, your nuts take a screenshot and then explode








oh i just got an ask

oh boy

Yeah nonbinary people should only interact with oysters

As a non-binary person, why must I be forced to endure so many cis people?

hey, i mean this in the nicest way possible, but why the hell would you add that onto this post.

It was meant as a joke on the anon who has such a problem with your cis-to-enby ratio. It obviously did not land.

i understand, but for the record, anon will probably never see that. i will. in addition, anon was also not making a dig at nonbinary people, they were making a personal dig, meaning they could have been not cis themselves. please for the love of god, before you make a comment on someone’s post, consider who might see it?

It read as terf-y to me, and as it’s an anon, who knows what their whole deal is. I saw someone being an asshole and made a joke on them that didn’t land. 

That being said, I do think about who might see my posts. I’m not just blindly typing nonsense without a thought in my head. However, as the entire way tumblr is set up, anyone can see anything at any time if they’re determined to see it, I tend to not give a damn how some complete stranger might reply if they happen to see a post I didn’t intend for them to see. I think about my friends list and people who might be in the tags. I don’t think about the assholes. 

You saw it because it was a reblog of your post, and my reply bothered you. I’ve explained myself because I didn’t want you to think I was being rude to you or about you. That’s as far as I consider any of this needs to go in the way of thought. Random assholes on the internet are not worth my energy to think about.






oh i just got an ask

oh boy

Yeah nonbinary people should only interact with oysters

As a non-binary person, why must I be forced to endure so many cis people?

hey, i mean this in the nicest way possible, but why the hell would you add that onto this post.

It was meant as a joke on the anon who has such a problem with your cis-to-enby ratio. It obviously did not land.





Other people with adhd: racing thoughts! Multitasking! Gotta go fast! Gotta do everything!

Me: there’s honey in my mind making my thoughts slow and difficult, my mind is a black hole censoring my thoughts when I try to think, losing time, perpetually high, static Static STATIC

actually, this is a good description of how ADHD predominantly hyperactive-impulsive and predominantly inattentive can present themselves in some cases

people saying that they’re both somehow… let me introduce you to the wonders of the combined type!

Can I cancel my type subscription

Limited time offer, trade in your old and boring type subscription for a new one! Guaranteed different than what you have now!

Silver trade up: your type replaced for no extra charge

Gold trade up: your type replaced and you get to choose which one it’s replaced with (cost: 1 day a week of hard labor for a year)

Platinum trade up: you get to choose which type yours is replaced with AND you get 2 days a week free from symptoms!! (cost: your soul)

Mystery box: we take your subscription and replace it with whatever our Wheel of Disorders™ lands on! Will cause a fresh and new (equivalent) level of dysfunction!

I just need 29 more of you and I can open bascum-robbin’s



PlayingGod’s Thankful Adventure V for the first time and it doesn’t have as many core Christian values as I thought it would. I like Franklin.

Ive played 2 hours but this was the vibe i got
