

So apparently Kellogg really fucked up the batch of Rice Krispies my box was from. They smelled and tasted so disgusting I actually threw up.

And I know it wasn’t the milk because I ate a few dry pieces and checked the milk to make sure. I’ve had Rice Krispies that tasted burned before and ones that have tasted stale, but these ones tasted absolutely rancid.

What the fuck? How does this happen?

If you eat oysters and Kellogg’s corn flakes at the same time, your nuts take a screenshot and then explode

The Hell is this game? First, you made me kill the guy, and now you made me feel for him ? Fallout 4 you are messed up !






As of 12/8/21, Kellogg’s has broken off negotiations with their striking union workers and is electing to permanently replace the strikers. So needless to say, don’t support strike breaking: don’t buy Kellogg’s products. Besides breakfast cereals, Kellogg’s makes Cheez-Its, Pringles, and owns Kashi. I’m sure there’s more that I’m not aware of, so if the hive mind wants to add to the list, please do.

TL;DR Don’t buy Kellogg’s products


Y’all have GOT to start actually reading what the strikers WANT you to do.

Kellogg’s is so big that “don’t buy their products” is virtually impossible, not to mention not possible for many individuals and families who can’t afford anything else. Not to mention that it is not a strategy the union is asking you to use.

That’s right- the union and the strikers are NOT asking for a boycott.

(If demand for products keeps going at its usual rate, but there is no one creating a supply, that creates building pressure on the Company to actually be forced to listen to the union in order to be able to meet the demand.)

According to the link above, here are the union’s ACTUAL requests:

  1. Sign their petition.
  2. Join a picket line or drop off food/supplies at one.
  3. Send a solidarity letter.
  4. Donate to a Strike Fund.
  5. Help spread the word on social media.

Notice how “don’t buy Kellogg’s products” is NOWHERE on this list.

The link above does include things like a link to the petition, lists of picket lines in need of support, address lists to send support letters, and links to Strike Funds that need help.

The boilerplate “don’t buy their stuff” doesn’t help anyone, and doesn’t help the union or the strikers. In fact, it’s sometimes the opposite- if enough people go around claiming that the strikers want a boycott, the company can use that at the negotiating table to say that the strikers are in “bad faith”, and refuse to talk, or worse, try to use it to fire them.

Whenever there is a strike, find out what that PARTICULAR union wants as help. Now, it might actually be a boycott. But the union & the strikers will tell you that. I know this goes against popular preconceived notions about “what a strike is” and “how a strike works”, but in most cases, it will NOT be a boycott.

And in this case of the Kellogg’s strike, it is definitely not.

Keep buying the products. It’s putting pressure on Kellogg’s that a solution needs to be found.

Donate to Strike Funds, write letters of support, drop off food at picket lines. Make posts on social media about how reprehensible you think it is that the company would rather hire scabs than listen to their employees and treat them with dignity.

The best way to support any strike is to listen to what the strikers want you to do, and then do that.

Obligatory plug for the IWW union, “Industrial Workers of the World”, iww.org

You do not have to be an industrial worker to join it, or even employed at all. If you have a union to join, go for it! Or check out this one too. Unions are a great power- if they weren’t, companies and corporations wouldn’t be fighting against them tooth and nail.

#UnionStrong #SolidarityForever



article dated dec. 14, 2021! please pay attention to sources!

When they were negotiating, they didn’t want a boycott, now they are explicitly asking for one.

If you can avoid it, don’t buy Kellogg’s brands. Support unions.

John Harvey Kellogg’s Battle Creek Sanitarium in Winter - Postcard published in the early 1900

John Harvey Kellogg’s Battle Creek Sanitarium in Winter - Postcard published in the early 1900s

Post link

Intactivists successfully propagated the hoax that circumcision was introduced as anti masturbation measure by Dr. John Harvey Kellogg.
With this argument, they try to make people believe that circumcision was introduced to “disable” people.

While he promoted it to prevent masturbation, it was not really accepted among medical experts for this cause.
Even in Europe circumcision against masturbation was discussed and declared ineffective. Instead, chastity-belts were used on chronic mastubators by Christians.

The real reasons were the medical findings of  Dr. Lewis A. Sayre, acknowledged by Dr P.C. Remondino and Dr I.N. Love of St Louis.


Lewis Albert Sayre (left), 1820-1900, of Bellvue Hospital, New York, was primarily an orthopaedic surgeon, and is regarded as the founder of the discipline in the US.
He found that often what presented as orthopaedic problems, particularly in infants, were secondary symptoms caused by phimosis and balanitis.
The infant would contort its limbs to minimise the pain from the infected member.
He first published on this in 1870, but his best known paper appeared in 1888: “On the deleterious effects of a narrow prepuce and preputial adhesions”.
In it he quoted many examples sent to him by other doctors (many of these subsequently quoted more or less verbatim by Remondino).
But there are several problems with calling him the father of modern American neonatal circumcision.  First of all, like many other 19th century physicians, he only advocated the operation when there was an obvious problem.
Secondly, his preferred operation on infants was a simple dorsal slit, without removing any tissue unless it was necessary. He only recommended full circumcision for boys of 10 or over and adults.
In the subsequent discussion, Dr I.N. Love of St Louis took the dissenting view that a radical circumcision was the best course to take.
“It is all very well to instruct the mother or the nurse to keep the parts within the prepuce clean but they cannot or they will not do it.  Complete and proper removal of the covering to the glans takes away all the cause of disturbance.”
Sayre had commented that some infant circumcisions were cosmetically unsatisfactory, and Love replied “An improper performance of a surgical procedure is no argument against the operation, but rather against the operator” - an argument just as relevant now as then.
It is Dr. Love who has the strongest case to be regarded as the father of modern American routine circumcision.
