#disordered ramblings


If you only do research for one side of an issue, then you’re not truly informed





Other people with adhd: racing thoughts! Multitasking! Gotta go fast! Gotta do everything!

Me: there’s honey in my mind making my thoughts slow and difficult, my mind is a black hole censoring my thoughts when I try to think, losing time, perpetually high, static Static STATIC

actually, this is a good description of how ADHD predominantly hyperactive-impulsive and predominantly inattentive can present themselves in some cases

people saying that they’re both somehow… let me introduce you to the wonders of the combined type!

Can I cancel my type subscription

Limited time offer, trade in your old and boring type subscription for a new one! Guaranteed different than what you have now!

Silver trade up: your type replaced for no extra charge

Gold trade up: your type replaced and you get to choose which one it’s replaced with (cost: 1 day a week of hard labor for a year)

Platinum trade up: you get to choose which type yours is replaced with AND you get 2 days a week free from symptoms!! (cost: your soul)

Mystery box: we take your subscription and replace it with whatever our Wheel of Disorders™ lands on! Will cause a fresh and new (equivalent) level of dysfunction!



the older i get the weirder it is that not a single p.e. teacher in my entire school career was able to recognize the difference between “a child who doesn’t get enough exercise” and “a child with serious health problems impeding their ability to exercise in this particular way”

you know what else is weird? we had to do that fitness test every year but like… we never actually… learned how to do the things they tested us on…

like, now that i am an adult i have learned how to build up my strength so i can do pushups, but that seems like something they could have taught us? in school? in the class where they tested our ability to pushups? they never taught us how to work our way up to actually doing a chin-up, or whatever. even if i hadjust been “out-of-shape” (as a CHILD), nothing they did would have solved that problem. i did not learn how to exercise in a functional way until i was out of school and teaching myself, so i’m not sure what those p.e. classes were even intended to accomplish, really.

I have asthma and got yelled at for crying because I couldn’t breathe lol. Anyway gym class is like trying to stick a bandage on someone’s arm when it’s their leg that’s bleeding (i.e. The obesity problem or whatever)

Other people with adhd: racing thoughts! Multitasking! Gotta go fast! Gotta do everything!

Me: there’s honey in my mind making my thoughts slow and difficult, my mind is a black hole censoring my thoughts when I try to think, losing time, perpetually high, static Static STATIC

Women on tinder: beautiful, gorgeous, unique, so many different hobbies, fun photos, an absolute delight

Men on tinder: every set of pics is identical, pics of their car, in the army, picture of some animal they killed while hunting, obsessed with sports, you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all

Tonight’s mood is scheduling a tattoo appointment, making a $50 non-refundable deposit, then realizing hours later the tattoo is out of your price range and canceling the appointment

Sometimes I think I don’t have social anxiety but then again I just took 25 minutes to hit send on an email because I was worried it was worded poorly or somehow broke a social norm or something so idk


Real estate agent: You can have this house for free if you can survive 1 (one) night in it without dying

Buyer: Okay cool

Real estate agent: *breaks in and murders the buyer in their sleep*

Real estate agent’s manager: Paul that was the sixth client this month you need to stop we’re going bankrupt

Real estate agent: *presents the buyers wallet*

Real estate agent’s manager: Paul you’ve done it again! Take my keys and go fuck my wife’s escort!

Hey @ adhdblr, how do you handle catching up when you’ve fallen 2000% behind in a course and you can’t understand anything and you’re too embarrassed to tell the teacher that you’re stuck on like the first few lessons when the rest of the class is nearly finished.

That trans feel when you can’t work because you’re too depressed during the school year and the promise of free time in the summer is the only thing keeping you from killing yourself but without a job you’re not allowed to transition so your dysphoria only results in more depression and basically tldr I’m dying

That adhd feel when you’re all packed up and prepared to go study, you’re pumped and ready to take on the challenge, then you sit down to do one (1) thing right before you leave and the mass amount of energy you had just completely disappears and you suddenly feel kinda sick and ready to curl up in a ball and die

I wish I could be aware of when a specific song isn’t stuck in my head without actually getting it stuck in my head

My feet: we are freezing,, what is warmth,,, this is how we die

Me: *puts on socks and sticks feet under a blanket*

My feet: *still freezing but now they’re sweaty too*

When the teacher assigns the work we didn’t get to cover as homework because they talked about

When the teacher assigns the work we didn’t get to cover as homework because they talked about themselves instead of teaching

Post link

I feel so disconnected from my breasts. They’re large, sticking out, not meant to be there. It feels like if I gasp them and pull hard enough they should pop right off, but unfortunately it’s not that easy. It’s tempting to take a knife and just slice them off. Would the medical costs of sewing me back up be cheaper or more expensive than the cost of top surgery? Is it worth having a flat (albeit mutilated) chest if it means not having to wait to transition?





Other people with adhd: racing thoughts! Multitasking! Gotta go fast! Gotta do everything!

Me: there’s honey in my mind making my thoughts slow and difficult, my mind is a black hole censoring my thoughts when I try to think, losing time, perpetually high, static Static STATIC

actually, this is a good description of how ADHD predominantly hyperactive-impulsive and predominantly inattentive can present themselves in some cases

people saying that they’re both somehow… let me introduce you to the wonders of the combined type!

This is kinda like the difference between type 1 & type 2 adhd. If I’m not mistake type 1 adhd (commonly known as add) has all the effects of type 2 adhd except for the hyperactive aspect. Type 2 will bounce from thing to thing to thing while type 1 will be sitting there focusing on 27 things and not making sense of any of it. Take a type 2 person, leave them in a blank room without distraction and they’ll be goin ing of the walls bored out of their mind. Type 1 will be sitting there bored as fuck thinking about 83 things at the same time while memorizing the pattern of the stucco ceiling.

(Note: I may have my type 1s and 2s switched so fact check, also feel like my explanation is lacking but I’m kinda in “thinking about 83 things at the same time while memorizing the pattern of the stucco ceiling.” Mood myself atm)

Going off of that, I think that seems pretty accurate for the most part, but it leaves out the brain fog that can come with type 1. I consider the thinking about 83 things more as a subset of type 2, since there’s hyperactivity in the thoughts, it just presents itself internally rather than as external hyperactivity. In type 1 I feel it’s closer to sitting in a room bored as fuck and unable to process anything. Like, they’re staring at the ceiling counting the tiles, but the brain is so fuzzy and unfocused they keep losing can’t or just staring blankly rather than thinking about anything. I once had a “scientist” tell me it was impossible to think about nothing, but I can say for sure from personal experience it is extremely possible to be completely blank minded. On my worst adhd days there is no thought, only a painful void



my DNA test results came back positive. i definitely have DNA.

quit bragging

My dad took a DNA test and it was way past the expected time he was supposed to get it back so he called them like “???? What’s up can I get my results???” and they basically said frick our bad and sent him a new kit so tl;dr he failed his DNA test

You know what I’m in a bad mood so May is cancelled! What’s the mood for June, lads?
