#ib physics hl


tuesday 10/05/22

physics and chem yet again. don’t have a lot of energy because of insane deadlines. in the next two weeks i need to present some extended essay stuff, do my individual oral analysis, finish my theory of knowledge exhibition, and then work on my group four project. oh well, good times

♫ venus flytrap - feng suave ♫

thursday 28/04/22

today was draining! i did my chem test, and after school i had my after school physics class, where we went over last week’s exam. just an extremely long day but on the bright side i have a break until next week thursday!

i plan to finish my history notes and hopefully my tok exhibition and start my chem extended essay

it was a pretty fun day

♫tick-tock - joji♫

thursday 21/04/22

today i started my morning doing chem notes in the library before class, my favorite place to work early morning. hot coffee good music and chemistry is a great combination. i basically covered reaction intermediates, catalysts and transition states/activated complex

the physics exams went not badly! the multiple choice non-calc paper had too many calculations which threw me off but the structured paper was pretty good but doing two hours of physics was definitely taxing

♫ pretty boy - joji♫

monday 18/04/22

i finally got around to physics! i almost finished topic 4 (i just have total internal refraction standing waves remaining). i feel super relieved because i was incredibly overwhelmed just thinking about the exams i had and now i feel pretty well-prepared

i’ll probably wake up at 3am tomorrow to get some work done before school but i’m super happy with my progress today! also i finished my blog post for tomorrow but i can’t figure out what to title it. hoping it just comes to me

♫ loverboy - joesef ♫

saturday 04/06/22

physics! i just wanna do a little rant on this subject because life played me. i used to hate math with a burning passion but i was always great at it. anyway i took physics because i kind of enjoyed it but i was apprehensive bc it was so heavily math based and i didn’t want that. anyway guess what? i can do physics for hours on end. its a subject i genuinely adore despite how hell bent it is on causing me suffering and failure. i fucking love it. and by extension, i’ve loved math. (yes that is a coffee stained data booklet.)

♫ hit em where it hurts - pawpaw rod ♫
