#ichimatsu matsuno


Recreated some screenshots ❤️ I hope you like them! They were fun to do ✨

Let me know if I should do a season 2 version or smth xD Hope you like it!




New Osomatsu-san fanfic in the works! It’s called:

Osomatsu-san and the Sextuplets of Akatsukadai.

Summary:Only once had the Matsuno brothers ever met the Shinigami Salesman, and that was over ten years ago. But tonight, he returns, and this time Osomatsu isn’t with his brothers when he comes to blow the candle. However, the Shinigami gives Osomatsu a chance to survive, only might he fix his regrets in the past once again.

Now trapped for a year in his childhood home, while surrounded by the ten-year-old counterparts of himself and his five younger brothers, Osomatsu could either identify his regrets and seal them once and for all, or die permanently when his candle’s flame goes out for good.

Read here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36544735/chapters/91137700

It updates on Matsu Mondays! I hope you enjoy it! ❤️

Chapters 3: Still and 4: Blossom are now posted on Ao3 Happy Valentines Day, Tumblr!

Chapter 5: Home, has now been posted on Ao3

Chapter 6: Light is now posted on Ao3

New Osomatsu-san fanfic in the works! It’s called:

Osomatsu-san and the Sextuplets of Akatsukadai.

Summary:Only once had the Matsuno brothers ever met the Shinigami Salesman, and that was over ten years ago. But tonight, he returns, and this time Osomatsu isn’t with his brothers when he comes to blow the candle. However, the Shinigami gives Osomatsu a chance to survive, only might he fix his regrets in the past once again.

Now trapped for a year in his childhood home, while surrounded by the ten-year-old counterparts of himself and his five younger brothers, Osomatsu could either identify his regrets and seal them once and for all, or die permanently when his candle’s flame goes out for good.

Read here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36544735/chapters/91137700

It updates on Matsu Mondays! I hope you enjoy it! ❤️
