

You are a human, you breathe air, some of you eat meat, some of you don’t. You aren’t a fucking plant. I don’t know which hipster idiot thought it would cool to take “Be one with nature.” to the next level but this shit has to stop. Also why is everyone hating on straight people now? “Just think what they did to us!!11 They t00k our rights as people omg!!1”  Please realize that your hate for a thousand group of people is stupid. They do not oppress you. People you do not know do not oppress you. You cannot judge someone from being different from what you’re used to or what you are now into. Though being plantkin is pretty fucking stupid, I can see how some people like to enjoy nature on another level. Naming your children flower names doesnt fucking stab and oppress other humans.Nor does having a nice salad. Also everyone needs to stop self diagnosing, When I was 12 I THOUGHT I had multiple personality  disorder because I related to it. It turns out I was bi-polar. Just guughghuhgh please stop
