

You are a human, you breathe air, some of you eat meat, some of you don’t. You aren’t a fucking plant. I don’t know which hipster idiot thought it would cool to take “Be one with nature.” to the next level but this shit has to stop. Also why is everyone hating on straight people now? “Just think what they did to us!!11 They t00k our rights as people omg!!1”  Please realize that your hate for a thousand group of people is stupid. They do not oppress you. People you do not know do not oppress you. You cannot judge someone from being different from what you’re used to or what you are now into. Though being plantkin is pretty fucking stupid, I can see how some people like to enjoy nature on another level. Naming your children flower names doesnt fucking stab and oppress other humans.Nor does having a nice salad. Also everyone needs to stop self diagnosing, When I was 12 I THOUGHT I had multiple personality  disorder because I related to it. It turns out I was bi-polar. Just guughghuhgh please stop


Hot takes that will probably get me called a bigot on this hellhole

Heterophobia and cisphobia exist. Just aren’t as oppressing as homophobia, transphobia, etc. but it doesn’t have to be oppressing to exist. It’s prejudice against straight or cis people. That simple.

the fuck is up with the assholes on this site believing that someone can’t be discriminated against if they aren’t an oppressed group. You can discriminate cis people, white people, straight people, etc. and it’s still an issue. Sure they arent getting lynched or murdered for being like that but that doesn’t mean cisphobia, racism against white people (reverse racism isn’t a fucking thing), sexism against men, and heterophobia aren’t real. Y’all just stupid and need to learn how to read the definition of discrimination. You don’t get to pick and choose who gets included in the definition of discrimination because you’re some whiny asshole on the internet who has been taught that being a straight white male is the worst thing in the world. Fuck y'all.

“i don’t wanna be labeled im tired of it”

1.)You “trans” people on this app and other kids irl label every fucking cis person as “murderous” or “oppressive”

(yes there are some nice trans people on this app and theres many more nice ones irl)

2.)if you don’t want to be labeled as your sexuality stop bringing it up every topic nobody cares if your gay if anything sexuality is based on preference not who you are but if you constantly throw it in peoples faces you are going to get labeled.

3.)Discrimination is discrimination being trans doesn’t mean you can be disrespectful to bisexual people cis people asexual people etc (ive seen hate around bi and Asexuals lately its pretty fucking rude) same goes with race black people can be just as racist as whites asian people chinese etc can all be racist labeling cis white people as racist is well not only hypocritical but an asshole thing to do.

4.)And basing yourself around slurs and shit and bullying then calling it “systematical oppression” isn’t oppression nobodys keeping you from being gay (thats what isis does they kill gay people in there country) if anything nobody cant control you or your feelings or preference.

5.) Wearing vagina hats and shit like that saying “men need to die” isn’t heroism its fucking sexism and btw (ur disgusting ick) claiming “manspreading” is sexist and awful and saying its rude when they have to do it so they don’t crush there own dick. Also shave as well you look like a monkey.

6.)you can’t expect society to make privelages for you 24/7 when you aren’t willing to put in the effort and help to get the privelage (ex making polls) you all (not everybody) sit back and label and label and label to no end and complain over shit like cis people grow tf up. more people are straight then gay your sexuality isn’t illegal where you live same sex marriage might be illegal but hating thousands or millions of people blaming it on everybody when they can’t control the law or change it is just pathetic (ik this one seemed strange but hatred regardless isn’t good)

7.) by saying shit like “cis people should die uwuwu” your giving trans people a bad image and then saying stuff like”hetero people shouldn’t be alive uwuw” is your goal to get oppressed or to have freedom forever cos as long as you keep that up (its not only on this app lmao) your not going to have your privelage

8.)not everybodys going to accept you and your gonna have to learn how to stand your ground.

9.)your life isn’t a daycare 24/7 you have to get a job just like every normal person you have to learn how to cope with assholes you have to learn how to not constantly get offended when people say “ew” if anything there ew (and not everything is ew)

10.) You being any sexuality doesn’t give you the right to actually be an asshole if anything nobody should be. and just because you cant except someone for who they are oh well you lose respect. that simple treat others the way you wanna be treated if you treat others like shit your gonna be treated like shit.

11.)Idc if anythings different like sexuality race gender etc just be nice and ill be nice back :/ or disabilitys im not gonna fucking hate you because of a disability. also me have anxiety and being scared to say hello to anyone doesn’t mean im transphobic im just not good at socializing in general if anything i cant keep my head. so someone who cant say hi because of a mental illness or disability doesn’t mean there transphobic its mean they have trouble doing it and those with delusional issues like schizophrenia may act differently but you cant label them as transphobic for not giving you some type of fucking medal for being lgbtq.

I have anxiety and can’t socialize properly and i hate being labeled as an asshole for not socializing i cant control it (and if trans isn’t a mental illness then you can control it) And also i don’t pay attention to my friends sexualitys irl.

Common responses with cisphobic people and my responses

“Ur probably just transphobic lol uwuwu”

Did you just assume my gender you asshole?


R u ok?


Ya and im hungry

“kys cishet”

Get a job pansie

“ew ur cis”

Ew ur retarded

“can cis people stop breathing already”

*holds breath for one minute* fuck i couldn’t do it for much longer but yes i can stop breathing at anytime and so can you ;)

“down with cis”

How are you “down with us” if you don’t fit in with your fucking 5th grade class then you don’t fit in with us for shits sake lifes a class and stereotype system.

“Were murdered and raped and beaten to death”

*chokes on water* sorry i was to busy to drinking to give a shit


Excuse me im not edgy >:[

“cringey cis”

you are down with us lmao

“can every cis person just leave”

Idk depends how many cis people are with you it may take awhile especially since your bullshit is taking up half the exit door.

“Cisphobia doesn’t exist”

And nor does your common sense or sight. Go get some contact lenses you media blinded dumbshit

“heterophobia lol whuttt”

im a heterosexual fite me bitch *comes at me telling me to kms and die cos im hetero* it exists

“You probably make fun of trans people”

Hey hey hey don’t start jumping to shit i only drank some coffee don’t try to get me awake yet although it could help

“cis people are useless”

Thats what your mom said to you when you were born poor mother little did she know she’d give birth to a humankind hating dissapointment.

“im so tired of being hurt emotionally pysically”

Im so tired of running out of hot pockets but i mean things change as long as you put the effort i buy hot pockets you stop talking shit.

Eqaulity isn’t violence

Im cis im straight im female im human i believe in eqaulity of those who are bisexual asexual gay straight lesbian trans. I believe everyone should be treated with respect. But it seems respect has turned into merciless verbal violence on this app. Equality once meant “respect and rights for everyone no matter the differences” now it means “respect for only them just cos there special” I remembered when everyone was united as one as equal and wasn’t judged now i can’t step on the cis support board without seeing tumblr trans people calling cis “horrendous” or telling them to die. Theres so much support in the tumblr trans community but little did we know that support was gonna create assholes and people who show no love or empathy and only focus on the negative past and oppression

This in general has put a strain on not only cis people but those who are bisexual and asexual slowly shaming them telling them bisexual doesn’t exist biphobia doesn’t exist bisexual is a sexuality being an asshole and discriminating and threatening a sexuality (bisexuality or asexuality) is considered biphobia or aphobia if kin is a belief and has a phobia then why don’t real sexualities have it? Why cant they be respected “lgbtq+” is now “lgtq” And isn’t the way it was I can’t look at this constant exclusion of bisexuals and asexuals its terrible they are just as valid as gays and “queer” and god knows the mess of a trans community on this app. I can’t respect you if you don’t respect my sexuality or theres i don’t support exclusion i support equality and love not the continuos hatred over heterosexuals bisexuals asexuals and cisgendered people enough is enough till this goes to far.

“down with cis knife”

What are you a fucking pervert who writes “down with cis” on a knife if i knew you irl id call a mental asylum your a sick person who deserves to die hate to say it go ahead call me a homophobic transphobic cis cunt its awful you did that honestly using your hatred cos some people hurt you against every cis person known to mankind is not how to act it may be your way to act but within society if you want to be viewed as normal and not a mentally ill gender dysphoric person then you cant do shit like that grow up get a life.

Whats ur new years resolution.

Mine is to be a cunt wbu

Im bipolar is this normal?

So i have early onset bipolar (diagnosed in a sych ward not self dx lmfao im antiselfdx) And i need to know this but im 13 and i get easily jealous over everything and angery and idk just lose my shit so easily ex all someone in my life has to do is talk to one of there friends and ill immediatly assume they hate me so ill say awful things like “kys bitch” or “i hope you get cancer” “i hate you” “you hate me” “your ruining everything” “douchebag” “bitch” “whore” Only a couple times ive gotten pysical but ive shut someone out before and they no longer am friends but im worried that if i keep this up ill have no friends help??? And i want them its just idk im strange if i don’t get any affection i feel abandoned but if i do get affection and love i feel uncomfortable its confusing i feel like a piece of shit. and then i forgive them an hour or day later (depending) then do something else rude. i basically have no control.

The Pope can’t be progressive or a good ally.  He’s required to be socially conservative and Catholi

The Pope can’t be progressive or a good ally.  He’s required to be socially conservative and Catholic-centric.

That’s kind of his job and the tenets of the religion he’s the head of.  The occasional fiscal liberalism comes from the whole “not worldly” thing, and is about the only exception.  The pope’s always going to be a conservative dude elected by all the other most senior conservative dudes in the Catholic church, and occasionally you’ll get one who’s marginally less awful on what he thinks Good Things are/more devoted to actually trying to be good than be in power, but don’t ever think that Pope Francis or any other pope is going to be more progressive than the bulk of existing Church doctrine.  Stop celebrating his minor concessions.


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Vaccines are safe and don’t cause autism.  Get your flu shot so your germs don’t kill people.Unless

Vaccines are safe and don’t cause autism.  Get your flu shot so your germs don’t kill people.

Unless you have an egg allergy (eggs are used to culture vaccines) or are immunosuppressed, get vaccinated.

Also, autism isn’t a bad thing.  I prefer being autistic to being dead, or killing someone who’s on chemo because I gave them a bad case of something.


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If you only care about Palestine/Syria/etc. because some of the people there are Christians, you don

If you only care about Palestine/Syria/etc. because some of the people there are Christians, you don’t actually care.

That’s either just horrifically self-centered and callous or a displaced and factually inaccurate persecution complex.


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Asexual Glaceon: Aromantic is not heteroromantic. Asexual is not straight.

Asexual Glaceon: Aromantic is not heteroromantic. Asexual is not straight.

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Equality Golbat: Straight trans people and straight intersex people are MOGAI.Cis intersex people ar

Equality Golbat: Straight trans people and straight intersex people are MOGAI.

Cis intersex people are also MOGAI, as their experiences of being intersex people in a society that expects them to conform in a binary preclude their experiences of being cis. Trans and/or nonbinary intersex people are MOGAI by default.


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Asexual Glaceon: Aromanticism and asexuality are not exclusive to each other.Romantic asexual people

Asexual Glaceon: Aromanticism and asexuality are not exclusive to each other.

Romantic asexual people are commonly invalidated because society at large conflates their romantic attraction to be sexual attraction. Aromantic sexual people, on the flip side, are invalidated because society conflates their lack of romantic attraction as unnatural and inhuman.

We need to take steps to de-stigmatize asexuality and aromanticism in society.


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Equality Golbat: “It’s awful that attacking Planned Parenthood shuts down the 97% that is non-aborti

Equality Golbat: “It’s awful that attacking Planned Parenthood shuts down the 97% that is non-abortion services, and the loss of abortion-related services is also a tragedy.”

The defunding of Planned Parenthood isn’t a tragedy just because referrals for abortions aren’t the only things Planned Parenthood does. It’s a tragedy because of all the things Planned Parenthood does including informing people about the option of abortion, which is an important and necessary part of a modern healthcare system.


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Most people agree with the actual provisions of Obamacare when it’s referred to as its real name, th

Most people agree with the actual provisions of Obamacare when it’s referred to as its real name, the Affordable Care Act.

And, yeah, a lot of that is because of deliberate conservative propaganda, but it makes you think that a lot of people and especially the ones who made the executive decision to hype that propaganda back in 2009-10 and thereabouts simply hate Obama…for some reason other than his (admittedly often less than stellar) politics…gee I wonder what it could be.


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Never having had your humanity and rights questioned as part of a class discussion is a privilege.

Never having had your humanity and rights questioned as part of a class discussion is a privilege.

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The ability to simply disagree with bigoted things instead of feeling directly attacked by them is a

The ability to simply disagree with bigoted things instead of feeling directly attacked by them is a privilege.

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The ability to find conservatives hilarious instead of terrifying is a privilege.Additionally, there

The ability to find conservatives hilarious instead of terrifying is a privilege.

Additionally, there is nothing more jarring than being in a minivan full of supposedly liberal straight cis white boys who are all acting like Donald Trump being elected would be simply funny and a little embarrassing rather than “I and a significant number of my friends would suffer material hardship and possibly be directly injured or killed if that happens.”  (Though honestly, simply being in a minivan full of cis straight white boys is scary enough on its own, even if they’re all related to you.)


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Equality Golbat: No one should be drafted, regardless of gender.Even if military drafts are an examp

Equality Golbat: No one should be drafted, regardless of gender.

Even if military drafts are an example of sexism harming men, no one should have to be drafted from the start. Military drafts remove all people’s agency. If the people don’t want to go to war, they shouldn’t have to be forced into it.

The people should ultimately decide whether or not to go to war.


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Equality Golbat: Being annoyed with “political correctness”, instead of being hurt by people refusin

Equality Golbat: Being annoyed with “political correctness”, instead of being hurt by people refusing to be respectful, is a privilege.

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Your favorite children’s book is probably racist and sexist.Or, if it’s not, the author probably als

Your favorite children’s book is probably racist and sexist.

Or, if it’s not, the author probably also wrote things for adults which will extremely disappoint you.  (Yes, this is mostly about my thesis reading.)


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If hate rhetoric conflates two categories, then the hate is about both categories and no amount of h

If hate rhetoric conflates two categories, then the hate is about both categories and no amount of hairsplitting is going to change that.

Or, it might even really just be about the actually not-bad category.  When someone calls all Arabs terrorists, they don’t really hate terrorists, they’re justifying hating Arabs.  When someone calls all gay people pedophiles, they hate gay people more than pedophiles.  When someone condemns feminists for being socialist lesbians, it’s a pretty good chance that they just hate women, as well as socialists and gay people.  Bigots noticeably don’t care about or even at times glorify white terrorists and straight pedophiles, so it’s pretty easy to tell what they’re actually talking about; and it’s not simply misconceptions, it’s deliberate.  Hairsplitting instead of pointing out hateful attribution is derailing.


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Yes, not all Muslims are Arabs.  No, you can’t act like islamophobia isn’t a race issue.The rhetoric

Yes, not all Muslims are Arabs.  No, you can’t act like islamophobia isn’t a race issue.

The rhetoric of islamophobia is heavily racialized and islamophobia is used primarily to excuse racism; therefore islamophobia is a race issue.


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Deadnaming: Referring to a trans person by a name they’ve retired.The term deadnaming comes from the

Deadnaming: Referring to a trans person by a name they’ve retired.

The term deadnaming comes from the fact that it’s often done to trans people who are dead. Typically their parents along with some political and/or religious group take the opportunity to aggressively misgender them when they can no longer object. 

Deadnaming can be intentional, meant to dehumanize and disrespect the trans person. Deadnaming can also be accidental; sometimes you don’t see someone for a while, and you don’t know they’ve changed their name. Not using their current name dehumanizes and disrespects them, regardless. 

–Nidoqueen & Glaceon

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Vaccines are easy mode for your immune system, not the nightmare mode version of “regular” pathogens

Vaccines are easy mode for your immune system, not the nightmare mode version of “regular” pathogens.

Actually, vaccines aren’t just easy mode, they’re literally the tutorial at the beginning of the game that’s like one enemy coming very slowly and the display is “this is how you shoot things.”  That is the entire point of vaccines: making your body able to recognize and defeat specific pathogens without you having to actually get sick first.


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If your immune system can fight off pathogens, imagine how easily it can deal with vaccines.Vaccines

If your immune system can fight off pathogens, imagine how easily it can deal with vaccines.

Vaccines are weakened or dead germs.  They can’t fight back against your immune system the way normal germs can.  If you’re willing to take the chance that your immune system could beat measles or w/e, then logically you should be more willing to have it deal with the vaccine because it’s less risk.  Also, not being sick and having to miss school/work is a good thing.


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