#idk i just



Goes to Redmane Castle expecting to see hubby

Just gets Caelid and a bunch of scarlet rot and REGRET

I never came back with my 3 am thoughts about this

Redmane Castle was a cliffside structure over the ocean. Like, I’m pretty sure when Caelid was normal it was one of THE best sights. And it’s crazy to see that this once thriving landscape has been reduced to what it is now and generations of Redmane Guards are still trying to protect the castle and the land from beasts roaming about and the spread of scarlet rot.

I know I’m probably just repeating myself at this point but I do not care. This genuinely makes me think of what Radahn may have been like as a person before the Shattering. We see that he was strong enough to hold back the stars and we know that he was consider one of, if not the only, strongest of the demigods, but then we get peeks into what he was like before.

Rykard has a portrait of him in Volcano Manor. He not only learned but excelled at gravity magic just so that he and Leonard wouldn’t have to be apart. He looked up to Godfrey so much that he integrated lion motifs into his armor and name. He believes in a fair fight and wouldn’t attack Malenia until she was ready to fight him on the battlefield and, based on the interaction in the cutscene, made no move to knock Malenia off once her scarlet aeonia started. Whether that was to limit the damage being done or because he knew he was at a loss is debatable but it still happened.

All this to say that Radahn is literally such an interesting character and I’m so mad the only time we actually get to see him is when his mind has been eaten away by scarlet rot. I so desperately want to know what he was like before this in more detail.


SO I GOT MYSELF A NEW FIC TO BINGE ON AND ITS FANTASY LIKE OHMYAXSCDFVGHJL I cannot express how much i love this fic to bits and just the interaction between izu and bakugo like hhhHHHHHH TAKE MY GUCKING M O N E Y!!!!! So it’s technically a fantasy bkdk fic! Honestly dont want to spoil anything too much so if you’re interested give it a try!! (AND ITS LONG TOO. LIKE SLOW BURN AHAHAHAHAHA THE BEST KIND)

VARIANT made by DKTNJR on AO3!
