#idk im shitposting basically


We were beautiful. - Markhyuck

{ author’s note - its like 3.30 am and i should be sleeping but i couldn’t get this out of my head so here it is ! sorry for any mistake lmao i haven’t proofread it! }

It started slow. So slow that neither of them understood when it happened.

At first it was missed calls, delayed texts. And then came the frequent fights, the nights spend sleeping away from each other because they couldn’t stand being in each others presence. The painful, steady estrangement from what they once called home. Warm gazes and longing hands turned into this strange, unsettling feeling that destroyed everything they’d built together. The same kitchen where they used to dance in at 3am even though, they both should be sleeping yet they couldn’t get enough of each other, looked cold and void of every sign that love lived in it. The bedroom where they used to spend their nights, bodies and hearts tangled, laughing about anything and everything, sharing secrets and stories in between kisses, now looked quiet, everything neatly cleaned as if no one ever lived there. The house they used to long for in the middle of the day, when work got too much and the day too hectic, only because they knew that everything they’d be okay the minute they saw each other, had now turned into their worst nightmare.

Donghyuck was orange whereas Mark was pink. Their relationship was beautiful like the sunset, when it takes over the sky and creates this wonderful mix of these two colours, saying goodbye to the sun in the most beautiful way. But sunsets have to end when the orange and pink hues inevitably give space to the black of the night, until they completely disappear and all there’s left is darkness, and so did they.
