#idk just popped in my head and you know i couldnt not



Grantaire eyed Enjolras as he gathered their empty popcorn bucket and drinks. “So what did you think?”

Enjolras didn’t look up. “Are the fanboys cleared out?” he asked wryly. “I don’t want to start an altercation.”

“Since when?” Enjolras laughed and Grantaire smiled before saying, “I’ll take it you didn’t like it.”

Enjolras made a face as he stood, waiting for Grantaire to exit the movie theater aisle first before following after him. “Well, when it comes to the multiverse, it was no Everything Everywhere All at Once.

Grantaire gave him a look over his shoulder. “Ok, but that’s like comparing My Cousin VinnytoThe Godfather.

My Cousin Vinny isn’t even a mob movie!” Enjolras protested, throwing their trash in the garbage can. “It just happens to feature Italian Americans.”

“Yeah and Dr. Strange isn’t a movie about intergenerational trauma, now is it?”

Grantaire gave Enjolras a pointed look and Enjolras rolled his eyes, even though he was laughing again. “Touché.”

Together they walked towards the theater exit, and Grantaire glanced sideways at Enjolras. “So you really didn’t like it?”

Enjolras sighed. “You know that I only come to see Marvel movies with you so that I understand the references you make ad nauseam, right?”

“Which is in and of itself a strange way to show love, but an appreciated one,” Grantaire said, nodding. He really hadn’t expected anything different. Pretty much the only Marvel movie Enjolras had ever expressed interest in was Black Panther, though even then his interest had waned when he realized it featured very little about the actual Black Panther Party in the US. “What do you think about the multiverse?”

Enjolras frowned slightly as he looked at Grantaire. “What about the multiverse?”

“Do you believe in it?”

Enjolras arched an eyebrow. “Do you mean do I think that there are multiple universes in which we exist simultaneously, some differing only minutely and some where we have hot dogs for hands?”

Grantaire half-smiled at the reference to one of his personal favorite universes from Everything Everywhere All at Once. “Something like that.”

For a long moment, Enjolras was quiet. “I find it interesting that you’re asking me if I believe in something,” he said finally.

“Just because I’m asking doesn’t mean that I do,” Grantaire said. “And you’re deflecting.”

Enjolras smiled, but it was short-lived, his smile fading slightly as he shook his head. “The truth is, I don’t know what I believe. But I’d like to think that if there was a multiverse, it’d be more like Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Less an exact replica of myself in every universe and more a mantle of the work I do that someone always shoulders.”

Grantaire snorted. “Are you seriously comparing your activism work to being a superhero?”

“Am I wrong?” Enjolras asked, a dangerous edge to his voice.

Grantaire held his hands up defensively. “I plead the Fifth.”

“Good boy.” Enjolras hesitated before asking, “What about you? What do you believe?”

Grantaire shrugged. “I dunno,” he said. “But I have to admit, the thought of there being a me that loves a version of you in every universe gives me a strange sort of comfort.”

Enjolras looked startled. “You think you would love me in every universe?”

“I know that I would love you in every universe,” Grantaire corrected.

Enjolras looked at him closely for a moment before asking with a small, half-smile, “Even the one with the hot dog hands?”

“Especially the one with the hot dog hands.”

Enjolras just shook his head. “You’re a freak,” he said affectionately.

Grantaire nudged him with his elbow. “Yeah but you like it.”

Enjolras shook his head fondly. “So you know that you would love me in every universe…do you think I would also love you in every universe?”

“Of course not,” Grantaire said evenly.

Enjolras stopped walking, his brow furrowed. “And that doesn’t bother you?”

“Why would it?” Grantaire asked. “I don’t need you to love me back to feel like I’m where I’m meant to be.” Enjolras shook his head but Grantaire didn’t let him interrupt. “When I met you, my entire life fell into place, and that wouldn’t have changed if you never went out with me.”

Though Enjolras’s expression softened, he still didn’t look convinced. “I guess that’s fair,” he allowed. “But it makes me a little sad, thinking there’s a me out there somewhere going through his life without loving you.”

Grantaire leaned in to kiss his cheek before telling him, “Yeah but think about it this way: if there are infinite universes, then there is infinite possibility, and infinite chances for us. And that’s not a bad thing.”

Enjolras nodded slowly. “No, it’s not.”

“Even if we have hot dog hands in one of those universes.”

Enjolras rolled his eyes, but he was smiling again. “Even then,” he agreed.

“Besides, we have each other here, in this universe, and that’s enough for me,” Grantaire said simply. “Even if in every other universe, we never figure it out in time, we’ll always have this universe.”

Enjolras smiled and laced their fingers together, raising Grantaire’s hand to his lips to kiss his knuckles. “And that’s all that matters.”
