#idv luca


⚡ happy birthday, Luca ⚡

back to idv brainrot

Luca, offended: “Listen, I’m not going to stand here and listen to you accuse me of something I clearly did,”


Oh how the tables have turned. 

I don’t really think this counts as yandere, but I’ll still put ‘keep reading’.

Luca with a Stalker S/O

tw: stalking

  • He wouldn’t notice at first. He’s always busy, either working on his inventions or hanging out with you
  • Even in matches, he isn’t very perceptive of his surroundings, especially when decoding. He just gets so concentrated in his handiwork and completing calibrations that he completely loses his focus to the world around him
  • You could get away with this for a long time until he either notices or is told about it
  • When he finds out, he’ll be pretty creeped out and asks you what you’re doing. He values his privacy a lot, so knowing you have been watching him this whole time without him knowing puts him on edge
  • In the end he’ll tell you politely not to do that again and that you could always come up to him for anything you need
  • He feels as if you can’t trust him after the moment. Is it because he has killed someone before? God he hopes not, he truly loves you and wants you to have faith in him

Hope I got the goth parts right!   ~(>_<。)\

Joseph, Luca, Naib, Norton with a modern goth S/O + playing video games


  • He thinks someone died
  • But don’t get mad at him, because that was the only reason people would wear full black back then
  • He thinks it’s nice nevertheless, but he likes the Victorian and lolita/ ouji style the most because he’s the most familiar with the fashion
  • Listen, mans was alive around the 18th century. He probably don’t even know what moving pictures are yet, so just the concept of video games alone leaves him awestruck
  • “You mean to tell me that moving pictures EXIST in the future? And in color??”
  • You don’t even have to convince him at this point, he just so eager to try it out
  • He jumps at the first sound that comes from the game. He’s all like, “S/o, did you hear that? Where did it come from?” “Joseph, it was the game.”
  • He literally cannot handle fast-paced games, his reaction times are so slow despite having them being fast in real life. Even Mario Kart is too hard for him
  • Video games are the coolest thing ever in his opinion, but can’t play them for the life of him


  • He thinks the goth style is very unique. He’s rarely seen anyone wear dark clothing because they want to
  • Zaps anyone who makes rude comments about it
  • You deserve to dress however you want without being judged and people need to realize that
  • Surprisingly really good at rhythm games. You could put him on the hardest level and he’d get through it as if it were on easy mode
  • His favorite type of games are interactive and, of course, rhythm games. Rhythm games keep his brain active and interactive games… let’s just say he likes to experiment with them
  • First playthrough is neutral, he chooses what he would do in the situation. The ones after are either chaotic or too good. He would choose all the bad options and then choose all the good options next playthrough
  • Doesn’t play the games often, though. He’s still got his inventions to work on. Maybe he’ll try to make his own video game
  • Asks to takes apart the game to see how it works
  • Doesn’t understand CDs, how can a flimsy piece of plastic hold so much stuff??


  • Doesn’t mind one bit that you’re goth, if you wear those boots with the belt decorations, he’d go ‘Oh look, we match.’
  • Kind of frustrated that he doesn’t have any goth costumes and yet he has a matching costume with Martha. Like bruh if he wanted a matching costume, give it to his s/o pls
  • Call him soft, but he prefers playing games that include you. Not competitively or anything, just ones where you two can work together
  • He’d enjoy games like Minecraft or Stardew Valley where he could live his little domestic video game life with you
  • If you teach him how to make food in either games, neither of you will ever go hungry
  • You could be mining or somethin’ and he would go sprinting to find you. You would be so confused until he whips out a cake and says, “I made us a cake, eat it before it gets cold. <3″ “Naib, I’m at full hunger-”
  • You bet he’d walk up to you in Minecraft and shyly ask to place his bed next to yours
  • If any mob or enemy were to come up to the two of you, he’d kill it before it could even touch you. No one’s hurting his partner


  • “Does my Mr. Mole costume count as goth”
  • Has a vague understanding of what goth is when you explain it. He thinks that anyone who wears black is goth, even if it’s just a one-time thing
  • He would love if you guys could match, mainly with the Mr. Mole costume since he has no other black outfits (I mean wanderer is also one, so if you want to dress up as a vampire, go for it)
  • If ya’ll ever seen that meme where the guy goes easy on their friend in a game and the friend says, ‘Wow. Guess I’m better than you at your own game!’ and the guy goes all serious after, that would summarize your guys’ gaming experience to a ‘T’
  • Tries his hardest to be better than you, but not in a mean way. He just wants to impress you
  • He is a noob, but don’t call him that, he won’t know what that is lol
  • Prone to rage-quit after so many losses
  • He’ll appreciate it if you gave him some pointers and he’ll actually use them. He may be on par with you after a while
  • For competitive games, he enjoys Street Fighter and Super Smash Bros. His favorite would have been Mortal Kombat if it weren’t so gory, though