#if im wrong however i will not be the one to complain



ngl i’ve been having a good giggle over people being like, “guys, idk if i’m COMFORTABLE with the idea of a graphic blackbonnet sex scene in season two! ”

y'all nobody has onscreen sex on this show!

i guarantee you rhys darby and taika waititi are not getting out their respective dick n’ balls or explicitly simulating sex on camera for hbomax’s our flag means death lol.

at absolute MOST maybe a comedy butt like once. but even that i sincerely doubt.

there will be kisses of increasing passion, definitely some Sounds heard from elsewhere for the laffs, and post-coital snuggles, convos, and implications. and i feel like all of us, no matter where we fall on the horny spectrum, should embrace that.

it’s gon be good.

My vote is still for clever comedic visual innuendo. Like, they don’t need to get their kit off and push the rating to tell us exactly when and how they have sex the first time. Give me sausages and champagne bottles and innocently erect eggplants, cleverly placed cannons and one of them going over a barrel. Give me cheeky smash cuts between unrelated dialogue that tells everything you could possibly want to know about Ed and Stede’s sex life without ever breaking a sweat.
