#ignoring an injury



Prompt: Now Where Did That Come From?, Wound Reveal, Ignoring an Injury, Internal Bleeding

Fandom/OC: Original Work

TW: swearing, rape, death mention, cult mention, self harm


The sound of piano chords playing draws the Caretaker nearer and nearer to the banquet hall on the main floor of an emptied hotel. The song is familiar, even though the piano is so out of tune that the notes are warbled and almost underwater in their lack of clarity. They arrive at the doorway and look in to see the Whumper with their back to them, sitting at the old piano and hitting at the keys. Their movements are fluid as they float above the keys but precise when they hit them. The Caretaker’s eyes meet the sight of the unconscious Whumpee on the floor near the piano, their head close to where the Whumper’s feet are gently tapping the piano’s pedals. The sudden lifting of both the Whumper’s foot and their hands from the piano silence the music and stop the resonating keys with a thud. The Whumper looks at the Caretaker over their shoulder with a sideways glance. “Pull up a chair, they won’t be back for a while.” The Caretaker feels a sinking feeling as they walk into the hall, closing the distance between themselves and their friend. “Who won’t?” the Caretaker asks, passing right by the table and chair that the Whumper mentioned. The Whumper laughs at the question, saying, “Who do you think?” before knocking the heavy cover to the keys down with their hand. It slams hard and bangs a deafening sound throughout the entire room. When the echo of it dies down their voice turns deadly serious. “I said sit the fuck down.” The Caretaker stops, then moves back a few steps and sits at the table and chair they were instructed to. Their eyes keep darting to the Whumpee on the ground, and the appearance of blood in and around their head now transferred to the floor. The Whumper hates that the Caretaker’s attention is divided. “Ignore that,” the Whumper says dismissively of the Whumpee, pointing at them like they’re litter on the floor. “It won’t be back for a while. So you and I have time to talk.” The Caretaker can’t hide their distress. “What won’t be back?” The Whumper clenches a fist and presses it to their mouth, trying but failing to suppress their rage. “Do not pay it any mind, or so help me god,” the Whumper says, one of their feet now on the verge of kicking the prone Whumpee’s head back into the piano’s leg. “It will be me, not your friend’s problems, that will become impossible to ignore,” the Whumper says.

Submitted by @red-river-potato01 - thanks!

Character A has a deathly fear of doctors after being tortured in a medical lab. They avoid any doctors at all costs…but what happens when they get injured/ill? Do they avoid the doctor’s office and try to soldier through, only to get so bad they collapse in front of the team? Or does one of their teammates drag them to the doctor’s office, only to realize too late just how afraid A is? You decide.

The delayed head wound. 

For the sake of their ego/anxiety, they play the initial injury down… but when the throbbing intensifies and their nose starts to bleed, they know it’s too serious to ignore anymore.

Unfortunately, they pass out before they are able to seek help.
