#ikaris x yn


Magnets | Druig x reader

Summary: They believed that you and Druig was soulmates, that you would marry him one day just like your brother and Sersi, but it all shattered one day when Druig left and you were alone in the darkness.

A/N: I love Druig and Sersi’s powers in this film. To be honest, this film wasn’t that great like the others marvel movies but the visualls was amazing. This is my first writing Druig and i hope that i wrote him correctly lmao.

Requested?:yes by @redheadspark


You and Druig were like magnets.

You were attracted to each other and every time he was in the same room as you, you could feel yourself pulling towards him. Everyone believed that one day you and he would be together, almost being together in a relationship just like Sersi and Ikaris.

They believed that the two of you were soulmates, but when the day Druig decided to leave you and your family, it felt like a part of you was gone. Soon enough, you started to stop believing that the two of you were destined for each other.

Your brother, Ikaries didn’t get along with Druig and when he saw how he broke your heart, he wanted nothing but protect you and take the pain away. But he knew that a part of you will always be loving him.

But now, centuries later, you were walking through the Amazon along with the rest of your family. It was a family reunion since Ajak was dead and the deviants were back. You were extremely nervous and your breathing quickened as you tried to find Druig.

‘’Are you alright?’’ Your thoughts snapped away as soon you heard Sersi’s voice. You turned your eyes, just to meet hers with a concerned expression on her face. Sersi was like a sister to you. Probably why you immediately accepted her when your brother married her in the first place.

‘’Fine, just nervous, that’s all.’’ You replied and tried to send her an assuring smile. However, she noticed your hesitation and didn’t ask any questions. You stopped in your tracks and you could feel the pull. The pull when he used to be near your body and you could feel it.

The doors suddenly opened and your eyes drifted towards the familiar brown eyes that you tried to forget. ‘’Hello, Y/n.’’ He greeted you, ignoring the rest of the others. You looked at him, trying to cover the overwhelming emotions. ‘’Druig.’’ You responded dryly before he looked at the others. You could feel your brother’s gaze on you as Druig looked at them with a smirk.

‘’Come on in, make yourself at home.’’ He commented. After all those years you’ve tried to forget him but yet you felt yourself pulling back to him.

Wreck My Plans

*Walks in two months late with Starbucks*

Hello Loves!! Here is chapter six of Willow! The series master list is my pinned post if you would like to catch up with the series!

Ikaris x female!reader

Minors do not interact!!!

Warnings: Battle, fighting, mentions of blood, genocide, and pregnancy.

WC: 1956

As always, likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated! Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!

gif not mine!

In an instant, Ikaris’ body is shielding yours from the collapsing walls.

As the dust began to settle, several figures began to emerge, bringing with them a sense of unsettable dread.

As Ikaris helps you up, one of the invaders walks forwards.

“Hear me and rejoice,” he says, “You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos. Be thankful, that your meaningless lives are now contributing to-“

“I’m sorry, Earth is closed today, maybe you should come back tomorrow?” Tony suggests.

The invader looks at Tony, before flicking his hand, sending Tony crashing into a wall. 

“Rude.” Tony wheezes as he stumbles onto his feet. Tapping the middle of his chest, Tony is suddenly in the Iron Man armor. 

“Do you really want to do this? We have like fifteen guys, you have like four? It’s a little uneven don’t you think?”

Not even sparing Tony a look, the Squidward looking dude snapped his fingers at one of the Thanos supporters and pointed his finger at Strange.

“Get the stone Obsidian.” 

Swinging his bat, Obsidian starts to make his way towards Strange. Suddenly a vine shots forward, wraps around it, before pulling it from his grasp.

Ikaris turns towards you, you shrug before taking the bat and tossing it towards Dane, “Will this work?” 

Dane grins, “Close enough.” 

During the battle, Ikaris tries his best to keep an eye on you, but it seemed you had a good grip on things. Entrapping Thanos’ followers in vines, caging them in wooden prisons. 

The battle had been going in their favor, until Obsidian had managed to knock out Ajak and Tony. With them down, and the others becoming battle weary, Thanos’ followers managed to get an upper hand on the Avengers.

Ikaris knew there was no way you would let Maw get the stone, but he didn’t think that you would throw yourself in front of  Dr. Strange, after Maw had broken out of his wooden prison.

Maw tossed you away like a rag doll. 

Ikaris rushed to your side, but not before blasting Maw as he tried to take the Eye of Agamotto.

Kneeling beside you, Ikaris, examined the cut on your forehead. 

Disorated, you tried to sit up, but Ikaris held you down. 

“It’s okay, you’re okay.” Although it feels like he was reassuring himself instead of you. 

Glancing up, it looks as though the Avengers were almost defeated but Dane takes Obsidian’s bat and knocks out Maw.

Sprite let out a low whistle “looks like you knocked him out cold.”

Dane shrugs, “ Like I said, a complicated family history.”

“Which would you care to explain?” Sersi fixes Dane with a look, one that Ikaris knew all too well. The look he had seen many times from you both, the one that meant he was in trouble.
“Darling, can I sit up now please?” You squeeze Ikaris’ hand. Ikaris grumbles but allows you to sit up with his help.

“Well you see,” Dane begins “dating all the way back to the Knight of the Round Table, for generations my family has held up the mantle of the Black Knight.”

Sprite looks at Sersi, “I told you he was keeping secrets.”

“You thought he had a secret wife and children!?”

“Same difference.” Sprite says nonchalantly.

Having captured Maw, Tony glances back at the ship that Thanos’ followers had come from. 

“Wanna hijack a ship?” He shrugs.

“Yes!?!” Peter exclaims. 

“I bet they were on their way to meet Thanos after getting the time stone.” Nat said softly. “But where?” 

“It doesn’t matter,” Maw snarled, “You’ll never win.”

“Where is Thanos going?” Ikaris snapped.

“Where it all started.” Maw starred at Ajak.

Ajak’s expression grew somber. “He’s going to Titan, he’s going to the planet Titan. 

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s take their ship and take Thanos out.” Tony exclaimed.

“What about Wakanda? Steve’s expecting us to be there and we can’t leave Vision vulnerable.” You finally speak up.

“Vormir still has the soul stone,” Bruce said quietly.

“We also can’t leave the Scantum unoccupied.” Wong stated.

“Okay, okay. We can split up.” Tony waved his hand.

“Strange, you’re with me, the kid, Ajak, and you three .” Tony said while pointing at Kingo, Sprite, and Sersi. “Bruce, you can go to Vormir. The rest can go to Wakanda.”

“Wong can stay and guard the Sanctorum.” Strange nodded.

“So can Y/N.” Ikaris spoke up.

“What?! No, I want to stay with you.” You say.

“Y/N,” Ikaris pulled you aside, “I can’t have you out there on the front, it’s too dangerous. I won’t be able to focus, I’ll be too distracted trying to figure out what’s happening with you.”


Ikaris shushes you before pulling you into a hug, crushing you against his chest, he whispers to you “Please stay here with Wong, please Love.”

“Okay,” you whisper, “I’ll stay here.”

“Thank you” Ikaris brushed his lips against yours before leading you back to the group. 

When you two had made it back to the group, Sprite informed him that Dane had decided to stay with you and Wong. 

Tony’s group was the first to depart, taking Maw with him. Ikaris’ group was the last to depart, watching to make sure that you, Dane, and Wong had gotten to the Sanctorum safely through one of Wong’s portals. 

The journey to Wakanda didn’t take long. Once Ikaris and the others had arrived, Nat led them to Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson. 

“Captain Rogers” Phastos stepped forward to greet him. Steve grasped his hand, “Nat said she had friends joining us. Although She didn’t mention how many there would be.”

“This is only half of them.” Nat grinned. 

“Well we need all the help we can get, thank you for being here.” Steve replied.

“Introductions will have to wait,” Sam stepped forward. “Thanos’ army is already en route to Wakanda.”

“Sam is right, the goal is to protect the Golden City and Vision. We cannot let Thanos get the Mind Stone.”  

“Steve,” Nat nodded her head towards Phastos “That’s Phastos, he’s inventer, I’m sure he can help Shuri.”

“This true?”

“I would be honored.”

“Members of the Dora Milaje can lead you there then.” A new voice interrupted the group.

“King T’Challa.” Steve performed the wakandan salute, and the rest followed. 

“Hello,” T’Challa turned to the members of the Dora Milaje behind him. “ Take Mr. Phastos to my sister’s lab and have him help in any way he can. Then meet us on the field, outside of the city.”

T’Challa turned towards Steve, “The Golden City and the rest of Wakanda has already been evacuated, and all of her defenses engaged. When they get here, we’ll be ready.”

“Let’s go then.” 

“Someone get this man a shield, “ T’Challa shouts.

Later if you asked him about the battle, Ikaris would mostly draw blanks. 

Rogers and his team held the upper hand for precisely the first hour of the battle. Ikaris flew through the air, blasting Outriders before they could reach the inner defenses. Thena proved herself worthy of the title “Goddess of War”, once again, taking down multitudes of the creatures before they could blink. 

Then the tide of the battle changed, and the final storm had rolled in. Gilgamesh, Makkari, and most of Rogers’ team had been grounded. Ikaris could feel himself growing weary. Once the Outriders had breached the outer border, it became top priority to stop them before they could invade the city walls. Ikaris began to fear that Earth had fallen to the same ill-fate as Ikaris’ home planet. But then a brilliant light beamed down from the sky, scattering the Outriders. To Ikaris’ delight, Thor, a raccoon(?), and a tree creature (??) stepped out of the light. Single handley, Thor destroyed a large number of the Outriders with a single beam of lightning from his weapon, before joining Rogers’ army and the others.

With the sudden arrival of Thor and his companions, the tide of the battle began to recede. Wakanda and the avengers slowly regained their advantages over the Outriders.

Ikaris’ hope that this finally might end, was quickly squashed when he saw that Obsidian himself joined the battle, and the Outsider dropships had released Threshers. 

It was then the arrival of Bruce Banner, that Ikaris felt that there was completely no way to win.

 Shouting to him, “Where’s the stone?” Bruce only replied with “I wasn’t enough.” 

The Threshers were getting closer and closer to the city, the Outriders were multiplying before Ikaris’ eyes. Wanda had abandoned her position long ago, trying to protect Nat and a member of the Dora Milaje. She lifted the Threshers and threw them towards the Outriders, crushing thousands of them.

“Vision is compromised.” Ikaris heard Sam scream, following his instructions Ikaris flew towards the woods.

It was then Ikaris’ blood filled with ice, he turned around and there he was. Wearing a glittering gauntlet with beautiful stones. 

It was with both of their glances towards Vision, Ikaris knew exactly what he was thinking.

With silent prayer that his wife would always be safe and protected, no matter what his fate in the outcome of the battle would be, Ikaris threw himself at Thanos.

Fighting Thanos was much more difficult than fighting a deviant, Ikaris figured fighting him would be what it was like to fight a fellow Eternal. But Ikaris could hold his own well enough. Thanos delivered several punches to Ikaris face. Nose dripping, Ikaris flew into the air, hauling Thanos up with him. Throwing Thanos towards the ground, he blasted him with his eyes. Thanos didn’t have time to process before Ikaris hauled him again, punching him squarely in the face. 

“You fight well, I respect that. What are you, maybe you’re from Asgard?”  

“I am an Eternal.”

Thanos knew what an Eternal was, how couldn’t he? He had probably grown up hearing tales about Olympia and Titan.

“You know I destroyed your planet? Your people didn’t stand a chance. They fought bravely, of course. But even they, even my cousins who should be as powerful as me, barely made it an hour into battle.”

“It’s a good thing, I’m here then, eh?”

“Maybe so.”

Thanos grinned, “But not today.” And he stabbed Ikaris with a curved dagger, and drew the blade upward. Throwing his body aside, Thanos began to make his way towards Wanda, who had destroyed the Mind Stone. Staggering to his feet, Ikaris attempted to fight Thanos once more, blasting him once again. Thanos only tsked and batted him aside like a butterfly.

Hauling himself up again, Ikaris slowly inched forward, his left hand holding his insides in, as his blood dripped into the dirt. With the last of his will, Ikaris threw himself onto Thanos’ back, his free hand digging into Thanos’ eye, his eyes blasting Thanos’ wrist, attempting to separate the gauntlet from the arm. Thanos’ howled in pain. Jerking around, Thanos attempted to throw Ikaris from his back, but Ikaris only held on tighter. Screaming with frustration Thanos ripped Ikaris from his back and threw him into the ground.

“You’ll pay for that.” Thanos seethed. And then he picked Ikaris up and slammed his head into the nearest rock.

Ikaris blacked out.

Ikaris awoke hours later, his torso bandaged heavily. Nat was there, with tears in her eyes. 

“What happened?” He asked groggily. 

“We lost.” Nat whimpered.

Ikaris’ heart sunk. 

Then he noticed that it was not you in the room, but instead Nat.

“Nat, where’s Y/N?”

Nat could only sob.

“Natalia, where is my wife?” Ikaris urgently asked again.

“She’s gone. Peter’s gone. Sam’s gone. Half the Eternals. They’re all just gone. They just disappeared.”

And with Nat’s words, Ikaris’ world ended.

 @wintergirlsoilder2 @laazullii @woderfulkawaii @slut-4-fiction@r3esieeee @saintlewis @tenaciousperfectionunknown@superbookishhufflepuff@fate-huntress@squirreljoe


Wherever You Stray I’ll Follow

A/N Hello loves! I have another Ikaris x reader fit for you (Finally, I meant I have this out three days ago…) This is a female reader. I hope you enjoy!

Warnings: Fluff, mentions of sex, pregnancy.

Ikaris x female reader. Minors do not interact. All of my pics are 18 plus. No description of reader, other than the word wife. Tagged Bucky Barnes x reader for exposure.

Likes, comments, reblogs, are always appreciated! There is potential for a part 2 to this pic.

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A giggle pulled Ikaris from his focus on the book he was reading.

“And what would you be laughing at?”

You just laugh again, before sitting down in Ikaris’ lap. “Your eyebrows, they’re so pulled together, they’re touching, is that book really so difficult?”

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