#fic recommendation



Request: I saw the soulmate alphabet and I was wondering if you can do ’s’ with quackity. asking for a simp <3 thank you in advance! - @unfinishedsweetsimphony

Pairing: Quackity

Summary: After being annoyed by your soulmate’s constant singing while you’re studying, you decided to sing back.

Genre: Fluff

Format: Drabble

Warnings: None

Author’s Note:Songbird (any songs a person sings will get stuck in their soulmate’s head for the duration they decide to sing it). | Soulmate AU Prompt|Your Text (Hey Pretty Stranger) - Sundial

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oh my god this is so cute, thank you so much!! also i love this song, so that’s very cashmoney of you <3


I’m not sure if anyone is still following me for SC content, but my new story is now posting on A03!  Chapter 1 is here - I’ll be posting every other day or so, and will post again on Tumblr when it is complete.  You can read the first story in the series here: One Night in Milwaukee.  Please reblog and spread the love, and thank you for reading!

Summary:  Patrick is hiding something from David, and if he’s being honest, David’s hiding something too. It’s making them both miserable. When Marcy asks them to go to the Brewers’ house in Florida as a favor, David agrees. Maybe a week in the sunshine will help them find their way back to each other.

This is an awesome fic! SC fans will love it!!


☹︎i’m working on it so it’s pretty empty rn sorry lol

aaron hotchner. criminal minds.

001the love profile [sfw, series]

002lean on me [sfw, 5+1 trope, mutual pining]

003paper rings [sfw, one bed, friends to lovers]

joel miller. the last of us.

001you’re very cute



spencer reid. criminal minds.

001the politics of lonely




Request: OMG CONGRATS! YOU’RE AMAZING! For your blurbs… Draco x reader, fake dating, fluff 6, and Malloy manor? Please feel free to change any of these :] Congrats again! - @siriusly-addicted-to-writing

Fluff 6: “Are you… Are you flirting with me?”

A/N: Thank you so much, lovely! Here is your blurb request, I hope you like!! Title: Hunter Hayes - Somebody’s Heartbreak. Another one that got away from me! I’ll admit, I am ridiculously worried about posting this when my last Sirius fic did so badly. It’s so discouraging to see so little notes on pieces of work that you’ve worked so hard on, but considering I’m planning on reducing how often I post, I wanted to post this and see how it goes. I hope you all enjoy it!

Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader

Warnings: fake dating, suspicious parents, drinking - all characters are of age, mutual pining - their feelings are so obvious it hurts, a gross overuse of commas and semi-colons. IT’S ALL FLUFF GUYS, GO WILD.

Word count: 3.3k


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I could read the fake dating trope all day, every day. But this takes the cake. I love this so much

Ohhh thank you so much!! I’m so glad you enjoyed!!

Lmao fuck I’m reblogging it here too

I’ve said this before, I dont reread fics. They lose their emotional factor for me after the first read

But THIS???? Wowza. I read it three times


While I personally would willingly beat the ever loving shit out of Lucius, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE NARCISSA


God Draco Malfoy shaped my taste in men from a young age




Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Ex!Girlfriend Reader

Summary: It’s been two years since your breakup with Ransom. You run into him at a grocery store and he witnesses first hand just how broken you are after your brief love affair. 

Warnings: language, heartbreak, angsty affffff you guys. 

A/N: This one like actually hurt me hahaha I had a song drabble request for this. So here it is!

W/C: 1.1k

time-for-a-lullaby masterlist

I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤

Two years.

It’s been two years since the last time your eyes locked with his. 

Two years since the first and last time you said I love you.

Two years since he called it what it was. He never loved you. He never intended on loving you. You’ve known Ransom to be many things. Cruel was never one of them. But one night two years ago, you watched him shift from the man that you fell in love with, to someone you hardly recognized. 

It’s not been easy. Actually, that’s an understatement. Shortly after that night, you called Harlan to let him know you were done. He’d pleaded with you to stay, that he would rather keep Ransom from coming around than you, but Ransom was family. You weren’t. 

You were just the stupid nurse that fell in love with your patients grandson. 

You’d refused to cash anymore of Harlan’s checks after you left, despite the fact that he sent you one every two weeks for the past two years. He warned you that Ran would break your heart, but you fell hard and fast for the mysterious and closed off man behind those striking blue eyes. As if you could have resisted him. You never stood a chance. 

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I’m fucking SOBBING. I just knew you would ruin me in the right way with this. God damn. And just please know that this part

“Just-just between us. Did the love affair maim you, too?”

Is where I broke. I had to put my phone down and just take a minute.

I think this will always play out in my head now when I listen to that song. Thank you for ruining me Sometimes you just need some good angst.

This was heartbreakingly beautiful.

 Small illustration for my dear @ViceForgotten and her Death in Every Verse :3 I was in a mood for m

Small illustration for my dear @ViceForgotten and her Death in Every Verse :3 I was in a mood for mermaids lately, so if you want a good read for Friday, with some deep-sea creatures, gore vibes, and dark atmosphere, check it.

It’s good.

Post link
Another piece for Binding Blades and my collaboration with @randomsyhn! This time the first scene ofAnother piece for Binding Blades and my collaboration with @randomsyhn! This time the first scene of

Another piece for Binding Blades and my collaboration with @randomsyhn! This time the first scene of the fic with Shen Yuan fightighting like a badass. He’s very badass, hear me out, this man is so cool in this fic.


You know, go read it.

Post link


This Is Tradition

Bucky Barnes x reader

Summary: The princess has been closed off from the outside world her entire life, when her father throws her into a busy kingdom not only does she find it hard to cope, but she finds comfort in unlikely places.

Warnings: fluff, smut, angst, cheesyness, Bucky being too hot to handle, blood, alcohol.



PART ONE - coming soon

PART TWO - coming soon

PART THREE - coming soon

PART FOUR - coming soon

PART FIVE - coming soon

PART SIX - coming soon

PART SEVEN - coming soon

Looks so good if you do tag lists can I be tagged please


Running a fic idea past you all (after I finished uploading “Let’s Try for a Baby”).

The reader has been in HYDRA captive since she was very small (I’m thinking she was born there, maybe her mum was the captive before her, the mum dies during labour? It’s gonna be angsty).

Anyway, the reader has never known life outside of HYDRA, and what she doesn’t know is that she was asked to do all the research on the people they made Bucky kill. She of course knows of The Winter Soldier project, but she’s never met TWS, she’s not scared of him, she feels sorry for him.

It turns out that her cell is next to Bucky’s and one night she hears Bucky crying, so she speaks to him through the wall. They fall in love without actually meeting. But one day, HYDRA notices that Bucky and Y/N have fallen in love and when Y/N has had enough of being their “spy”, she refuses to do any research so one day, they bring out Y/N and she has to watch Bucky go through the brainwash movement?

Would anyone be interested in reading that? It might be a series.

I love the idea and hope you do make it


Sherlock x Reader

Summary: When Y/N reconnects with a former lover on a case, Sherlock is overwhelmed by jealousy. By doubting in their relationship, he might just be the one who destroys it…


The air was dense with midday traffic as the consulting detective and his partner weaved through Trafalgar Square. Sherlock took care to grasp Y/N’s hand tightly, sparing glances her way, periodically. They were on their way to a crime scene where a collegue of Lestrade’s was waiting on Sherlock’s expertise, but the city’s pace was slowing them down. 

“Did Lestrade tell you who we’re meeting?”

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“I’m already there” bro you are killing me with all that softness today!



Sherlock x Reader

Summary: Sherlock and Y/N have known each other for years, but the promise of love threatens to jeopardize their friendship. Perhaps a dinner date will ease their worries…

Did someone say friends to lovers?


The rich scent of rosemary and cooking sherry wafted past Y/N’s nose as she and Sherlock settled into a restaurant booth. Warm candlelight cast soft shadows against the tapered walls.

It was their first date as a couple, so despite having been friends for years, there was a new expanse of unexplored emotion between them. Everything had changed, and they both could feel the effects of their delicate shift from companions to lovers. Tonight held tight reins upon their future.

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Yes! Yesss!!!! Soft Sherlock content is here!!! You are feeding us well with all this fluff, my friend. I love seeing this part of Sherlock. He’s a big softie :3


Something’s Gotta Give

Series Masterlist//Want More Marvel?


Stephen Strange x Fem!Apprentice!Reader


Warnings and Tags: Language, Spoilers for NWH and Moon Knight, References to Past Rejection, Wong is Done, Honest Discussions, Use of Magic

Honorable Mentions: Wong, America Chavez, Peter Parker, Marc Spector, Steven Grant, Khonshu


It was a deathly silent week.

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Bookstores and dates ││Stephen Strange x Fem! Reader

Pairing: Stephen Strange x Fem! Reader

Word count:759

Summary: Stephen Strange have never felt lonelier than now. The Sanctum Sanctorum echoed with silence. Wong’s occasional visits kept him somewhat grounded, but they never filled the void. That all changed when he met her.

Warnings: none, just pure fluff :)

Stephen was no stranger to loneliness. He felt it before and he felt it now. It ripped his heart apart, shards of it falling to the ground like broken mirrors. It consumed him.

The first time he felt loneliness was when he gave up Christine. He truly loved her and letting her go hurt. He had Wong by his side, but most of the time, it was just him and the Cloak drinking tea in the morning and protecting the multiverse together.

But then she came. With sparkling eyes and a bright smile, she collided into him and tore his walls down brick by brick. She worked at a bookstore near the Sanctum Sanctorum. He stumbled upon the bookstore one day he took it all for himself, and started going there ever since just to see her, to relish in the peace she gave him by just being in his presence.

Today was no different. The bell above the door chimed when he entered. Smells of chocolate, books and dust drifted in the air and filled his lungs. The bookstore was cramped with books from top to bottom, unevenly placed. The Rolling Stones were quietly filling the silence. Light was streaming in from the small windows near the front desk and the door. It gave off cosy vibes, something he didn’t find at the Sanctum. The place reminded him of her, in that way. Warm. Nice. Homey.

“One sec!” said a voice from the back.

He could recognize that voice anywhere. It was hers.

He approached the front desk. An open book laid faced down on it, a bookmark with sunflowers drawn on it sticking out.“Wuthering heights” by Emily Brontë.

“Sorry for the delay, I was just putting some things in the back!”

Her voice sounded so much closer now, a vanilla scent wrapping him in a warm embrace.

“Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”

She was now next to him, going around behind the desk. Her eyes met his, a glint in them. He wondered if she saw the emotion swirling in his own eyes, if she could read him like an open book.

“You read Wuthering heights?”

“It’s a classic.”

“Should I take that as a yes?”

She was smirking now. Stephen felt his own lips curling up.

“It depends. Do you like it so far?”

Her smirk turned into a blinding smile, her eyes crickling.

“I do.”

“Then, yes, I did read it.”

She shook her head, picking up her book, a smile still edged on her face.

“Can I do something for you, Stephen? Do you want some books? Maybe serve you some tea while I’m at it?”

She knew his name. Somehow, he thought she saw him as an old client, an avid reader who came by almost every week.

“You know my name?”

She sat up straighter and looked him in the eyes with a soft smile.

“Well, you’re not just any client, are you? Everyone knows you, especially after that Thanos, or whatever his name, was happened.”

“Do they?”

She turned her gaze to the book in front of her, a pink dusting her cheeks.

“I know I do” she muttered.

He still heard it though, and it made his heart skip a beat. He started toying with his wrist watch,a gift from Christine. He still had it, the watch kept him grounded and reminded him of a time he no longer missed, but cherished.

“I’m flattered.”

She hummed, her attention still on the words in front of her.

“So? Books?”

He smirked, looking at her.

“Or tea.”

Her laughter filled the bookstore, over the music playing from the pick-up in the corner. It reached his ears, like wind chimes. It was angelic, pure even. “If this is how heaven sounds like, I wouldn’t regret dying tomorrow”.

“That was a joke.”

“This one wasn’t. Have tea with me. Or coffee, whatever you want. Just let me take you out one time. We can talk about books, music. About each other. I’d really like to get to know you, Y/N.”

At first, she didn’t say anything. She just stared at him, an eyebrow arched. Her hands were still clutching the book, and her eyes were searching his. Stephen was starting to think he screwed up, until her face morphed into soft, warm eyes and a sweet smile.

“Earl Grey is my favourite. Remember that, as I have a feeling we’ll see each other over tea often.”


“How did you know my name?”

“Your name tag.”

“Right, of course.”


Author’s note: This was supposed to be an angsty fic, but somehow it turned, along the way, into a fluffy bookstore AU one. Not complaining though, I had loads of fun writing it! And i hope you had fun reading it :)

It is also my first fic ever! So any feedback would be welcome, be it a like, a comment or a reblog. Thanks for reading! Sending love xx

I love me some soft Stephen after a long day. Absolutely adorable


The Duality of Passion

Series Masterlist //Want More Marvel?


Stephen Strange x Fem!Apprentice!Reader


Warnings and Tags: Language, Moon Knight Spoilers, First Kisses, Jealousy, Arguments, Accusations, Flashbacks, Mentions of Previous Fake Dating

Honorable Mentions: Steven Grant, America Chavez, Peter Parker, Wong, Marc Spector


(Y/N) didn’t expect to have a bad night. She wouldn’t assume the worst of Steven Grant, anyway. She knew he would be polite and kind.

She was still pleased she was having such a great night, though.

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@lucywrites02 this is for u


Summary: Stephen goes to Christine’s wedding, where you’re the maid of honor.

Warnings: Mild MOM spoilers (it’s literally just the wedding in the trailer), fem!reader, flirting, weddings, Stephen-typical swearing 


“Doctor Strange,” someone called softly. The voice came like a dream, and the hands that touched his shoulders felt like heaven. The way you said his name was clearly informal, no matter the title. “You should sleep soon. C’mon.” 

“Oh, Y/N,” he groaned in exhaustion, “I just have to finish this report. Go home without me.”

He felt lips brush against his. “I would, but I can’t leave without my favorite man in the whole wide world. That would be inhumane. What if he can’t drive himself home?” You leaned against the back of his hair, letting your fingers play with whatever they wanted.

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It was so funny when he finally realised XD He’s so smart but he could be such a dumbass. Ah I love him


Love Between The Pages | Chapter 4 Finale

Blaise Zabini x Reader

Chapter Summary: You and Blaise slowly come to terms with the feelings that have been hanging in the air, along with the future of the book club.

Warnings:The tiniest dash of angst for about 0.1 seconds, boatloads of fluff.

Word count: Approx 2800


A/N:Hi loves! Here is the final part of this series! Wow I was not ready for this to be over, I’ve found this series incredibly comforting to write. It took me a little while to write the last part purely because I just wasn’t quite ready to end it yet, but I’m really really happy with how this chapter came out. Additionally, I’m really looking forward to writing more for sweet Blaise and I’ve been thinking about writing a few standalone pieces that might fit into this little universe. I’m not sure yet!! Let me know if you’re interested. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this series, I am so SO proud of it, thank you so so SO much for reading it!

It was a calm, quiet afternoon, the old loft windows in the library were pushed open and secured on their old latches, the smell of fresh air mixed with the ever cosy scent of wood polish and old books making it all the more delightful to spend time in the library.
Sifting through your bag, you pulled out the books you needed to return to Madam Pince, wondering what you might pick up this week, deciding that it needed to be something special.

You clocked Theo walking in with Cho and Neville at either side of him, the three of them chatting quietly amongst themselves as they began to make their way across to the table you all usually sat at.
Looking over towards them as you placed your books on the library check out desk, you realised that having him there had become normal. Having all three of the Slytherin boys in your group had become normal and you weren’t sure you really wanted it to end.

Keep reading

Perfection This series was so cute and soft and beautiful! I loved every second of it! And dracos character development, oh my god.

I loved it!!



ps. please please as much as possible talk to someone when you feel down. you matter.

Fic Rec List

It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, but I’ve been reading so many amazing fics lately I couldn’t not do one!

I hope you all enjoy these amazing stories written by amazing authours!

Stranger Things

Eddie Munson

Eddie Munson x Reader-Through Thick And Thinby@parkerslatte

Eddie Munson x Reader-Don’t Take My Heart (Don’t Break My Heart) by@hotdogwillex

Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington x Reader-Car Accidentby@darling-i-read-it

Steve Harrington x Reader-Friends To Loversby@iliveiloveiwrite

Steve Harrington x Reader-Back Togetherby@watchmegetobsessed

Steve Harrington x Reader-The Babysittersby@reggies-floatie

Steve Harrington x Reader-Drivingby@iikkeee

Robin Buckley

Robin Buckley x Reader-Theifby@shescollateraldamag3

Sons Of Anarchy

Chibs Telford

Chibs Telford x Reader-Profesor Telford (Professor AU)by@the-anonymous-pen

Chibs Telford x Reader-Important Jobsby@obsessedasusual

Chibs Telford x Reader-Get Your Manby@abbatoirablaze

Happy Lowman

Happy Lowman x Reyes!Reader-Borrowed Timeby@drabbles-mc



Vander x Readerby@twistneteclipse

Vander x Reader- Her Own Sunlightby@fortune-fool02

Vander x Reader-Won’t Back Downby@fortune-fool02

Vander x Reader-Just A Tasteby@conretewings

Vander x Reader-NSFW Alphabet by@parvulous-writings

Vander x Reader-Softhearted Bruiser by@vander-affectionate

Vander x Reader-Behind Closed Doorsby@fandomsonrequests


Silco x Reader-Soothing His Fears Awayby@itsmeanttobe2002


Vi x Reader-Soft Morningsby@heartfairy

Vi x Reader-Better Boyfriend by@daphnedirose

Vi x Reader-Drunken Confessionsby@theblandwriter

Vi x Reader-You’re Enoughby@misfitjinx


Anthony Bridgerton

Anthony Bridgerton x Reader-Familyby@thebadgerclan

Anthony Bridgerton x Reader-When We Two Partedby@delphispoeticals

Anthony Bridgerton x Reader-A Smile Across The Floorby@fanaticalfantasist

Benedict Bridgerton

Benedict Bridgerton x Reader-Ruined Reputationby@jswizzlewrites

Benedict Bridgerton x Readerby@multi-fandom-imagine

Benedict Bridgerton x Reader-Pleaseby@leydileyla

Benedict Bridgerton x Reader-Portraits When Writing Failedby@multifailures

Benedict Bridgerton x Reader-I Am Hereby@thollandx

Benedict Bridgerton x Reader-Happy Birthday, My Loveby@alcottsangel

Benedict Bridgerton x Reader-One’s Deeperst Desiresby@violetwishestowrite

Benedict Bridgerton x Reader-Contentby@multiversehearts


Anthony Bridgerton x Reader x Simon Bassett-In Betweenby@imthebadguyyy

The Witcher

Geralt Of Rivia

Geralt x Reader-Will You Always Return To Me?by@crazypaperwasteland

Geralt x Reader-Welcome Homeby@open–till–midnight

Geralt x Reader-I’ve Been Waitingby@freyjaallan

Geralt x Reader-Practice Makes Perfect by@thewitcheress2389

Geralt x Readerby@seidenbros

Geralt x Reader-Changesby@silence-burns

Geralt x Reader-Darkness Of The Nightby@little-diable


Sam Winchester x Reader-The Beast In The Mountainsby@thinkinghardhardlythinking

Steve Grant x Reader-Sunday Mornin’ Rain Is Fallingby@harrysweasleys

Poly!Marauders x Reader-Keep Quietby@griffxnnage

Kaz Brekker x Reader-Back To Where It Started by@ellora-brekker

Thorin x Hobbit!Reader-Brithday Surpriseby@catyo90



Words: 2.3k

Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader

Summary:A little Sinday Drabble. There is a reason Nick Fury assigned you to Steve Rogers. You’ll tell him one day.  

Song: Not Afraid Anymore by Halsey.

And touch me like you never.



You were there the day he was thawed out.

Watching as Agent Coulson fanboyed out over the life-size Ken doll.

Fury rolling his one good eye makes you hide a smirk.

You bet Coulson fifty bucks that he wouldn’t fall for the elaborate set-up S.H.I.E.L.D. had created to try and convince him it was still 1945.

Phil took the bet.

There is no hiding the smug smile from your face when Coulson’s beloved Captain America goes feral, knocking out agents, busting through the wall, and running out of the facility.

Keep reading


5 days, 1 boat.

summary: rafe gets you & him stuck in a boat in the middle of nowhere for 5 days, with no signal and having to wait for the patrol. ‘Accidentally’. [spoiler: it wasn’t]

warnings: swearing, (rough) smut, manhandling, choking kink, rafe being a plotting lil shit, my english.

click for my master list.

word count: 8.2K [sorry it’s kinda long. went overboard w this]


Your eyes narrowed slightly as you analyzed the blond standing in front of you, your arms were crossed firmly across your chest. His eyebrows were raised as he awaited your answer, his back pressed against the kitchen island.

“And you want me to accompany you, why?” You questioned, waiting for a decent explanation.

“’Cause your brother has an event with Topper and Kelce,” he explained quickly as he shrugged his shoulders with ease. “And I need someone to go with me.”

For more context, Rafe Cameron had asked you to accompany him on a little trip on his boat, there is a very specific kind of fish he wants to catch passing through the waters near Outer Banks; Rafe justifies his need to get that fish because it is his father’s favorite, and he wants to show himself capable of catching it.

“And why don’t you ask your sisters for help?” you questioned him, with some suspicion still.

“Mm, because they are my sisters.” he answered with obviousness, it was a simple but logical answer; the truth is that not even his sisters could stand his annoying ass.

And that’s what brought him to you, or at least that’s what he’s implying. And while you don’t actually believe him, it’s not like you could perceive any hidden intentions. You should’ve, but you couldn’t.

You see, even though Damien, your older brother, and Rafe have been friends for YEARS, your relationship with Rafe isn’t precisely the best. He has always been annoying, selfish, egocentric, and an idiot.

A hot idiot; for that matter, which made it complicated to hate him.

The relationship the two of you shared was based in teasing, lots of it, but of course, over the years it has changed. It went from a young Rafe teasing you for crying over princess’ movies, to letting his eyes linger in your lips for longer than usual, casual grazings, and shameless comments.

All that, combined with his idiotic attitude, made the two of you have a constant banter-based relationship; all you two did was bicker, tease and sass the hell out of each other. Just like an old, married couple. Except you two weren’t married, and couldn’t make up as easily.

It drove your brother insane. He didn’t care what it was that would get you and Rafe to stop bantering. He just wanted the two of you to stop.

“So? Are you coming with me or…” Rafe insisted, you had taken way too long to answer a simple yes or no question.

You already knew it was probably one of the worst ideas he’d ever had, and considering it’s impulsive, spontaneous Rafe we’re talking about… it was indeed terrible.

“No.” you replied simply, with no further explanation or motives as to why.

Rafe looked actually taken aback by that, not being used to getting ‘no’ for an answer, not even from you. Though, he knew the only reason you’d said no was to contradict him, and you, having no apparent reason to refuse, was an open invitation for Rafe to keep insisting.

“Come on, it’ll only be two days out,” Rafe insisted, using the nicest voice he could. “Out there in the nice sea, in the Druthers, with food, drinks and a nice AC system… yeah?”

“You do realise my family also has a boat with AC?” you cleverly added. “And if I wanted to, I could go out to the nice sea with snacks too.”

“But uh, do tell me, does your boat have a double jacuzzi?” he questioned you with a raised eyebrow, and at that, you shut your mouth.


“Uh huh, exactly.”

“I can live without it.”

“Oh, c'mon Y/N,” Rafe sighed heavily, closing his eyes for a few seconds, as if recharging his patience before adding. “I’ll give you whatever you want, whatever it is, I’ll get it for you. The only condition is you coming with me.”

That really got you thinking.

Your family had money and influence, but no more than the Camerons. What Rafe promised you could range from drugs, to designer clothes and handbags, to that sort of thing. It really was anything.

Rafe may be an idiot, too impulsive and lately, coked out 90% of the time, but he can have a way with words if he puts his mind to it, you had to give that to him.

Somehow, the idiot had made it sound like an enjoyable proposition, a good weekend. A great fucking idea.

Yes. You two, going out there to the middle of the sea, alone. Like a great idea.

You already knew it was the worst fucking idea you’d agreed to in your entire life.


“You won’t regret it.”

You probably would, but oh well. Mistakes are the best teachers out there.

Keep reading


Wherever You Stray I’ll Follow

A/N Hello loves! I have another Ikaris x reader fit for you (Finally, I meant I have this out three days ago…) This is a female reader. I hope you enjoy!

Warnings: Fluff, mentions of sex, pregnancy.

Ikaris x female reader. Minors do not interact. All of my pics are 18 plus. No description of reader, other than the word wife. Tagged Bucky Barnes x reader for exposure.

Likes, comments, reblogs, are always appreciated! There is potential for a part 2 to this pic.

gif not mine!

A giggle pulled Ikaris from his focus on the book he was reading.

“And what would you be laughing at?”

You just laugh again, before sitting down in Ikaris’ lap. “Your eyebrows, they’re so pulled together, they’re touching, is that book really so difficult?”

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a/n:I just felt like if I didn’t write this, I’d die… enjoy

SKZ - MOST TO LEAST - Wake you up in the middle of the night to cuddle him











Ok, now hear me out on this one.

HYUNJIN: Yes, he WILL poke your sides until you’re awake. And then he would pout saying that you fell asleep too quickly and turned away from him. It’s all about the drama and the teasing, we know it. Hyunjin will either ask you to cuddle him and play with his hair whenever he’s tired, or cuddles in his favorite position, when you’re facing him and your legs are tangled, his chin on top of your head.

FELIX: I feel like he would not wake you up abruptly, he wouldn’t call you or anything, this sweet, sweet boy would move on the bed like his life’s purpose is to make sure you wake up on your own and take the hint and wrap yourself around him, making him the little spoon while shoving your face on his neck. He loves how it tickles.

JEONGIN: Listen, I know in my heart, that this man LOVES to cuddle. He hates PDA, but he LOVES when you guys are in the safety of your bedroom so he can be all touchy. Like Felix, he’d toss and turn on the bed to find THE position, he does not care if you are the big spoon or the litte, he wants his cuddles and he’ll get them.

JISUNG: This is the most clingy boy I’ve ever seen in my entire life. I fell like Han himself wouldn’t even be fully awake for this, it will be just his limbs moving on its own. It’s 3AM and he’ll sit up, still asleep, and then will flop down on top of you. No, it does not matter if you’re laying on your stomach, He’ll fall on you and whine until you’re hugging him from behind with your hands holding his.

CHANGBIN:Binnie would lay on his side and just look at you, if he misses you and wants cuddles, he’ll tell you when you’re awake. If it’s night time and he can’t sleep or misses you too much, he will stare at you and his fingertips will start tracing your features. He will pull you closer and snuggle, but would not wake you up.

SEUNGMIN: Seungmo needs his space, even though he absolutely loves and adores you. He’ll hold hands and tangle your legs together and he loves to put his face on your neck, but he’ll now wake you up. I feel like he’d feel guilty for waking you, so if he wants cuddles, he’ll pull you closer slowly and I know he’s the type to put his hands under your face.

MINHO: OK, don’t hate on me. I fell like Lee Know LOVES to cuddle, absolutely lives for it. He just won’t wake you in the middle of the night. Like Changbin, he loves to watch you sleep, he’ll throw his leg over yous and then put his arm on top of your stomach lightly, but he won’t wake you. And yes, he gives your neck lots of kisses.

BANGCHAN: This man wouldn’t wake you up even if it’s the last day on earth. Chan would hate himself if he wakes you. Mostly because he would already feel guilty if he got on the bed waaay after you. He’d lay by your side slowly and calmly and then snuggle you, his arms over your stomach and his hips would fit yours perfectly.

I really hope you guys enjoyed. Please, feel free to ask me anything or request something, I’ll do my best to keep writing.

~ lots of love

I adored this, but why in seven hells am I crying? I mean this is so true, I could imagine the whole scenes. thanks for this, it made my night!
