#ikesen sasuke x reader


Befitting the Gods - Kenshin X Reader X Sasuke [Deity!AU]

Hey everyone! This is my special series of a previous AU I had written, tailored to @delicateikemenmemes as the wheel winner as part of my 1000 followers event! I hope you enjoy this Sara, and Happy Lunar New Year to all those who celebrate!

There will be another chapter, focusing more on Sasuke after this, and then three chapter endings [one for Kenshin, one for Sasuke and one ending with both] coming soon. Asks are open for more content of my IkeSen Deity AU too! Note: Reader is often referred to a few names so be aware.

Also if someone notices the blatantly obvious Shuumatsu no Valkyrie reference, my kudos to you. Favourite character.

The gathering of the mighty deities of Sengoku. It was a renowned festival where the residents would celebrate and praise to all the deities of Sengoku for keeping the world alive.

As for the deities themselves, it was a whole week of meetings and discussions. The main event was deciding who would reign in the deities when Zerofuku, the Spirit of the Seven Lucks, fell into his million-year slumber when the stars would align. Zerofuku himself commanded the meeting as his time approached. As he fell asleep, Sasuke, the Messenger Deity, wrote his final command.

“I demand YN, Lady Death, Goddess Izanami, to monitor the deities in the million slumber,” Sasuke read to the deities gathered in the room. “Her aide shall be Nobunaga, the God of Chaos and Shingen, the God of Fire.

The deities muttered and mumbled amongst themselves. Motonari, the God of Water spoke his stand aloud. "Has Zerofuku gone mad? How can he choose Lady Death when all of us, including herself, agreed that she is not to be involved?”

“Stand down, Motonari,” Kennyo, the God of the Forests called out. His low, chilling voice quelled the irate of the other gods, some of the lower deities standing down.

You took a deep breath. You didn’t know what Zerofuku was thinking of, but it left a bad taste in your mouth that your previous opinion was ignored. “As Izanami, I choose to overrule the command. I believe I am not prepared to take on such a role,” You replied, noticing how the lower deities cowered at your voice. It was understandable. You were Lady Death after all… “Even if I was, I do not think I could execute it well. Masamune is a better option, as he already rules the skies that we gather in.”

“I do not think I am fit to be leader as well,” the man in question spoke up. “As the Sky God, I cannot manage the Heavens whilst I pull the sky. Therefore I must offer it to Ieyasu or Shingen as the leader.

The God of Medicine had his blonde hair stuck in the talismans he was writing, only to lift it upon the mention of his name. "As if I’d go with your suggestions, Masamune,” He huffed, setting down his brush. “I’d hate to look over Mitsunari, and Hideyoshi is his unofficial caretaker despite him having a similar job to you.”

Shingen, the God of Fire, laid back into his arm rest, a bowl of sweets near him. “I could possibly not bear the responsibility… My shrine is full of fair maidens who wish to be blessed by my hot bod-”

The deities didn’t bat an eye when Yukimura, the God of Beasts drew his Roaring Spear to smack Shingen up the head. The discussions continued, but the room was then divided in three. The first faction of those who believe Nobunaga, the God of Chaos should rule instead of you. The second consisted of those who believe in Kenshin as the God of War was known for living by the sword, worshipping the sword and dying by sword.

Not that he could die anyway…

The final of the deities rooted for Zerofuku’s original plan, believing it was the best of both sides, however others had ulterior motives for it, such as the God of the Water and Seas, Motonari.

“Why endorse in me, God of the Seas?” You asked plainly, going around the deities who supported you for their reasons. You hoped their reasonings would give you courage to say the least, or make up your mind…

The God of the Seas, whose skin always glistened with the seawater he ruled over, took another swig of his sake. “Frankly, I wouldn’t like to see Nobunaga or Kenshin win,” He said, leaning into you. “But I wouldn’t mind if you punished me, Lady Izanami~”

“Enough of that,” The God of Time and Wealth, Kichou snapped. “I think it’s clear enough that we don’t trust the other two as much we trust you, Lady Death.”

“I chose the one who’d least likely harm my forests,” Kennyo justified.

By Kichou and Kennyo’s statements, the room went in uproar over their sly insults. Some had called upon their familiars, while others resorted to their blades. You were sure that Zerofuku did not want to wake up to a destroyed heaven, so you were quick to pick up your scythe to silence the other deities.

“Stand down.”

Your chilling voice brought a deadly silence in the air. For as much bloodlust they carried, they were well aware of the rules to not make you angry, for the position you hold is of utmost importance.

The tanuki messenger god, Sasuke, is forever running around the plains of Japan, hidden from the sights of humans. As the watcher of the gods, he is not meant to say what his opinion is, only to convey those of others. It was a surprise to the other deities that it was the first time that he spoke an opinion of his own.

“I believe this is why Zerofuku chose you, Lady Death.”

You glanced around the room, seeing the gods in their place once more.

In your place, with your kimono folded underneath you, you raised your voice once more.

“I accept, on the condition a deity escorts me out of the Underworld.”


The God of War for once did not draw his sword at the gathering as he always did, instead finding himself staring at Lady YN, although he’s forbidden for ever calling her that. Their relationship was complicated, to say the least. Kenshin never once had any personal conflicts with the Deity of Death, however with their work, it was easy to see how they were connected yet so different.

In his hand, the bitter sake stilled as he reminisced about the time he saw Lady Death. Yet another demon rampaged against the humans, leading Kenshin to slay it in its wake. As the body of the demon laid dead at his feet, she appeared.

He knew she was a goddess, with the way she wielded her weapon and her otherworldly appearance. The hood of her haori hid most of her appearance, although it was unbeknownst to Kenshin if she could see him since it reached down to her chin. Across the battlefield from each other, with bodies of fallen warriors and demon spirits, yet he was only enchanted by her, and the way she swung her scythe.

The souls were dancing around her, both human and demon as they descended into the crack in the ground she came from. Not a glance was spared to him, but a glimmer faded from her. He did not dare to disturb Lady Death at her duties, only to observe her safety as she does her duty.

It was poetic in the way that his job was to send her passing of the souls through his blade, and she is the one to receive it. By Zerofuku’s decree, they are to never cross weapons as they share the connection of the souls. Lately, with the demons he’d slay, he’d present their bodies neatly not for out of their respect, but out of respect for you.

Several memories of his often gazing to you always left his heart beating, and it wasn’t the adrenaline that lit up his veins. At times, Kenshin tried to approach you gently, to let you know the deity behind the sword he lives by, and yet the missed opportunities pile up, with his and your duties busier but intertwining.

He often has no time to write, nor leave crafted gifts, hence the God of War began to leave the stray wild flowers in a bouquet on the noblest warrior’s body as for you to see when you collect the warrior’s soul.

Many a times the God of Poetry and Luck, Yoshimoto, would chide him in his dishonesty towards you. It was the very situation as Kenshin drinks his sake in peace in front of the God who was busying himself with his talismans. Kenshin himself seldom had many talismans to write, except to the ones of his shrine as his divine decree. Unlike the other deities, for being a superior deity of the council, he has the fewest shrines, only one to his name.

The Poetry deity sitting across from him had several, hence his brush was as quick as his tongue while he advises the fellow god. “You desire her so Kenshin, yet as the God of Conquest you have not lain a siege on her,” Yoshimoto joked, as Kenshin was always enthusiastic with his conquests.

“I’d regard you and Motonari swapped with the way you addressed Lady Izanami,” Kenshin glared at the God, who’s calligraphy never faltered despite the threatening tone of the War deity. “It is not rightful of me to demand such a thing, not with the burden Zerofuku placed on her.”

Another deity arrived to their conversation. One befitting Kenshin’s situation, none other the God of Emotions and Spirits, Ranmaru, who phased through the sliding doors instead of opening them. Ranmaru arrived at Yoshimoto’s call however, as a decree between the two gods had to be made of the connection between love and luck.

“As you are here Ranmaru, you are best to advise Kenshin upon the situation he’s in,” Yoshimoto quipped, dipping his brush in the ink once more.

The expressive deity jumped for joy at the suggestion, almost teasing the conquest deity. “I’d agree even if you offered nothing, Kenshin. You’ve been a deity I’d been dying to get my hands on!”

“We cannot die, Spirit God,” Kenshin corrected, confused as to what the god meant.

“You’re no fun,” Ranmaru pouted, his fingers going through Kenshin’s forehead as he ‘flicked’ his forehead. “The real issue is that you’re no where closer to her than you were thousands of years ago, Conquest God.”

Yoshimoto, who took a quick tea break, nearly coughed out his tea at Ranmaru’s brutal honesty. “I doubt the Medicine God could heal the emotional damage from that…”

Ranmaru went on anyway, his hands reaching for a peach slice at the tea table. “As someone who works closely with Lady YN, he could easily befriend her.”

Kenshin was silenced by Ranmaru’s truthful remarks. He hummed, taking another cup of sake down his throat, the burning feeling coming from the want to confession and not the alcohol.

“You could be her escort, Kenshin.”

He glanced up at the Fire God, who’s presence made the room’s temperature rise. His close relative Yoshimoto had invited him too, but from the smirk Shingen carried, Kenshin assumed that he’d been listening in long ago.

The Fire God reached for the sweet buns next to the peaches by the tea table. “You have an excuse, as Ranmaru said. You both are close with each other, and although Sasuke is the most favourable, the Messenger God as all gods can tire,” He went on, offering a plate of pickled plums to the War God.

Ranmaru chipped in once more, “And you may not know, but she might be willing to be close to you too…”

Kenshin huffed, despising the gods who meddled with his business, taking his sword out to polish it. Yet, he contemplates on the suggestion, writing his submission late into the night.

Before he sends the message by the heavenly winds, he went to the battlefield he and you last touched, gathering the remaining bunches of wild flowers to seal his holy decree of his request, to be an escort befitting of the Deity of Death.
