#ikevam vlad



New Gacha Cards ( I won’t be getting…)

“Two Vampires Chatting Under the Moonlight”

“ Two Doctors”

Cherry Blossom Viewing // L・C・V “I can’t really scold you for coming out here to see me in the middlCherry Blossom Viewing // L・C・V “I can’t really scold you for coming out here to see me in the middlCherry Blossom Viewing // L・C・V “I can’t really scold you for coming out here to see me in the middl

Cherry Blossom Viewing // L・C・V

“I can’t really scold you for coming out here to see me in the middle of the night; if you hadn’t come, then I would have come over to see you instead. Come— Let’s  start with a kiss?”
“I’m just about tired of waiting, sweetheart. After all, I’ve been thinking about just how much I wanted to come see you.”
“…We’re finally alone together.
I had yearned for this moment for so long. Since everyone else from the manse had been present I maintained self-control, despite appearances.”

(idr the official name of these set of cards…… too lazy to check)

so today the Count is the boosted pull rate for the Pick Up Gacha. managed to pick up most of the cards i wanted (that i can get on this gacha), but this vlad card actually showed up too lol. i had the leo one for a while, but since it’s not a unique art card i just kept it around
as u probably know, the cards animate so i tried my best to pick a pleasing frame bahaha

the other lines behind the cut bc otherwise this post gets “tall”. i hate tall posts lol

if you plan to use or redistribute, please at least credit me before doing so please! thenk u!!

Vlad // “Your Beautiful Self…”

“What words can I bestow to your beautiful self? Stunning, adorable, lovely…
Ahaha Sorry for troubling you like that, it naturally came out of me.”

“If you wish to have friends - then how about I be your friend? In other words, if you look at it another way we can stop being friends at any time, you know?”

p sure the implication is that “at any time, we can stop being friends and return to being lovers” lol, not actually ending friendship

Leo // “I Wanted to Come See You”

“Ah- I had cancelled all of my plans for today. ‘Why’, you ask… It’s so I could spend time with you. So with that, sweetheart— give me your time.”

“Come face me, sweetheart. …Come on now, don’t run away on me. I haven’t had enough yet…
It’s strange; the more I kiss you, the more I feel unsated…”

Count // “We’re Finally Alone Together…”

“…When you’re with me, I am truly happy.
From this point forward— No matter how long I continue to live, I believe that I’ll never (find something that can) reach this level of happiness. Thinking that, I become a bit scared, but.”

“In Spring, (it is) the dawn (that is lovely) as the light creeps over the hills… That’s from the literature of your country, no? I found it beautiful, so I had remembered it.”

The line he references is the opening line from The Pillow Book (枕草子). I looked up other people’s translations because ancient literature is uh not my expertise in any fashion (this book is from the start of the 11th century) LOL. he cuts off pretty early so it translates even more poorly into English orz
I give my credits to Arthur Waley’s and Ivan Morris’ interpretations for clarity

uhhh i guess that’s my ikevam post for now. i read the new event already and frankly it’s…….. LOL too much. it felt like an excuse to write that epilogue with such a ????? setup. idk if im gonna cover it…. i might go into the fifth dimension of disbelief trying to get it together

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(One More Wedding Edit)me going thru translations: u kno wat… tomorrow (closes window)me edit

(One More Wedding Edit)

me going thru translations: u kno wat… tomorrow (closes window)
me editing a wallpaper for myself: i must finish this tonite so help me gad

so obv this is not an official card or w/e - this is the work of editing two of the One More Wedding trio cards + the img given for the Count’s epilogue. i wanted one to my own liking so yea. i blurred it in case this counts as bad sharing so sorry abt that

Please credit if you take any of it, thenk u (・ω・*) ill be extra miffed if i see it distributed randomly cuz i wasted hours on this self-indulgent crud lul

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Pairing: Vlad x Anya Nosferatu (OC)

I wrote this for the lovely @readerinsertfanfiction​ for my Ikemen Vampire Gift Exchange. I really had a lot of fun exploring a new character I haven’t written for, as well as your OC. I hope I was able to to justice to Anya and Vlad’s story <3

Summary: Vlad finally lets Anya back in after all their years apart, and vise versa.


Vlad stood at the top of the hill. Overhead, the sun was shining down brightly, heating the crown of his head and causing an almost discomfortable warmth to envelop his body. He threw his cloak to the ground, the deep red roses all bending slightly at the weight of the offending object.

He heard something quiet behind him. So quiet that a normal human wouldn’t have heard and if they did, they would assume it to be the wind rustling the tree branches.

“Anya,” Vlad’s voice was soft, almost a whisper, but she heard him loud and clear in the open space. She had followed him from the castle to the hill, aiming to stay hidden, but once he walked through the roses, she felt both him and the prickly flowers beaconing her. So she took a tentative step forward, and paused in her tracks as he turned and met her eyes with his own. “It’s been far too long.”

Run. Far away. Just like all those hundreds of years ago.

Distance yourself before anyone else gets hurt.

“You knew I was following you,” It wasn’t an accusation, but a statement. He knew, and she fell right into his trap.

This wasn’t like her. She was always careful, always kept her distance. Anya never stayed long enough to get caught.

Maybe she wanted to.

Keep reading

asdfghjkl. I love this. The push and pull between the two of them, the soft imagery of the rose garden.  I’m surprised that you went for Anya anyway, seeing how little info I had out for her and 

I’m kinda at a loss of words to say more. Just know that I’m holding my cheeks as I’m writing this and trying to massage away this silly smile that is hurting my jaw. 

The knowledge that their bite could turn was a thought that often haunted the purebloods. For the promise of time turned humanity into a gruesome being. It was their love for humanity, or perhaps the knowledge of all the wrong precedents that kept them back and wary, even with each other. For Anya it was also part of a trauma, the memory of a woman turning humans left and right. In revenge, for fun, and the price she had to pay for that in the end. It was what kept her back.

She had felt that burning thirst in the back of her throat. Not for the first time, for the full moon heightened their senses and turned them sensitive to the pulse of their beloved. A craving she often ignored and stilled by drinking an extra bottle of rouge and blanc. A craving she had ignored.

It was for the first time that she craved the blood of a specific someone, however and that had confused her. Startled her, for Anya was terrified what this meant for the control she had maintained for so long.

“You smell,” she had told the man, not attaching the last adjective on purpose. Pronouncing it made it harder to fight, she felt. Admitting it would make it harder to reject. And thus she told Vlad only half of what she meant.

But they were purebloods who had lived for a long while and they knew. They knew of their physiology and they knew of their quirks and their habits. Vlad was no exception to Anya who had smiled at her serenely, a hand wrapping around her wrist as he prevented her from pulling away.

“Hmmm,” came the hum at first and Anya felt her throat contract, the smell of his blood running beneath his skin alluring as she wondered how he remained so composed. “You smell nice as well,” Vlad whispered, and there was a breath that travelled over her skin.

His breath was ragged, desperate as his fangs went over the skin of her throat, his hands trembling as they wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her small frame closer into his. “Can I?” he asks her and Anya knows then that they are still the same in nature, unable to resist.

It reassured her. Despite the knowledge that she isn’t alone in her craving, Anya finds comfort knowing that Vlad worries as well.

Her hand weaved into his hair on the back of his head, guiding him as Anya’s fingers knotted into the white strands with her eyes fixated on the full moon outside. The shape that haunted them both.

Vlad halts his breath as a painful intake could be heard through her ear, ringing as the hesitation persisted. “Go on,” she encouraged the man as she tugs. That spurred him on as fangs pierced through her skin, drawing a gasp from her. Instinctively she pushes her upper body up against Vlad, eyes rolling away into the back of her mind as the sensation rocked through her every feature.

Anya had heard of it, but never experienced it. Just as she had known about her cravings, but never acted upon them. It made it harder to resist as her eyes locked on the full moon, noting that despite her lengthy life she had missed out on many experiences.

There was fatigue when Vlad drew away from her. The loss of blood she so naturally already needed had exhausted her. With his lips stained red she leaned in, tasting her own blood. It wasn’t enough for her, but she didn’t know how to bite, never having been properly taught.

But the thirst remained as she felt Vlad guide her, his voice languidly telling her what to do as she gave in to what should have come most naturally.

CHAPTER 04.5Why did Vlad-san going to the trouble of asking me to help his work…?When I ask hCHAPTER 04.5Why did Vlad-san going to the trouble of asking me to help his work…?When I ask h


Why did Vlad-san going to the trouble of asking me to help his work…?

When I ask him the thing that I had been wondering for a long time, the person in front of me shows a charming smile.

Vlad“I don’t want to be hated by you. I’ll let you know···—”

Vlad “I thought…if only I could relieve the loneliness and anxiety in your heart, even just a little…”

MC “Huh…?”

Vlad “Since you’re a person who cherishes other people so much to the point you hold your own emotion alone.”


MC“I don’t want them to carry along my sadness by showing my sad appearance.”
MC“Since I want the people I love to laugh as much as possible even for a second.”
MC “Ah, I’m sorry. I just talked about myself —”

That day, in front of Vlad-san who I met again…I remember I just spilled my true feelings.

MC “…You remember such a trivial thing and met me every day?”

Vlad “It’s not a trivial matter.”

Vlad “I don’t want to put away your troubles as trivial things. And don’t think like that.”

Vlad “Because people lives by their hearts.”

(…What should I do? I’m about to cry a bit.)

The loneliness that I suppress in the depths of my heart feels as if being gently stroked by a hand, and the inside of my eyes are getting hotter.


MC “Why does Vlad-san is so kind to me even though we just met…?”

The crimson eyes are dyed with heat, as if he’s gazing at something nostalgic within me.

Vlad “As for me, for quite some time…for as long as forever, I’ve been keep searching for someone.”

Vlad “I thought of being kind to you since I feel like you and that person are somewhat very similar.”

MC “…”

Vlad “But, that’s really just the first chance. The more I spend time and come to know you…”

Vlad “It reached the point that I wish to know more about yourself and help you.”

Saying so in a voice without any hesitation, Vlad-san hands over something into my arms.

It’s a dazzlingly bright purple bouquet.

MC “This…”

Vlad “It’s a clematis flower.”

Vlad “This flower is often planted at the front door of a European inn. It heals the fatigue of travelers.”

Vlad “In the language of flowers…it means the joy of travelers.”

MC “The joy of travelers…”

Vlad “Right. Hey, Mimi. I want you to tell me your worries that you can’t say to your precious ones.”

Vlad “If that could make you feel better, I wish for you to live your *life to the fullest. Will you listen to my selfishness?”

(*君の全てで君らしく生きて-literally- like you to live with all of you fuh

It feels forceful, but his words hold kindness that is deep and wide like the bottom of the sea.

MC “Is there anything I can do…?”

Vlad “Hmm?”

MC “I feel so happy…I’m the only one on the receiving end, so I want to repay you somehow.”

(…Things I can do is limited, though.)

Vlad “Well then…”

Vlad “Call me Vlad instead of Vlad-san. Ah, let’s also stop all the formalities.”

(…I wonder if that’s okay, but if Vlad-san wants it.)

MC “…Vlad.”

Vlad “Yes, Mimi.”

Smiling with satisfaction, his crimson eyes suddenly turn towards the sky.

Vlad “…Ah, the night will come soon.”

As I follow Vlad-san’s line of sight, the yellow sky gradually becomes darker…

Before long, the sky is dyed into a beautiful night.

When I look back, Vlad-san is still looking up at the sky.

His eyes are just like…full of deep affection that love everything in his sight, and it captivates me.

(…That day when I first found Vlad-san.)

(He felt very lonely and I thought he was detached from the world.)

— But now.

(I think he’s a person who embraces everything in the world tightly and gently.)

A somewhat mysterious person who directs his love towards everything, this beautiful world and people.

(And also, someone I want to know more and more.)

It’s kind of frustrating that the distance is a little apart.

I certainly feel that faint emotions slowly sprout in me.

—···Without realizing that this is the last love of my life that will change my destiny.

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Spending time with you is so much fun that I feel dizzy/giddy, and it relieves me from my anxiety —OSpending time with you is so much fun that I feel dizzy/giddy, and it relieves me from my anxiety —O

Spending time with you is so much fun that I feel dizzy/giddy, and it relieves me from my anxiety —
On the other hand, the reasons for Vlad’s inconsistent behaviors weighing on my mind…
“I’ll let you know…”


MC “What are you doing, Vlad-san?”


Vlad “Ah, Mimi. I’m fixing ‘this’, look.”

Vlad-san has a violin with loose strings in his hand,

There are people who seem like a traveling troupe looking at it with concern.

Man from the traveling troupe “Yo, Nii-chan, you look like a florist, aren’t you? Can you really fix the violin?”

Vlad “Yes, my old friend is a man who plays violin. Every time it broke, it turned that I could fix it if I tamper with it.”

Vlad “…Yeah, I think this should be okay, though. Let’s play it for a little while as a test.”

As he quickly stands up, Vlad-san slides the bow on the just repaired violin.

At that moment, the particles of light with such a beautiful sound echoes through the clear blue sky.


The tone is so emotional and sensual that it instantly captivates people…,

More and more people gather as they are drawn to the sound.

Vlad “…Yeah, the sound it makes is exactly beautiful. Eh? What an amazing crowd.”

Man from the traveling troupe “Oi oi, it’s supposed to be our forte to make people happy, isn’t it?”

Vlad “Ahaha, sorry. Well, here you go. Will you make me even happier? Regarding the people here.”

Vlad “About the violin, I can’t help but want it to be played by the owner.”

Man from the traveling troupe “Haha, you’re telling me! *Bring it on. Oi everyone, hold the instruments!”

(*望むところ - that’s what I want, that’s what I’m hoping for, suits me well, could ask for nothing better, make my day

Before long, the sound that uplifts my heart fills the air…

As if invited by the sound, the people around me performing dance steps as they wish and the circle of dance expands.

Vlad “Hmm, isn’t this great? Everyone seems to have a lot of fun…”

(…His eyes look like as if he’s staring at such a lovely thing.)

It’s like a wide sea, like an endless sky…and I’m fascinated by his gentle eyes to the extent of invoking such affection. 

Vlad “Mimi, it’s such a waste not to devote ourselves in such a wonderful time. That’s why, here…”

Vlad “May I have your hand?”

As he holds out his hand directly, my heart can’t be helped but to be exhilarated.

(Erm, as Vlad-san says. I have to enjoy such a wonderful time!)

While taking his hand…

MC “Yes, please treat me well!”

Vlad “Ahaha, that’s a nice smile. Well then, leave yourself to me.”

The light music, with Vlad-san who smiles in front of me…I realized that I’m laughing out loud.

When I return to the mansion after a day’s work and about to go back to my own room, I hear a sound from the open balcony.

(…The sound of the violin?)


I peek into the balcony gently as I drawn to the beautiful tone.

There’s the Comte who’s playing the violin under the moonlit night, and Leonardo-san who’s listening to it with wine in one hand.

Leonardo “…The tone of the violin you play is still beautiful.”

Comte “Because it’s my partner that I’ve been playing all the time since I was a child.”

Comte “…Hey, Leonardo.”

Leonardo “Hmm…?”

Comte “The time of us pureblood and humans does not *overlap.”

(*重なる - occur at the same time

Comte “Even while we blink, humans run through lives in full speed.”

Leonardo “…Well, sort of.”

Comte “But, this tone would always be everlasting. I feel like I’m being saved by such a trivial matter.”

Leonardo “It’s fine, isn’t it? Even a human would keep on living as long as hopes exist. That’s the same for us too, right?”

Leonardo “You are saved by a trivial matter, so…again, like you, it’s all right if we just love those guys in the mansion and human beings.”

Comte “…Yes, you’re right, Leonardo.”

The words spilled at night slowly soak into my mind.

I wasn’t aware of it anymore but I, with Comte and Leonardo-san…by all means are different creatures.

I think no matter how much I imagine, I cannot possibly understand their loneliness.

(…But, I want to understand even if it’s not enough, since I think I’ll be able to do what I want to understand.)

(But, I wonder why…)

(I thought that Vlad-san’s eyes that I saw today are similar to the eyes of Comte and Leonardo-san.)

The next day, I make a declaration as soon as I meet Vlad-san.

MC “Please let me to help you properly today.”

(If things go on like this, it will be different from our first agreement.)

Vlad “This’s the first time I’ve been scolded for not entrusting any job to others.”

MC “Ah…I’m not angry!”

Vlad “Ahaha, it’s okay, I know that. Well, I think I’ll take advantage of your kind offer then. First of all —“

The moment Vlad-san picks up the flower on the wagon while giggling…

Child “Excuse me!”

MC & Vlad “…?”

When I turn myself towards the voice, a little boy wearing a newsboy cap stands with a serious expression. 

Vlad “Is there something you want, little customer?”

Child “I want you to make a bouquet of the most beautiful flowers in the world, since I want to give it as a present to a precious girl.”

Vlad “The most beautiful flower in the world…huh, this is a difficult task.”

Vlad “Well then, can you tell me a little bit about the person you’re giving to make the bouquet?”

Child “Huh…?”

Vlad “Anything is fine, things that she likes, how that girl’s reflected in your eyes, and so on.”

Child “That girl is always playing a piano by the window of a large mansion, so I think she likes piano.”

Vlad “How nice, I like piano too.”

Child “Yes, I also like piano…err, I mean the piano that the girl plays.”

Child “On the way home from working at the coal mine, I happened to hear the girl’s piano, if I could see her even for a moment…”

Child “I can’t say it well, but I think…I’m glad to be alive today.”

The world looks beautiful just by meeting the person, and a trifling day changes its appearance vividly into a special day.

(…Is she his first love?)

When I think how pleasant it is, a dark shadow casted on the child’s big eyes just after he talked in a lively way.

Child “That’s why I want to tell her I like meeting her…I really want to tell her, but it would be a bother/troublesome after all.”

MC “Why…?”

Child “Because that girl and I are of different social status. To the world I live in — she lives in an exact opposite world.” 

I’m surprised by his spilled straining voice.

This world…19th century France looks gorgeous at first glance, but the disparity of wealth is clear.

(*貧富の差 - wealth inequality, social inequality

In the course of a month and a little time since I came here, I knew the fact even if I didn’t like it.

(I don’t want to simply say I understand and something that can be a temporary comfort. But…)

Right now, I don’t want this child’s feeling to be rendered futile as he desperately holds both arms tight in his chest.

I reflexively crouching down beside the child, and looking straight at him…

MC “Certainly…perhaps both of you are from different worlds.”

MC “But for that reason…I don’t think why you shouldn’t convey your feeling.”

Vlad “…”

MC “If you face each other properly, your feeling will surely be conveyed. That’s because both of you, all of us are the same, we are human beings. Besides —“

MC “The girl is the one that you comes to like. You have to believe in that first, right…?”

Child “!”

Then, Vlad-san presents a bouquet of yellow gerberas that looks like they are dyed in the sun.

Vlad “It’s a gerbera flower. I don’t know if this flower is the most beautiful in the world, but…”

Vlad “Look, when you hold it like this, it looks like the most beautiful flower in the world to me.”

Vlad’s hand gently pushes on his little back.

Vlad “Go before the flowers wither. In flower language, gerbera means hope and progress.”

Vlad “May you move forward with hope.”

Child “Thank you, florist Onii-chan. Onee-chan…here.”

Looking at the coins that’s being held out, Vlad-san shakes his head.

The child bows deeply and starts running from the spot — to give his loved one a bouquet of gerberas.

Light footsteps going further, the little back getting smaller and smaller…and then his figure disappears.

As I stare at Vlad-san’s profile unintentionally, his eyes, full of affection, turns towards the child’s back.

(Ah, these eyes again. As if he’s loving everything…such eyes.)

Vlad “…? What’s wrong?”

MC “…Vlad-san really loves people, don’t you?”

Vlad “Huh…?”

MC “Your eyes always look like that, though.”

Vlad “…Yeah, I love them. I think human beings are lovely, as they live in earnest, like flowers that rejoice in their limited lives.”

Vlad “But Mimi, that’s my words.”

Vlad “You focus your attention at each individual’s feelings/thoughts and try to believe in it…Mimi, you are very kind.”

Vlad “I think you’re a beautiful person. I really think so.”

Vlad-san’s beautiful fingertips scoop my hair, which has been disheveled by the wind, and put it over my ears.

The crimson eyes gazing at me directly are so gentle that it makes me speechless.

(…Vlad sometimes looks at me with nostalgic eyes.)

(Staring at me…with such *passion, as if you were looking for someone within me.)

(熱 - fever, heat

I feel likes I want to know the reason, and it feels frustrating, while having such feelings,

I don’t want to destroy this peaceful time, so I just smiled back at the beautiful person in front of me.


At dusk, when such a calm day continues, I sit on the bench with Vlad-san, who had finished selling the flowers.

Vlad-san didn’t let me to do anything to help him today too, and we’re just having a fun time together.

(At first, Vlad-san’s…)


Vlad“Right now, I’m selling flowers by myself, but I don’t have enough manpower. That’s why I have a request for Mimi.”

Vlad“Can you help me with my work?”

(He said that, but…)

Vlad-san’s adept in his work and didn’t seem to be understaffed at all.

(It’s no use worrying about it alone. Okay, let’s take this opportunity to ask…)

MC “Hmm…Vlad-san.”

Vlad “…Yes? What’s it?”

MC“Vlad-san asked me to help you because you’re short of manpower…”

Vlad “Doesn’t it look like there’re lack of manpower?”

MC“…Yes…so I wonder if there is any other reason.”

Vlad “To tell you the truth…you’re a descendent of a royal family in a certain family. So I received an order to protect and escort you.”

MC “…Err, you’re joking around, right?”

Vlad “Yeah, exactly that.”

MC “Vlad-san…!”

Vlad-san laughs with refreshing voice and looks into my face —

Vlad “I don’t want to be hated by you. I’ll let you know···—”


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The person is beside the wagon with plenty of flowers, as if he’s bringing along the spring.(&hellipThe person is beside the wagon with plenty of flowers, as if he’s bringing along the spring.(&hellip

The person is beside the wagon with plenty of flowers, as if he’s bringing along the spring.
(…At last, I met him.)
“I found you ‘again’, after all.”
I want you to tell me your name —


The man with crimson eyes “I found you ‘again’, after all.”

MC “Huh…?”

The man with crimson eyes “I’ve always wanted to meet you since that snowy day. I feel like I’ll find you if I keep wishing for it.”

The man with crimson eyes “Thank you for making my wish comes true.”

I lost my words in front of the smile that looks too happy, but I quickly pulling myself together.

MC “I’ve been looking for you too.”

MC “The other day, I received an armful of flowers, but I couldn’t thank you properly…”

(Uhh…was there anything I could give him as thanks?)

When I look inside the shopping bag, I realize I was buying wine.

(No, this is the wine that Comte and Leonardo-san are looking forward to…!)

After some hesitation, I took out the strawberries I had bought for my snack —

MC “Um, I’m sorry. I don’t think this is enough to thank you, but please accept it if you like.”

The man with crimson eyes“…”

MC “Er…”

The man with crimson eyes“…”

(…What should I do, was it annoying?)

MC “Either way, I didn’t have much now —“

The man with crimson eyes “Can I really take it? Thank you, I love strawberries very much.”

His appearance with a carefree smile while receiving strawberries slowly warms my heart, and I can’t help but to smile too.

MC “Hehe…”

The man with crimson eyes “What’s wrong, is there anything amusing…?”

MC “Sorry, I’m laughing since I’m so happy. I’m glad you like it.”

(…I could never forget the lonely figure I saw on that snowy day. Oh, I see.)

(I wanted to meet this person’s smiling face…)

As I’m feeling extremely peaceful, the person’s hand gently takes my hand.

The man with crimson eyes “Then can I *take you away from now on?”

(*連れ去って - kidnap

MC “Eh……? Take-take me away!?”

The man with crimson eyes “Yeah, it’s a waste to eat such delicious food alone, so let’s eat it together.”

The man with crimson eyes “There is a place with beautiful scenery.”

(…Is that so? Since he said things like taking me away, so I interpret it strangely.)

MC “Yes, of course! Just, before that —“

The man with crimson eyes“Hmm…?”

When I turn my eyes towards the people in the city lining up to buy flowers, the person smiles softly.

The man with crimson eyes “Ahaha, I’m sorry everyone. I’m just absorbed in my own matter.” 

The man with crimson eyes “Hey, can you wait for me a little while?”

Smiling as if he’s getting relieved, the person reaches out to the colorful flowers.

His soft and thin silver hair’s shining sparklingly through the sunlight and swaying in the winter breeze.

(Ah, right…!)

MC “I just have one thing I want to ask of you.”

The man with crimson eyes“Yes…?”

MC “What’s your name…?”

He smiles as if he’s *reacting to my question with his whole body.

(*受け止める - accept, take

Vlad “Vlad.”

Vlad “…Hey, what’s your name then?”

After all the flowers are passed into the people’s hands, Vlad-san takes me to the shore of Seine.

Vlad “···— That’s what happened.”

MC “Oh, really…?”

Vlad “Yeah, that’s true. Ahaha, isn’t that weird?”

While eating strawberries side by side, Vlad-san tells me about himself.

He’s been picking flowers from his own garden and selling them on a whim.

He lives in an old castle a little apart from here, with 3 person live together, named Faust and Charles.

And many other things.

(…It feels strange. Or, how should I put it, he’s talking without hiding anything, but I can’t grasp it somewhere although it’s being transmitted.) 

(Or rather, he’s being mysterious.)

But, I don’t want to step more than necessary, because there’re always parts that people don’t want to touch.

Besides, there were many things I couldn’t say either.

(There’s no way I can say that I came to this world beyond time and space.)

Vlad “Hey, let me hear your story this time.”

MC “Huh…? Things about me?”

Vlad “Yeah, anything is fine. If it’s about you, I want to know everything.”

Vlad “If I’m not mistaken…you just came to this land a month ago, right?”

MC “Yes, for a trip a month ago.”

Vlad “A trip, huh? That’s nice. It’s very important to actually see the scenery you’ve never seen before.”

Vlad “Then, does that mean you’re living in a hotel now?”

(Well…the fact that everyone in the mansion is resurrected great men shouldn’t be known, right?)

— Much less in saying that they’re vampires.

I look back into Vlad-san’s eyes as I choose my words with care.

MC “No. I received an invitation from a certain nobleman, and now I live and work in his mansion.”

Vlad “Live-in employee, huh. You’re very remarkable to work in an unfamiliar place.”

I shake my head and Vlad-san looks into my face.

Vlad “Hey…how long can you stay in this place?”


Comte “Everyone, get down!”
Napoleon “Mimi, come over here…!”

MC “Well, in fact, I couldn’t go back to where I was because of a slight mistake…”

Vlad “…”

MC “Oh! But, it’s okay. Rather, I think it’s great that my trip has been extended.”

MC “And everyone in the mansion cares a lot ···—“

Then, suddenly the words are cut short.

It may be because the city is so beautiful at dusk, or perhaps it’s because Vlad-san’s asking so that I could accept everything,

The emotion that had been sunk deep in my heart ever since the door’s closed is overflowing into my voice.

MC “…I’m all right but sometimes, things like anxiety suddenly fills my heart.”

MC “I know it’s okay if I really talk to everyone and laugh away, but I can’t do that.”

Vlad “Why’s that?”

In the evening, I think of kind and strong people who reside in the mansion.

MC “Surprisingly even for myself, I cherish everyone in the mansion…I like them so much.”

MC “That’s why it’s hard to confide and speak frankly when my heart feels gloomy.”

Vlad “…?”

MC “I don’t want them to carry along my sadness by showing my sad appearance.”

MC “Since I want the people I love to laugh as much as possible even for a second.”

Vlad “…”

MC “Ah, I’m sorry. I just talked about myself —“

When I look back at him feeling apologetic, Vlad-san’s eyes are gently narrowed…

Vlad “I’ve been having a hard time lately.”

MC “Huh…?”

As I was surprised by the words spilled without context, Vlad-san keep on talking without any care.

Vlad“Right now, I’m selling flowers by myself, but I don’t have enough manpower. That’s why I have a request for Mimi.”

Vlad “Can you help me with my work?”

MC “I want to help you but…I also have to work in the mansion.”

Vlad “I don’t mind with only an hour every day, though…”

(…He said it would be just around one hour, so I guess it’s quite hard. Alright, then!)

MC “Okay, let me help you on my way home from shopping then.”

Vlad “Thank you, then I’ll be waiting at the place where I met you today.”

MC “Yes…!”

From that day on, as promised, I started going to see Mr. Vlad on my way home from shopping, but —

MC “Hello Vlad-san. Say, if there’s anything you need my help with —”

Vlad “Hey Mimi. Look over here. A kitten was just born in a customer’s house. See?”

MC “Wow, so cute…! Can I hug it?”

Vlad “Of course. Here you go.”

(…Yesterday I just played with Vlad-san and the kitten.)

(Today I’ll do my best to help him properly!)

Vlad “Charles told me that new strawberry sweets will be available from today at the café here.”

Vlad “I’m glad you came to see me. Let’s order all the strawberry menus and *splitting evenly between both of us.”

(*はんぶんこ - halfsies

MC “Ev-everything…!?”

After that, Vlad-san just took me around on a whim without asking for my help.

(I have to work properly today. Eh?)

Vlad “…”

MC “What are you doing, Vlad-san?”

Post link
Surprised by the sudden question, I reach back into my memory, but I don’t recognize him…He hSurprised by the sudden question, I reach back into my memory, but I don’t recognize him…He h

Surprised by the sudden question, I reach back into my memory, but I don’t recognize him…
He hands over me something like that —
“—··· I hope to see you again.”


The man with crimson eyes “…Have we ever met somewhere?”

Surprised by the sudden question, I reach back into my memory, but…

MC “…I don’t think we ever met, probably…”

MC “Because I just came to this place a month ago…”

(…At any rate, it just doesn’t seem that I’ve forgotten. I think I’ll never forget such a beautiful person if I ever meet one.)

The man with crimson eyes “Really…?”

MC “…? Yes…Ah!”

When I *get a hold of myself, I notice that there’s a wagon with flowers is placed beside the person.

(*領き返し - 領 means territory, reign, possession, something you acquired, get hold and owned, while返しmeans return, put back and restore. It’s still in hesitation, but I put my own mixture and analyzation that the sentence means ‘something that you possessed being returned and restored’, hence getting hold of herself. But if other readers have better explanation, or perhaps better translation, drop in the comments or DM, alright?

The flowers are unprotected and exposed to the snow, dyeing the petals white.

(That’s not good…!)

MC “If we let them get hit by snow as it is, the flowers might be ruined, you know? Let’s carry it over there!”

I put my hands on the wagon and run towards the eaves of the confectionery in the snow.

(…They won’t get hit by the snow here, right?)


MC “…I’m glad they are all right. It would be sad if such beautiful flowers wither.”

The man with crimson eyes “…”

The moment I feel relieved, I realized the person is staring intently at me, as if to probe into my heart.

MC “…I’m sorry. Did I do something unnecessary…”

Then, the person in front of me gently shakes his head.

The man with crimson eyes “No…thank you.”

After saying that, he suddenly turns his crimson eyes towards the flowers in the wagon, and touches the flowers with beautiful gesture.

And then, the person makes a bouquet of colorful flowers in a blink of time, as if he’s using magic.

The man with crimson eyes “Hmm, this is fine. If it’s this big, it should fit in your arms.”

The man with crimson eyes “Here, as thanks for your help.”

A big bouquet gently jumps into my chest.

MC “…I can’t afford to receive such a big bouquet. I didn’t do much…”

The man with crimson eyes “Just accept it.”

The person untied his pursed lips and smiles sweet enough to captivate me instantly.

The man with crimson eyes “Since I was so happy.”

The man with crimson eyes “Well then, I’ll go with this.”

With a delightful smile, the person puts his hand on an empty wagon and starts walking through the snow.

MC “Excuse me…”

When the person stops walking, he looks up at the sky again…and draws an arc on his thin lips.

The man with crimson eyes “Oh…the snow will stop soon.”



Staring at the similar scenery as reflected by the crimson eyes, the snow gradually becomes sparse…

Then, the snow stops.

(…It was a sudden snowfall.)

As I look up at the sky, leaving behind only the signs of snow, a clear voice flows into my ears.

The man with crimson eyes “—··· I hope to see you again.”

When I look back in a sudden, there is no one there anymore, 

I feel like I’m dreaming while it was snowing…

(He was a beautiful person…)

(Somehow it seems that he’s a human, but sort of like not human too…he was such a person. Even so —)

I wonder why did he look at me as if we had met before?

(…Have we ever met somewhere after all?)

While I’m thinking about it, I heard footsteps right next to me.

Leonardo “I’m sorry to have kept you keep waiting, Mimi. Huh…? What’s with that big bouquet?”

Leonardo “Leonardo-san! To tell you the truth, just now —”


Leonardo-san grunts and stifles his laughter as I tell him the whole story of what happened while it was snowing.

Leonardo “I think he was happy with your kindness. …Hmm?”

Leonardo’s fingertips touch the light blue petals that bloom quietly among various kinds of flowers.


Leonardo “Forget-me-not flowers shouldn’t bloom in such a cold winter. Is he growing them in a greenhouse? Or.”

Leonardo “—*Off-season flowering, huh.”

(*狂い咲き - 狂い means insanity, madness and crazy while 咲きmeans to bloom. Literally it means a crazy flower that’s blooming out of order

Shakespeare sets foot into an old castle and finds the lord of the castle in a beautiful garden.


Vlad“···— ···”

Wearing a coat that’s darker than the night, the figure that’s gazing on the flowers illuminated by the moon is so beautiful that you leave it as it is. 

Slowly approaching, Shakespeare stands next to Vlad and opens his lips.

Shakespeare “My lord, is there anything good happened to you?”

Vlad “Yeah, something really nice.”

Nevertheless…as he mutters, the pair of eyes with different colors directed his gaze towards the flowers that are blooming in the flower bed.


Shakespeare “Forget-me-nots shouldn’t bloom in this season, and this flower too. …Ah, this flower too.”

Shakespeare “How on earth are you growing them…?”

Vlad “Rather than that sort of thing, it’s rare for you to come here, Will. Don’t you have something to talk about?”

Shakespeare “…”

Shakespeare’s expression becomes stiff when a straight gaze is directed towards him.

After a seemingly eternal silence, a faint shaking voice echoes through the night.

Shakespeare “In search for tragic real experiences for my creation, on that day I left the mansion…I joined hands with you.”

Shakespeare “I’m in pursuit of tragedy, while you’re trying to revive the great men for your ambition. Our interests were aligned.”

Shakespeare “My heart was certainly moved by the person you revived for your experiment.”

Vlad “…”

Shakespeare “But things like disregarding lives and treating them with disdain, I just can’t accept it no matter what.”

Shakespeare “…I understand that it’s a selfish excuse, but I don’t want to get my hands dirty anymore —“

Vlad “Hey, Will.”

Shakespeare “…?”

Vlad “Do you know why forget-me-nots came to be called by this name?”

Although confused by the sudden question, Shakespeare easily/leisurely repeats the words.

Shakespeare“Knight Rudolph tried to pick flowers that bloom on the river quay for his lover, but…he accidentally fell into the river.”

Shakespeare “I know it got its name from the anecdote that was left behind saying [Don’t forget me] at that time.”

Vlad “Yes, that’s correct. As one would expect, a rare playwright has an extensive knowledge.”

Vlad “I think, the great men in the Count’s mansion look a lot like this flower.”

Vlad “Although their lives have ended once, they were afraid that their existences would disappear from this world.”

Vlad “That straightforward obsession so far as cruel and abnormal has brought them back to life again. Hey, Will.”

Shakespeare “…Yes.”

Vlad “They will surely be the cornerstone to grant this heartful ambition. That’s why I have to choose.”

Vlad “—··· A strong person to help me, right? I thought you understand what I wanted to do.”

His voice is calm like a calm sea, but the air Vlad’s cladded in is too sharp and ferocious…,

But Shakespeare raises his voice to encourage himself.

Shakespeare “I can’t dance in your palm anymore, but I’m the first one who took your hand.”

Shakespeare “If you want to kill me, do it then. Since for you…I’m an unnecessary flower.”

Vlad’s hands extend towards Shakespeare’s neck.

Shakespeare “— !”

But, the beautiful hands on his small neck move away on a whim.

Shakespeare “…Why…”

Vlad “’Cause it seems like a severe punishment for Will is to continue living and suffering. See you then, Will.”

When Shakespeare’s figure disappears, the footsteps of Charles and Faust echo in replace.


Faust “Is it fine to overlook the playwright easily, Your Excellency? It seems to me that the treatment is very sweet…”

Charles “Lord Vlad has Lord Vlad’s own *consideration. Isn’t that right, Ōsama?”

(*考え - thought, idea, intention, expectation

Responds with only a smile, Vlad turns his beautiful crimson eyes towards the night sky.

Vlad “The world is still beautiful today. That’s why I can’t give up this ambition in my heart.”

Vlad “We still have a long way to go, but…I’m sure it will be done.”

Charles & Faust “…”

Without minding both of them who are becoming speechless at the profile with appalling madness in his beauty, 

Vlad straightly crouches down on the spot and watches forget-me-not flowers intently.

Vlad “Don’t forget me, huh. Did that girl forget about me?”

Vlad “We met on a distant snowy day…”

Charles & Faust“…?”

Vlad “I hope we can meet again. Fuaa~…”

Charles “Eh, Ōsama?”

Charles “…He falls asleep.”

Faust “Sleeping in a place this, after muttering an incomprehensible monologue.”

Faust “Truly a selfish old man. Shall, I’m going back.”

Charles “Eh, let’s carry him, Doc.”

Faust “If you leave him alone, it seems that he’ll wake up soon.”

Charles “Eh? People would usually die if we leave them behind in this cold winter.”

Faust “Your Excellency is unusual, so there’s no problem.”

Charles “But, he’ll catch a cold, right?”

Faust “Haa~ He’s really such a troublesome old man.”

The profile of Shakespeare who’s leaving the castle is as lifeless as a doll.


As he looks up at the night sky with dark eyes, the moon, which is about to transform into a full moon, comes into view and brings back a certain memory.

A month ago, a woman who appeared in front of him in what sort of fate, was an ordinary human without any talents. 

Vlad doesn’t need that kind of person…he thought so, and didn’t give any information about Mimi.

— That’s to say, he put up a façade.

Somehow she felt like a factor that could change this chaotic situation, for better or worse.

He felt that even God didn’t know if Mimi’s fate and that beautiful person would cross.

Shakespeare “What can I do right now is keeping an eye on what’s about to occur after this, and if anything happens, I’ll *firsthand —”

(*身を以て - with one’s own body/action/experience


Every time I went to the city from that snowy day, my eyes came to search for that person who looked like a snow spirit.

However —


(…Isn’t it hard to find him in this big city?)

(If only I asked for his name at least, I could get a clue to search for him.)

I want to convey a proper gratitude for giving me an armful of flowers.

Also…I can’t put it well into words, but I wish to meet that person again, truly from my heart.

MC “I don’t know when, but…I want to see you again.“

As I mutter alone, I could smell something like floating spring mixed in the winter air.

When I follow the scent that gives color to the cold winter —


The man with crimson eyes“…”

The person is beside the wagon with plenty of flowers, as if he’s bringing along the spring.

(…At last, I met him.)

As I approach him, his crimson eyes slowly catch me —

The man with crimson eyes “I found you ‘again’, after all.”


Post link
On the day the snow fluttering down, I found you.“…Have we ever met somewhere?”The person opeOn the day the snow fluttering down, I found you.“…Have we ever met somewhere?”The person ope

On the day the snow fluttering down, I found you.
“…Have we ever met somewhere?”
The person opens his deep crimson eyes wide…
In this beautiful and cruel world
the fate with you begins to revolve.



As I breathe in the air that contained the fluttering down snow, the cold that could freeze the heart erodes my body.

But, I can’t stop here and just solely run through the corridor where the moonlight doesn’t even reach.


A dazzling scent of blood that wafts through the air from outside mercilessly stirring up my heart.

I continue to run, run, and run…and then.

As if I was guided by something, I step inside a strange room and lay my hands on the closet door.

While opening the door in front of me, lukewarm tears spilled from my eyes —

MC “…!”

(Just now…a dream…?)

As I get up and look around, a familiar scenery spreading out, 

And the room filled with tender morning sun that had just risen, as if to bring me back to reality from my dream.

I wipe out my eyes that are wet with tears with the back of my hands, and my mind is puzzled.

(…It was a strange dream, such dream that felt so realistic that it tightened my heart.)

(Come to think of it, even the night I just came to this mansion, I had a dream which hinted at something.)

(I’m sure I had a dream like this —)

The knocks at the door interrupt my thought, and when I reply…


Napoleon “Good morning, Mimi.”

MC “Napoleon! What happened to you? You rarely get up at this hour.”

Napoleon “You would always wake me up, so today consider this as a return favor.”

Let me do something unusual today…muttering, Napoleon approaches me and looks into my face.


Napoleon “Since today, you’ll be leaving this mansion.”

Napoleon’s words vividly brings back the memory of that crescent night.

Napoleon “What are you doing there?”
MC “…Who’s there?”
MC “Pardon. Do you know how to open this door? I’m trying to get back to musée.”
Napoleon “What’s that? ‘Get back?’ You’re not telling me you came through that door?”

Just one month after I got lost in this world…I’m going through the door again and return to my original world.

(Despite thinking about wanting to go back so much, it’s strange though. To think I feel lonely to leave everyone now.)

The hand that protected me from the first day strokes and tousles my hair, in order to comfort my sentiment.

MC “Wah,,,!”

Napoleon “If you’re sad, you have to enjoy our last time spend together to the fullest.”

MC “Eh…?”

Napoleon “The usual you would say it like that, right? …Come on, let’s go. Everyone’s been waiting.”

MC “Yeah…!”

I spend the lively day like usual with everyone, and at the moment the waning moon appears in the sky, 

I stand in front of the door leading to my original world, with only one bag.


Arthur “Oh-oh, is Ai-chan possibly crying? How cute~”

Isaac “I-It’s not that I’m crying! You look lonely yourself, Arthur-san.”


Leonardo“Kuku…these guys are so *disorganized to the very end, aren’t they bad, Mimi?”

(*締まらない -loose, slovenly, sloppy

I shake my head and stare at each and one of them, so that I could engrave them in my memory.

(…The time I spent together with everyone who lives in an equal time to eternity might be just a moment.)

(But I will never forget this encounter. Forever, and ever…)

I feel like I’m going to cry at this rate, so I bow deeply.

MC “It was a short time, but thank you for taking care of me! Everyone, please stay healthy…”


Comte “Well then, I’ll open the door.”

Comte’s hand slowly opens the door…but.

Comte “What…is this?”

As I follow Comte’s line of sight, there’s —


(…What’s this?)

The space waves around, and the field of vision shakes violently in front of the sight of the strange mixture of light and darkness.

Comte “Everyone, get down!”

Napoleon “Mimi, come over here…!”

The instant Napoleon pulls my arm, Comte immediately slams the door shut.

Napoleon “…What happened?”

MC “…”


Comte “…Mimi, take this warm tea. Drink and it should calm you down a little.”

MC “Thank you, Comte…”

I pour the warm tea into my throat in Comte’s room, but the turmoil doesn’t subsided at all.

(…The other side of the door should be connected to Louvre Museum, and yet.)

MC “Have it ever been like that behind the door…?” 

Comte “I’d jumped over space and time many times over since I built that door…but this kind of thing is the first for me.”

Comte “I can open that door again in a month. But…I don’t know whether it could go back to how it was.”

(…Such thing.)

(Then, I can’t return to my original world for a while, I suppose…?)

(Um, that’s still way better.)

— Better than the possibility of never going back, ever again.

As I was attacked by anxiety that feels like slowly filling up from the bottom of my stomach…

Comte “Mimi…I promised to send you back safely without fail on the day you got lost in this world.”

Comte “But even then…”

I’m surprised by his spilled straining voice. 

(…I was preoccupied and engrossed about it myself, but I’m sure everyone is feeling shaken too.)

And if I look anxious, everyone would try to do something about it.

Even if it’s a problem without a solution.

(Because everyone in this mansion is…nothing but strong and extremely kind people.)

After spending a month, everyone became so precious — that’s why.

(I don’t want to make everyone sad or worried by showing an anxious face. Then, what I’m going to do is —)

MC “Don’t look like that, Comte. I have only a favor to ask of you.”

Comte “What is it, just say the word.”

MC “Can you take care of me in this mansion again for a while?”


The next day after my way to return was shut, my time’s beginning to move again.

My life for a month and the first day in the mansion starts to move again as if nothing had happened yesterday. 

MC “I’m going shopping!”

While accompanied by Leonardo-san who said he had business to take care of, we walk around the city that’s engulfed by the signs of winter.


Leonardo “Well then, cara mia. I’m going to finish my errand, so let’s meet up here again.”

Leonardo “This era is still dangerous, so make sure to walk in busy streets with lots of people, okay?”

MC “Yes, I’ll be careful.”

As Leonardo-san takes a step forward, he gazes at me with his amber eyes and opens his lips…

Leonardo “…Are you all right?”

(…Is it okay to be alone, not that he asks out of worry of me going by myself, isn’t he?)

Since I could feel his kindness from the trivial words, I show him a big smile.

MC “I’m all right, be careful too, Leonardo-san!”

Leonardo “Yeah, see you again.”

By the time I’m going outside as I finished buying all the ingredients I had discussed with Sebastian after parting from Leonardo-san…



When I feel a cold touch on my cheek and look up at the sky, pure white snow fluttering down.

(No wonder it ought to be cold since morning…)

The snow that keeps falling as if it’d forgotten to stop, applying white make up on the city in the blink of an eye.


While even the air is dyed white, people going back and forth unfolding their colorful umbrellas.

The moment I’m about to open my umbrella…


As people come and go walking in a quick pace and holding umbrellas, like colorful flowers blooming in the white world, 

I was captivated by a person who stops walking and stands alone.

The person suddenly turns his gaze towards the sky without holding an umbrella…

He’s just staring at the sky with fluttering down snow.

(…Frightening, yet a beautiful person. It’s as if he’s a snow spirit…)


The profile looking up at the sky somehow tightened the middle of my heart tightly.

The profile is so painful that it almost breaks my heart just by looking at him…

But everyone just passing by, as if they couldn’t see the person standing still.


It seems that somehow he’s the only person left behind in the flowing time…

I was struck by the feeling of him being separated/detached from this world…my legs start to move on their own.

One step, to one step closer…

I unfold the umbrella I’m holding, and hold it out to protect the person from the falling snow.

The bright red umbrella obstructing the view of the white world.

And before I thought about it, the words fall out from my mouth.

MC “What’s happened, for you to have such a lonely face?”


The man with crimson eyes “…”

He slowly turns and that crimson eyes straightly catches hold of me,

And he opens his eyes wide.

(…What’s wrong, I wonder?)

That person’s just staring at me as if he forgot to breathe.

MC “Emm…”


The man with crimson eyes“Hey.”

The man with crimson eyes “…Have we ever met somewhere?”

Post link
On the day when pure white snow fluttering down from the sky, I found you in this world.…&helOn the day when pure white snow fluttering down from the sky, I found you in this world.…&hel

On the day when pure white snow fluttering down from the sky, I found you in this world.

……This is our beginning.

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