#ikevamp vlad



Mors terriblis est iis, (…)

Mors terribilis est iis, quorum cum vita omnia exstinguuntur; non iis , quorum laus emori non potest. ~ Cicero

Death is full of terrors to whom it means complete loss, not to those who leave behind an undying name.

A little bit of Vlad, as my Exchange gift for @evil-quartett​ >:3

Traditional sketch below the cut. Huge thanks to @cheese-ception​ for helping along with Latin >:3

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it goes with him pretty well, doesn’t it just? 

Comte: What can you say? My children are great, aren’t they?

Vlad: Yeah, like if idiots could fly, your mansion would be an airport :)

Vlad: You dropped something.


Vlad: Your standards in men.

Comte: That may be true but it’s still better than nothing.

Leo: Hey! I’m right here and I can hear you two, you know?

In the unlikely event that you die, I’ll make sure to donate your heart to NASA so they’ll finally know what a blackhole looks like up close.

- Comte, to Vlad

Comte: I love you but please stop referring to knives as ‘human opener’.

Vlad: Why not? I’m just stating the facts.

Comte, staring at Vlad’s black cloak: Whose funeral is it?

Vlad: Could be yours but we’re purebloods, so no, I haven’t decided yet.


Charles: Is stabbing someone immoral?

Faust: Not if they consent to it.

Vlad: Depends on who your stabbing.

MC: YES??!!?


Dear Diary - Comte de St. Germain x Reader x Vlad (Ikemen Vampire)

  • A/N: This is my gift to @tiny-wooden-robot in the Ikevamp Gift Exchange - I hope you enjoy it. Thank you to @ikemenlibrary for organizing the fun event!
  • Pairing: Comte de St. German x Reader x Vlad
  • Prompt: angsty love triangle
  • Warnings: angst, Comte’s real name, a little bit spicy towards the end

Dear Diary,

Earlier today, I ran into my friend with the flower cart. His name is Vlad. He seems so kind and sweet, and he has the gentlest smile…

“Hello again!” a familiar voice called out.

It was a beautiful sunny day; you were so distracted looking at all the pretty flowers in bloom that you almost didn’t notice your new friend standing in his usual spot with his colorful cart filled with flowers.

“Vlad!” A genuine smile spread on your lips upon recognizing him. “What a pleasant surprise.”

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A circus that only opens at nightfall. The same cast performs the acts, no matter how many years have passed. Individuals who once came as children recognize the smile of the lion tamer or the confidence of the acrobats, wondering if they are the same people from all those years ago. But of course, such a feat is impossible – even for a circus.

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7

Elizabeth’s desire to stay remained even as the final night began, the flood of patrons at sundown a ferocious swell. She forced herself to enjoy the circus in a half-hearted attempt to ignore the feeling, spending her last evenings chasing Napoleon and Sebastian around through their favorite tents.

The Star Chaser tent had caught her attention when she had passed it by with Vincent and Theo earlier that week. It was rumored that incredibly lucky patrons might have the chance to catch a falling star while they wandered through the tent – the rare souvenir from the circus that did not come from a ticket stub or candy bag.

Under this faux sky, Elizabeth believed that they looked completely out of reach. Napoleon and Sebastian both confessed that they had yet to catch a star of their own, chalking it up to being members of the circus.

“All my wishes are already true, for the most part,” Napoleon admitted. “It’s just wanting to improve my magic now.”

“You still look so relieved when you say that,” Sebastian said, deadpan. “Are you that thrilled that she knows our secret?”

“Of course! Keeping it a secret this whole time, concealing our magic… it was more stressful than my first act!”

The three laughed, Elizabeth most of all. The now ever-present ache swelled up in her heart as she did so. She was going to miss moments like this, more than she could care to admit.

So when she opened her eyes and saw a falling star, instinct took over first. A silent wish trembled at the back of her mind, ever present since last night.

Then she remembered the stories of this tent.

A star would be something tangible to remember the circus by. To take home.

She went chasing after where she had seen it fall, leaving Napoleon and Sebastian behind. She knew that they would always be close, naturally following her two seconds later to keep a close eye on her.

The star had reached the ground. It was near-blinding up close, but began to decrease in intensity as she knelt down to pick it up.

Then she felt something else take hold. From one caught breath to the next, one moment ticking to another, Elizabeth was suddenly aware that her body was not her own. It forced her to hand, arms still stuck out awkwardly until pushed to relax.

Is this what Sebastian and Jean felt? When Vlad cast his spell? I— I don’t— I can’t—!

“Hello. It’s nice to get to see you again.” Vlad laughed darkly as he leaned over her shoulder, looking down at the star that lay at their feet. “You shouldn’t need to wish for something you can have so easily. If you just asked The Illusionist ever so nicely, I’m sure he would let you stay.”

She wanted to cry out – to demand that he let go of whatever foreign hold he had placed over her body – but instead he came and wrapped an arm about her waist.

“Forgive me, but I think we should wait for your ever-watchful protector to arrive. In fact…” He gestured down at the star at their feet. “He’ll be here soon.”

The star, which had been steadily dimming, now glowed even brighter, nearly blinding Elizabeth until she was permitted to close her eyes.

The Illusionist’s voice came before his figure did.

“I had to stop my show for this?”

He appeared when Elizabeth opened her eyes. Vlad let out a laugh as Elizabeth caught sight of The Illusionist’s dark and furious expression, unlike any face that he had worn before.

“It’s nice that you bothered to stop by and visit an old friend,” Vlad taunted, tucking his chin against Elizabeth’s frozen shoulder.

“I more see it as stopping a trespasser who knows that he has no right stepping foot into my circus.” The Illusionist gave Vlad a discomforting smile, all venom and no warmth. “You should have sent a notice ahead of time so that I could grind it into dust.”

“Still insisting on clinging to the circus, even when I know you’re just trying to fill the gap in your heart? Do you know how long I believed the lie I told myself? That you were gathering all these silly little students for another proper duel?” Vlad’s polite tone was soon spit through his gritted teeth, angry and harsh. “Only for you to disappoint me time and time again?”

“That’s what I was in the end – a disappointment. And that has not changed.”

“It changes tonight! I found two suitable candidates for the duel of a lifetime – the perfect vessels for my teachings. So, I saved you the trouble and found a partner with enough magic and mettle to fight them.”

“You know my stance on forcingstudents to take éternité.”

“Ever the gentleman to ask for permission. And that made your studentsweak. As soft as their master.” Vlad crushed the fallen star then, grinding it beneath his heel. “Too soft to offer this young woman a chance to change her destiny. Because I know he can sense how powerful you are. Can’t you?!”

The Illusionist stood resolute. “No.”

“What a load of shit. I know you can!” Vlad’s voice flared, frustration thinly veiled in his voice. Elizabeth felt a rush of instinct, pushing against his arm. She only earned a tighter grip for her efforts.

“Never,” The Illusionist declared, his voice thick with anger. “I will not force éternitéon helpless people who do not know what they are agreeing to. Who do not know the difficulties that will come with such a life. I will not do as you do and force it upon others.”

“And what does that get you? It gets you people with useless powers. Has your little inventor been able to do anything on his own yet? What have your artists and ‘conceptualists’ given you? You are wasting the power of Latent magic. There’s enough magical potential in her to leave even your best and brightest pupils behind! You can’t let her power go to waste! Give her éternité,or I’ll do it myself!”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“I know you can’t stop me. You have this whole circus under your protection. You used up enough magic this past week trying to prevent every single one of my purposeful accidents before they occurred. All you did was tell your little students to watch out for me. Never once did you tell them to use their own magic to watch their backs.”  

“They shouldn’t have to fear someone like you, who is too weak to resist temptation. Now, let her go.”

The command was accompanied by a thundering roar from above their heads.

The stars in the false sky shuddered before falling in a grand waterfall. Vlad dove back, dragging Elizabeth with him – his grip and magical hold loosening for a moment.

That was all she needed.

She pulled back, separating and rushing toward The Illusionist. The cascading stars that separated them were white-hot, their heat growing as she forced herself closer to them. Any distance would do, she told herself, to get away from Vlad.

But just as the stars singed strands of her hair, someone else grabbed her hand, pulling her away from the falling star. Their hold was less aggressive, more welcoming. It was then that Vlad finally caught sight of her and her unknown companion, lunging forward—

— and his hand struck an invisible barrier that neither Elizabeth nor Vlad could see. As Vlad stared down at her, the stars finally finished their fall. The tent went dark.

“I’m afraid you’ve encountered one of my specialties,” Sebastian’s voice said from behind her then, the same polite tone he always had. “I’m the one responsible for those protections you encountered around the circus, not our resident Illusionist.”

Vlad scoffed, pushing off the barrier. “It’s easily broken.”

“Then I dare you to break it.”

The man looked as if he intended to do just that, but a crackling fire snapped at him a second later, forcing Vlad to counter with a well-timed crest of water that forced it back. The Illusionist still stood proud and tall, manifesting and throwing a dagger that aimed true for Vlad’s heart.

It missed with a swipe of the Vlad’s hand, heading off into the depths of the tent. The Magicians resumed their duel, more aggressive than before. Their magical attacks lit up their grim, concentrated expressions.

Shakespeare’s fortune, told just over a week ago, echoed in the back of her mind.

“A strong, powerful figure. Currently very prominent in your life. Or possibly influenced your life’s path. The reversal implies that the figure is also concealing something. About themselves or the circumstances. They didn’t tell you everything.”

The golden outline of The Hierophant on his gilded throne had once seemed impossible to decipher.

But now he could have been either of the men that dueled before her.

Neither showed an ounce of fatigue, but as Sebastian continued to hold Elizabeth’s arm, she sensed his fingers shaking against it.


“Just stay still, Elizabeth. And forgive me if I do not offer my usual pleasant conservation.” He smiled, gritted teeth visible behind trembling lips, illuminated by the sparking magical attacks around them. “It is taking every ounce of my concentration to maintain this.”

Her hand went to his. “You can do it, Sebastian. Hold on as long as you can.”

The trembling stopped a moment later, a quiet acknowledgement passing between the two that Sebastian could still keep going.

The duel had now reached a feverish pitch. A large arcing slide cut the tent fabric open wide, the pitched black of the space now open to the blue night sky. All could be seen now.

And that included Napoleon, who finally appeared from the darkness. At his side was Leonardo, who appeared from the darkness flanked by others from the inner circle of the circus. The fighting did not cease, but Leonardo’s voice carried over it regardless, magically enhanced.

“Did you really think that he wouldn’t take his necessary precautions?” Leonardo declared, a wicked grin on his face. “Every one of us has got a bit of the circus now. And speaking of that, your ex-friend told me something interesting… that, despite your students being the better players, our resident Illusionist was always the stronger magician.”

There was a break in Vlad’s expression then – bleakness flickered in his red eyes for but one moment – then replaced with a fiery anger.

“That explains it, then,” he spit out, The Illusionist pausing in his attacks as Vlad continued speaking. “This fight has felt unfair since the beginning.”

“You always did want me to acknowledge how good you were,” The Illusionist said with a wicked smile. “I suppose you will have to hear it another time. Give it another millennium or two.”

Vlad took one, two steps back – then his gaze snapped to Elizabeth and Sebastian. With swift strides, he was outside the barrier once more, joined by six floating swords. One at his neck, another at his back, and the remaining four hovering over where limbs met his torso.

“One more move and you will leave in pieces,” The Illusionist said coolly. “And I would rather not let the lady see that.”

“I just wanted to perform one last act,” Vlad said, a smile tugging at his lips. “Perhaps a trick far more effective than anything either of us can do.” Leaning down, he paid no mind to the sword’s edge that touched his neck as he did so, drawing blood.

“You have magic, my dear. And you’re better than the rest of them because you can already use it. This barrier—” he rapped it with his knuckles, no sound coming from the act— “It’s only still up because of you. So I suggest you reconsider going home. There’s something here for you after all. You’re stronger than you could ever believe. You don’t ever have to leave.”


The swords sliced through a thick black smoke. The barrier collapsed then, Sebastian falling against Elizabeth for unprepared support. The two tumbled to the ground. The Illusionist rushed over to them both.

But when Elizabeth looked to him with a mixture of hope and fear in her eyes, The Illusionist heard her question before she uttered it in a single, stunned breath.

───────── ⋆⋅♠⋅⋆ ─────────

“I have magic?”

The Illusionist had not wanted her to come to this realization. Their meeting should have been happenstance – a chance encounter at the circus, a later return within five years to reassess her progress. To see if she was willing to throw her entire life away to join their traveling troupe.

He had felt her potential the moment she set foot in his circus. In his tent, the sensation had been even more apparent. He knew that the peak performance he gave that evening was due to her influence. An old, unwelcome sensation gnawed at his heart – a desire to stealher away from her life entirely and push magical studies on her until she was the perfect magician.

That desire was crushed as swiftly as the pen he crushed to black ink next to her seat.

However, all his resistance had been for naught when Vlad forced her into his circus. He knew he could send her back across the ocean with magic, remove her memories, and leave her behind.

But perhaps a greedy, undesirable part of him had wanted to keep her. Just to see if she would stay.

───────── ⋆⋅♠⋅⋆ ─────────

“… Yes, ma chérie.” His words were tinged with a pained regret.

She did not ask her second question until Sebastian and the others had been safely tended to, and she was settled once more in The Illusionist’s tent.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked as she stood next to him.

The obvious second question. “It was not a fact you were prepared to hear. Despite being part of this circus, despite being forced onto our train – it was not my place to tell you. This is not part of your life’s path, not yet.”

“But I could have helped! Maybe I could have been able to fight off Vlad or protect myself!”

“Do you remember what I said about éternité? It was purposefully manifested to grant our students the lifetime they needed to learn their magic. It is a curse and a blessing in equal force. You could not have mastered the magic needed to protect you against Vlad, not in the span of three days.”

“That…” Elizabeth’s gaze dropped to the ground, shame in her eyes. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

“Do not apologize.” The Illusionist reached out, tucking a finger under her chin to lift her head higher. “The fault of your arrival and lack of return is all mine. Therefore, it is my responsibility to see you safely home.”  

“… Will you at least tell me about my magic, then? Before I go. Am I like you and Leonardo?”  

“Not in the slightest. There are two forms. My form – and Leonardo’s – are Potent Magicians. Our magic is passed down through our families. It is far stronger than the magic that exists in humans like yourself and everyone else in the circus. We’re able to access it from a young age.”

“But humans…”

“You cannot dream of magic like ours. You possess Latent Magic, which we refine into Manifested Magic. It takes years, longer than lifetimes to gain the full potential of your magic. That is why éternité exists. It exists because two very selfish men wanted to see who was the better teacher. And now it propels this entire circus.”

Elizabeth knew the regret in his gaze now. It was beyond her mortal comprehension – centuries of pain and suffering that would have killed a weaker individual a hundred times over. This man wore it beneath a smile and a cryptic turn of phrase, so practiced that it was as natural as breathing.

She did not prod further – and nor was she given the chance to, as a mechanical machine soared through the flap in the tent. Elizabeth jumped back as it came to a shuddering stop above their heads, only able to examine it proper once The Illusionist reached up to bring it down from the air. A tiny bird had been crafted from gears and spare metal bits.

“Enchanting and manipulating objects is a fondness of Leonardo’s,” The Illusionist explained as he took a paper from the piler-tipped beak. “Which falls perfectly in line with what I asked him and Isaac to finish for me…”

“What did they make?”

The Illusionist rubbed the small note between his fingers, letting it fade into a small shower of silver sparkles. “Would you like to come see?”

───────── ⋆⋅♠⋅⋆ ─────────

“Come look!” Isaac declared as they arrived. “We just put the finishing touches on. We were almost done, but…”

“No matter.” The Illusionist waved off the comment. “Thank you for doing it at all.”

Leonardo, clearly in the throes of wrapping up something, gestured vaguely towards the rest of the tent. “They’re on the table, Isaac. Get them for me.”

Last time Elizabeth had been inside this tent, it had been in order to help Jean after his horrific sword-swallowing accident. Now, she was permitted the moment to glance around the over-crowded space. Any surface was crowded with little mechanical parts, absent scribbles in two handwritings, and half-finished inventions that still miraculously moved on their own.

One invention suddenly jumped to life next to her – a large frog with pearl-like eyes – causing her to step back with a slight squeak. Isaac rolled his eyes, but picked up a box from next to the mechanical creature as it hopped off the table and out of sight.

“Here. These are for you. Leonardo helped to make them more stylish, since The Illusionist said we should. We hope these are something you’ll wear.” Isaac awkwardly thrusted the box towards her as Leonardo finally stood up from his desk, joining the group. “Let us know if you won’t.”

“Thank you,” she said with a smile, accepting it. When she opened the box, she gasped at what was nestled inside.

She lifted the golden chain out from the box, a small golden butterfly dangling at the bottom. Iridescent wings caught the tent’s hanging lights, sparkling in a thousand brilliant colors. Left in the box was a bracelet of a similar make, the butterfly dangling from one of the interlocked chains.    

“Oh! Isaac! You should have at least said they were beautiful!”  

“The butterflies were Leonardo’s idea,” Isaac confessed.

“And something you sketched out,” Leonardo teased with a smile. “But these bracelets are meant to protect you from harm. We wish we could have finished them sooner, but…”  

As Leonardo spoke, Elizabeth could not help but be distracted by the occasional gear or part that whizzed across the room, perfectly slotting itself into one machine or another. When one whizzed just shy of her cheek, Isaac finally let out an irritated sigh and glared at Leonardo.

“Can you stop fixing your inventions for two seconds?”

“I’ll forget the idea unless I do it or write it down,” Leonardo said back, his tone unbothered. “Ideas always come to me when I’m doing something else.”

“As they do for the best of us,” The Illusionist agreed. “Now, you were saying?”

“Ah, right. Someone in the circus will be alerted if magic is used on you or around you, whether you’re a country or an ocean away. Because we can’t really do anything depending on the distance, though I’m sure they’ll try—” His glance to The Illusionist did not go unnoticed— “It also generates a protective field around you. It’s a weak one, so the best bet is to start running if it goes off.”

“How lovely,” Elizabeth said with a smile. “Thank you. I can imagine this took a lot of magic and time.”

“It was nothing.” Leonardo declared dismissively, Isaac nodding in agreement. “We even made some spares, in case something happens to the ones you’ve got in your hands.”

“The best thing to do now is put it on.” The Illusionist spoke as he reached out, taking the necklace in one hand and brushing her long hair aside with the other. He clasped it into place, letting out a relieved sigh as the charm fell against her collarbone. “There. Now I feel much more comfortable letting you go home.”

The weight of that four-letter word sank uncomfortably in Elizabeth’s heart.

───────── ⋆⋅♠⋅⋆ ─────────

Several hours later, they were on a train back to Europe.

Everyone noted that this pace was a bit faster than their usual trips. Footing felt a bit more unsteady than the usual ride that they were accustomed to. The unchanging ocean appeared to whiz by a bit quicker.

Most members made it a point of showing up to dinner, if only to ensure that they could see Elizabeth off. Jean and Leonardo, in particular, made a point of sitting at her table one night so that they could properly apologize for such terrible things being her last memories of the circus.

At that, Elizabeth shook her head. “It’s all right. I still had a wonderful time, and I am honored to have had such an experience. And I was even thinking…”

The Illusionist paused then, fork halfway to his mouth. He set it down, giving Elizabeth a pointed stare. “If you are about to say that you want to stay with us…”

“I’d been considering it! Nothing more. But both you and Vlad said that I had magic like everyone else here. If I stayed, it would give me the opportunity to make stronger memories, and help you keep an eye on all of me.”

The table was quiet, and as she spoke, the rest of the dining car fell silent, too. All eyes were on Elizabeth and The Illusionist, the latter of whom set down his silverware and laced his fingers together.

“Elizabeth. Joining L’Éternel Cirque means that you could never leave. You would stay here to study your magic, live for an extended time thanks to the powers that éternité would grant you. The outside world would become a much more troublesome place to be. You could stay a human – as Sebastian did, for a time – but with Vlad active, I’m not sure if keeping you out of contact with your magic, but within the circus, is our best move.”

“Would letting me out of the circus keep me safer, then?”

“It would be us effectively cutting ties with you. Vlad cannot track you, even if you shared a previous link with us at the circus. I recall you saying that you came to the circus from far enough out of town – he has no idea where you live. I believe it is the safest measure for you to go home, with these protections, but… the ultimate choice is up to you.”

Elizabeth was silent for a moment, then nodded once as tears came to her eyes. “I understand. Then I’ll go home. I haven’t wanted to worry anyone this much, and I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for myself.”

“Ah, chin up, Newt!” Arthur’s voice suddenly rang out, a hint of sadness in his usual chipper tone. “It’s not like Lizzy’s leaving forever! Who knows, maybe we’ll get to see her sooner than we expect!“

"I’m not upset, you idiot,” Isaac shot back, but as Elizabeth leaned to glance at Isaac’s face, she caught the way he was biting at his lip and trying to hold back tears.

“I promise I’ll try to visit again when you all return,” she said. “And then you can show me all how much you’ve improved with magic, right?”

“Absolutely!” Vincent said, beaming. “We would all be happy to escort you around every night of the week!”

“I doubt you could make it out to your area that much,” Theo added, “but we’d arrange something with you ahead of time if we knew we were in the area.”

As somber subjects turned to happier plans for the future, Leonardo leaned over to tap The Illusionist’s elbow. The two men leaned in close, Leonardo’s whisper barely audible.

“What did you say her magic was again?”

“Well, I don’t think I ever said.” The Illusionist smiled mysteriously, glancing once at Elizabeth. "But if I had to hazard a guess, I would say that she is nearly limitless. The kind of power that would be the envy of all. However…”

Leonardo glowered as The Illusionist trailed off, laughing when he caught sight of his friend’s frustrated expression.

“Her natural magic is bringing out the best in others. She brings people together in ways they never imagined before. You surely noticed how much less fighting and resistance there was with her here.”

“That would definitely explain it.”

“The circus members were also more powerful. I have no doubt that even her sleeping Latent magic allowed Theo to break that spell or inspired one of the most creative bursts I have seen out of any of you. I think that, if she had chosen to stay with us, this circus would have remained a much more peaceful place.” The Illusionist leaned back, resuming his meal. “But, as usual, that is not my choice to make. It is hers alone.”

Leonardo leaned back as well, nodding once. “Agreed, old friend.”

───────── ⋆⋅♠⋅⋆ ─────────

The Illusionist and Elizabeth watched as her proper train pulled into the station, prepared to take her home. He took those final moments to turn and ask, “Do you have all your belongings?”

“You double-checked before I left.”

“Do you have the bracelet and necklace that we gave you? Along with the back-ups?”

“I have them! I can show them to you.”

Letting out a gentle laugh, he waved his hand. “There’s no need. I know you have them. Just be sure to keep them safe and always know that you can find a way to contact me. Myself or Leonardo will answer.”

She cast a sidelong glance his way. “I’m thankful that you still trusted Leonardo and the others with more of the circus.”

The Illusionist shuffled his feet, coughing and turning away from her gaze. “They need to learn some independence. Leonardo in particular. I don’t want to be responsible for him for the rest of his life.” Her laugh made her smile, and he found himself saying, “But you did that, too. I think you changed everyone at the circus, ma chérie. Whether you noticed or not.”

“If you say so,” she said, a sad smile on her lips. “I’m almost sad to leave. It was nice getting to know everyone, and the past week and a half just flew by. It was like magic – real magic.”

“And it’s a place you can always return to, should we be in the area.” Taking her free hand, he pressed a kiss to the back of it. “Now, don’t miss your train.”

The Illusionist released her, letting her take those last few steps toward her train car. Allowing her to make the final choice for herself, as he always wished for her to have.

(But, for a moment, it appeared as if she was turning around.)

Take Me After Twilight

i love the current ikevamp event so i draw it aaa

Vlad: Alright, two truths and a lie…

MC: Oh, I love this game!

Vlad: I killed three people last week.

MC: Well, that’s obviously the lie.

Vlad: I had a passionate love affair with a man named Abel.

MC: … Is that the lie?

Vlad: And I’m a Sagittarius.

MC: Wait… I thought… you were… a Gemini…

Vlad: Haha, you got me!


I’m going to leave this pics for you guys…

Just in case you didn’t see anything cute today✨



Remember that Comte loves you in every universe! ✨


Too cute!!

IkeVamp Boys + How They Kiss You

This is a repost of a request! I hope you guys and the requester @ifthiswingscouldfly enjoy this ask once again.

Napoleon Bonaparte, there was not a day he could go without kissing you. In the mornings, when you’d wake up later than him, the lazy mornings are filled with slow kisses as he trailed those kisses over your neck and ears, loving the way you curled up to him as he wrapped his larger arm around you. His kisses are longing, slow, but always filled with love for you.

Isaac Newton, his kisses are not without hesitation. His usual affections consist of holding your hand, or leaning on your shoulder once he tires of his research. Isaac’s kisses… are for those moments when he truly desires you. In those moments he wishes to see no one but you, he holds your waist in one hand with another hand drawing you up to lock you in his kiss.

Arthur Conan Doyle, how he loves to kiss you to tease you. His kisses are quick, his soft lips making your skin flutter as you were held in his lap. You’d always feel the warm goosebumps as the coffee scent of Arthur began imprinting onto you, but how could you resist the gentleman when he’d always kiss your hand when he greets you? Or, in his bed, the melting kisses that simply draw you into him…

Dazai Osamu, his kisses favour towards kisses that surprise you, often kissing you before he leaves or when he arrives. The quick pecks on your nose, the breath of his whisper to the kiss on the tips of your ear, the press of his lips to the corner of your mouth… Those feelings would warm you up throughout the day, but his favourites would be the longing lip lock he gives you only in your shared bedroom.

Theodorus Van Gogh, to him, kisses are a form of reassurance. Morning kisses goodbye meant that you were wishing him well. Kisses to the tips of your fingers are promises to return to you. Kisses to your forehead are his way of telling that everything will be alright. Kisses to your neck are promises that he’ll spend the night with you. His most intimate kiss, to your ring finger, is a promise to wed you.

Vincent Van Gogh, he has the urge to kiss you every day. Not so much as a requirement from you, but a need for him. Whether it be a kiss to your forehead, a kiss to your palm or a loving kiss to your lips, it’s a need that he ever so indulges in. In those times where you allow to give him one bite, he’ll compensate you by a thousand fold in kisses instead. It’s locked in his heart, but the kiss he anticipates the most is the one he gets to share with you once you’re married.

Leonardo Da Vinci, how he’s a fan of lazy kisses. His kisses are slow, meaningful, and usually given with much care and thought. On days he’s active, he gives the quick kiss on the cheek as a farewell. However, having you in his arms, your head against his chest as you both drift off into a siesta. Just as you wake up, he bestows a very sleepy kiss as he holds you closer, perhaps for another nap session…

Jean D'Arc, his kisses are only given when he’s alone with you. He’ll do anything else to keep you close, for others to understand that he was yours whether it be holding your hand or standing next to you. How his heart flutters when he has you in his bed, and you grant him a kiss before sleeping. The most honorable of kisses to him would be when he bends the knee, your hand to his lips as he swears to be your knight forever.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, his kisses are secretive yet filled with such passion that it causes you to get dizzy at times. Even when you two are alone, he keeps his kisses for the most intimate of moments, when he’s desperate for your touch, and when he needs to confide in you. His kisses are feverish, as his kiss demands for more of you with his arms wrapped around you.

Sebastian, his kisses are quick throughout the day, as both of you are busy. Often no one notices them, but he’ll peck your forehead instead of flicking it when you do a good job. Kisses that he finds pleasure in giving are when you’re on his lap, and he has your neck tilted to pepper kisses up along your neck to your jaw, smothering you in affection when you two are alone.

Comte Saint Germain, he shamelessly loves to kiss you. In his office, he doesn’t mind whoever walks in when he has you there, loving him so passionately. He often leans to kiss the tips of your ears as a way of teasing, or kissing the edges of your wrists as a way of promising you. The kiss on your lips that leave you breathless however, is a special promise from him to give you even more throughout the night.

William Shakespeare, doesn’t typically initiate kisses. They’re sacred to him, as if you two would only be united by true love’s kiss as the story goes. He’s no stranger to physical affection, but he’d never let anyone see him kiss you. It’s his personal method of devotion, as he’s on his knees to kiss your palm before your bed, finally pressing his own lips against yours.

Vlad, his kisses signify that you’re his and he’s yours. It’s almost as a status symbol, the way he leans to press a kiss to your forehead as his one arm is by your waist. For as much as your relationship was public, he loves to sneak kisses the way he used to when he was courting you, where he’d be on the window sill to sneak a kiss, or in the garden alone, as he uses his large coat to shield you both as he locks lips with you.

Johann Georg Faust, he was a prideful man, a smug one at that. How impressive it was, to see him fall apart at your kisses, to see his arms immediately coddle you as you bestow him a kiss, standing at the ball of your foot to reach him, his large hand cradling your head to deepen the kiss. It’s an action he’d only allow with you saying you want it, he’s not one for surprise kisses for as much as you were his own precious surprise.

Charles-Henri Sanson, he’s utterly shameless with his kiss. Sometimes when Faust demands to talk to him, he’d busy himself buried in the crook of your neck, peppering butterfly kisses up and down before reaching your collarbone, further busying himself with the scent of you. All he wants is to trap you in his arms as he deepens the kiss between you two, his soft hairs tickling your cheek…



Pairing: Vlad x Anya Nosferatu (OC)

I wrote this for the lovely @readerinsertfanfiction​ for my Ikemen Vampire Gift Exchange. I really had a lot of fun exploring a new character I haven’t written for, as well as your OC. I hope I was able to to justice to Anya and Vlad’s story <3

Summary: Vlad finally lets Anya back in after all their years apart, and vise versa.


Vlad stood at the top of the hill. Overhead, the sun was shining down brightly, heating the crown of his head and causing an almost discomfortable warmth to envelop his body. He threw his cloak to the ground, the deep red roses all bending slightly at the weight of the offending object.

He heard something quiet behind him. So quiet that a normal human wouldn’t have heard and if they did, they would assume it to be the wind rustling the tree branches.

“Anya,” Vlad’s voice was soft, almost a whisper, but she heard him loud and clear in the open space. She had followed him from the castle to the hill, aiming to stay hidden, but once he walked through the roses, she felt both him and the prickly flowers beaconing her. So she took a tentative step forward, and paused in her tracks as he turned and met her eyes with his own. “It’s been far too long.”

Run. Far away. Just like all those hundreds of years ago.

Distance yourself before anyone else gets hurt.

“You knew I was following you,” It wasn’t an accusation, but a statement. He knew, and she fell right into his trap.

This wasn’t like her. She was always careful, always kept her distance. Anya never stayed long enough to get caught.

Maybe she wanted to.

Keep reading

asdfghjkl. I love this. The push and pull between the two of them, the soft imagery of the rose garden.  I’m surprised that you went for Anya anyway, seeing how little info I had out for her and 

I’m kinda at a loss of words to say more. Just know that I’m holding my cheeks as I’m writing this and trying to massage away this silly smile that is hurting my jaw. 

The knowledge that their bite could turn was a thought that often haunted the purebloods. For the promise of time turned humanity into a gruesome being. It was their love for humanity, or perhaps the knowledge of all the wrong precedents that kept them back and wary, even with each other. For Anya it was also part of a trauma, the memory of a woman turning humans left and right. In revenge, for fun, and the price she had to pay for that in the end. It was what kept her back.

She had felt that burning thirst in the back of her throat. Not for the first time, for the full moon heightened their senses and turned them sensitive to the pulse of their beloved. A craving she often ignored and stilled by drinking an extra bottle of rouge and blanc. A craving she had ignored.

It was for the first time that she craved the blood of a specific someone, however and that had confused her. Startled her, for Anya was terrified what this meant for the control she had maintained for so long.

“You smell,” she had told the man, not attaching the last adjective on purpose. Pronouncing it made it harder to fight, she felt. Admitting it would make it harder to reject. And thus she told Vlad only half of what she meant.

But they were purebloods who had lived for a long while and they knew. They knew of their physiology and they knew of their quirks and their habits. Vlad was no exception to Anya who had smiled at her serenely, a hand wrapping around her wrist as he prevented her from pulling away.

“Hmmm,” came the hum at first and Anya felt her throat contract, the smell of his blood running beneath his skin alluring as she wondered how he remained so composed. “You smell nice as well,” Vlad whispered, and there was a breath that travelled over her skin.

His breath was ragged, desperate as his fangs went over the skin of her throat, his hands trembling as they wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her small frame closer into his. “Can I?” he asks her and Anya knows then that they are still the same in nature, unable to resist.

It reassured her. Despite the knowledge that she isn’t alone in her craving, Anya finds comfort knowing that Vlad worries as well.

Her hand weaved into his hair on the back of his head, guiding him as Anya’s fingers knotted into the white strands with her eyes fixated on the full moon outside. The shape that haunted them both.

Vlad halts his breath as a painful intake could be heard through her ear, ringing as the hesitation persisted. “Go on,” she encouraged the man as she tugs. That spurred him on as fangs pierced through her skin, drawing a gasp from her. Instinctively she pushes her upper body up against Vlad, eyes rolling away into the back of her mind as the sensation rocked through her every feature.

Anya had heard of it, but never experienced it. Just as she had known about her cravings, but never acted upon them. It made it harder to resist as her eyes locked on the full moon, noting that despite her lengthy life she had missed out on many experiences.

There was fatigue when Vlad drew away from her. The loss of blood she so naturally already needed had exhausted her. With his lips stained red she leaned in, tasting her own blood. It wasn’t enough for her, but she didn’t know how to bite, never having been properly taught.

But the thirst remained as she felt Vlad guide her, his voice languidly telling her what to do as she gave in to what should have come most naturally.



I would have to crop out mah man

Here comes the other 2 purebloods Yes, I didn’t forget you

Why are these 3 showing off their chest like this


Vlad: So say I killed somebody.

Comte: Where’s the body?

Vlad: This is hypothetical!

Comte: And I’m not an idiot. Where’s the body?


Vlad: In the freezer, but-




I can’t believe I took the time to make this LMAO - bye

And if someone somehow doesn’t know this reference, please watch this masterpiece omg: https://youtu.be/6-1Ue0FFrHY



i’m crying

moonlit-stargazer:Happy Birthday, Vlad. I’m reposting this art from last year on this new account be


Happy Birthday, Vlad. 

I’m reposting this art from last year on this new account because I can, I guess. Since the old blog doesn’t exist anymore. 

Post link

Another birthday boy for the bag  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

Candy Charm Interest Form: https://forms.gle/cpC48YdwacnMKZXm8

The other boys: LeoMozart | Arthur |Vincent|Isaac|Theo | Vlad

!!! Please do not repost or use my art without permission !!!


Long Long Ikevamp (Part 1)

I can’t believe I took the time to make this LMAO - bye

And if someone somehow doesn’t know this reference, please watch this masterpiece omg: https://youtu.be/6-1Ue0FFrHY

